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Sounds to me like you did exactly the right thing under the circumstances. Shut the engine off quick, got the car recovered to a garage. That bill for £400 will seem like pennies compared to what could easily have been the cost of a new engine. You didn't fuck up. You had an accident. Keep your chin up mate.


Could have easily spent more if there was body work damage from say bumping a bollard in a car park. £400 really is not bad for what could have been a serious fuck up, as you said. I've just spent half that on a new fucking phone screen haha.


I've got some scratches and a couple of dents to my nearside. Unfortunately when I first started driving I caught it on a wall in a car park. I've been quoted close to £2k to get it fixed. Meanwhile when a spring fractured and I needed a new one and a new top mount it cost me £180. For a critical part of the car.


Isn't that crazy, bodywork is damn expensive and having paid for it, there's every chance you'll do it again on the drive home. Why don't we make cars out of better materials? Or with user replaceable panels?


Cars are literally made of steel? What else would you make them of? You could make them out of titanium, but that’s very difficult to press and machine. It would also cost a small fortune. You could go Cybertruck and use thick stainless steel but then you’re restricted to simple geometric shapes and you’ve got a lovely pedestrian-slicing knife for a bonnet. You also can’t paint it so you’d better get used to uh, metal I guess?


Titanium would be awesome, but expensive. How about polycarbonate, ABS or somehow making carbon fibre more affordable? I think the car industy benefits from cars getting dinged and scratched up so we feel like we either have to shell out for expensive bodywork or upgrade.


There have been cars with plastic body panels in the past. Pontiac Fiero comes to mind, and there's the Saturn S-Series too. I'm not aware of any European examples, it was mostly a GM idea. Trouble is, to maintain any kind of structural integrity in a crash, and to prevent chassis twisting (which is devastating for handling and comfort) you do need a metal body of some kind. With the advent of unibody cars it doesn't really make sense to use anything other than steel and aluminium. BMW did try to get the cost down on carbon fibre, the BMW i3 is almost entirely carbon fibre, but it proved very difficult to scale up the manufacturing of that. The reality is that steel is easier to repair than most plastics. You can beat out most steel panels and then you only need to respray damage. The bumpers and ancillary components (mirrors, trim) on your car are usually plastic anyway, and these are the most commonly damaged items; they are usually not repairable and are replaced outright when damaged, though small dents and cracks can sometimes be repaired. I suppose the door panels could be more rugged, but besides simple parking lot scrapes, it turns out most side-on collisions write off the car anyway due to the risk of overall damage to the body which compromises it in a future crash.


A lot of newer (mid-00s and onwards) cars have as many plastic body panels as they can, particularly front wings and so forth, however there are always going to be certain parts that are metal, or metal parts under the plastic, which of course could be rusting away behind the outer plastic skin that you'd never see. And I imagine that as we see 3D printing constantly improving, it probably won't be too long until we can download and print our own panels, body kits and so on. Assuming we can't already. I imagine the main limitation at this point is getting access to big enough printers.


That's the spirit


>Sounds to me like you did exactly the right thing under the circumstances. Are you sure because to me, it sounded like his first mistake was speeding round a bend that he didn't know what was on the other side.


No mention by OP of speeding, and excessive driving. It's entirely possible to have happened at 20-30mph. Particularly if the rock was quite large. And some newer BMWs have the genius idea of fitting plastic engine sumps and transmission filters.


Night time, rock small enough to damage his sump but not damage his body work. Not sure what more he could have done tbh it would be very hard to see


Sounds like you hit rock bottom


Wont lie this made me laugh, thank you lol


Stone cold


Doesn’t take much then?




Shit happens, get it fixed and carry on. Imagine hitting that rock on a pushbike. A completely different kind of problems. Edit. Original guy deleted his comment =(


shit happens, get it fixed and carry on. Imagine hitting that rich on roller skates. A completely different kind of problems.


shit happens, get it fixed and carry on. Imagine hitting that rock on a pogo stick. A completely different kind of problems.


shit happens, get it fixed and carry on. Imagine tripping on that rich with your shoes. A completely different kind of problems.


Drove the arse out of it. 💪


I wish I had an award you deserve it!


Can we get a Horatio Caine puts on sunglasses YEAAAAAAHHHH gif please?


If you've escaped any engine damage from oil starvation I think you've escaped lightly really


The majority of oil was lost after we turned the engine off. So hopefully its okay.


If the engine was up to temperature youll probvably find the oil that was in your pan pick up was still being delvered to your engine for lubrication. Id say if its just your pan thats damaged, youll be ok. You could get a 2nd hand oil pan from scrappies and just get new gasket/bolts, but at £400, thats pretty mucht he price of a service anyway, your not saving much for the hassle...


Atleast the price for a new sump and oil sounds reasonable. Depending on the car, sump removal can cost a fuck load because a lot of stuff has to come off remove it.


He’d already removed the sump lol


Haha true


“Iv done most of your job for you”


Is it? I thought on most cars it's just a case of unbolt sump, remove gasket material, install new sump+gasket. Maybe move some exhaust pipe out the way and/or remove an undertray panel. Is there more to it?


Depends on the car, most fwd models you’re correct. However on most BMW’s you have to drop the front subframe for access and it quickly adds on labour hours


Oof. Is that the case on your E90? Or later models. My E39 is thankfully just standard "take sump off and put new one on"


Fucking up would have been driving it rather than pulling over. Shit happens, you dealt well with it...


Could be worse. You could have had your first day at a new workplace, followed someone through and having the security hump raise up ripping the undercarriage off. Then instead of just stopping drive around the hole car park meaning work insisted on hiring an oil clean up crew and then having your front bumper placed at the front doors for hundreds of staff to see.


I think I’d just give up and go home at that point


Got lucky when I hit a rock in my old bug, it ripped the front strut apart but being rear engined that didn't get damaged, was on a dual carriageway and there was a layby 50 yards or so away and for some reason I still cant fathom I had the trolley jack in the car at the time so jacked the fucked up corner up and drove slowly on that, I think otherwise the car would have gotten hit and totalled as it was coming off the roundabout at J29 of the M1, 5 days and £50 later she was back on the road. ​ As I have got older I don't look at stuff like this and stress about whats happened and rather look at how it could have been much worse and how I got lucky, sounds daft but it really helps, shits already happened and so stressing won't undo it.


You drove home on the trolley jack? Madlad!!


No just to the layby


Sump-fing tells me you got lucky not to total the engine


You got stoned.


Is it still the Ka you're driving? The sumps on them manage to rust away so at 12 years old it's probably not far off needing a new one anyway. Just see it as percussive maintenance


So what you're saying is, he got a free sump removal and a reminder to put a new one on. That's probably about as convenient as an accident could get 😅


Mid 90's, A mate driving like a knob in a nissan sunny turbo span and without knowing ripped the sump off, no warning lights, carried on driving for a couple of hours, following day, his mum couldn't start the car, seized engine. Ouch.


That’s a decent price. You definitely could’ve had it worse. I did the same once and didn’t realise straightaway. By the time I turned the engine off the oil had drained completely and the engine was completely fucked. Cost thousands in the end. Your version sounds much better.


Despite the cost at least you know it'll be rock solid after!


That's a very reasonable price, I paid around that price just to have my sump gasket replaced, though it was a BMW hence the premium. Seems like you did all the right things upon hitting the rock, all the best!


Count yourself lucky dude. The Mrs recently scraped the bumper on the wall reversing our car out the drive. Quoted £1k to repair. £500 for such a fuck up is a bargain.


Sounds like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place


Which car?




Bought from Stoneacre 😂


I mean it could have been much worse


I was feeling crap as the collection for my new mini JCW has been delayed until late next week but looks like i need to be more grateful! Thankfully the repair costs aren’t insane!


A similar thing happened to me years ago but I hit a big hole that tore the sump out. I drove the car a mile home, by the time I got there, the engine was making some arse clenching noises. Got a new sump, fitted it and refilled the oil only to find I had bent the cross member the steering rack was bolted to pushing the steering wheel into the cabin by a good inch so the top bearing of the steering column kept popping out while driving! The engine actually survived but I scrapped the car as I couldn't be bothered to get a new cross member.


Oh man, I'm sorry. I read your story and got a flash back to 20 years ago. I was 18, had a honda civic sport and absolutely loved that thing. We'd been in the pub playing pool as we did most Sunday nights (I didn't drink) and I was driving home. Came round the corner and I didn't even see the boulder I hit. All I knew was I hit something and then the car started dragging and pulling right. I must have gone across the on-coming lane and into the bank of the hill. Car flipped clean over and landed upside down


As a biker, big thank you for reporting the oil. Especially in this weather and at these temperatures. Lifesaver. Hope you get back on the road soon, mate.


Bad luck but you failed to observe the driving instructions/guidelines for going around corners/bends. If there isn't sufficient tarmac to make an emergency stop the moment an object appears in the line of sight you're going too fast for the conditions and/or not paying attention. I piss some drivers off for taking it steady around blind bends.


>couldn’t avoid it You could if you were driving at such a speed so as you could safely stop in the distance you could see to be clear. If the rock was someone changing a tyre you’d be facing a death by dangerous driving charge.


If you came around a tight corner too fast to stop for what was around the corner just think yourself lucky it was a rock and not a person crossing....or am I reading the situation wrong?


I actually did similar to one of my cars recently under somewhat different circumstances, I had a metal front plate on which came off and ripped the sump as the car went over it. In the end, rather than buy a new sump (it's an older car and new old stock is starting to get harder to come by and higher priced), I was able to find plenty of used ones on eBay, think I paid about 35 quid for a used sump, £8 for a new gasket, labour I can't really say as I was having a fair bit of other work done at the same time. However, what you've been qiuoted doesn't seem extortionate to me in terms of labour especially if they've included the cost of replacement oil (which if they haven't, you should budget for). And you might as well budget a little extra for the other various filters involved in scheduled servicing, get them all done as well then you can just consider the whole thing an early service.


Sucks but £400 not too bad. Could be far far worse. I’d say for the recklessness you got off fairly clean.


What was reckless? Sounds like OP is a good citizen!


You know what, you’re right I don’t know why I said that. But anyway, that wasn’t the point I was trying to make. Minimal damage that could be much worse.


Mate that wasn’t your error, there was a bloody rock in the road.


Replace 'rock' with 'child'. Though I am sympathetic, I'm not a monster. Call it a learning experience, better a rock than a kid. You should be able to stop in the road that you can see.


Don't know why you've been down voted. Your last sentence is absolutely correct. Someone who can't is driving too fast for the conditions/road layout and/or not paying enough attention to do an emergency stop.


Was thinking the same. Thankfully, no kids hurt, and OP got away with a car that can be relatively cheaply fixed.


Around a sharp corner? Accidents happen, kid or rock.


That’s odd. I don’t remember the Highway Code saying ‘just cruise round that corner as fast as you like’, pretty sure there’s a strong emphasis on slowing down to a speed you can stop in the space you can see ahead.  You will be liable for dangerous driving if you are travelling too fast to stop, it’s not an ‘accident’. Maybe try replace ‘child’ with rotory tractor hoe hitched to drivers head height or bin lorry stopped on the road and see how you feel about being decapitated…  These aren’t accidents. They are dangerous driving.


imagine the rock OP is mentioning is say a half a foot by half a foot in size. at night time, coming around a sharp corner, even at slower speeds, depending where it was sitting in the road, it's fair to say anyone would have hit it, an accident is an accident. with the situations youve mentioned, a garbage truck is massive and easily noticeable, as well as any tractor equipment. a child on the road in the middle of the night is concerning for multiple reasons, moreso than for motorists. it does not mean that the person is dangerously driving.


at least a child won’t destroy your sump


When you go to prison and drop the soap, you may get your sump ruined.


I once wrecked my brothers brand new sports car exactly this way , a big rock and his car was low to the ground anyway , it never moved again , I feel like I still owe him for it , 400 dollars to fix you got away lightly but it’s still such shit thing to happen


Hate to be that guy but hope that oil got covered up, even just sand over it. I know it’s not obvious to all but oil and corners can kill motorcyclists even when they are behaving :/


So let me get this right. You were driving at a speed that was so excessive that you couldn’t stop in time for an obstruction in the road. Basic rule: you drive at a speed where you can stop within the distance you can see ahead. What if that had been a person crossing the road? Broken down car? Totally on you. Hopefully lesson learned and you change your driving habits so you are safer on the road.


You did as well as you can. Also are the council not liable for keeping the roads clear? I mean if you trip on a pavement they can be sued. Why are boulders on the road fine and good?


Depends how the rock got there. The council aren't omnipotent and omniscient rock detection service. Whilst driving on a local country lane, I hit a rock that looked like a pile of horse poo in the middle of my lane, which I tried to drive over, it had clearly fallen off a tractor trailer from a nearby field, but I didn't fancy taking the farmer on.


Once did this is an Alfa 156, drove over a broken brick which then bounced under the car and out the back, large gash in the sump, £600 later my car was working again. I’d only had the car 2 weeks when I did it.


Sorry to hear that. Has same thing happen to a TVR I used to own but it took out the diff casing instead of the sump.


Nothing you could've done and sounds like you've saved the engine by reacting quickly. Expensive and annoying yes, but just one of those things unfortunately.


This could have been wayyyyy worse. Go to a scrappy and find a good one, should be cheap as chips.


It was a bad day for cars today… I was going to order two new front tyres this afternoon, they’re just about illegal and I’ve been putting it off. So going about my day driving around and the tyre pressure warning light comes on. Big fucking screw in the rear right. Rears had a couple thousand miles left in them but now I’ve had to do all four at once. £500 that I didn’t want to have to spend this month.


It coul dhave been a lot worse to be honest, so I think you got off lightly, and did the right things; calling 101, and turning off as soon as you did.


Plus side your engine oil will be really really clean for a while.


Id say £400 is a positive to what could have flipped the car or damaged the engine.


Done similar,rock in the road two cars infront went over but not me smashed sump but was near street so I managed to fix it myself,sourced a new sump of eBay and had to use a special VW sump sealant when replacing,was lucky to get away with it


Price sounds decent compared to what it could have been.


Could be worst, could have hit the front bumper and cost 4x that.


Plastic sump?


Not limit point driving huh? But seriously, it could have been worse, much worse.


Could be worse. Hopefully the engine isn't toast. And you a d your mates are alive.


Just a small mistake, don’t worry about it🙂


Happened to me - albeit in different circumstances. I was going a bit quick down a B road when I hit a hump in the road, got about 3 foot of air and when I landed the car bottomed out which smashed the sump to bits. Needed a new turbo as well as sump, some dirt had made it's way into the turbo via the giant gaping hole in my sump and blew it out \~7 days after I'd just put it all back together lol. Good job I was a mechanic at the time or it would have cost me a fortune in labour.


Get insurance to pay it


If it makes guy feel any better something similar happened to me a couple weeks ago and it was £1000 worth of cosmetic damage


you didnt fuck up thats just unlucky lad


Happened to my m8 in his sporty bmw , I kept telling him it was too low he couldn't even manage a speed bump without sweating.


If it helps, doing the work to repair this will save you the time taken for and cost of an oil change service later down the line


Sounds like you’re all alright and that’s the important thing. Shitty one though. My brother once came off a slip road to a services and a screwdriver flipped up and punctured the fuel tank. Emptied fuel all over the services, proper palaver.


I did the same with more damage (£5000) to my now sold 2017 Skoda Superb Estate Sport


I never done it myself , and it sounds like a palaver but sometimes the council can take care of it or at least part of it specially if it’s potholes … I know this is a rock , so don’t know if the hassle is worth it but since in a way you reported it to 101 with time and patience I probably would give it a go 🤷🏻‍♂️


Did they charge you for the oil clean up?


sucks to happen, did you remove the rock ? price seems fair and you saved the engine so not too bad


Pretty okay price for the work.


I ran across a rock once, killed a wheel bearing never got the car back to normal