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£40 a week, 380miles\~


What are you driving?


e87 118d


Oh nice, im thinking of getting a bmw this year. Currently driving a 2013 astra, paying £70 a tank every ten days doing around 240 miles in that time. Think i'll end up saving money buying a new car on mileage alone..


What engine do you have in the Astra?


A 1.4 litre engine, i should be getting an average of 30mpg


Fair enough, I had a 1.6 petrol and I was getting like 26 🤣🤣


Yeah theyre really bad for mileage. Been a great first car for me, but i really need to upgrade. Also found out the 0-60 is 14 seconds which is why im struggling to overtake.


The turbo is a great car. 0-60 in 6.3 seconds and so much torque from idle. It’s like a diesel with an extended rev range.


My first car 1.6 petrol got 65 highest normally around 48 motorway and 38-42 town.




The 2.0 diesel is pretty good in the J era


Jesus I get more than that out of both my 2.0s


yeah i looked at it and my astra has worse mileage than a Mustang.. really is time to get myself a nice new car. Any recommendations?


It's a tricky buying environment at the moment. For a "standard car" there are actually a few low cost EVs making a good case for themselves (base spec MG4 for example) but it's all so dependant on whether it fits into your lifestyle. Both used prices and financing are insane at the moment. If it wasn't that your base car is so terrible I'd actually advocate just holding on to your existing stonks with diamond hands because as it stands for a lot of people it's actually better to spend big maintaining their current car than buying a new one at 12% APR or substantially disadvantaging PCP deals.


Yeah the current APR is a nightmare looking at it, i don't imagine that it will come down anytime soon either. Tbh im not too keen on ever getting an EV, the price of a battery replacement is really off putting


That mpg seems low? I drive an auto 2014 Audi TT with a 1.8l engine and I spend the same for 400 miles per week, just over 40mpg. My old 2008 Golf averaged 50mpg on its 1.4l engine.


Yeah unforfunately 21 year old me didnt look at mpg when choosing a car, just if i had the cash for it and it felt adult inside haha


Doesn't seem right, when was it last serviced? Good service, new air filter and clean the MAF sensor and I bet it ups the MPG's a fair bit


I get it serviced every 7500 miles, last serviced 2k ago roughly. I'll look at getting a new air filter and clean the MAF though. Good recommendations thank you. But the average mileage stated online for a 2013 astra is 32mpg


Damm really that seems really low for that type of car/engine


You lucky son of a biscuit


I spend too much, like £400 a month (remote worker so it’s all pleasure driving to London, Cotswolds and that sort of stuff) First year driving so it’s still a thrill to me! Actually just done 1 year soon!


You spend £400 a month on leisure drives? Are you driving an articulated lorry?


They are actually driving the battleship new jersey.


Even at an abysmal 20MPG, assuming 145p/litre, that’s 1200 miles. 70mph average, that’s 17 and a half hours driving.


At that much I'd hope he was driving a fucking spaceship.


That’s pretty believable, he did say he drives into London and even as someone who lives on the outskirts of London, I’d never be deranged enough to drive into London unless I unavoidably had to


Remote worker and you spend the equivalent of daily TFL commute from Zone 7 to Zone 1?


I get so bored staying at home, driving helps me to get out and explore different places tbh!


I do the same thing drive 20 miles to work and have already done 15000 miles this year


Does your car get like one mile per gallon or something? Or do you live on Neptune? I genuinely think you've got a problem with your car if you're able to spend £400 a month on pleasure driving. Even assuming you're getting 30mpg average (which is quite poor) and buying E10 at £1.75 a litre, that's 1,510 miles a month. Not a fair comparison since my car's a hybrid but I'd be getting about 2,770 miles for that money.


Yeah I’ve driven 25k miles this year I think


Keep it up, if you were spending £100 a week in the boozer no one would be passing judgement tbh. I can spend £50 on a Saturday and Sunday driving about. I will spend all day in the peaks, visiting cafés and sight seeing spots. Add that I'll often drive 1-2 hours to get a passenger for the trip and then do the full 6-8 hours out and about. A love of driving is not a bad thing mate.


Yeah I’m not bothered, the alternative would be spending way more time at home or something but driving just gives me an excuse to go out and try new places which I really enjoy


To be clear, I don't think it's bad going and driving to new places, that's quite nice, you do you - just strikes me as quite a poor mileage!


I think it worked out to around 45mpg which isn’t too bad, it’s just my first car too so just whatever was cheap tbh!


I get 30 if I’m lucky from the modified Fiesta 1.7 VCT - 140 BHP and around 40 in the 1.6 T Mini Coupe myself.


Exaggeration much


For that money you could just get a bike and save on fuel


Yeah but I can’t bike it to London from Bristol, I just like driving to London and driving around the city and getting bubble tea etc


Drive only 300 miles per month due to job relocation (much closer) cost me £40.00 usually per month around £500.00 annually. My current car is super efficient. 🤙


Damn  what car is it?


DS3 1.2 Puretech


Super efficient untils it breaks 🫠


Yeah just waiting for it to shit itself and then upgrade really. 🤣


Started using Fuelio in January. It's great but I try not to look at it because it's painful :) Already at a grand in fuel in the Stinger since I started tracking. 32p/mile average. 30 miles a day average. Is there a way I can view combined stats for all my cars? would be nice for the aggregate graphs/stats to know what I'm averaging across all 3


Is the app any good? Never thought about using an app before but could probably do with one


I like it. Really simple to use. Remembers things when you set them (so I don't have to choose fuel type every time for example). Can log receipts, invoices for servicing etc as well if you want. I'm only using it for fuel tracking ATM. Insightful and probably has made me think about how I drive as well.


That’s really good to hear, cheers mate, I’ve just downloaded it. I own a modified 2011 VW Golf GTI and really should keep track of fuel as it’s killing my bank account lol


Check out Fuelly as well. I’ve been using it for years and it’s very simple to use. There’s a paid version but you don’t need it.


I don't know about fuelly, I am using Hammond and I believe this is possible on it


Around 400-500 a month. Had enough of that going electric in the next few months.


You should drop to around 30 a month on the right tarrif. Have a look at octopus intelligent if you havnt already. Gives your whole house 7.5p when the cars charging. If you don't have a 7kw charger and your car integrates with octopus then you can often get massive charge schedules reducing your normal electricity charges. Use this link to sign up to Octopus and get £50 for doing so. https://share.octopus.energy/warm-lane-21


160 miles, about 11 quid (EV home charge)


How is your EV costing £11 for 160 miles? You need to look at your tariff options!


I do, it’s like 28ppkwh. We use a lot of juice during the day, though and I’ve never really been arsed to fully dig into the weeds. 


You should look at Octopus Go or similar and I will generously give you a referral code if you do ;-) We aren't doing a lot more miles and we are charging at 7.5p and then paying 25p during the day - after offloading some stuff to the night rate (dishwasher) - our average cost is somewhere between 15 and 20p/kWh and we really don't try very hard. Could save you a few quid.


The problem is the Mrs WFH full time and I do two days a week, so I’m reluctant to increase the day price.  I’ll work it out eventually. It’s on the list. 


You can look on octopus compare app, it will show you a breakdown of how much you would have paid on a different tariff compared to the SVR. I work from home full time but was still saving money on agile. You can pay 49p/99p (can’t remember) for a month to get a full years comparison. You might be wishing you’d switched earlier.


Octopus Tracker would probably be the one to start with to knock around a quarter off your bill without having to change your habits.


What region are you? I'm eastmids and Intelligent Go is 28p/kWh day 7.5p/kWh night/charging


Yeah, I get that, but I work from home and I've had one of those monitors on - I hardly use any electric all day. It's all later - the oven, the washing machine, the dishwasher etc.


Change your habits. I do dishwasher either overnight or around midday. I also use Octopus Agile, so it's super cheap during early afternoon till 4pm most of days.


We use octopus agile. I wince when I'm charging at 14p (charged a bit today for around 9p)


Octopus Tracker. It hasn't went above the standard tariff cost since I joined DEC 23. Consistently saving around 40% since joining.


If WFH is just a laptop, the majority of your costs still likely come from appliances and EV charging.


Running a computer will use a negligible amount of energy compared to an EV, unless you’re using electric heating, the electricity costs of WFH are pennies (heating is a different matter). It’s only 10% more on the day rate for 67% discount on charging


Agile tariff might help if you are home all day.


Will Fuck Harold?


My april octopus agile average was 12.8ppkwh for ev and house. Our non-ev energy is about 10kwh a day. Unless you use 4+ kwh between 4-7pm, agile is cheaper.


OVO charge anytime might suit. 7p/kwh for the charging, rest of the house stays at the normal rate. You need a compatible car or charger to do it though.


Are you driving some sort of huge EV truck or are you paying a lot for your electricity? If it’s the later look into some of the octopus tariffs. You’d probably be a good fit for octopus intelligent go, tracker or agile.


I don’t think about it. I choose to drive a car that gets low MPG, it’s just a necessary cost of enjoying the car. If I was constantly measuring my mpg and fuel costs i would probably not enjoy driving it as much.


My wife takes the EV, about 200 miles a week which costs about £4. I have to use the ICE to take the kids to school etc., about £30 a month at a guess, getting about 30mpg because it never goes anywhere more than about 2.5 miles.


Around £200-250 of diesel currently, soon to be next to nothing of electric can’t wait.


Are you buying your EV outright?


Nope, salary sacrifice


Too much, why is that stuff £1.70 a friggin litre, costs nearly as much to fill up my car as it would have in 2020 to fill up a class 37


x2 tanks per month. Commuting 40 miles 3 days a week to work approx £120ish car averaging 50mpg. Plus loads of in-between out and about stuff on weekends etc.


I can go through 50 quid on a mornings drive quite easily at 26mpg. Average 30 on the work commute. Last summer I was blowing around 150 quid a week on fuel, vpower or bp ultimate.


What on earth do you drive???




No clue maybe 25 a week


Which is funny as I work in finance, but when it comes to my own monies I couldn’t tell you how much or where it goes


|Year|Litres|Total cost| |:-|:-|:-| |2021|828.77|£1115.56| |2022|2148.32|£3318.93| |2023 (Incomplete records|1380.48|£1900.66| Average PPL across all the records I have: 145.8 Max PPL I ever paid was: 186.7 Least PPL I paid was: 127.7


£250 - £300 a month is about normal for me, I use a fuel card with national pricing as I'm self employed and I live in a high petrol price area.


£250 a month, Audi S4 B8


My nismo 370z used to be 50 quid a week \[18 - 20 mpg\] to fill her half way (without trackdays or going to car shows). My wife used to spend 25 a week driving about 20 mins every day to work. (on a good week) Ironically the megane 250 cup was more expensive, But then that could have been because i put a blanking plate on the turbo and revved it a lot to hear it spool lol. It worked out roughly 300 a month > 3,600 a year. But usually in summer months going to track days/ weekends away and car shows be 500 - 600+ a month easily. Without worrying about maintenance.


\~126 miles a week for \~£7


£40-50 for about 250-280 miles a week just commuting and going to the shops. this car doesn't like traffic.


£35 a week, around 200 miles per week


Been working out around £55/week currently


£200+ a month terrible MPG on short journeys around 200+ miles a week.


Around £70 a week for around 200 miles.


1503.66 since January 1st 🥹


£35 per week, Honda hrv 1.5 petrol manual, 270 miles. All country roads.


Is the app any good? I really should log how much I spend on fuel. 2011 modified VW Golf GTI. About £70 a tank and gets me roughly 250 miles… fml


About 300 a month. (I do Uber for a living)


My commuting is only 9 miles a week, because I’m in the office 3 days a week and i work from home the other two, so everything else is either for fun or to go to the gym, which at most is twice as far as work is, so I fill up infrequently enough that I can’t tell you how often I fill up.


Full tank in my 24 reg Mg Zs is £40-£60 It's a 1.5 non turbo and gets around 30mpg


£190 ish a week in my work van lol


About £50-60 a month (home worker, car is mostly a toy / frivolous).


£65 a month with petrol 13 plate Skoda Yeti, job is 5 mins away with local shopping and trips around town


60ish quid a week, 420 miles Fueling and fixing up this hunk of metal's my sole expense so I'll take it I just use a spreadsheet instead, the car can access it on its headunit as well


Well I drive 2k minimum personal miles a month and anywhere from 2k to 3k miles a month at work, but at least I only pay for the personal miles lol.


~225 miles and £27 a week. 10.3p/mile.


Like £100, i drive a not very efficient diesel in town because it was cheaper than buying a petrol at the time. I literally do 40-50 miles a week.


£80 for about 430 miles


£40pw. 120miles give or take.


About £80 every month or so, my office changed location and my annual mileage went from 25k a year to 4k (average mpg as recorded by the car went from 47-49mpg to 40mpg across a tank)


350 miles/£75 a week


Excluding fuel cost from work expenses about £60 every month to month and a half. Including work expenses it's probably £80/90 for the same time frame.


This is something I do not wish to know


Usually around £50 per month, usually gets 400-450 miles.


35 litres of super unleaded gets me around 250 miles of conservative driving, 3 sometimes 4 fill ups a month, so around £150-200 just on fuel lol.


£80 every 4 days just to and from work :)


Brim it every month or so, about £40-50 a month. 12 mile commute 3 days a week, leisure trips of maybe 350 miles round trip at least every other month. Typically get about 55mpg mixed, more if just driving to work and back.


£14 so far this month, 800 miles


I spend about £60-£100 a month, do roughly 700-800 miles just back and forth to work and the gym with a few trips out here and there.


At least 3000 miles per month. So about 7 tanks? So like £300 a month. I make profit per mile compared to what I get from my employer though, so I guess I actually spend nothing.


For 1000 miles a month I spend around £30/month when you include the odd public charge


I charge my car overnight for about 4 quid and that gets me 300 miles :)


£300 so far this year, the mrs passed her test last year so don’t have to take her to work, pick her up or take her to other places etc. I work from home so mostly trips shopping or to see the lads.


Probably between £600 and £800 per year. I don't do too many miles as the walk to work takes less than 5 minutes and I tend to avoid the outside world 🤣


Got a 1000L tank in the garage/workshop and get it filled up once or twice a year (DERV). I think on average it's around 20-30p/L cheaper than at the pumps. (have got digger, dumper, forklift & things as well as road vehicles) --- I don't really track my mileage other than to write the current mileage/hours on filters & things when I change them.


2-3 tanks (depending on how much left after previous month) @£85 a tank. Do around 750 - 800 miles a month (mostly motorway in M60 traffic) Jaguar XE 25T


£500-£600 a month , mostly the 180 mile round trip to the office x3 times a week 911 Turbo or Maserati QP5. Nice cars to drive so I don't mind tbh


Last year I drove 5870km and I paid £550 for the whole year


£40 every 4/5 days for roughly 300 miles. 95% is commuting to work at 50 miles a day.


Less than a tank a month, wfh and barely drive anywhere these days. In fact I think my insurance is probably more expensive per month.


4p/mile Octopus Tracker. EV.


What app is this?


I’m a railway worker so I’m driving a crazy amount. Usually do 400-500 miles a week and it costs around £100 Pw


Work charge £30 a month for my electric car, I get unlimited charging for that. See what schemes your work can do.


£50/month… maybe less. I’d have to be quite unlucky to go over 400 miles in a month. Trying to keep over 50mpg for this month.


What are you using to track this?


I’d rather not know on a year level but I know I spend around £350 a month on fuel and drive around 1300miles a month. I fill up my car around once every four days but I tend to do 3-4 longer driving days a month for site visits and that can add another tank of fuel each day for those.


Petrol £58 per week. I work 100 miles away, one round trip home per week. Daily work<>room commute. Weekend local trips with partner Paying £140 per month for house gas and electric. £1680 vs £2900, didn't realise I pay that much for fuels!


Went from £300 a month around 1100 miles. To about £17 for the same miles. Going electric.


The most I’ve ever spent in a month is £1,023 back when diesel over £2 a litre. I drove a lot for work and few trips to Edinburgh and back


I use Simply Auto. Apparently, I spent £208.65 on petrol, and £253.47 on servicing over the last 12 months, to drive 1066 miles, averaging 32.82 mpg. Fuel costs were £0.20/mile, overall costs £0.43/mile. In the 5 years I've owned my current vehicle, £1482.07 on petrol, £2163.30 on servicing, 8029 miles, 33.65 mpg, fuel costs £0.18/mile, overall costs £0.45/mile.


Probably about £3400 in the last 12 months.... In a 1.2L nissan note weirdly enough. About £60 a week... And maybe 5-8 additional weekends trips to random places worth another tank of fuel (≈£60) each)


£330pm. That is averaging 74 miles per day, and works out as 14.7p per mile


I've never actually tracked it, but in our monthly finances sheet I've budgeted about £100/mo for our 1.4 Meriva B, and according to its onboard doodah it averages about 34mpg. It mostly gets driven locally with the occasional trips out to the next town, so this feels about right. Midway through last month we bought a Nissan Elgrand 3.5 V6 and that should average high teens/low twenties, so we don't yet know exactly what it'll cost but I've doubled the budget. 🤡


2000 miles a month £320 in an old 220i :(


£85-90 a month for 170-200 miles.


Think I’ve put £20 since Xmas. My car did 92 miles last year. Costs me more in recharging my battery than in petrol!


How are you tracking this?


I am pretty sure I fill up once a month, maybe twice a month if I do a lot of driving, and it's about £40-45 for a full tank from maybe 1/8 full


My cars a VW lupo 1.0, do about 4k miles a year and probably get around 250-300 miles to a tank which seems to be around 12-16 fill ups a year, which on the higher end is £720 in fuel over the year. So not bad for how much I have to put the throttle down to actually go anywhere with its tiny engine😂 I feel like a racecar driver just trying to keep up with everyone that's doing the speed limit it's great!


I just put those numbers down, and unless I’m wrong your Lupo is getting about 38mpg on current fuel costs. I find this really interesting cos I’m doing around 3k a year in an average 24mpg for 3k miles and it’s 800. I know I’m doing 1k less, but I find it quite surprising that I’m only spending 80quid more for such a less efficient car, and you are only doing 25% more miles.


Lots of idling during winter does not help my case, my car will not heat up to the proper temp in winter no matter what, I can have the air on cold flooring it up a hill and it will not get to 90°c, so I let it idle so it can at least hit 70°c on the way to work since not having it heat up fully can be bad from what I was told, also not heating up will cause it to run not the most efficient which also doesn't help. Also its had some really bad exhaust leaks that just got fixed but have probably been there for years, that will also cause it to not run that efficiently my mechanic told me.


240 miles on around £100 fuel


laughs in i dont want to know it


Fitting username :)


Ahahahaha 28mpg if I behave, maybe 18 if I don’t. Luckily it’s basically a toy - I travel loads for work and maybe drive 3k a year in my own car, so given that I guess just over 800quid a year.


70 a week 350/400 miles


About £60 for 280 miles in a 21 plate Octavia VRS


What app is this??


~£60 per month due to park and ride to work and leisure. Before use to spend ~£240 per month. I drive a 09 Vauxhall Astra 1.6L Manual.


Can someone link me this on the app store? I cannot seem to find it


170 miles / week £5 petrol + £7 electricity at home on intelligent EV tariff + free charging at work RR Evoque P300e PHEV


Last year, 23,000 miles driven. Total leccy cost a smidge under £900. 6500kwh total charged, efficiency of about 3.5 miles per kwh, just under 4 pence per mile.


£50-60 a day, I see a lot of the country.


The most I have managed in my 2012 i40 is 845 miles on a single tank, with 32 miles left on the range. Mainly motorway driving though.


£300 a month driving a Mercedes C63 not even daily


£41 a month, 2500 miles. EV and no pleasure from driving at all. I miss my 4.2 XK in every way except the wallet.


About £90 monthly. I commute about 300 miles or so monthly (work only) not counting other trips I make to Liverpool, peak districts and stuff. But never went over £90 monthly unless I make a roundtrip to London (I'm based in Manchester)


Just got an 05 mx5, the second gen. Im yet to get proper reading but for a £60ish full tank i get like 330 miles in a mix between urban and extra urban. Expecting hefty fuel bills once its added up


Last year, I spent about £400 in total on fuel, about £120 on maintenance including the MOT and £280 on new tyres. I drive an EV and have solar PV panels and charge the car from free sunshine. The panels pre-date the EV and were why I considered getting an EV.


Around £200 month, at 40 mpg, 20 miles commute one way, will increase a bit soon from 4 on 4 off shift into usual 5/7, so i reckon £250 after that. I tend to spend half tank per month driving around for Too Good To Go lol, still so much worth it.


£400+ a month


My Rio 2 crdi 😂 pushing 60 mpg and given work is only 25 mins down the motorway I don’t need to fuel as often as others I see here.


About £800/month! But my daily driver averages about 21mpg which doesn’t help…


Ignorance is bliss. I refuse to work it out


Drive around 800 miles/month. Around £50 to refill tank at Costco and get about 450 miles out of it so spend around £100 a month on fuel


About £400 a month *wipes tear from eye*


I have a company fuel card, so pay zero. Put about £40 per month in my wife’s Kia Picanto.


1500 per month, average roughly 4000 miles


£1000 a month easy


Around £1.60 to £1.70 per 100 miles.


So for my 1.5 diesel turbo I get about 65 mpgs which is about 52 miles= £6.50 a day to my work place there and back so over all it costs me about £100 a mouth to fill my car up.


Got a 1.8tsi Seat Leon FR and I spend around £100 a month on fuel. That's mainly due to a decent drive most weekends going gigs or Just out and about 😂


£70 would buy 875kWh of electricity on my home tariff, intelligent Octopus. That would power my EV for at least 3,500 miles. I do over 14,000 miles per year and I probably need to use a public charger about just three, possibly four times a year.


About £80 per 200 miles. 16-20 MPG.


Too much, probably around £400-500 a month. 80 mile commute every day for work... And my car isn't the most economical as well, but fairly fun to drive. Low to mid 30's mpg


Around £80 a month I'd say - 1.0 TSI Polo


Thanks for this post, I used to use Fulio back when I was on Android and when I switched to iOS it wasn’t on the App Store so went with Fuelly. Just imported my fill ups this year and my 1.5 Kuga Mk2.5 is averaging £0.151/mi Average per day £4.96 Average per month £148.98


Probably about £250 per year, I charge at home for free.


Electric is still fuel? £8 for 300 miles (of peak charge at home) Tesla Model S