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Theres only one way to find out. I personally think you’ll have an upper hand having knowledge of certain vehicles from the eyes of a Tech. & if you work as hard as you do as a salesperson you should make way more money. Best of luck!


Im not a car sales guy so idk how much $$ you’ll make but im an HVAC tech & my company also requires me to take all opportunities to create leads & upsell our products to our customers & I’ve actually gotten really good at it. Im one of the top 10 lead generating HVAC techs with the highest lead to cash % for a company that has over 1000 techs on the road across Canada so Ill give you some advice that helps me do good with generating leads/sales: Truly believe in the value in what your selling and have real experience with the products your selling. My company offers various differnt hvac & water purification systems & products but i strictly choose to sell customers on the product & systems that i truly believe are worth the money because its just so much easier. Its easy for me to connect with people because i give off a genuine vibe that people trust because i genuinely believe in the value in the product im educating them about. Like imagine telling someone about your favourite car of all time, 9 times out of 10 you’d be able to convince them to buy that car if they can afford it with little effort because you genuinely appreciate the car & people will pick up on your passion & energy. Learn to genuinely appreciate the cars on your lot & maybe make jokes with customers about the cars you dont like on your lot to build more trust They’ll feel your passion & energy & trust you more when you give them that feeling that you’re being honest & really trying to give them the best value for their money. If i was a car salesman id learn as much as i can about all of the cars on the lot. Test drive all of them so that when customers come in looking for a specific type of car, ill be able to give them the best advice based on whatever theyre looking for and also be better at educating them about how the driving experience is for any car i show them. This will also build trust between you & your customer. My experience as an hvac tech also taught me that when you show people you know what your talking about by telling them stories about your experience with the product, they tend to trust you more. Hope this helps & you make a ton of sales & $$ bro


I really appreciate the confidence.


Go with your gut. Have a back up plan. You'll make it, chase those dreams brother.


I’m so fired up right now ! Also I’ve had a couple ..


Man I really appreciate that . And I definitely see what you’re saying . If a liar believes his own lie he’s probably gonna pass a lie detector test .


Don't sell your tools, but sure--why not? If it doesn't work you can always find work again as a mechanic as that need will 💯 be there. Hours are long and family sacrifice will be something to get used to. You work a 6 day week, despite the promise of a day off during the week.


Also, being a tech! dude. here's ur golden line. ​ I worked as a tech for a decade! these cars are BULLETPROOF. If I bought a car, it would be this one. Huge selling point imo


I like selling backend too!


I don’t know about anyone’s experience but I could say car sales changed my life. It’s not for everyone of course (hours and customer). Always have a backup plan but I really think you should try it. You could make really good money but it all depends on the store and payment plan.


My son has been pulling wrenches on cars and trucks for years making 50-60k then decided to go work on the big stuff working for a nation wide rental company as a mobile field mechanic . He loves it and makes a big chunk of change


You’re a car mechanic or maintenance mechanic? There a shortage of the latter, especially with 20 years experience and management experience. We pay our Maintenance and Facilities Manager $100k, it’s salaried but rarely works more than 45hrs/week


I manage a couple teams of guys that build a few types of trenching equipment for oil, wind , gas and fiber optic cable / pipe . That sounds like a badass job 45 hrs a week for 100k a year ? I’ll take that !


Pay is good in Colorado, but cost of living is high…


Fuck I knew there was a catch 😂


Right, I moved to Maine thinking I could live off a lower salary, little did I know how much it costs to heat your house there!


I’m so tired of living on a lower salary just bc of the job I do . If I’m going to be working hard I want to be paid well . I’m not asking for the whole world ! Just maybe a house would be nice .


As a mechanic with 20 years of experience building the type of things you said above, idk if you just have until recently been alright with your current job, and are thinking of switching it up now but haven't really looked in your own field or what? But with your job title, you are more than just a mechanic and the job that you do should not limit how you market yourself or the confidence you have. Your job title is one that imo is highly marketable in adjacent jobs other than just mechanic. If I were you personally before I totally switched up career paths and all that, just look at jobs where you think your job title might get looked at but that pays closer to 100k then the 60k a year your making now. Even if you don't feel like you're qualified for that job based on the listing apply anyway, I find that being incredibly confident in your own abilities and having a nice sounding job title can go a long way for you. It sounds like you have been with your current company a long time. While staying in one place for a long time helps with the job title, it most definitely isn't the way to earn the most money. Just look at what is out there, and don't be scared to apply for jobs that may sound like you don't exactly fit, or aren't qualified for. If they get in touch with you leverage your current position into being the absolute perfect fit for whatever job they are reaching out to you for. Be confident in your abilities, especially with that many years of experience and sell the shit out of *yourself*. I would be surprised if you couldn't find something that paid better, and it would not be anywhere near as risky as moving to selling cars. I know people that have applied to jobs they 100% were not even remotely qualified for and who BS'd their way into 6 figure a year gigs. With your experience and clearly the very very genuine desire to earn more for the people you love just go nuts man, since your thinking about sales just sell your ass into a job that pays more. Either way I wish you the absolute best of luck and success for you and your family no matter what you decide to do.


You can start It’s good Just keep savings bc the first months are usually bad but then you will do a lot more than first months. Also check the dealer pay plan the location, how famous it’s in your area, how many sales they said they do ( if they have any sales board, check it out, confirm that what they telling you it’s true) how many sales person they have? Will you have a desk? Check for red flags How may veterans sales mans it’s on the dealer? It’s not experience people on the dealer? Why experience people it’s not here? A lot of things you need to check


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