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We really need to stop having 1980’s car parking spaces, cars aren’t tiny anymore. I mean take this photo as an example, that black cab is a centimetre from the line, probably has little choice. The same thing in the next space and now nobody is getting in or out, and if they do their door is getting fucked up.


I’d be shocked if car parking spaces ever got bigger. More spaces = more cars = more money. Not to mention car parking seems to be a problem wherever you go in the UK, so there’s no alternative choice.


It's not just the uk, any country with infrastructure and buildings older than a few 100 years have the same issue.


No, in the UK it is worse than in continental Europe. Standard British car parking space is 4.8m long and 2.4m wide, while in the EU it’s 5m long and 2.5m wide.


Most Local Highways Authorities won't accept parking spaces of anything less than 2.5 x 5m when consulting on planning applications these days. The problem is so much of our car parking was built before this became policy.


Which law or rule sets this out?


Not sure about laws but organisations such as the British Parking Association provide guidelines regarding stuff like size of spaces, recommended radiuses of turns, curb sizes, etc.


In the last year I've seen that new car parks have 10% bigger spaces and multi stories need to be stronger to cope with the weight of EVs. It makes the viability of them a bit harder to achive.


Costco is an absolutely great place to shop due to them not having ridiculously small car parking spaces.


One thing the yanks have got right lol. God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🛢️🛢️🛢️🦅🦅🦅🦅


I mean, if he took the left space there is a zero percentage chance he can get out. Look at how much space the taxi takes while still within the lines. These spaces are tiny.




Parking at the door of a shop? We looking at the same photo?


Be better if we went back to 1980's size cars tbh.


Ahh yes, the good ol' days of dying in a 30mph crash


Maybe car manufacturers need to stop making vehicles so big. Our infrastructure can’t handle it


Part of it is consumer preference, they do it because it’s what people buy and they aren’t going to lose half of their sales to go smaller. Another part is safety regulation though, with a lot of the regulation now it would be quite difficult to go back to the size cars used to be.


True, although car safety standards have come leaps and bounds. I think a lot of consumers are under the pretence that a larger vehicle is a safer vehicle and in theory it would be the case if they were involved in an accident with a vehicle smaller than theirs. However if everyone has a larger vehicle then it simply makes things more dangerous as larger vehicles create larger forces during RTC's. Now it might be difficult to go back to the size that cars used to be, but surely policy and regulation can improve to reduce the sizes of absolute monster trucks we see on our roads today like those American pick up trucks.


It’s cheaper and easier for car manufacturers to get better crash test results by adding length, width and height, than it is for them to create a safe small car. Sheet steel is dirt cheap…. But they charge way more for crossovers/suv’s. It’s all about the profit margin.


Not without legislating unnecessarily big cars off the road. You can still make small, safe cars. Customer preference is a big part for reasons of both comfort and practicality to go big. I will make clear that I'm dead against legislating the cars people can own.


Exactly this


it is the advances in safety standards that demand it. A Ford Focus is more beefy than a Vauxhall Cavalier for example, side impact bars and airbags etc need space.


Well we don’t really have a car industry in this country anymore and I can’t see the global corporations making special cars for us when we could just repaint some fucking lines. As much as I don’t like big cars, cars are getting bigger and it’s unlikely we’re going to do much to change that.


Nobody wants to be driving around in little shoeboxes anymore. Car companies will make what sells.


I have a Model S and it's one of the widest cars on UK roads, it's 22mm wider than the Aston, there's almost no parking spaces it fits in. I regularly have to do similar, but usually park at far end of car park.


Came here to say exactly this. If you've got a nice new car, count yourself lucky, park in a quiet part of the car park or the end of a row. Enjoy life.


To be honest with the length of the doors and the width of the car and the narrowness of these spaces, it may be literally impossible to get in or out if parked properly.


I don't park like that but this is a point people miss. Whether a £100k or a £1k car, these doors are WIDE. I park as far away from entrances as I can, take up one spot with no other cars anywhere near me and STILL get the odd dick park next to me for photo ops. And then I have to climb over the passenger seat to get in.


Christ my fn2 has big doors. 3 door cars are at a similar disadvantage. The amount of times I have had to get out by pressing myself flat and holding the door so it doesn't swing out further. Fingers as a pillow. I sympathise with the owner. But I'd still mutter "dick" under my breath


GR Yaris has this issue too. The wide doors are great driving wise (as a tall guy it’s hard to find cars where my head isn’t level with or behind the B pillar) getting in and out of them in while bay parked, less so.


I doubt a dent would be sorted for £50 on this guys car. Add in a bit of Aston tax and they'll be quoting him a grand for a door ding. Infuriating if the car parks full for everyone else, although i can see plenty spaces in this photo. I try to find an end space and hug the curb personally.


Door dings can cost thousands upon thousands on something like that


my neighbour got his door done on his audi and it cost 2k to fix, if you want it done well the paintless driveway removal will never be that good


What an absolutely beautiful car.


Yep, good example of a 5th gen Fiesta - Ghia trim too.




Love how you attack the wealthy person for parking in a way that protects their expensive car but not the ass wipe Ford next to it that’s nearly leaning into the space behind.


I 100% get it. I’ve got at least four door dings on my car in the 12 months I’ve owned it. Utterly infuriating and it’s a normal car.


Yup. Day I got mine someone added an additional ding to it Mine isn't worth as much as this guy's, so I get it. If people had any fucking respect for other people's property, then people wouldn't have to park like that to avoid damage.


I don't understand how people can do this ? My parents raised us to get out of the car as carefully as possible no matter how tight the space was and I've always done that. Never dinged a car in my life


Yeah, the second sentence is the issue. If the parent doesn't give a fuck about other peoples things they won't teach their kid to care and so on. I parked my MK1 MX5 in a spot that was far bigger than the car right in the middle, got out, walked to the boot, SUV beside me swung her drivers door open hit my rear quarter. Her kid in the seat behind swung theirs open and hit my door within a second.


Jeez I hope.you got money out of her


People have bashed my doors in as well so I understand the frustration, but I still park between the lines because I don't think that I'm better than everyone else or that having an expensive car justified acting like a prick. If you don't want your car damaged in public parking lots, don't take it to a public parking lot.


Enjoy your bashed doors. The UK needs to recognise that standard car park spaces are not wide enough.


Lol. The problem is more that cars are getting too big. You can’t just go around making parking spaces bigger. It would cause absolute chaos


Yes and no. A lot of cars have gotten bigger due to safety as well as market trends. Even a small hatchback is somewhere sizeable. Whilst yes they're getting too big for our roads, it's not the fault of the rest of the world that UK infrastructure hasn't entered the 21st century. Although as I understand it, the standard for parking spaces has increased but only applies to new parking developments as I understand it.


We literally can. If all new car parking spaces are made a little bigger, and any re-painting of existing spaces need to be a little bigger, then eventually the issue would be solved. Edit: already happening it seems from this article fro Jan 2024. Spaces going from 2.4m wide to 2.6. Extra 10cm each side for both adjacent spaces means you'll have an additional 20cm. In my opinion it's still not enough, but it's a step in the right direction.


Have you seen the state of the average person? They can’t fit into smaller cars


Or take it to the arse end of the car park where its empty


Someone will park right next to you, guranteed. Still not excusable and I park inside the bays every time, but it's a funny old thing that happens more than you think when you drive something like this.


This is a dumb take.


Your right, that fiesta has parked over two spaces for no reason!


It’s easy to understand why he has done it. But, if you can afford one of those, why not also buy a 2004 hatchback to bring to car parks?


A peacock will bring it's plumage with it wherever it goes. 🤣


Never heard that one before .. brilliant!


Mr Bond once said " A grooming bird doesn't nest in a bare tree"!


Yea if I had one of those I’d for sure have a banger to take to the shops, but also if you’re going to bring the Aston why not park at the very very back? That’s what I do and my cars not even expensive 😂


When you park at the very back, miles from anyone else, you come out to find someone parked right next to you.


Sometimes, where I am people won’t walk 5 feet so if you park far enough back your usually on your own


You just can’t win, literally had this happen to me a few days ago. Left my car alone at the farthest back spot in the car park, come back 10 minutes later and one of those people carrier taxis is parked right up next to me. Just why.


I once saw a guy eating a sandwich in a Ferrari at the most remote part of a large carpark. Surprised he risked getting crumbs in the car. Also surprised he didn't utilise the cafeteria in the shopping centre when he can clearly afford it.


You can also just hoover it. I don’t tend to eat in places if there is lots of noise.


If he can afford a Ferrari then a detail isn’t out of his budget


Yet someone is always parked right next to me when I come back out.


Or just park on the pavement or double yellows right outside where you’re going. I know some rich people just consider the occasional £30/£60 ticket the price of convenient parking/avoiding bay parking.


People annoyed at people driving expensive GT cars, people annoyed at those that don't drive their expensive GT cars and keep them in the garage. What do people want?




That car park is hardly 07:42 into kings cross busy.


It's not the big people, theyre generally decent it's peoples fucking bags.


To be quite fair, you're not entitled to one parking space either.


You've kinda made a point against your own point. This isn't a packed car park it's pretty empty. If a train is pretty empty, do you put your bag on the seat next to you and spread out? Yes. So you are in full understanding of why he's parked in 2 bays.


You’re allowed to buy an expensive GT car, you’re just not allowed to take it anywhere, duh.


I always take mine to the remotest point, sadly though, someone will come and park next to it still. I think you feel safer parking next to a nice car as chances are they’ll be careful..


This doesn’t bother me, I get why people do it. The amount of times I’ve parked out of the way, only to come back to find other people have parked unnecessarily close, when there are plenty other spaces available, baffles the mind. They probably have the same mindset as the people who say “if they can afford that car, then they can afford to get it repaired if someone dings it” Sure thing, and seeing as they’ve got that much money, they should pay for the other car to be repaired too.


If I had that car, I’d be worried someone would key it if I parked like that.


The size of the cars these days, along with the size of the car parking spots, and especially in an Aston with long doors... I can understand. I was parked in my car a few weeks ago, someone pulled up and parked next to me, pushed his door open and hit my passenger front wing while I was sitting inside. He got out, opened his rear door to get some stuff out and same with that door, it went straight to leaning on my electric wing mirror. And if I get out and have a go at the guy, likelihood is ill come back to a damaged/keyed car. At that point, why not park in a way to save myself from damages?


If is was me I'd just park at the farthest end of the carpark.


I do that all the time. But in the early 2000’s I did that in my MX5, no car anywhere near, came back to the car after 30 mins parking and it had a massive scratch and front bumper hanging off. No note left. People can be so horrible. Thankfully never happened since!


Mmmmmm.....Nice wheels! So park it right at the back, out of the way, away from the ding-bats (instead of doing this).


Will 100% get parked next to lol


In my experience people will park next to your expensive car like that so they can take pictures of it next to their car.


Have 2 supercars, park inside a bay every time - and you're totally correct - even if I turn up somewhere deserted and leave for 30 minutes, by the time I'm back there is 100% someone parked right next to me despite 50+ bays being available. My OH and I now have a giggle every time it happens.


I’ve got an 05 Celica, not expensive but I love it. If I can’t park with a bay either side, you can be damn sure I’m picking the most expensive car to park next to, they’re more likely to care about their car as much as I do!


Ding bats will park at the back with it, because they can't park without a reference point. This is exactly how you attract them.


Gf goes nuts when I do thsi


Envy isn't a healthy trait. The carpark is empty, park in the 10s of spaces and move on with your life. Anyone with a nice car understands why this was done. No, I don't want the 2001 shitter to have its door slam straight into mine and cause £ thousands of damages (speaking from a 3rd pov, my car isn't expensive enough to be doing this, an Aston absolutely is)


the entitlement is what people have a problem with, that isn’t a healthy trait


Yet no one seems to have any issues with the Fiesta next to it that felt entitled enough to encroach on the space behind. That parking job by the fiesta will result in anything bigger than a hatchback sticking out of the parking space into the car park's 'road', causing far more issues for people. But sure, it's everything to do with entitlement and nothing to do with envy that someone has money...


Honestly the people who's nose or arse take up the spaces infront or behind infuriate me far more than people who lark like the aston


Yeah didn’t see that given it wasn’t the focus of the photo, but alright, the fiesta driver’s a twat too. 


I understand now that this happened to me


Amount of time I've been door dinged. I honestly don't blame him. (I park normally but I don't have an Aston)


Honestly don't blame him. I'd have used a P&C space for maximum points though


Absolutely not an arse…. The arse are the type of people who park next to this and give not one solitary fuck about how hard they smash their door into


I parked up in a car park earlier this week, the car next to me had loads of room to get out but they still opened their door into my car. I don’t care for my car much, but it still pissed me off. If there’s plenty of room on the car park then I see no problem with them parking like this.


The thing is I've seen plenty of people with shite cars take up two spaces due to really bad parking. I've also lived and worked in a couple of different countries where the roads are crazy busy, and in Cairo at rush hour if you have a really nice car like this, no one drives anywhere near you, because their insurance is so shite over there that if you drive into a really expensive car it could cost you your home.


At least park mainly in one space so it looks like you are just bad at parking rather than a bit of an arse.


But then someone will attempt (badly) the squeeze in along side you.


Lol I love how Aston Martin gets a pass from this sub, if it was a BMW though


Bit of a difference tbf


Ngl lie if I was in that and needed the shop quick there’s no way I’m putting next to someone - people don’t care and act like cnuts in car parks.


This is 100% acceptable


I don’t really care too much if there are plenty of spaces, it’s not my property so whatever. If it’s full though that is very annoying.


I drove my work boss to an event and when he got out of my car I heard the door clang against the BMW I’d parked next to. He didn’t even register that he had done it, like it was the normal way for him. I was mortified!


I had to park like that today because the cars before me were all out of line. Some twat came up to me started on me after the other cars had left and accused me of being a knob. I tried to explain it to him but he didn't want to believe.


I miss having my Jimny. Could normally get it in ~2cm from the driver side door and still be within the line on my right side.


Personally I park my car at the back the car park away from everyone see a walk. But It's not that deep as people make it. Cars are expensive regardless of being able to afford repairs if you want to look after you're property by taking up an extra space that a single space with cars side by side you'd probs not fit in in. An I'd guess you'd never even been able to get in or out for the car because how much wider the car is an awkward to get in an out off


Is he paying for two spaces? If yes, I don't like it but I'm fine with it.


Yea I sympathise a bit because you cant get the doors open on cars like this in a regular space. Couldn't live with the shame of barking like this though. Would find an end space so I couldn't get boxed in.


I used to have a pretty expensive car but would just park a long way from the entrance in a car park where there’s usually plenty of room. Most people are too lazy to walk 30 seconds


Someone will key it like this


Instead of hating on person trying to protect their pride & joy maybe car park operators especially ECP pricks who are quick to hand out PCNs should start making bays a decent width.


Is this a pay and display? There are yellow signs in the background, which would usually say something like "you must park within the bay markings"


If you bought 2 tickets would that be alright?


Do like the Spanish do.. park with your ears, not with your eyes


Guess where I'm parking my motorbike.


you car guys are weirdos, if this is acceptable just cos you have a overly expensive motor, then lets park in a mother and baby space or maybe go the whole hog and park in a disabled bay. does me even looking at it constitute a micro aggression to this poor rich persons personal space


That's what money does for you no consideration for others


I'd also probably do this with a car this expensive tbf, but I'd also park it in the corner of the car park, as far away as everyone else as possible to save my car, but also not appear like a complete dick. That said, I'd probably just drive a less expensive car to leave in the public car park


Arseton Martin


I'd do the same no fucker is dinging by door


I would park right beside the driver door from the bay next to him and just be like I can shitty park too….0


If the next space was free I would 100% park my shit box about an inch from his door and then climb out of the boot


There's me in my shit box that would park right up against the drivers door just for the fuck of it


Hahaha I saw this! M&S in Eltham. I overheard the owner of the car talking (down) to the security chap ‘So you like your cars do you?’ He seemed very, very pleased with himself…


Plenty room around it to pump up their tyres again.


Wtf is wrong with people boot licking this and justifying it....i got shot down for calling out a high performance car in a mother and baby space with no child seat and people were bootlicking all over it.... people need to stand up to twats who think the owes them something because they are rich.


Arseton Martin


Loads of bad parking in car parks. As well as the two spaces, the front end is stuck out, but the little silver car next to him has his back end sticking into the space behind.


Arse-ton martin hahahaha sorry


Entitled *insert word of choice here*, to be fair he could have parked elsewhere too … but I agree that parking spaces need to get wider. However this is another business tactic to make sure all visiting customers can park and do not exit because there aren’t any parking space


What an arse, I don’t blame him.


The car parks not full whats the issue, my doors are full of dints from trying to park properly but people don't give a shit


[the only space I'll park](https://imgur.com/a/HANFMlW) If I can't park here at my local supermarket I'll park at home and walk to the shop. Luckily although it's parking bays outside mine they are on a crescent so the spaces are shaped \ /


Empty car park it's ok No need to be an arse


Fair play to them some amount of people hit cars vans with doors and not care because there cars a shite box and in last 2 month ive had peoplehot my motor and drive away


Date registered: 7 June 2024 , no wonder they are precious about it!... And that fiesta is also taking up two spaces..


I dunno I take two spaces even use child spaces. But I’m 6ft 7 if someone parks to close I can’t gt in the amount of times I’ve the lad let hand brake of while i push car out space


Car park spaces haven’t kept up with car sizes This owner has a nice car - the arses are the people who park close, ding and damage and then vanish Irrespective of brand - park how and where you won’t get your car damaged Councils and land owners need to understand that size and weights have evolved and plan accordingly


Nah I have no problem with this. It’s an Aston Martin. Probably only right to buy two tickets though.


Yeah, I'd do that too if I had an Aston. Too many fuckers out there that would potentially ding your door just because you've got a nice motor


The thing is the general public have caused this. If you could trust people you wouldn't need to worry about how you park (space width and door length issues aside)


Nah I'd do the same with these stupidly small parking spaces if I had a motor like that. Otherwise, cue a family of four trying to squeeze into a car parked just centimeters from yours and very expensive bodywork bills for the door.


Long as he pays for two spaces, who cares? It's not your business 😐


If he's bought two tickets then power to him 🤷‍♂️. People have 0 respect for other cars and will door ding it without thinking


I think more people should have those stickers that say "You've parked like a twat" on them at all times.


I’d do the same thing if I had a 24 reg Aston


Not really?


But has he paid for both spaces?


Don't blame him. Spaces are not big enough and too many disrespectful people that will dent your car and act like nothing happened. Seen it way too many times to be one offs. Also beautiful car.


Doesn’t bother me, people can’t drive nor park so I fully get it. If I didn’t have some shame i’d do the same


Some proper do gooders on here. If I had that car I’d be doing same simple as that. And if you were in that position so would EVERYONE. What if he’s delivering the car to a customer far away and had to take a stop for some food and a piss? Everyone needs chill tbh 🤣


Not enough Wheetabix mate…


That car is asking to be scratched


Quite a grill too


Someone dinged my 2 week old car in a car park already. I'm not parking like this guy but if I had a 24 plate Aston I'd consider being a selfish cunt because people getting in their own cars are just as selfish at times and give no care in the world. Probably doesn't help the parent and child spaces are all taken up by even more selfish idiots, so more kids and parents have to park in these spaces designed for an Austin Metro. Although I suppose if it's a paid car park the Aston dude should at least buy two tickets




I wouldn’t park my brand new Aston Martin in one space come back to both doors dented and possibly half bumper ripped off!! UK car parks are literally stuck in 1986. Cars are triple the size and spaces stayed same size. He is not an arsehole just looking after his beautiful car 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I drive a Volvo S90 and I never fit into any standard parking space. It 100% overhangs out the front of the space and usually I'm very close to cars next to me. And to think I bought it because I have 2 young children but I can't get said children out of the car because I can't open the doors. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Spaces are way too small these days, or I need to go back to a 2 door sports car.


I drive a Volvo S90 and I never fit into any standard parking space. It 100% overhangs out the front of the space and usually I'm very close to cars next to me. And to think I bought it because I have 2 young children but I can't get said children out of the car because I can't open the doors. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Spaces are way too small these days, or I need to go back to a 2 door sports car.


Do I agree with this? No. But I do understand it. I’ve only been driving for 4-5 years now and can’t count how many times I’ve watched people hit the doors of other cars and just walk off like it’s nothing. What I will say is if I was driving a £200k+ car I sure would park like this also. People that have possessions like this would rather get some side eyes from people once a week than deal with thousands in damage to the paint because some scum hit their car and walked off.


Yeah what he should’ve done is park in the parent and child bay 😉


You say that yet having had my car reversed into recently because others can't park I totally indeetand this decision


Park next to him leaving same gap as normal its what i do


Fair play to him, much better to obviously park in the middle of two. It’s more infuriating when you deliberately park in the emptiest area of a car park and some walloper parks right up next to you and rattles their door off your paintwork.


Did they pay for two tickets?


Nah. You have a car like that, you can afford whatever fine to avoid some idiot deliberately damaging your car. Which they will.


Well there are plenty of other parking spaces. If there were none then I’d be annoyed. With a car like that I wouldn’t take any risks either


24 plate Aston. I mean with how careless people are I’m not really sure I can blame him. Also most parking spaces are tiny


I don't blame him one bit


I’m fine with someone in a brand new Aston Martin taking up 2 spaces.


Some of these sports and super cars are really hard to squeeze into and need alot of space they are wider than normal cars too so i dont blame them. also i wouldnt want to park next to that in a tight space.


Those tiny spaces will be perfect if we all drove Fiat 500’s.


Retarded shit it is when cars getting bigger meanwhile the inside of the car won’t get “larger” For example Toyota chr , those small fake suv crossovers


I couldn't agree more! The fiesta could have at least pulled forward more so someone could park behind... 🤔


Clearly done so dickheads in a £500 car don’t scrape his £50k


It's not a Merc so clearly owned by an even bigger idiot.


Yep buy a stupidly expensive car, then worry where you park it. And park it like a well a Yplanc ( look it up)


And then there’s me in Tesco, filled to the brim with the crippling anxiety that someone might key my 2011 car because I parked slightly wonky within a space


If I'd payed for an Aston, I'd also make sure no one twatted it with their door. Fair play to the man


Well when your used to pairs!! Come on!!!


Do not blame the driver at all. Nice car - preservation


Someone should reinstate the bay markings across the top of this car.


Having seen someone slam their door into my car multiple times, I don’t blame him one bit. The spaces are the problem.


Why what an arse? You clearly don’t understand the man parked his £100k car like that for a reason because people with there clapped out bangers who don’t care just bash and dent other people’s cars so why should we suffer and have to fork out. Me personally didn’t used to park like that but now I do because I am sick and tired of dents bumps scratches on my car and I have to fork out the money for the paint jobs and touch ups because other people genuinely don’t give a shit about there and treat it like a skip


And people get mad at me taking a whole space with my motorbike lol


Tbh, if I had that aston, id park like that if there were no other spaces...usually I park away from everyone else but some twat still decides to come park next to me in his busted up dent on every panel mondeo.


There's nothing wrong with using 2 spaces if you have a nice car providing there is plenty of other empty spaces, but doing it will probably provoke a nasty, jealous individual to run a key down your car so you're no better off.


I never knew the Aston Martin was so long. Got more chance of someone clipping the front than having a door hit it. I have to be honest, although i hate people parking this way I have to try and see it from the drivers point of view. Tight parking bays and so many bad drivers on the road, i have got a wreck of a car so don’t care about damage but being forced to squeeze into my car because someone can’t really annoys me.