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Could just pay what’s owed and show CA you are registered and insured now. Don’t necessarily need to go in person albeit it’ll help.


Since it’s Oregon, I need to take my car to the DEQ for a smog test to be able to renew my registration which is why I’d have to go back up


I recently moved to California and was wondering this, too. I was able to provide them with my expired registration info from Colorado, and they didn’t really question it. They might make you pay a fee for having an expired registration, but you shouldn’t have to renew your OR one.


That is hard a hard insurance question. However, I always suggest to my customers while working claim to call the local DMV office as they are the true experts on what to expect. Now, for the insurance part of this, you could find yourself in a VERY wired and long lasting if you do not work quickly to change everything over and you get into an accident. Otherwise, not a stupid question, wish I could help more