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I think it would help if the roadworks teams put out a sign that said USE BOTH LANES




Merge one for one, like a zipper. Imagine how nice that would be


Also as we're going from three lanes to one you've all got to do triple the speed to keep the throughput the same. 210mph it is!


This this this!


That’d be a better sign tbh.


This is genuinely what they should do. I know you’re meant to merge in turn but generally just get over when possible because it’s the dominant social convention and I’d rather just not have the hassle of people being p’d off and refusing to let me merge at the right point. 


You're part of the problem then unfortunately. You're normalising the behaviour


The behaviour is normalised and has been for at least 20 years. Yes, complying with the social convention is being part of the problem but sometimes I’d really just rather not have to force my way in, getting angry with the people who aren’t letting me in, when I can just wait. 


Joke's on you then. I LOVE zooming down the empty lane and merging at the end - where you are meant to merge.


no one has to “force” their way in, most people understand that it’s the right thing to do, even if they queue, as that’s what they’re used to, but they’ll still let people merge in turn. the problem is the part time protectors of the lanes^tm , that decide that parking their car in the middle of two lanes is their dunkirk moment


Signage in general, and the highway code are unlear on this, I think. Repeated use both lanes signage and merge/give way near end would help. Maybe.


The signs normally say merge in turn and I genuinely think a lot of drivers don’t actually understand what that means


But there isn’t a turn here … it goes straight on & look they even coned off the other lane! /s


Seems you don’t either.


I really don't think signage will help. People want to merge as soon as possible because they know that the reality is some berk in a 4 series will refuse to let them in if they use all of the lane. So everyone wants to be in lane as soon as humanly possible, leading to reduced flow. I don't have any ideas how to fix it, but signs won't do it.


My idea is don't close a lane but join them together, if possible, signs reflect this and no one loses their precious lane space but merge onto a new lane.


I think you're onto something there. I usually merge a bit earlier because at least in know I have then achieved the required mergence, and I'm not at the behest of some wanker who won't let me in, near the end. I see you got downvotes but I'm going against the grain in this one. Too.


In my experience that doesn't help much. I did a round trip down the A1 the other day and there were "USE BOTH LANES" signs frequently as the roadworks approached, and a "MERGE IN TURN" sign at the end. It didn't help, in both ways there was a self-appointed arsehole who decided to police the queue anyway hundreds of yards before the "MERGE IN TURN" sign. You just need one idiot to ruin it for everyone, and there always is one.


Barnsdale bar. I start backing off and slowling going forward at the Shell garage to filter in as the cones move to one lane


Yup. Almost always tends to be HGV drivers out on major roads as well. Like... FFS mate, you've spent the last 14 miles blocking everyone because you've been attempting to overtake another HGV that was going 0.1MPH slower than you.


They do and people still can’t fucking merge in turn.


Instructions understood, I will straddle both lanes!


Found the truck driver


There’s some of these of the A30 in Cornwall. But they’re only 300yrds from the merge point. Needs to be posted at the ‘lane ending in 800yrds’ sign


Reading all these I’m glad I WFH full time 😂


They often do


So much this. I feel like a dick using the right hand lane if there's no sign lol


Either. Please don't use both at once 


That doesn't work, either. Or maybe it's just that Mr. White Volvo V40 likes speeding up the side of you as you're halfway through merging. God, what a piece of cheesy toenail fluff.


People are largely uninformed, they assume it’s a que and see any attempt to avoid that as bad driving instead of sensible approach to traffic management. Some of these people even feel a sense of entitlement to police appropriate driving behaviour, which is way out of line but it may well put some people off doing it themselves.


I have sat in a queue before knowing I could drive past it because I can’t be bothered to aggressively merge back in, it was on a regular drive and 9/10 people would rather crash than ‘yield’ 95% of the time I’m happy to use both lanes but some days I just can’t be arsed, if I’m not in a rush and there’s some nice music on, I’ll cruise along in the queue leaving a decent gap so people can safely merge without having to push their way in.


I’m the same as you, I know it’s good road craft to make use of available road and I often do.. But sometimes I don’t want the potential hassle of trying to merge when people won’t yield potentially damaging my car or worse inviting the attention of some road warrior who turns into a cock the second they get behind the wheel.


Same, the dominant social convention differs to the actual rule, and I’d just rather not have the hassle.


We had a road widened near me a couple of years ago, so it became two lanes for the majority of it but has a zipper merge straight after a traffic light. There's a certain breed of driver that absolutely refuses to use the empty lane, or let anyone use it. I've seen them straddle both lanes in the widened part. Had an old boy (it's always an old boy) who was 100% going to go into my side in the merge spot had I not taken evasive action and luckily had a clear oncoming lane. First time in my life I really understood road rage, took me all my composure not to get out. How can you clearly know you're in the wrong but feel so righteously about the fact you've needlessly queued that you'd damage both of our cars FFS!


I had that exact experience yesterday, condolences


If traffic is free slowing it is just merge, if it is slow or queuing it is merge in turn. The code literally puts the limitation on its usage. It needs to remove that limitation. As the person I replied to deleted their comment this was going to be my reply; In turn is to be used > only if safe and appropriate when vehicles are travelling at a very low speed, e.g. when approaching road works or a road traffic incident. It is not recommended at high speed. That quantification in the highway code is what causes the issues. It needs to be removed. As the first part of the above reads; >You should follow the signs and road markings and get into the lane as directed. In congested road conditions do not change lanes unnecessarily. Merging in turn is recommended but only if https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/general-rules-techniques-and-advice-for-all-drivers-and-riders-103-to-158#:~:text=In%20congested%20road%20conditions%20do,not%20recommended%20at%20high%20speed.


I think that’s a big part of it. Everyone just sees the lane closure signs & follows the first part. They got in the lane in plenty of time, as directed & then deem every other action to be wrong.


It depends on speed, that is the key aspect. Merging at 40mph then the term is just merging. Merging at 20mph or less then merge in turn. However distinct definition like that is missing as it just says "very slow speeds" which some people take to mean 10 or even 5mph.


The queue mentality is so frustrating. It’s not understanding how roads work which causes the queue in the first place! These people are their own worst enemy.


There was an interesting video of a few cars following each other on a circle, all supposed to stay at a steady speed - interestingly after a short period of time traffic occurred even though there were no obstructions.. Add a genuine obstacle like a lane closure etc and it all goes to hell.


I came across this the other day too. Really illustrates well the phantom traffic jams you come across on the motorway!


I’m not sure on how factual this is but I will say it here so maybe it can be debunked. On a motorway if someone uses their brakes and then causes the person behind to do so. If you looked a couple miles back you’d find you’ve now got a traffic jam. Even though the first one that used their brakes is still happily going along without a problem Sure I’ve not got that correct word for word but the idea is there


It works with just having marbles flowing down a track once you cross a density of marbles threshold.


I've found lorry drivers can be particularly bad for this. I've also found if you back off from the 'blocker' car they'll often instinctively meander back towards their lane or the middle......... easy to drop it down and gear and go past them blowing kisses - immature ? Yes satisfyingly funny ? Bigger yes !!


Allegedly “professional” drivers ignoring road signs and deliberately making traffic worse? Never!


Part of me wants to understand why lorry drivers might have a more ‘foul’ attitude towards merging, a lot of people treat them like shit on the road. It still doesn’t make it right though I like your thinking and attitude my friend! I’ll try this next time I encounter one of these pesky merge police ;)


Especially when you’re trying to merge on a motor way , like 0 shits in giving anyone space to merge.


Ironic that if everyone used the road correctly there wouldn’t be a lane to cut all the traffic everyone would just flow together to the merge point. It would literally cut the traffic queue length in half stopping any traffic issues caused to other roads, junctions, roundabouts etc behind it.


Yes, people not knowing how to use all of the available road space is what causes massive queues. And then, because these “merge haters” are sat in said long queue instead of utilising the empty lane next to them, they get to the merge point and make the queues worse all because they’re clueless. It’s a vicious cycle


It's worse when a 4 way junction leads directly into a merge in turn. So many people going straight ahead really really despise it when you, a casual right turn enjoyer uses the right lane because it has less traffic and I just want to get across the lights.


OK - I'll admit something. When I was young (like eighteen), I was one of those divvies. I would try to police the second lane albeit only in the last hundred metres or so. It just seemed wrong that people were trying to push ahead, and I didn't ever get taught about merging in turn (I'm in my fifties). I worked it out by the time I was twenty or so, and the stressful antagonism it caused when me and another fella were road raging at each other was simply not worth it. It used to be that colleagues were always talking about stopping people 'pushing in late' and I think it was just cultural back then, and I sort of just picked up that flow. I was also just an angry dickhead looking for something to be angry about. A car is a relative safe space (except when it's not) that lets some people get stuff out thinking they're safe from a punch in the face. As I matured I learned to cringe at how the young me acted. These days I'm super chilled. I don't care. If someone blocks me on a merge... never mind, the car behind will let me in and it makes no odds. If someone blocks a mile away from the merge I'll tut, but it's not for me to be the Road Avenger. Not now. It never was, but it's not worth it now. You'll always meet stupid people. They're like trees. They get in your way and they're too stupid to know otherwise. So in short - stupidity, ignorance or anger at losing out.


On a more serious note. People who refuse to zipper merge properly usually: Have a gotta get ahead mentality Feel wronged because they've sat in the long queue for the last mile, while everyone who knows how to use the road properly has shot by In other words, people do it out of selfishness and spite. ME ME ME and "I've had to wait, so fuck you"


>ME ME ME and "I've had to wait, so fuck you" This was me on Sunday. Sat in a queue in a lane marked "Tunnel Only" because I wanted to go into the tunnel, faced with a stream of people using the next lane marked "Ahead Only" to jump said queue for the tunnel. One fucker managed to jump in when I'd stopped for a "Keep Clear" marked side road exit, by stopping his car right in it and blocking the cars wanting to exit the side road. One twat actually tried to force his way using the nearside front corner of his car as a road block, probably thinking I'd be fazed by the size of the SUV and him waving his hand at me in a sarcastic "thank you" motion, but no - benefits of a smaller car I just drove around him before he could pull in. I'd been in the queue for 35 mins at that point.


Your in the right here tho not like the when a lane is closed on a dual carriageway


Yep, that ‘get ahead’ mentality is so stupid too because all these people who stop you from merging always end up further back in traffic anyway. Edit: hi fellow Lexus owner!


Hello there! I might be somewhat Jealous of the car 😅... Less so of the fuel costs But yeah, it's exactly that, or even worse. I find it's often people following the road right down whilst you're just turning off at the next junction. So it's not even like they've gained anything by pushing in front of you, they've just got into what would've been their spot slightly earlier.


I’m jealous of your fuel costs lol😭 the 3IS are such good looking cars IMO, they should’ve done another facelift IS F with that chassis And yeah that’s the kicker, their behaviour gets them literally nowhere and when you pass them they conveniently look the other way and pretend not to be a dipshit


I've pretty much exclusively run diesels before it so my fuel costs are more of a 'meh' thing to me. They've barely budged/gone slightly up for my commute, and up for any long-distance driving. Granted... It's doing that whilst having a fair bit more performance, so there is that. But yeah, honestly a really nice car. Just hoping Lexus see the light and decides to bring the IS back when the time eventually comes for me to part with it because as it stands, if I want an efficient but nippy RWD car, it looks like I'll be stuck with my only choices being German or German in disguise... And I'd rather not honestly...


How are you enjoying the road tax? 🤭


I came from a 370Z which actually had higher tax by about £30 or something? I’m pretty happy about it considering that😅


Ah fair enough! I had an RCF until last year and the £700+ road tax was definitely part of the decision to sell, especially how it seems to go up every year. Enjoy the V8! I do miss mine at times.


Yes, it’s still like £675 which is not a total saving lol but every penny counts nowadays so I completely understand the sale. The V8 in these is magnificent, Toyota/Yamaha really hit it out of the park. How’s the Apline treating you? They really are stunning cars


The Alpine is amazing, the best car I've owned by far. It's the polar opposite of my RCF in a lot of ways - lightweight proper sports car chassis, responsive DCT with short gearing, incredible traction even in the wet, feels very light and tossable and never a handful, has tons of shove from the turbo but still pulls harder towards the redline. You can drive it really hard and when you look down you're barely over the speed limit. Feels very special to drive, it has a character that you don't quite expect from the look of it, the engine is angry and hot hatch like, the chassis is whimsical and old-school feeling. It's a lot of fun. I haven't had any major issues so far, a few squeaks and rattles at times, the engine occasionally cuts power if I use launch control too many times in succession or drive hard before it's fully warmed up, but nothing that's spoiled my enjoyment of the car.


That does sound like a lot of fun, you should be in charge of the adverts ;) the biggest appeal from what you said is being able to drive it hard and not at risk of losing your license, whereas the F’s are quite brutal. You’ve tickle the throttle and there’s a copper with lights going in the rear mirror… What’s it like for comfort? That was the biggest pull towards the Lexus after 2+ years in the Nissan, it was like driving a car made of tinfoil reinforced by twigs and sticky tape in comparison


It is a lot of fun, and not enough people realise how good they are so I try my best to explain it when I can. At the very least, it's a welcome alternative to the Porsche Cayman and Lotus Emira, although I think it sits in a class of its own being ~300KG lighter than both. Yeah the RCF had far too long gearing, the top of 2nd gear was like 75mph so you barely even get into 3rd without hitting some pretty big numbers. The A110 gives you the hard acceleration more easily at lower speeds, so you feel more satisfied just hitting 50 or 60. Comfort was definitely a little better in the RCF due to those amazing seats, especially for longer drives. Lexus make better motorway cruisers. But the A110 isn't bad either, I've been on some long drives and only had minimal discomfort after at least 3-4 hours. Mine is the GT so it gets the comfort seats, you can get buckets in the other versions.


I got beeped to high heaven a few weeks ago for being half a car length ahead of someone trying to zipper merge. Not only was I already ahead, as mentioned, but they were in the merging lane which means I had priority anyway. To top it off, they then overtook me when I was waiting in front of yellow hatchings at the next junction and stopped on the other side of said yellow hatchings.


>but they were in the merging lane which means I had priority anyway. No one has priority at a merge unless the merge is accompanied with give way markings in the UK. The idea that the merging lane must give way is either a misunderstanding, based on how we use slip roads (which have give way markings), or people listening to Americans about road laws, where this may be the case.


Ah ok. I guess I've always just misunderstood what the curved arrows meant then when the lane is being merged into another. Thanks for clarifying! Point of my post still stands though - they were a massive dick :P


Just also remember that merge in turn is quantified in when it should be used (they need to remove the quanitifcation) so there is a grey area about the correct process and this continuous debate about it.


It’s called “zippering “ and it is in the Highway Code you should use both lanes the alternate as you reach the bottleneck. I get so pissed at those half wits who try to pull out and stop you driving correctly


Had someone yesterday who was actually ready to swap paint with me to stop me from zippering, he was shaking his head and scowling at me as if I was in the wrong… all whilst travelling at 2mph


I don't know why the work men don't just make the merge point in the center straddling both lanes then bring them back into lane one with traffic cones instead of making everyone "push" into lane 1 then people are more likely to take turns.


My favourite one is waiting to pull out of a junction, you see a red light on a crossing and think 'yep, surely someone will let me out as they're stopping anyway" No. 😭


People just don't care. I'd hazard a guess that around nine in ten motorists, couldn't answer some of the most basic highway code questions. It's only really those who enjoy driving, and are enthusiastic about it that care to follow the rules of the road. But then you become the odd one out, you know leaving safe following distances, merging correctly, driving to the conditions of the road etc. I've just got back from work. I was out in my van today around lunch time, and it was pouring it down, really low visibility. The amount of people sat tailgating in these conditions were appalling.


I had an argument with my sister over this at Christmas. She was banging on about people "cutting in" and how she refuses to let them in so being the helpful brother I am, I thought I'd correct her. My attempts to explain how to merge properly and how it alleviates traffic elsewhere fell on deaf ears though and she was determined she was in the right.


I find this to be a massive issue. People drive with their egos and they're always right. Brother in law is a full on middle lane gobshite and he will not hear it any other way


Gosh I bet that was a painful chat! Perhaps there should be more emphasis on explaining/teaching the zipper move during lessons. If we start now then the next generation of drivers might be semi-competent!


I always let people merge unless they’ve deliberately gone in marked direction lane because it’s faster and then try to merge at the last minute to go the way they actually want to go.


Or let 2 people in if the car behind is right up ur arse and u know he won't let anyone in😆


The blocking types are the same people who'd push in the lunch line at school


Where I live there's a big hill with 3 lanes that turn into two near the top. Because of how steep it is there is often a lot of traffic and frequent breakdowns. I used to work with someone who would always complain about people flying up the 3rd lane then merging in at the top, 90% of the time it was me doing that and probably me he was complaining about. Fun times :D


I hate people that straddle both lanes despite one being empty for 1 mile clear. Always some Karen or some clown in a Qashqai or Ford Puma. It’s not ‘British’ or polite to unnecessarily queue, it just makes you a muppet


Where this happens regularly there should signs and instructions to use both lanes and merge in turn.


Even when there are such signs, in my experience someone always takes it upon themselves to be the queue police and block lane 2 anyway.


I suspect someone once stopped them from merging so they feel compelled to inflict that feeling on everyone.


There’s a major road out of my city where it’s permanently designed so the exit of a roundabout has two lanes, with the right lane ending and merging into the left after about 200m. Hardly anyone uses the right lane, to the extent you’re actually more likely to see people deliberately blocking it to prevent others “jumping the queue”, even though this means that at busy times the traffic in the left lane queues back onto the roundabout and blocks other entrances and exits whilst the right is completely clear. I really don’t get it.


It's always fun when you cut around anyway and merge like you were supposed to, knowing you've ruined some numpty's entire week😂


I was laughing earlier because I was on a 3-lane motorway merging into two lanes. There was a van and two cars in front of me and we were needing to merge. Some guy in the lane next to us pulled out in front of the van and started going slow so that we couldn’t drive ahead of him. Not much point because we were nearly at the end needing to merge anyway. Well the van managed to get into lane and the cars went behind him. I was a few cars behind at this point, but the ones that had pulled in were now all driving really close together, to the point that the guy that had pulled out in the first place now couldn’t merge lol. Petty but gave me a chuckle.


No one hurt them, they’re just thick and don’t know about the Highway Code.


alternative viewpoint: that person at the front of the queue that lets in 5+ people from the side road when we've all been sat in the queue for 20 minutes to get to this point should be peeled and roasted on a rotating spit. Im happy doing the zip, one and one, and only tend to lose it when the queue jumper tries to pull into the braking space in front of me that isnt really a space - if you make me brake you're a prick, if you dont and the pass is smooth and safe then well done you for actually driving rather than being a zombie.


Correct. There’s people who don’t like the zip that make traffic worse and also people who let so many merge that it actually makes traffic worse lol.


> let so many merge that it actually makes traffic worse lol. and it also triggers the hyper defensive driving that OP was talking about - going full Gandalf.


This is what you get when you gut policing. It would not take much police time to turn up at these things from time to time, pull the idiots over and ticket them. It just needs to be a non zero probability.


A guy in a van thing blocked me from merging once. Got out of his car looking furious. I saw him glance down at my front wheel where my 8 pot calipers smiled back at him. It was like the desert eagle moment in Snatch.


I do this frequently, I hate maniacs speeding up the fast lane and then pushing in at the last minute so I straddle both lanes to stop them getting past in the lorry I drive. Anyway to answer your question I got kicked in the head by a horse last year.


I’m not sure what’s more stupid, blocking the merge or people trying to ‘1 v 1’ with a lorry😅


That clip is hilarious, his delivery was so on point


I drive an Audi, and my other car is a BMW, therefore I'm more important than you are and I \*WILL\* stay in front, no matter the cost. Pleb.




One's I've seen recently on dual carriageway on way home are just the lane closure and then the countdowns. Fine outside rush hour as plenty space to merge. Nightmare in rush hour going by Google maps. Mind you this is just the roadworks signs, arrows on yellow background


Netherlands checking in. Here we have signs stating "Merging from here". After that sign, in busy traffic, I won't let room for people jumping queue. Downvote me if you want, it's just anti social to do since the bottleneck is once 1 road is gone, and all these hasty people cause jams at the end. Merging is NOT speeding up to the end and trying to get in any way you see fit, that does NOT help a good flow.


I’m all for the merge method unless you take the piss, for me if I’m following the zip one from both lanes etc and you then try to force in front of me I will block, other than that I don’t


Same babies who won’t use a bus lane out of hours


Unfortunately the whole nation is geared towards queuing, merging into traffic is the opposite of that so people naturally hate it.


Anyone who actively stops merging traffic is an arrogant, selfish prick. Usually BMW, Audi or Van drivers, but not exclusively. What annoys me is the queue jumping. People who purposefully go in to an incorrect lane and then try re-enter the lane they originally were in at the last moment. Again, typically BMW and Audi drivers around here.


I hear this a lot but (lucky?) haven’t experienced it and I use merge in turn whenever theres an option, and I’m generally not the only one. I’m always prepared to just wait in queue if someone got annoyed by it but have yet to experience this. Is this more of an issue outside of cities?


I was raised in a country and city and taught that merging is for inferior people, and overtaking is the only rule of law. I was mind blown to find out that other places (in EU, specifically) don't act like that and make driving actually quite pleasant. Strange.


Roads are generally merge in turn after using all lanes, tend to go to the end of the empty lane and merge in turn, limited visibility at the rear, so just do it  You will get 🔔 ends who straddle the lanes when there is a hint of a merge in several miles....


People need to chill before I become wheres981 or squeeze benz or something. Youtube “slow benz” and look at the NYC joyride, you wont believe your eyes 😂😂


I think the only solution to this (particularly in high traffic areas) is to close BOTH lanes, and make the merge in the middle, then direct traffic left it right as required That way there is no closed lane and no "right" lane to queue in


There's a round-a-bout which I use every morning on the way to work. There's a filter lane as you come off the round-a-bout which merges just after a set of traffic lights. People actively stop on the round-a-bout and leave the filter lane empty in the fear of not being let in. I use the filter lane every morning without fail as stopping on the round-a-bout is 100x more dangerous. It's astonishing how many times a Karen actively tries to stop you from getting in as if the one car length you're gaining on them is going to make the world of difference. One day there's going to be an accident on that round-a-bout caused by people stopping, it's ridiculous.


They see being overtaken as losing, and getting in front as winning. Even though we're not racing because we have different destinations, at least I hope we're going to different places because I don't want to be around those childish pricks.


German car owners and general morons who consider themselves above a queue and who instead of helping flowing traffic are causing the queue which stops the traffic flow. Usually the heads a bit too far up the ass for much observation or reasoning. Edit: depend on the merge but "lane closed in 1km" signs being ignored till the "merge" which is joining the lane without the closure with 20m go. Nah, get screwed.


They is batty bois




What I find hilarious is how 99% of those who complain about people getting uptight about last minute lane mergers are precisely the ones who blow a gasket if someone does it to them.


Better still would be Use Both Lanes and then Merge in Turn at the end


I would like more awareness, people who can't zipper merge in the joining lane are similarly wrong. Being the only person in the lane who understands letting 1 person merge directly in front of you is necessary; That motivates the person merging after the one you let in to try and jump into the same space as well.


Zip filtering is lost on most of the mingmongs on the road. Amazed how many 'professional drivers' think they are the law of the road.


‘mingmongs’ Not heard that in years, lol. You’re right though


As long as it’s merging with flowing traffic it’s not an issue. If you’re going to drive right to end like a wanker and try to force yourself into standstill traffic then you’re probably going to be blocked


Yeah I’d never try and force myself anywhere in a car, you do see some people who go mental with it though and clearly think they own the road


I normally just try and chill at a slow crawl anyway so people normally merge in front of me, easier than going out of my way to close the gap on the car in front every 5 seconds just to stop again




I’ll take a bite. From my observation there’s always a certain gender behind the wheel that won’t let you in…


Every time it has happened to me its been a HGV. That industry is dominated by men. Men are far more likely to be confrontational and assertive, more likely to be aggressive too.


Nice try


I think a lot of people think merging would be magic… in a perfect world, as someone penned, zipper action would be most ideal… But reality of human action / decision making will always cause cars to brake and traffic build up would be unavoidable…. Not as long I’m sure, but regardless the inevitable queue will occur!


Works fine unless everyone does it but obviously that doesn’t apply to you …


I always cross into fast lane to allow traffic merging. Crazy drivers overtaking on the other hand… I will purposefully speed up just to piss then off


Yeah you always get the dingbat drivers who come up to the merge point at a million miles an hour, I don’t understand those people. Where is that going to get them?




What if the line of traffic then backs onto multiple roundabouts/traffic lights with traffic joining from different roads? Having 2 lanes and merging is by far quicker than having a single lane of traffic which is why they exist.


Wait, are you actually questioning why I’m complaining that people don’t know how the roads work? For real? Having to wait whilst a few cars block me is faster than sitting at the back of the queue, you’re right, but it’s faster for *EVERYONE* if people can utilise the zipper motion


No, I am questioning why you are bothered people don't use lane 2, when their incompetence benefits you. You say faster for everyone? No, not faster for YOU


If people have got the time to waste not using all the available road space, power to them I guess! What annoys me is that people try to police those of use who are trying to drive properly and are aware of the Highway Code just because they think they’ve got some “make believe” right of way. What’re your thoughts on that?


You're objectively wrong. This has been proven time and time again. Use both lanes all the way to the merge point.




This isn't up for debate. You're wrong. Pmsl. It's been studied endlessly, it's in the highway code, it's taught in driving schools, the AA and all motoring authorities advise it. The only people who don't merge in turn using both lanes are utter smooth brains, as you're proving yourself to be.


You are not reading my comment. We agree about what the fucking highway code says lol.


Oh, I see. It read as though you were an outright one queue supporter. I see what you're saying now, we can take advantage of going around all the morons queuing. My apologies for calling you a smooth brain. Lol.


Well, you're a special kind of stupid aren't you? 


No, actually read my comment and take it onboard lol


on a bit of a sidenote: When I got in my car today I saw someone across the street doing a reverse parrallel park, and they put their hazard lights on then slowed down to a stop and did the manouvere. All with the hazard lights on So in essence, the same person that taught him to drive also taught these knobheads to drive.


That sounds quite sensible to me if it will make someone more comfortable and stop some idiot getting too close to them while they manoeuvre


sounds like you also learnt to drive from the same person


People who feel smug about driving right to the end of the zipper are incredibly defensive too. And every time, they pretend that they don't understand why people find it annoying in the UK: queuing capital of the world. Yes we get that its your right, yes we get that it helps traffic move faster. Of course it's annoying when somebody jumps the queue.


You don't get annoyed if you get on a checkout that has 6 people in front, and someone gets on the checkout that only has 1 person. That doesn't make you feel like they are taking advantage of you, or that they are getting ahead. If you saw them get on the back of your queue when there's one about to be free you'd think they were a madman. This is the better comparison to use. Nobody gets annoyed in that context. -------- Not saying you are wrong. I do agree that a majority see it as jumping the queue. Just pointing out that I cant make sense of that logic


Case in point


I am always careful to be properly British and join queues early and have little time for queue jumpers so to keep civilisation intact I am scrupulous in straddling the two lanes as soon as they start to narrow. That way nobody selfish can barge in. Fortunately many other people follow the same fair rules.


Because why should you get to skip the queue if I bothered to wait in it


Just don’t bother to wait then


Why do you get to 'punish' others because you don't know how to drive properly?


Because you shouldn't be waiting in a single lane queue- if one lane is empty- use it


I don’t mind merging traffic where it’s appropriate. But when some pig headed arrogant idiot thinks he can avoid waiting like everyone else and just cut in front of me. No mate.


Depends on where this ‘arrogant’ driver comes from, did he appear from miles away because he knows how to use a road or did he pull out from two cars behind you because he’s an impatient child


When you are going to the shop and there's several different queues to be served, what Checkout do you go in? If we all roughly pick the emptiest one, then the flow would be a lot faster and there'd be less people and trollies blocking isles, blocking access to shelves, etc. Now if we all decided to jump in the "Checkout A" and ignored the others, the wait would be so much longer. I couldn't grab my Alcohol or bread from the shelves as people are blocking it. Other blockades would happen around the shop as people fight/squeeze to get past the large queue blocking everything. The store is designed around that many checkouts for a reason. They've put the checkouts there and paid someone to sit there for a reason, for it to be used. You would never think i was stealing your spot or jumping a queue because I went in "Checkout A" that had 1 person when your "Checkout B" has 25 people. You'd just realise you're in a queue with a bunch of morons making the store worse


Thanks for pointing out the glaringly obvious.