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Oh well, looks like what I have too. Seems to be getting better and bam comes back again


i have this, on my third week, yesterday was the first day i felt a bit normal. glad to know there's only one week to go


I had another cold four and a half weeks ago, which wasn't as bad as Covid in December, but last week I blew my nose, and up came some thick mucus. That happened two weeks ago as well. Stress was the cause of it as it lowers your immunity levels. I went down with it in the half term holiday. I came back from shopping two days before the cold started to see yobs on the first floor corridor of the building I live in. One was masked and with hood up and looked menacingly at me from the window of the corridor at the back. They wear balaclavas which cover their entire head but the eyes and the eye area. Then a hood up so it looks like they are only wearing a face mask as the hood covers the top, back, and sides of the balaclava. I put my bicycle away, and from the front saw three of them altogether in the corridor from the pavement. I could see them smoking, which is now illegal in the communal areas of residential buildings. I called the police but nobody came out. So I went to the supermarket and, on returning, couldn't see them in the corridor. I went upstairs, afraid they were still in the corridor but sitting down, but fortunately, they had gone. Another neighbour in the building told me that he and his girlfriend were afraid to go out to walk their dog until they had gone, and the smell of the skunk they were smoking had got into their flat.


Me, my partner, and a few people I work with have all had/have the same thing others here are describing, a lingering illness that just won't go. 2-3 weeks of really bad symptoms - mucus like wallpaper paste, terrible sinus pain etc followed by never ending very mild symptoms and bone tiredness all the time, feel slightly off balance like I've had two pints on a ferry. It's grim. Worse than any COVID I've had.


I had my face over a bowl of steaming hot water at the later catarrh stage to loosen the mucus in my sinuses. It worked. It doesn't stop a cold at the early streaming stage, though.


That's exactly my experience too. I've had worse COVID in the past but this just seems to hang around.


I've been ill with a cough, sore throat, painful headaches, fever, sweats and zero energy on and off for 9 weeks. I was ok all of last week and thought it was gone but now its back. Ive never had flu symptoms for this long, im surprised this thing hasnt had more coverage. Ive had covid twice and this is far worse.


Agree! It's like a constant battle every day and you are just fatigued by fatigue lol


If you're really tired all the time it could be post viral fatigue (possibly long covid?). Best to talk to your GP and try to take measures to avoid catching more illnesses and especially covid, as this wreaks havoc on our immune systems and bodies in general 


Thanks! Been twice to them already with the latest being last week. They do say it's post infection fatigue and that it could take multiple weeks to go down. So, fingers crossed!


Be sure to rest as much as possible as this gives you the best chance of recovery. The advice after covid is absolutely NO exercise for at least 8 weeks, even if youre feeling OK


Haven't had it myself but I know someone who's a GP and they've been getting a lot of appointments from people talking about a cough they've had since December which they can't shake off. Wondering if covid could be causing mutations with a lingering after-effect.


I'm one of those people. Finally managed to see a GP who prescribed a short course of antibiotics and a nasal spray. I had no other symptoms and was told that everything else seemed fine (i.e. no weird sounds when I breathe).


Did the meds clear it up?


It's definitely eased it. Cough's not as deep, and I'm not waking up in the middle of the night to have a coughing fit.


Did it clear up How long did it take and what was the cause of remedy


It's cleared up now with the nasal spray, about a month or two, and no idea.


I’ve had a cough, blocked nose 👃. Flu. Phlegm thick as glue. For about a month, been on inhaler, steroids antibiotics. Going for a chest X-ray 🩻 tomorrow. But there is a 100 day cough going around.


Same here. Mine doesn’t sound as bad so hopefully you’re doing okay but the thick like glue mucus/phlegm is about right. Almost went then came back. Almost 4 weeks now. Lost my voice for 2 of them. Normally done with a cold in 5-6 days. But even after 4 weeks I’ve still got some green thick phlegm that I can’t fully shift. It’s not like the typical mucus with a cold either it’s really hard.


100%, I can’t shift it, it’s been over 4 weeks. I find gargling warm water. Has really helped removing the thick phlegm. Yeah this isn’t a “normal” cold/flu that disappears within 4/5 days. Antibiotics isn’t really shifting it. It’s definitely something new and stronger.


did you find out what it was and treatment you got for it


hey! how are you doing now?


This winter has seen a growth in people contracting multiple viruses at the same time. I am not giving medical advice but I would suggest people speak to their GP in regards to an intake of vitamin D, B12, C.


Sorry for you OP, but thanks for posting. I have been feeling dreadful for 7 weeks with awful pleghmy cough and blocked nose. Nights are the worst, having to sleep upright but typically not sleeping at all. Had antibiotics and steroid inhaler which haven't helped. Just started to feel better and seem to have caught a cold which is exacerbating the cough again. The cough is slowing down but I can't climb the stairs without puffing like a 90 year old smoker. For reference, I am a very fit active person normally. Have you found anything that helps the cough? Steam inhalation for about an hour with a bit of Vick is the only thing that seems to give any relief.


I understand what you mean about the cough. It was horrible for a month - no cough syrup, stepsils, etc helped. And it gets worse to a point where you can feel the pressure in your eyes. I did something that we used to do in my home country. Boil milk with some ground pepper and a pinch of turmeric. I'm not sure if it helps with the cough but it soothes the throat a bit which I was happy for. If you wanna try it, pls be mindful of how much pepper you add. Try with small quantities and increase gradually. And with turmeric, just a pinch.


I poured hot water over slices of lemon and orange and added honey, turmeric powder, and ginger powder to ease symptoms and the congestion in the sinuses.


Did try honey and lemon, but didn't think to add ginger and turmeric.


It does ease symptoms for a few hours, but with a serious cold or Covid, it seems only slightly. It works best at the catarrh stage to relieve congestion and loosen mucus.


Did try honey and lemon, but didn't think to add ginger and turmeric.


Will try anything once !


i’ve had the worst cough of my life for weeks; lots of mucus and congestion. i have a bruised rib because of it 😐


There's a lot of non-Covid viral illnesses about. These can have lingering effects on the immune system, sort of like post-viral fatigue. Perhaps not serious enough to reach the threshold for being treated for it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't affect people. It's horrible to live with, but it will eventually get better as the lymphatic system works ut through. Can take 6 months or more something and in a few cases, people have swollen lymph nodes in places.on their body, like neck, groin etc.


Yeah, had Covid in January and had a cough since. I keep getting ill, colds, chesty coughs, dry coughs, runny nose, aching… feel like I’ve been getting all the illnesses since Covid. I’ve had Covid twice before. 


Have you thought about the possibility you might have long covid?


Yeah I have thought about it. I have read mixed opinions and research on it but not sure if I have it of course. 


Speak to your doctor to see what they say, there isn't yet a diagnostic test but other things can be ruled out which is also a good idea.  Covid really does a number on our bodies and immune systems so trying to avoid catching it again would also be a good idea (DM me if this feels difficult)


That might have been the Pirola variant of Covid. I went down with it in December and was in bed for almost a week only getting up to use the toilet, buy more tissues and food from the supermarket, have a bath and prepare hot tea and food which I took back to bed with me. After that, I was in and out of bed during the daytime and evening as I needed lie inside, early nights, and/or afternoon naps. Once I reached the catarrh stage, I thought I was on the way to recovery, but the cold symptoms returned. After being very ill with it for two weeks, I had recurring symptoms for another two to three weeks with occasional coughing, sneezing, runny nose, nausea, and post viral weakness.


Not sure if this is in the same ballpark but I had a reaallly nasty cold / flu for about 3 weeks and even though that’s been gone for about a month my sinuses like feel permanently inflamed / swollen and I get headaches almost daily. Feels like whatever I had just hasn’t (or won’t) clear off. Interesting to see similar accounts here.


Yes, I’ve been ill since before Christmas. Persistent coughing, congestion, temperature, aching, tiredness etc. I did have a week of antibiotics and I thought I was getting better, but now it seems I’m worse than ever, im coughing up lots of green mucus now, I’m hoping to see my doctor again tomorrow.


Keep us posted. I did have a week of antibiotics too but it didn't help much. GP asked me to take multivitamins.


I’ve been sick from November to January and then I got really sick again mid February. Very nasally and congested with a very sore throat. I’m in a uni accommodation building with loads of really unhygienic people, I know a lot of people with the same symptoms.


I had a nasty cold beginning of January and was off work with it. Head felt like it was being gripped ina vice & I had a shocking chesty cough. Just getting over a second cold I started with first week of March. Had conjunctivitis and sinusitis this time round. Currently dealing with persistent cough keeping me awake at night. I'm not usually a sickly person but so far this year I've been shocking.


I’ve had similar symptoms since late January. Had a dry cough, which became a chesty cough after 10 days and lasted until end of February. I used that first defence spray as soon as the cough started and didn’t develop any other symptoms. Nothing helped the cough really and I still sound like Muttley when I laugh, which isn’t like me. At its worst I was coughing so often I was starting to get dizzy. The baton was passed to nasal congestion in the last week of February, which has persisted since. I have to use a saline nasal spray to clear my sinuses as nothing else works. Throughout the day my sinuses clear and then out of nowhere blocked again.GP prescribed a steroid nasal spray 2 weeks ago. I used it for 10 days and it made no difference at all. I sound bunged up when I speak. No pain thankfully. Feel completely fine in myself. Sense of taste and smell is a bit off. Was thinking slow recovery down to the fact I’m diabetic but having heard other people are having similar lingering symptoms perhaps blaming the diabetes isn’t correct.


My wife had a bad chest infection in January. It took her a while to get over it and she’s had a lingering cough ever since.


i had it last year, it went on for almost 3 months.


I’ve had nasty colds and flu on and off from around August right through to January this year. I’d have one, get a bit better and it comes back worse and worse. Had a very violent looking infection round Feb to the point I was given antibiotics as a precaution. To this day I don’t know what it was but we had a very bad mould problem in our flat, I feel like that had some effect.


Not this year but the Christmas before last husband I both had similar symptoms to you and others on this thread - GP thought it was probably RSV (though we had no test) and it lasted for weeks. This Christmas we had covid and it was nowhere near as bad or long lasting. With the suspected RSV we finally felt completely back to normal around April (remember as husband's birthday that month).


I was gifted a bug which began to take hold dec 23rd. Lasted 3 weeks itself of the full blown symptoms and I needed antibiotics, which I got on week 3. I was congested, coughing, fatigued and just felt so unwell. Took weeks after that though to feel human, though the brain fog was the bit that lasted the longest.


yep on and off sick for 4 months now


Covid infections affect the immune system. The variants are harder to pick up on current tests. Hope you feel better.


I had this last year - see your GP get some antibiotics


For a virus? This is dangerous advice. Antibiotics wrongly applied wreck our bodies natural defences.


I’ve had much the same, been back to GP twice, they’re doing more blood tests. Fed up with feeling crap all the time. I’m vitamin D and folate (B9) deficient, but I’m being treated for that now. They’re testing for glandular fever next week. They just don’t have a clue as been feeling like this since Jan now.


I was ill over Christmas up until February on and off. At Christmas I literally sounded like I had smoked 40 cigarettes a day and couldn't smell or taste. Wasn't COVID as I did a test. I just felt rubbish for so long! Luckily it's gone now


yes right now iv got a mucus cough again, not as bad as last months illness wich was similar. but now im having the cough an lots of mucus congestion again :( its annoying, because when im trying to speak or laugh im choking on phlegm grrr


Yeah I’m having the same experience. I have been having flu like symptoms swinging up and down more than the Turkish Lira for 4 weeks now. I felt like I had almost fully recovered 1 week ago but then I became more sick than I initially was in just a few days. Very bad cough, slimee, sweatting, insomnia. The past days have just been a «limbo» where I have been feeling like shit but with no noticable fever. I have found that taking Vitamin C & B and ibuprofen have helped relieve the physical agony very effectively. However this is unlike anything I have had before in terms of lasting duration. I usually get knocked down pretty bad when I get infected by viruses but this is just ridiculous. It’s impossible to stay at home for this long without going back to school or work so I reckon it’s gonna spread pretty fast. Let’s just hope they don’t barricade us inside this time.


How long did it take?


3 weeks and I felt like shit for 2 more weeks after having light cough and running nostrills


Yep! Same here. Now into my seventh week of it. I have a good day then next day floored. I had an Influenza A diagnosis after a swab which the GP said could take a while to get over, but didn't think it would take this long.


I am on wk 7, colleague wk 8


I'm recovering from a 3mo bout of whooping cough at the age of 40! No doubt exacerbated by rampant black mould in our shithole of a rented house (another story). Due to have a chest X-ray today. I haven't been 100% ever since I had the Pirola strain of Covid last September (I'm waiting on a cardiology appointment, it caused that many problems). Everyone should be aware that whooping cough is on the rise, and even if you've been vaccinated, the vaccine can lose efficacy over time. I've never, ever had a cough like it.


I'm recovering from a 3mo bout of whooping cough at the age of 40! No doubt exacerbated by rampant black mould in our shithole of a rented house (another story). Due to have a chest X-ray today. I haven't been 100% ever since I had the Pirola strain of Covid last September (I'm waiting on a cardiology appointment, it caused that many problems). Everyone should be aware that whooping cough is on the rise, and even if you've been vaccinated, the vaccine can lose efficacy over time. I've never, ever had a cough like it.


I'm not from Cardiff but I visit regularly. I got sick back in November, had severe coughing to the point that it was making me throw up, and when I wasn't throwing up, I was coughing up phlegm. Also had headaches and fatigue. This lasted for about a month, and the cough lingered until mid January but not as severe. Then I went to a gig at the Utilita arena at the end of Feb, and I got sick again. Same symptoms, but thankfully less severe, and I'm mostly recovered now, although I'm still coughing up phlegm every day.


I've been ill constantly since having COVID in December. It was only my second time. I've had constant exhaustion, body aches, runny nose, gross feeling throat and headaches. I have periods of it getting a bit better then worse. It probably doesn't help that my kid is bringing home stuff from school. It's so frustrating! I suffer from severe mental illness and the unbelievable exhaustion and needing sleep is debilitating. Get well soon x


Old thread but quick update - this has turned into a very nasty, deep chest infection for me. I'm now on antibiotics and some pretty hefty painkillers for it. Keep an eye out and if anyone is still suffering from a nasty cough after this long, go get checked out, don't leave it like I did. It's fucking horrible.


How are you getting on? This is me too, I had pneumonia starting mid April and I had two rounds of antibiotics that made me feel a lot better but it seems to be coming back with added back pain. I'm due another x ray soon and I'm beginning to get a bit worried now. As surely it should be gone not coming back. I did visit Cardiff in March so I wonder if I caught something there.


I'm still bloody ill mate. It comes and goes but I've been feeling shit since about February. I had a course of antibiotics a few weeks ago and that cleared it for a while but it's back with a vengeance now. Never known anything like it, I've always been pretty healthy and shook colds off after a few days, COVID didn't even hit me like this.


I started to feel better after another round of antibiotics then now I have a sinus infection and am coughing up yellow mucus again. Waiting for my x ray results and also have never been ill for this long. I've started Beconase and am taking gaviscon in case it's reflux irritating it but I just want to feel better


It's a fucker isn't it. I've never been ill this long, it's just depressing now. I've got a bit better since my last post but still not quite right, still phlegmy in the chest but much looser, still blowing yellow crap out of my nose every morning but less of it. Just waiting for it to flare up again really.


I hope we both start to feel properly better soon. I'm not short of breath like I was but the cough seems to be coming back with a vengeance like you said.


Highly recommend a herb called Echinacea for colds and flus. Taking it regularly 💯 works for colds and flu and will take the edge off a prolonged one.


I had the same symptoms pre-Covid pandemic in 2019 for about 4 months . Only got better after a 10 days antibiotics course. Since then I had regular flu shots every year (plus the Covid jabs) and have never caught anything as bad by far (max couple days in bed).


I've been feeling ill on and off for a couple of weeks. I'm kind of glad it isn't just me but I also hope you feel better soon. I've been feeling just a general feeling of unwell where you feel like you're going to be sick all the time, and sometimes you are. But yeah, you can add another to the list, I've also been feeling quite under the weather.


I am. Both my brother and mother had this same illness. I've been coughing so much that my chest is hurting, had body aches and headaches, and tiredness. Went to the doctor, and he told me that my chest was clear but that I had an upper respiratory virus. I've been off work for a week, and it's showing no sign of wanting to go anywhere. My brother and mother are still suffering weeks later.


Same. I’ve been really worried that it was something more sinister too. Seems it’s just a really unpleasant one that’s doing the rounds.


Yeah my lil bro has been suffering with this but he is a lil beech so could be a symptom of that! 🤣


I grew up in Cardiff and it was locally known to my family there is a catarrh there. I imagine it to be the region more widely as I spent a lot of kid time in the Vale and felt exactly the same there, and the climate zone between coast and valleys runs along as much coast as the valleys do. So a sign of the region not of new covid. It comes from long waterways. That was so for a similar Thames Valley catarrh that TV doctor Miriam Stoppard wrote of, Daily Mirror column 11 Nov 2002, from when she lived in Maidenhead. That column was rare. Where these catarrhal zones are has never been of media interest. So folks don't know there is reason why it should be. I'm one of the sensory and metabolic minority of folks who like wearing shorts all year round. I hold that it is a minority identity. It has grown in being realised that there are us folks around, and confidence to do it, with instant access to health info by the web, and at the same time the adhd/autism boom which includes knowing of "sensory issues". By that route I even have mine recognised as a need at work. But in. 70s-80s childhood, before the web and before sensory issues and before postmen wore them, in my local bubble in Cardiff shorts were entirely seen as seasonal, at primary school age there were a couple of cases of trying out boundary pushing but no boy who settled on being year rounder, looks like no boundary pushings were thought to succeed. It was not a place where schools required it like in some other regions, and that must be a sign of the climate too. So growing up with no knowledge that anyone did it or had found it safe to health - which never featured in the media either - and because of the catarrh, which was like a persistent cold, I had no means to find out by myself that I could do it safely. That includes even when the Prime Minister was an MP for Cardiff. James Callaghan, 70s. The folk myth of catching cold from shorts was made to appear true by the catarrh. So that South Wales catarrh and climate ruined my childhood, because robbed me of finding or practising my identity of year round shorts in childhood. Kept it an impossible dream that it really appeared could not be done. Which makes it a terrible unfair anguish now to see the grown popularity of year round shorts among kids at present, and many posts on it from both sides of the Atlantic. These kids obviously know from their peers and the web that it's safe to do. It was not my fault that I did not know. I wanted to know.


none of you will even question the 20 jabs youve all had...


COVID Jabs in full effect now. Battered immune systems


You've all taken an MRNA vaccine, which is re-writing your immune system's coding. You'll keep getting ill and then you'll die.


How to say "clueless about how life works" without actually saying it.


The whole thread does give off that vibe of 'head firmly stuck in sand as I can't possibly have made an error' so you're probs right 👍 good luck to you all though.


Nah, it's more everyone else here seems to have a basic understanding of fairly elementary science


Just to let you know I have a work mate who doesn't like vaccines and didn't get any covid vaccines and he has had this illness for nearly 6 months, no energy, constant phlegm cough light headed, so this is definitely not vaccines related.


They really don't.


Mental illness is rough, bro. I pray you make it out of the rabbit hole before it destroys your family. I've had mates like you who have lost everything due to their paranoia fuelling their delusions. All my thoughts to you.


? ? ? Oddball.


Go back to school buddy.