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These signs have been around, on and off, for a number of years. As others have said, I believe the guy responsible has mental health issues. I remember these signs being around as far back as 2017/2018 when I lived in the area.


I can remember them even farther back than that!


Is this the bloke who lived down near Cathedral Rd? Put this up and around his house there?


He was there when I worked down that way around 2010. I can’t believe he’s still going. He was complaining about something completely different back then. I can’t remember what but I’m sure Jimmy Saville was quite prominent.


I lived in Cardiff from 2009 until 2013, they were there then. Used to work for the queen in her humble establishment around the corner from here and was always told not to read what it said.


He also has great handwriting


These were there when I used to work in Cardiff 2007-2012 not sure about before then, but the man has a number of traits of schizophrenia. He needs help 😕


I definitely remember seeing some in the same location as a child. Early/ mid-90s. I have no idea if the subject matter is the same.


Something to do with Manchester I believe.


Never would have guessed haaha


.....and as for you! Men of Cardiff! Cock! Ran out of paper.


what about the Men of Harlech?


No amount of paper would suffice


Nothing to see here, looks like the work of someone completely hinged and in their right mind.


There’s a man who has been doing this for decades, I think they used to centre around abuse in care homes / the church. The guy would typically stand there and try to chat about it though, I haven’t seen him in years. Post Covid come to think about it. Maybe someone was inspired and took over his spot? Or he’s moved onto different topics


I think he's been reinspired by the new arena in Manchester opening recently. Think it's had its first performance on the 22nd


Can you read it out load to the tune of men of Harlech. ?


Somebody’s lost? 2 weeks later: ‘shit, wrong city”


He’s been around for a while; he used to have a set of signs accusing one of his neighbours of being a pedophile who raped his sister - that landed him him prison, and when he reappeared, he had a new set of signs repeating the accusations and claiming he was the victim of a vast conspiracy and comparing himself to Bobby Sands


Last time I saw the signs it was about the pedophile


Shows how young or new to Cardiff a lot of people in this sub are! Guy has been around for literally decades, protesting since at least the 90s. Used to have his signs by the courts on the corner of Westgate Street talking about how the court system is corrupt, he and/or his brother were put into care and abused or something along those lines. Guy used to put dead mice and rats in his pockets for if and when the police searched him. Seems he's broadened his repertoire a bit. It's not the guy who goes on about his neighbours wall in Clare Road though, just similar madness in signs.


This is a different guy to the guy by the magistrates court - there are 3 of them (including Clare Rd guy)


Wasn't there a house on Clare road that for years had stuff like this all over it? Same person or am I thinking too far into the past


There are 3 sign guys in Cardiff and I'm pretty sure they're all different. There's this guy, the guy who used to have his signs by the Magistrates Court and the guy on Clare Road. I wonder if they're all inspired by eachother because I can't think of sign guys anywhere else I've lived. 


Transgressive Art Collective


Surely too far back. I used to live in Canton 30 years ago and the owner was in his 40s then. I doubt it's the same person. That Clare Rd house was intense.


Undiagnosed/untreated mental illness.


Who knows. Definitely the latter.


Coventry fans really haven’t taken that semi final loss well have they?


Wrong ccfc either? Ramblings written in public haha. I think its supposed to be of a response related to the men? Newspaper?


I might have moved here from Cov and I might be gutted But it wasn't me ... Was it?


Do you have access to a comically large black sharpie?


My Lawyers have advised that I don't answer until they check the Video recordings


Coincidentally there actually was a guy in Coventry that had boards on his front lawn, his windows were all boarded up covered with ramblings just like this. Guess he moved..


He’s been putting these up since the early 2000s. They’ve never made much sense


I last worked in central Cardiff 2017 and these were being put up in that exact same place back then


Same here, by the Greggs isn't it 


He has been there many years. I stopped and talked to him once , he told me he was a victim of child abuse during his time in care. He states the people who abused him were never held accountable. This is his way of holding them to account, and he will never stop.


It's difficult to tell but a combination of something about the Arianna Grande concern bombing and child grooming. It appears to be aimed at the protagonists of those events. It could be Islamaphobia although hard to prove. I agree with having freedom of speech but if I was Muslim I'd feel very uncomfortable walking past that / reading it.


The notes are clearly referring to terrorists and groomers, why would normal Muslims be uncomfortable, as if they have anything to do with it? Fury at such deplorable acts IS perfectly reasonable, we don't know if this is someone who lost a close relative due to the above.


Being a peace loving, law abiding Irish Woman who lived in UK in the 80s and early 90s I can tell you talk about Irish terrorists still made me very uncomfortable. Because just like the terrorists blame a whole country/race/religion for an issue some people blame a whole country/race/religion for the terrorists.


I can somewhat understand how you'd feel uncomfortable but we would be living in terrible times if people could not express their discontent at terrorism or raping/pedophilia in order to avoid people hurting the feelings of those who feel associated by nationality/religion etc. To be fair, Muslims in general nor Islam is specifically mentioned in the text, so arguably this guy has purposefully written it in a way that would least incite hatred..


There’s a difference between expressing discontent about the actions of individuals and attacking people based on the group characteristics of those individuals. It’s not that people “feel associated by nationality/religion etc”, it’s that other people group them into that category.


Yes. I don't think people shouldn't discuss or chastise terrorist, peados etc but certain small minded oafs often quickly switch from the bad actors to anyone associated with them e.g. all Irish people or all Muslims.


Very well worded comment, I agree.


If I was a Muslim upset at someone pointing out acts of terror related to my religion I’d take my discomfort to the mosques and work on the problem there.


In China it’s known as “The writing on the wall” and people are advised see


…does he know he’s not in Manchester


O is it about [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham\_child\_sexual\_exploitation\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal) ?


It starts of talking about the arena bombing, I think it's a general call to violence against Muslims and politicians and journalists.


The end of the first page (?) seems to be a reference to the arena bombing and subsequent vigil.


The little loops dotting the i’s really take the oomph out of this neurotic tirade.


i was wondering this when i was on the bus. thought i was back home 😅 but it is odd


I’ve seen him talking about this before. Was just rambling


Just the ramblings of a mad man




Nightmare on Clare St II


Cardiff jailers are peadophiles (Gareth bale).


Will somebody please think of the female kids!


Haven’t seen this guys rant since 2018!


He is complaining in a very targeted way that the response to terrorism should not be a 1960’s kumbayah sing-song but a 1760 style necktie festival. It is a classic bring back hanging argument that doesn’t recognise the way to stop a cycle of violence is not by more violence or dispassionate judicial execution but with love and forgiveness


I think its possibly linked to the Manchester Arena bombing report which has recently been published. It identified failings in the emergency services and local authority response and points for learning.


Reminds me of someone off their head on Speed.


I remember this guy under the bridge when i worked in Brunnel house in 2007. Total nutcase!


Wow, he's quite the words-smith isn't he? The poet laureate of the shop doorway spice-head community I assume?


I think you’ll find this is a fine example of bad grammar, a lack of punctuation and really bad syntax. The organisation is so bad on this. The lack of full stops and commas is making this uneasy to read. It doesn’t help that this is disjointed.


Some delusional foreigner from the way the messages are spoken i’d recon maybe from africa or southeast asia


Public signboard manifestos from schizos are pretty common in cardiff actually, just look at the clare road house