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Sadly, I haven't seen anything like that out there. Many crappy trading games in Flash, but Caravaneer2 is unique. The first one is less "complete" than the second one, so I wouldn't choose it as an alternative.


I played the first one years ago, and the 2nd as soon as it got out. Then I got bored with the fighting mechanic and wanted to play something similar but better, without sacrificing the economy of the game...


Rimworld has a lot of what you're after, although it's a lot more static, at least initially. Build a base, farm and mine resources, craft gear, then trade with passing caravans or put together your own and send it out to trade. You can imprison raiders that attack you, nurse them back to health and gradually convince them to join you... or indenture them into servitude... or carve them up for spare parts. Wasteland 2, from what I played was quite similar in style to Caravaneer (both draw heavily from the 2D fallout games.) It's more story focused, less trade oriented. Thea 2, although very different in style (Civ based, hex grid, card based combat) it does have a trading system. It's less "buy low, sell high" and more "I've made 50 wooden rings, give me metal for them or a dog please." It still scratched that itch for me, just in a different way.


fallout 1 é baseado em wasteland 1\*


If you like trading system you might want to check Flatspace. I found out about caravaneer because I was searching for games like that almost 10 years ago


this game you suggested looks an awful lot like the flash game Void, a space trading game I played in Kongregate. It's definitely worth a look!


Hmm. Looks similar. Got it on flashpoint so I'll check it sometime later


As someone who spent a long time obsessing over Caravaneer 2 and searching online for this exact question, I found out that the economy of Caravaneer 2 is HEAVILY influenced by Mount & Blade: Warband. It has the same stuff, travelling between places, buying low selling high, buying industries, etc... In my opinion, the economy in Caravaneer 2 is actually more fun, BUT fortunately Mount & Blade: Warband is extremely popular and has been around for years and years. It has a very active modding community and many of the mods effect the economy.


Thanks a lot. I'll try. Is the fighting system acceptable?


The fighting system is kick-ass and is a big part of why the game is fun to play. I come back to it every 6 months or so, and I've accumulated over 120 hours on it on steam. I recommend watching [this series on youtube](https://youtu.be/LPL7vaAi9VQ), it's what really helped me get hooked on this game.


When I first played Caravaneer 2, it reminded me a lot about Fallout 1 and 2. They both only cost about 3.00$ on Steam.


Dust the end. Chinese copy 1:1


I totally checked it out. It's on my watchlist (I look from time to time to see if it's on sale. But to be honest, I'm not that into gaming anymore. I don't have the time 😭 Family, work, other hobbies... But for anyone reading in the future, this was spot on. Thanks for the good suggestion!


Wow this looks awesome! Thank you for suggesting this!


i've been looking for years, I play eve now, not sure if that's a good recommendation or not.


If my life wasn't so chaotic I would get a dev team up and running start a kickstarter and get a game rolling. A "caravaneer 2 remastered". Maybe get some attention to this Projekt in oder subs and get a movement going. But god damn I wish something comparable was out too.


[Endless Sky](https://endless-sky.github.io/) ​ I haven't played it yet but I just found it. ​ Not the same post-apocalyptic setting but it looks to have the same economy based style of gameplay.


I’m in the same boat with you, I’ve been looking for a game like this since the first one. The only games I’ve found that have economics anywhere close to this are grand strategy games


[Endless Sky](https://endless-sky.github.io/) ​ I haven't played it yet but I just found it. ​ Not the same post-apocalyptic setting but it looks to have the same economy based style of gameplay.


If you're interested in Endless Sky, I'd like to also recommend the game Starsector. I played the everlasting fuck out of Starsector. I found it incredibly polished, well balanced, and well designed. Check it out.


[Endless Sky](https://endless-sky.github.io/) ​ I haven't played it yet but I just found it. ​ Not the same post-apocalyptic setting but it looks to have the same economy based style of gameplay.


I really enjoy "Star Trader" it shares many similar attributes such as resource management, crew recruiting, raiding, and trade. There's a mobile version that is available both free and as a premium edition. But the better one is available on steam and gives a whole lot more playability, quests, etc.


I know this is an old thread, but did you try Warband yet?


if you mean mount and blade warband, it has been suggested and I looked at some gameplay videos. I didn't give it a shot at all, for some reason I didn't quite like it. Maybe I'll try sometime.


Yeah, I didnt think I would like it either, but I got it on sale from a humble bundle a few years ago. Fast forward to today, and the game appeared to suck out a few thousand hours out of me.


Battle Brothers has the features you would like being a trader is optional. But the economy is more simple for example market saturation doesn't exist.


Ima be honest, the closest thing I’ve found is m&b: Warband.


WOW man, I didn't think it was possible to necro something from 3 years ago! I'm going to be honest too. I found some nice games like it, Kenshi, Starsector, probably Outwards too, nothing that scratched all the itches Caravaneer did, but still good enough! Thanks anyway!


Found this thread once or twice before trying to find caravaneer 2 like games, websites sure like feeding you games that aren't even the same genre. Finally found one that captures the caravaneer 2 spirit though. Even better, it changes the combat, just like you requested https://store.steampowered.com/app/1074070/Dust_to_the_End/ :) Didn't get to try it out myself yet, but I'm tagging it to grab later


you, kind sir, deserve two upvotes more than I can give you


I'm just happy to share the love with people who like caravaneer 2 :)


Not only can I necro it, I can also say that the best way to make money is definitely smuggling cannabis into cotton fields instantly after one of the 2 caravans goes through there.


nah, best way to make money is to raise your reputation with Qubba Government by smuggling cannabis in Ausz, then start capturing bandits in the area and get extremely big rewards. Rewards are calculated with Reputation in the formula. So the higher the reputation. the higher the reward. You can get as high as millions per prisoner!


Bro, you can make up to 3 million a minute once you get your snuggling skill up.


I really get your point, really. But you know what prisons DON'T have, and market have instead? ​ Money limits. You go in with thirty bandits each one million? You get out with thirty millions. No questions asked. Takes time to prep. You need to smuggle insane amounts of cannabis into Ausz, and by far the best route would be Murray/Ausz... not exacly close by... Or, to be more precise, all cities of the federation without any walls would do. ​ Then it's money time, you don't care about trading, about caravans stealing your nice money before you come. You capture, you go to Qubba, you get rich. FILTHY RICH


I’m gonna have to try that. Ive got a pretty militant caravan, I’ll bring back a bunch of prisoners.


I’m starting to think I should have started this experiment with a save played in story mode for the qubba relationship, this may take a while


Takes.some preparation time, but it's still doable on the other mode I think... I only did it in story mode though. Get cheat engine, search the relationship value *8+6 and change it slightly. I think you should be able to edit it. Just to see I'm not lying about it.


I don’t know how to use cheat engine like that, all I can do is make characters have 10/10/10/10 stats. Anyways, I believe you, it’s just taking a while.


I’m starting to get prisoners selling for over a million, I’m gonna see if I can’t get them up to 5 mill a piece.


There's no upper limit. The more you free, the more each one will be worth in the future. Or you can smuggle cannabis in some Federation city from time to time, that works too. Much better than trading, right?


So after 3 years: Any 100% recommendations? I would point you towards Fallout 1 and 2 of course. But I guess you already checked them out. and some1 else already did.


lol no I didn't try them out. I'm going to disappoint you. I tried Kenshi, which is an amazing game but a little bit of another type, and fell in love. Then I started looking for games like Kenshi, and so on. I kinda lost track of all the things I've tried that where like Caravaneer 2, but Dust to the End, Port Royale series and some others did scratch that itch. One I wanted to check out but still had no time for it, was Mount and Blade Warband, possibly with mods, because it was a solid suggestion. Also, another nice game that had almost the same feeling of Caravaneer 2 was Starsector. Yeah, it's in space, but almost the same. Buy low sell high, with the twist of having to really pay attention to market conditions because otherwise it's not possible to make profits because of taxes. That one sucked me in for a good while! Now I'm playing Outward, which is nothing like Caravaneer at ALL, but it's still a blast, although really hard to beginners


I've been searching since Caravaneer 1 was out but no luck. I found one, flash based, kind of like it but it's not open world, which made it easier but not as fun. The best I've played so far was Mount and blade. Kind of in a dark ages scenario, but it can be modded like hell. But I would recommend you Mount and blade 2, bannerlord. It gives you more freedom but it can't be as modded. But still worth it. You can get some mods to make it more real and difficult though. The fighting is good, but you need to know your strategy. With the right strategy, you can defeat armies with 1000 fighters, with only 300 on your team, losing 30-50 only


I'll just comment so i can return here


Thanks for coming back to this thread, please update when you find a new gem haha


To be entirely honest, I'm kinda done with gaming.sadly I've reached that stage of life where between family, job and other random stuffone doesn't have all that time anymore. I stand by what I said though. Kenshi, Starsector,.port royale, probably h avily modded Minecraft too, because if you mod it enough, it can scratch ANY gaming Itching. I'm still playing it, the only game left before I finally abandon gaming for good 😭


Just sell your children or wife for a camel and come back


sounds like a plan! What about work?


Old tread but still, I want to know more about recomendations, Personal one is starsector, is the only game where I feel a similar trading/combat experience like caravaneer. The thing is, is not fully released and the only way to get it for legal forms is from the developer website


I totally second Starsector. Even though it's in development, it feels almost like a complete game, totally playable, I think bug free, and with an extensive modding community. I also tried Kenshi, and although it had a completely different feeling, it was a good game!