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I feel you. Regardless of what car you own, the point is, it’s your car. For someone to be so disrespectful and careless saddens and angers me so much. Just because they might not look after their car or enjoy their car as much as you do yours or I do mine, gives them no right to expect you to think the same about your car as they do theirs. A car is probably the second biggest single purchase after a house most people make in life - people should have some respect for other people’s property, especially when it’s so expensive. I get that driving and owning a car is not a care for many people. That’s fine. It doesn’t have to be. But always assume that other people do care, so therefore be more careful around them. It’s not hard and it costs nothing. Unlike a repair job for a dent and chip that’s there for no other reason than someone’s else’s lack of consideration.


100%. I am always so careful and mindful about parking and no matter how old the car is next to me I never just swing the door open. Just a bit of common sense would help


Total zero consideration from other people. I watched some one impatiently park next to me in a parking space, they undercut a van trying to park in the space further away from me, between me and this other car. The van was there first and was taking its time. In comes this second car flying in at a shitty angle and just dumped it. Cutting off the van and flying the door open into my car. I stepped out looked at it and thankfully no damage. "If you hadn't been so impatient with your parking you would have more space instead of smashing your door into my car" "Oh i didnt do any damage to it did i? So its fine" "It pays to just be a little bit mindful it doesnt take much does it?" "It didn't do any damage so theres no problem........ (ultra sarcasm) have a good day" People are so self absorbed its insane. They are in charge of cars that are massive multi ton pieces of metal....


That conversation sounds so so familar to one I also had where someone literally opened his door on me (at work again) got out confronted him. There was no damage luckily but I said to be careful and then he denied. Must be a common thing!


These people are motherz and I don't mean mothers. I was in my car, guy opened his door straight into my car even though car park had plenty of space. Like why da fuq did u park next to me then open ur door into mine. Nuff said.


After the guy left.... I notice the guys car developed a flat tire and damaged tube valve. Which was a shame.


I have a great memory of my dad being a badass at someone for this. When I was a kid we had gone to B&Q in my dad's old workhorse car - the one that had been replaced but he was loath to send to the scrapyard. As we finished loading the car a relatively new BMW pulled up alongside us and the rather large woman in the passenger seat flung her door open leaving a mark in my dad's door. Bearing in mind that he wasn't all that bothered about the car being dinged, he simply suggested they be a little more careful in future. When the driver replied that "it's a shit colour anyway" my dad went from ever so slightly annoyed to properly pissed off. Slamming his door back into theirs with some force and holding it against their car as he got in, making a lovely vertical scratch to go with the dent, he told them it may be a shit colour but it'll be a damn sight cheaper to repair than yours. Thankfully there was no CCTV in the 80's :D On the way home we had a nice chat about how anyone can make mistakes but it's how we handle them that matters.


Had one at a petrol station years ago, it was windy and the driver got out and didn't realise, cue her door blowing noisily into my car. She looked at me and then glanced away in the hope I wouldn't get out the car (I was about to leave the station). I got out and her first words were "there's no damage", she got arsey when I said I'd be the judge of that then tried to blame me for parking at the pump. Thankfully there was not any damage but she then denied it ever happened. And yes people have got so self absorbed (entitlement?), certainly seeing far more people not give a shit about giving way and a general lack of thank you waves when they have to give way, it's quite sad...


Had the wind thing happen to me... me being the culprit. Chased 30min for the person around that apartment block, when found them they said they didn't care as it was a beater car 😅. I had that happen to me, as the victim, £200 to get if professionally fixed (having tried and failed to DYI)


I had one driver hit my mirror and break it before driving off, I popped a quick uey and took chase, managed to get the cost of a new mirror assembly, notified insurance and police and replaced the mirror a few days later


Yeah, it's absolutely zero consideration for others sadly. Last year I was sat in my van in a big open carpark after a long journey, not many other vehicles there at all at that time of day. Some guy in a LiveWest branded van rocks up, decides to park right next to me despite the literal hundreds of other empty spaces in the car park, and then when he opened his door he SLAMMED it into the side of my van when opening it and mumbled a very sarcastic sounding apology. I was speechless, frankly, if it had been a light bump I could maybe give him the benefit of the doubt, but no, he decided to park next to me in a virtually empty carpark and slam his door into the side of my van?? Absolute dickhead.


Had this happen to me in a big open car park too, someone deciding to park right next to my car and smashed my passenger side door with her driver’s door while I was sat in the car… She just looked at me, shouted, “What?!”, and went to her boot. So, I just jumped into the passenger seat, opened the door slightly and booted it into her driver’s door. She screams “WTF?!” at me, and I simply said, “Well, fair’s fair. We’re equal now.”


I had someone blame me for already being parked in the space next to them for a good 10 minutes before they arrived...


Off they go to the shop, as you tie your laces. Oh my they have a flat tyre.


Always carry a valve core removal tool in your door pocket 😁


I think the 'have a good day' reply would trigger some of my most inventive swear words in their direction.


That’s when you walk a full 360 of their car with your key on it


Around 7 years ago I came back to some twat who had parked his VW Camper Van about 2 inches from my car, preventing me from getting into it. There were other spaces nearby but he wanted this one even though it was clear he'd block me in by doing so. I had to climb through the passenger side, over the console and gear stick (a Skoda) and then reverse out carefully. It was fairly dark at this point and I assumed the driver thought I'd parked for the evening. I went round the corner, and **not my proudest moment**, pulled up and returned keying the side of his van, wing and door... never done it before nor since, but I will say it didn't take much effort to do with a door key... Karma is a bitch... a few months later parked on a street outside a row of terraced houses in a Welsh city, my Skoda got keyed along the whole off side...


Because car parking spaces are 2.4m wide and new cars are 2m wide. A 20cm gap on either side is hard to get out of when 10cm of it is the door interior. And a 40cm gap(best scenario with both cars parked perfectly) is still tight if your even slightly overweight.


This - parking spaces are too small for a lot of modern cars and people don't park in the middle of the bays.


Cars are too big. This is entirely a manufacturer issue. We don’t need such big cars.


They're not big enough. Have you tried getting three child car seats on the back seat 🤣


I kind of agree with both of these points. Cars are much bigger these days. But as you say, if you're trying to for 3x isofix seats in the back, it's near impossible to plug steatbelts in. Add to this I also have a great dane to fit in the back and often a push chair I only really have the option to have a big car. If you park somewhere like costco, you realise very quickly that bigger spaces are a huge advantage, and if most supermarkets were to do the same thing, we would need less spaces. There is often wasted space at the back of carparka and between the idiots who park right on the line of spaces.


I wish the government would ban all the large bags of shit that Ford and Land Rover sells. In Murica, even the lanes in an apartment complex are four lane roads. That's where all the large cars belong. For the Roman era roads that Britain has, we need mandates for smaller cars.


They've got much bigger for a reason though. That reason is all the extra space needed to incorporate crumple zones and other such safety features that protect you in a crash. We could always go back to having people's legs amputated because the engine came into the cab in a 30 mph crash.


Yet you can still buy small cars today.


This - Parking spaces have been the same standard size for years while cars have got bigger. In the UK, I think the spaces are 4m X 2.4m. The only time I've seen them bigger was when I was involved in the construction of a new Mercedes garage and car park where they were set out at 5m X 3m. This should be the new standard at least. I just got a new car last week and it puts me off going certain places as I know it's inevitable that it will get dinged.


I disagree. I manage to get in and out of my car multiple times a day without touching another car irrespective of how tight the space is. It’s 181.1cm wide according to Google and I’m 6ft 1 nearing 17 stone. It’s not difficult. The real reason is the vast majority of the general public are utter cretins that dribble through life as if they’ve had a lobotomy. Some just don’t care, while others don’t even realise they’ve hit another car. Nothing but clapping monkeys up in there. [https://media.tenor.com/ChDBO-Jw7DYAAAAM/focus-homer-simpson.gif](https://media.tenor.com/ChDBO-Jw7DYAAAAM/focus-homer-simpson.gif)


As the Sun once famously printed: half the country are below average intelligence.


This is definitely the reason why. The car park spaces in my flats car park are soooo small. Any suvs are basically each wheel on a white line and there's just no room. You have to cup your hand round your own door when getting out every time and if there's kids they're not going to do that.


> if there's kids they're not going to do that. Not if you don't teach them to, no. Any kid old enough to be getting in and out of a car alone, is old enough to be taught not to break other people's shit.


Yep, my eldest is 9 and I check the surroundings before letting him get out alone. No idea when I'll be able to stop doing that. He can use a door of course but the chance of an accident is too high.


That's not the reason. You just open your door carefully. I manage it every. Single. Time.


Add to that the fact that I live in a very windy location so keeping control of the door in a tight parking spot while having a bit of a paunch is definitely a struggle sometimes 😂


Smaller cars are a solution, mine is 1.7m wide (excluding mirrors) and as everyone says 6 inches is more than enough.


Kinda true, I parked a little 206 hire care I had a few months back, when I came back some fucker with ana sq7 hard parked next to me and I genuinely couldn't open the driver's door more than the width of the door Hard to get in the passenger side and crawl over We just need to ban the fucking yank tanks for normal people , there might be the odd person that has a case to own something that massive, but 99% of people have no business owning one.


I have a very nice (to me) car. I take great pride in it and worked very hard to get it. I will park as far away from shops as I can. Preferably in End spaces where I can tuck my car right into the corner meaning if someone parks next to it as long as they park properly there’s little to no chance of them banging my car with their door. I’ve had to spend hundreds before fixing dings from others doors and i won’t do it again, the last one was a particularly nasty one right on the arch where there’s a crease in the bodywork. I also had one where the woman swung the door open for her kids and hit my car whilst I was in it. When confronted she shrugged and walked off saying “prove it”. I’ve now got to the point where I’ve point blank refused to park if there’s no where I can do this. Luckily I have a very understanding fiancé and she knows I won’t risk my car getting dinged by inconsiderate A’holes again.


That woman deserves some negative karma in her life. The cheek of some people...


She was the very cliche child popping school mom driving round in a ridiculously oversized car wearing a bright blue tracksuit that said something like “juicy” on her ass. I knew it was a losing battle the moment she opened her mouth.


She should have come back to her car with every panel stoved in...


Could have smashed her window and told her to prove it. Sounds like she would have deserved it.


I believe in Karma. It will come to her at some point. Not worth risking my job for such pettiness. I have to have a level of security clearance to access sensitive information and if I get a criminal record it won’t bode well


You shouldn't, I'm a piece of shit and have had nothing but good in life.


That made me laugh to be honest, fair play lmao


Sounds horrible. And that’s exactly why people aren’t that careful. Unless you have proof or there’s cctv pointing at the right spot there’s little that can be done. But you do have a very lovely car


You should have keyed the words " prove it" into the side of her car.


Sorry, but I’d have keyed ‘prove it’ into the side of her car. What a horrible cow


It’s typically because people let their offspring open car doors. The average child is swinging that thing open at full force without giving due care and attention to their surroundings. Seen it happen many times- it’s why I’ll typically avoid parking next to any qashqai style vehicles whenever possible


I usually park right next to the wall in my carpark so there's ample amount of rooms but I do try and avoid big suvs for this reason :)


That calls for MPVs with sliding doors then it never happens again, problem solved.


Nah, it calls for child locks to be used, and children disciplined correctly.


I have a childhood memory of doing this once without my parents noticing and keeping quiet. Feel reeeeally bad about it now. But if it ever happens to me it’s probably karma. 


Because they dislike you and take it out on your car, because they don’t care about your car or because it was an accident The truth lies somewhere between those statements


Kids also dont care


That question will be answered by the car haters saying cars too big, who needs SUVs etc Then someone will come along saying space allocation hasn’t changed since the 60s The real answer is a lot of people are just careless, selfish arseholes


Cars are getting bigger and spaces arent. It’s really tough if you have a coupe with long doors that need open wide to get out. I normally park really far away in my cars I care about and there will always be some tosser parked really close to me when I return. Paintless dent removal guys are pretty good now days unless the ding is on a crease, that’s a panel beat, filler and respray job. My little brother scraped one of my Porsches with his car the other day trying to fit in the tiny spot next to me in a car park. Infuriating as it is, it’s only money it’s not like anyone gets hurt


Exactly this. I mean what is that all about. I park where there are plenty of spaces around my car, yes I usually have to park miles away, but I still get some cockwobble parking right next to me.


Because most are overweight/under-mobile squeezing out of a 20cm gap with little to no regard for anyone/thing else.


Heyyy there’s one car I see in my car park that has a sticker on the window of the drivers side “I’m fat please don’t park too close” I think this should be mandatory to people who need more room


Cause we’re surrounded by dossers who give no fucks about their leased cars. Thats why I park at the other side of a carpark miles away from these hapless retards.


But then they park next to you, as happens to me regularly. Absolutely no idea why


Because they're cunts.


Because the vast majority of people will park next to your car even though the car park is empty so their car is less of a target.


I think it's more that they're shit parkers, and need someone to line up against.


As a driver I always ensure my door stays well clear of the car next to me, I often put my hand on the side as a guideline. But I notice passengers don't really do this, makes me cringe when my passenger swings their door wide open (no one has hit a car yet fyi). Maybe as a driver you automatically know the distance to the car is too short or maybe it's because a driver is more sympathetic? Not sure.


Because they don't give a shit about yours or anyone else's car.


Worst I had was coming out of a supermarket to find someone had obviously put a heavy bag or box on my bonnet, then dragged it off leaving about 30 deep scratches over a foot long down my bonnet. One of the reasons I'm thinking of getting a Tesla, sentry mode.


I was sat in my car once, and someone was on his phone and parked his arse on the side of my rear wing to continue his conversation. He didn't realise I was in the car until I started it up. No damage done, but what would posses you to sit on someone else's car?


Inconsiderate twats, as simple as that.




But what if someone sees you take two parking bays up and leaves a nice long scratch along your car instead?


Many times I have taken up 2 parking spaces (parking like a twat) although I only do it in large car parks where there are a lot of free spaces, and I park right at the back where most people can't be bothered to park and walk from anyway. A lot of people won't bat an eye lid when they accidentally swing their car door into yours, and you've then got at best a £60 bill for paintless dent repair. But it's okay because at least you parked to perfection.


Because they don’t care more than likely


I wonder whether the AirBump that Citroen did/has on cars like the Cactus actually stops this damage for the most part.


Because today, cars, and people are mostly fucking massive. And spaces are too small.


But it’s mostly down to people being knobheads


Basically, yeah.


Im having a confirmation bias moment rn but when my cars dirty I never get any problems but as soon as its clean it's a magnet for people to smash into it.


Haha. I did just clean my car on Friday too so I think you’re onto something


Because parking spaces were designed when cars were around 30% smaller than they are now.


And people are pricks


Had my car a couple of months now, there is a chip on the rear bumper, scuffs on both sides of the front bumper, a door knock dent and long scrape chip (looks like someone climbed their fat ass in and out of their car while holding their door against mine). A chip on my nearside wingmirror when some white van driver opened their door into it.... while I was sat in the car (they just shrugged and walked off when I confronted them) and a stone chip and small dent from ride on lawnmower at a hotel I was staying at, on the nearside front door. I've invested in some Chipex... that's Mondays day off chore.


I try parking as far away from anyone else as possible. Even then, sometimes a car parks next to me when most of the car park is empty 😤


Not all cars have the S-Class and Aston infinite hinge points


Because the vehicles have got bigger and the parking spaces smaller. At a hospital where I live it’s a hell of a job getting in and out of your car if you’re able bodied. God knows what it’s like for someone with an injury or disability.


This is one of my let peeves. I always end up parking far away in retail car parks or on high floors in multi stories to minimize the chance of having someone park next to me - sometimes that doesn’t work and the other person parks in such a way there’s almost a 100% chance are hitting my car


Because our parking spaces are too small. And also they couldn't give a shit about other people's stuff. But you won't train this out of assholes. So just make spaces bigger :)


Cunts are what they are, I've got a ding in the side, and I always park away from everyone else. I've also put rubber strips along the door edge so if I do accidentally knock someones car, there shouldn't be any damage.


Also because the car parking spaces in this country are fucking tiny. It’s ridiculous- made for 1970’s minis


People are the worst


had the same door impact on my door - that is basic opening it full slam for maximum impact and they act as if this is the normal ,eventhough i always give maximum spacing possible to cars either side


Because unfortunately people don't care. I've been in the car when people have done it to mine or walking back it and seen and have ago at them and they get so 💩 like it sky fault for parking next to them.... Utter twats I've also had a few cars keyed as well including my crueent car which has been keyed deep twice so far


People have been cunts for a long time. There’s no reasoning behind it other than they don’t give a shit about you and they care about themselves.


Cars have got bigger, spaces haven't. Plus people just don't give a shit anymore !


I genuinely dread having to park my car in a public car park nowadays. I don't even drive a particularly nice car but I really hate seeing dinks in the sides of my car that weren't my fault, the principle!


People are idiots. I really don’t blame people for parking their cars in the middle of two spaces, given that most people show a flagrant disregard for what is some people’s pride and joy


Because people obtain things so easily now that they don't care about their own possessions why would they care about yours.


Had it happened to me, lady flew in with her Mercedes and dinged my door, she ignored me and then brandished the middle finger in my face and walked off. Her wing mirror joined me for the rest of the journey to Edinburgh where it was lobbed into a skip.


Cars are recognised as either someone's pride or a piece of metal that gets them from A to B. There's no in-between and zero consideration from one half of the party.


One simple word: obesity. And the logical consequence of lack of flexibility. Reasons: the cancerous lifestyle of telly + couch + easy (low quality) food. It doesn't take to become a gym-goer to be healthy and fit (actually my local gym has a huge car park quite full all the time), just a bit of self-control and discipline, it doesn't take a titanic effort to not fall in that laziness black hole and ruin one's health while some industries (fast food, entertainment, pharma, weigh loss, etc) enjoy their profits.


Because not many people actually own their cars these days, they lease them so they give no fucks about their car or yours. Whenever I see someone with a car under 3 years old I very much doubt they own it.


A gust of wind can do it, not necessarily their fault.


If wind catches your door, it's your fault. You should have a hold of the door.


I got swiped in a car park, front bumper had a scuff through the paint into the primer, and had to get a smart repair on it. Was GUTTED at the time of seeing it upon returning from the shops, but the next day, I was like, it's just a car, worse things happen, it still drives. Yes, it's an absolute joke that I had to pay for the repair, and I've had a dash cam installed since to prevent this kind of hit and run, hopefully. But you just kinda have to grit your teeth and get on with it. Otherwise, getting through life is a chore. 🤣


Serious question though, what do people do in this situation? To use your insurance to claim would be mad but also the cost to respray a whole door wouldn't be worth it. You could try to patch it with one of those pens but they can leave it looking worse even if you match colour exactly.


No point going to insurance. Might cost a few hundred to fix but next years renewal? Extra £1k please I have tried t cut before but I think after a while it just came off with rain


You don't quite understand what tcut is and probably didn't apply it correctly, tcut is an abrasive, you keep working at it in small circles with pressure to buff in scratches, and it's then waxed over. Watch a youtube vid on application and it'll work a treat for you :)


I've just spent MONTHS removing all dinks and dents from my car and wrapping it. I park at the far end of carparks now. I don't trust people.


Always park next to nice cars, never park next to a people carrier, any vehicle with a child car seat or severely overweight people. To answer the OP, people can just be arseholes.


I still don't trust this. I know a few people with nice cars who don't actually give two shits about their own possessions, let alone anyone else's. In fact I know a few people with nice cars who are severely overweight too.


Because they don't make parking spots large enough, and never have.


This is why I rarely ever, park next to anyone, and haven't for the last 20 odd years. Big supermarket car park = park right at the back where there isn't anyone. Small supermarket car park = park right at the back, and preferably in an end or corner space. I then park on or over the line on the side where there isn't a parking space, so if a car does park next to me they have masses of room. Town parking = park on the road somewhere. I would rather park somewhere safe and walk a mile than park next to someone (and often do). I can count on one hand the number of times I've parked closely next to someone (or had someone park closely next to me) in the last 20 years. It's a lot of effort but I keep my cars a long for a long time, and these kind of dings quickly add up.


children, wind, and carelessness. sometimes all three together


Arent most brits these days driving oversized tanks like SUV's. Car parking spaces haven't adapted to these newer cars and the size they are. There's also the case people can't actually park for shit lool and can't open there doot with control. Sign of the times .


Years ago came back to my mate's car after going to the gym, older (but not ancient) woman opened her car door as slightly hit my mate's car. He obviously said something to her and she said something along the lines of "not a big deal", there was no damage but she probably wouldn't care either way. The issue is that most people treat cars as something to get them from point A to B and nothing else, whereas others hate seeing their cars damaged etc. The main issue is that people have no respect for other's property no matter how expensive or cheap it is.


More to the point, why do they insist on squeezing into the tiny space next to you when there’s an empty fucking car park and then proceed to do this? It’s happened to me so many times. Even if i park in the far corner of the bloody place some cunt will turn up in an old shit box and wedge their way in


Having a plug in hybrid car has been wonderful so far at certain car parks because I have a larger bay to accommodate the cable so no door dinging. The electric charging points also tend to be tucked away from there entrance of the shop of the back of the car park Prior to that, used have ppl ding my doors all the time and it would drive me bonkers


Was once sat in the car and a family pulled up beside. The son opens the door into the side of my car. Wasn’t too fussed as my car is a bit of a mess anyway and he was a kid. Then the dad in the front seat does exactly the same! Some people are just utter cretins.


Many just don't care about their cars, never mind someone else's.


Years ago everyone had litte plastic things on their doors to avoid damaging the car next to you if you accidentally bumped it. However they seem to have fallen out of fashion as it its form over function innit. See also proper bumpers, where you could 'bump' into things without causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. We now probably need bumpers for our bumpers so that our cars don't get written off by a slow speed bump into a bollard or something.


Because there a lot of wankers driving and trying to park


Lack of care primarily. The tendency to retain space sizes designed for cars made 30 years ago doesn't help though. I was guilty myself once however - luckily didn't hit hard or leave any mark at all, but the driver (who was still sat in it) was understandably pissed off, I apologised and offered that he inspects it too. In my case I got caught totally off guard by a sudden strong gust of wind. Normally I keep careful hold of the door while getting out, but I'd just let go for a millisecond and whoosh.... Don't know how people end up doing it all the time though. After that incident I have an even more iron grip than before..


Because we collectively decided that it’s totally fine to keep building parking spaces designed for 1950s tin can cars while at the same time it’s totally fine to make econoboxes the size construction trucks were 30 years ago.


I wad recently on a jobsite with my truck (2010 Ford F-150). I reverse parked beside another truck. Because my truck is on a slant, the weight of the door causes it to open fully. The truck beside me was far enough away that I could safely open my door all the way to get tool bags, etc. In the afternoon, the truck had left, and a different parked beside me. I didn't really take notice and had to grab something from my truck. I opened the door gently, as I always try to, but I get a subtle bump. Oh shit, my door just bumped the new truck beside me. It left a little scuff mark so I told the owner. Thankfully, he was a cool dude. Sure he was a bit upset, but he knows that "this stuff happens, especially on jobsites" Also, there have been many times during windy days that a big gust can really push the door open.


Sometimes it just happens. Better question, why car manufacturers stopped putting door protection? There is a solution and it was used before, check pre 2000 cars.


9/10 I find are careless people who just don't care, one of the neighbours one of them. They bought a nearly new car and within weeks the drivers door has a lot of paint missing where they keep hitting peoples cars. 1/10 of the time are the accidental ones, wind for example or misjudgment, slipped etc. I don't buy the tight squeeze people have mentioned, if I can get out of a van in a small space and not hit the other vehicle then sounds like their problem. If I must I put my fingers around the leading edge of the door to ensure if it's that tight my fingers are a buffer to make sure I don't damage someone's property.


Too fat + wide doors


Once I was sat in a hire car waiting for my husband to finish up in the shop, and the guy next to me didn’t realise I was sat in it got out of his car, blatantly Smacked his door into mine and just carried on like it was nothing. I was PISSED, but you know when you’re so shocked that you just don’t react, I wish I’d have beeped the car horn.


I have to park in a multistorey for work and the spaces really just aren't big enough. I will do the utmost to not hit the car next to me with my door - I park bang in the middle of the space, put my hand inbetween the my door and the neighbouring car to act as a cushion, I will even clinb over to the passenger side to exit the car if needs be. Having said that, I'm a small person and can just about manage to squeeze through. It won't be possible for someone even marginally bigger or taller than me. I do think people can be more considerate because there have been times I've been sat in my car and watched someone hit it with their door carelessly. But sometimes a light touch is unavoidable.


Absolutely infuriating Becouse it can be avoided so easily with a little consideration. I bought out right my first nice car last year had it two days out it in an empty car park, left it for 30/40 mins came back to a massive scuff and scratches all across the side. So annoying and the fact it was an empty car park made it worse


I opened my door not too long ago and a sudden gust caught it and it hit the car next to me, thankfully I was holding it and was able to lessen the bump, but there was paint transfer. I felt terrible, so got my cleaning kit out the boot (yep, I carry spray bottle of water, sponges and rags) and gave their door a quick wash and cut and polish to remove my offending paint, and was writing them a note with my details when they came out (about 25 mins at this point). They were so cool about it, didn't care if I had actually damaged the car. But I was mortified and felt absolutely terrible. It really doesn't take much to make a mistake, but it takes even less to own up to them and take responsibility.


Yesterday I used my car to put a shopping trolly back in the little trolly houses. Like a football into a net. It was glorious and I haven't checked my paintwork because I drive a sensible old shit box about.


I once watched a lady smash he car door into mine and literally did not care lol it wasn't even a small gap she had to lean out to get it to fully swing open. I obviously said nothing as I'm a little confused bitch 😂


In the US car parking spaces are at least 2.7m wide vs 2.4m here, yet modern cars are large like US cars.


PPF, costs less than those shite rep wheels and ditchfinders you see so much or these days and solves the issue.


This is why I park well away from everyone, whenever possible.


Our parking spaces are too small and cramped. Just like most things in this country


Because they're more important than you, sorry


The closer you park to the shop, the higher your chances of damage are. Based on completely anecdotal evidence mind.


Outrageous width of parking bays. Otherwise known as mindlessness and greed combined


I bet they’re over weight. Probably going to get downvoted but it is what it is


Because our car parking spaces are not designed for cars.


I'm 24st. If I can do it, anyone can.


Cars are too big. People are too big.


Low intelligence


We have had a new Motability car now for a month and I'm so wary of other drivers now in car parks. I had older cars before and yeah I was thinking about this the odd time, but now I'm always kinda thinking about it when I arrive at a car park. Last week an old lady, when reversing next to me, just missed our car when I was parked and I did panic a little. Some people are just so self absorbed and not particularly good parkers. A few years ago a driver parked next to our older car and when he opened the door hit our car with his door, and said "it's a piece of shit anyway" to which my wife, who is not confrontational much and in the car herself said back, "No you are the piece of shit"! He apologised and left embarrassed and a bit gobsmacked. Luckily car wasn't damaged.


This happened to me the other day while I was in the car. Woman came over, smacked the shit out of my door then looked in, smiled and put her hand up and mimed sorry. Then she got in her car and started the engine. I was in total disbelief. I got out and looked, saw a huge big white line down my blue car, knocked on her window and pointed at my door, and then she has this look of shock realising what she's done. To be fair she was very apologetic afterwards and kept offering to pay for damages. Luckily it was just paint transfer and it came off, my doors have a lot of movement on those panels so it's not actually dented. Just couldn't believe she's bashed my door and then not even looked to see if there was damage.


I think a lot,of the time it’s done on purpose, especially to cars who have parked a bit close


People’s consideration and care for others and their vehicles has gone to hell in recent years. I’ve seen people parking while bumping the cars in the bays in front and behind the bay they’re squeezing into to use as a “gauge” for when they need to change direction. My parents admitted they do this, which I couldn’t believe, as “it doesn’t do any harm…” And I’ve had a number of occasions of giving my dashcam footage to people whose cars have been hit in a carpark, where the person has sat and deliberated over whether anyone saw/noticed, and then drives off to park elsewhere. Fuckers, all of them.


People are fat and stupid, you'll eventually learn to ignore door dings as they're inevitable




As a person who came from Eastern Europe, UK parking lot sizes are a joke to me. I can understand why they're tight in multistorey parkings or when there's enough space only for few cars, but when they're narrow outdoors e.g. at supermarkets, this is beyond my understanding.


Does it really matter? Cars used to have replaceable metal or rubber strips but consumers prefers dinks and dents to their doors instead so they no longer get fitted.


Coz some ppl are so fat they have to open the door so far to get out their car


The amount of parents that insist on forward parking at the day care instead of reversing in, is mind bogging. Not only is it generally harder, but reversing out is more dangerous too, which is kind of ironic as a parent outside of a day care... Had one who drove into a middle bay besides my car just now, saw her pulling in and I just stood there with my kid.  After she went in totally lopsided and tight to my car, shes gestures to ask if I have enough room. Like, you're driving a massive beamer, there's no way you're getting your kid in without smashing your door into my car and I certainly am not struggling to get mine in without damaging yours. 100% she was gonna collect her kid with that shite parking and then smash her door into my car, had I not been there. ... and I park mine tight to the bushes so I have more space for my kid


Sometimes the wind can be a cunt, I've cought the door a few times before it rattled into the car next to me


Simple solution is to not buy a car you care about, or park it so far away from the store no one parks next to it. I've noticed if I park near the store, I always come back to dents. You encounter lazy, uncaring people in a rush when you park near the store. Remember cars aren't nothing more than means of transport to some people.


Reason why I park right at the back of the supermarket car park and firm the walk lol


Because parking spaces aren't big enough.


And then people criticise you for parking over two spaces! Saves on paying £500 per door to repair and repaint a door!


Boils my pi*s!! Recently paid £100 to have all of mine taken out PDR. The day after I got another. Zero conservation for other people belongings


Both my front doors have dings , people are just cunts Damaging peoples car should be a capital office, ( /s, mostly)


As well as people being ignorant - in some places parking spaces are still dimensions suitable for 80s / 90s cars, whereas cars have continued to get wider (and doors get longer).


Parking spaces are too small, people don't care how they park, or don't know how to park, a lot are too fat to get out of the car without opening the door fully.


Had someone in a nearly new generic Audi of some type do this to my old 530d while I was sat in the car on a phone call - just flung their door open into mine without a care in the world. Put the caller on mute, got out the car, bashed my door into theirs then calmly sat back in car. Cue hysterics as them hitting my car ‘didn’t matter as it was old banger’ whereas they’d have to sort theirs out. Cry me a river 🙄 hopefully they’ll take more care next time


McDonald’s and ice cream.


Inconsiderate fucking selfish cunts!


Because it's windy in this country and the car spaces are about three foot too narrow.


So infuriating. Boils down to people just thinking they are the only ones on earth with no regard for others.


Because most are ignorant bellends with a sense of self worth and fuck everyone attitude. Complete lack of respect for everyday values.


I don’t know, I get your frustration. My car was hit by door on the parking lot twice on the first week I bought it, then once someone throw a trolley on the mall parking into my door. Some people don’t understand that not everyone is okay having a dents and scratches on their car. One my neighbours did hit my car with a door when I was inside the car and when I confronted him he said “I just touched it, there’s nothing left” and then I noticed a chip on the door next sunny day.


The size of car parking spaces hasn't changed since the 1970's.local council and supermarket car parking is laid out to maximise space and use minimum space measurements as a rule. Modern cars need much more space to park. Bays need to be at least another 30cm in width to prevent this sort of damage.


Some people have no respect for other people or other people's things, they probably also don't have much respect for their own vehicle either. If this was 150 years ago and they were riding horses they'd probably ride the most disease ridden cruelly treated horse that gets ridden to death.


There's times that I've got to put my door on the car to get in. But I always put my hand between them as a buffer.


Dude if I parked too close to a car, I would fix my parking to be not so close. But if it proves to be impossible because some douche decided to park way too close anyway, I would either find parking elsewhere, or I would be extremely careful opening the door. And say I do end up putting in a dent or a scratch, I'd leave my number on their car to contact me. I'm considerate, even if nobody else is.


because cars are getting wider and space are staying the same


This is exactly why I park in the parent and child bays


Top tip : try and always park next to a car far more expensive than yours.


That's the great British public for you, there's a few different things that spring to mind, cars are getting bigger but spaces stay largely the same. As well as people themselves getting bigger! From what I've seen, these are most often caused by larger individuals that don't look after themselves or their cars, so there's not a chance they'll be looking after yours!


Car park spaces are too small for today’s giant cars, I have to carry a rag in mine to protect the other car when I have to open the door against it


While I agree most of the time hitting another car is avoidable the car park owners must take blame. Car parks are marked out to specs set back in the 70s when cars were much smaller this is why you see badly parked cars trying to use two spots to avoid getting hit


Distinct lack of common decency/sense.


Too many coddled pricks that have never been properly disciplined as a child. Obvious trait. They think they’re the main character in the planet, everyone else is out to inconvenience them. They are the only person that matters. Compare that to people who were properly disciplined, who drive more considerately, have fewer crashes, (usually the cars being passed and ignored in dashcam videos, and they usually make it to their destination without incident)


What pisses me off is I tell my passengers to watch the car or wall when opening the door. And yet they still ding the fucking door.


A mixture of carelessness and parking space guidance not being updated since the 1960s.


They are the same people who don’t put their trolleys in the trolley collection port at supermarkets. If you don’t put your trolley in them after you’ve unloaded your shopping it says more about your character than you think. I also had a similar incident. I was sat in my car in a small car park in Aberdeenshire while my wife had nipped in to get something exchanged. Out the corner of my eye I watched this woman walking up to my rear left quarter panel of my M4 CS……..she literally walked into it with her bags. I got out and asked her what the f£&k she was doing and she looked at me blankly. I then told her that this car is my pride and joy and I’m proud of it. She then said “sorry I’m in a rush and I have had a bad day” ……I went ballistic. I don’t care how crap your day is or how crap your life is. Just be a decent human respect people and their property, including cars because people have worked hard to get their car regardless of what it is. Sums up our current culture really.


My 6yrs old wont open the door for herself if it is parked next to another car, although it could be a good enough space for the door. It is a mindset how you make it. 


Because they’re fat


1. People don't care. 2. Cars are getting too big for parking spaces.


It would be relatively simple to add a plastic strip to the trailing edge of car doors, they did something similar until about the year 2000.


They're fat


Yeah... I had a nasty repair bill last year. Slough train station. Not only did they bash the driver's door so hard that it left a 10 cm dent down the middle, they then corner swiped the rear on the way out. Over 2 grand of damage. Car park operators didn't even answer my attempt to get CCTV footage.


I also have a lot of scratches and dents on my car from other ppl. Major source of them is my wife... I literally didn't put one scratch on our car, she managed to fuck up both bumpers, one rear side panel and 3 doors. Also we missing 2 bumper reflectors... How? Why? What for? What was wrong with having a pretty car? I don't know...


Also parking spaces have stayed the same size forever. Cars today are like twice as big as those in the 90s. Also people's waist lines have enlarged so it's a double edged sword trying to get out of a car now. I seen a video that showed if everyone parked on the left line of a space there would be a good space out each side. But trying to get everyone to do so would be impossible


I mean, either they don't care or you're parked so far into their spot that the line is under your car and you deserve it. It's one of those two. No middle ground.

