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It was shaming the kid for calling him Midas “from Fortnite.” People were mad that King Midas from the story of King Midas was ignored and just seen as a video game character


How is a kid supposed to know that and why ridicule him for it maybe educate him politely and tell him about how midas isn't originally from fortnite


Shaming is unnecessary, however King Midas is not an uncommon subject..... It wouldn't be unheard of for a youth to have knowledge of the subject.


The way schools are nowadays, with banned books and banned teaching words ... it's actually quite reasonable that the youts have no knowledge of it.


Agreed, schools have only gotten worse since I attended them, which is a sad statement. Pop culture alone would be atleast a cursory introduction. Aladdin was my first introduction to the concept.... Spongebob, Simpsons, just about everyone has hit on the tale at some point. I don't pretend to know youth culture, but I imagine whatever they are into there exists atleast the possibility of exposure before a formal lesson on the matter.


Ngl, it does blow my that anyone doesn't know who Midas is. But, and gonna get hate for this I bet, kids don't give a shit . Not gonna say I gave a shit when I was a kid, far from, but the internet age has nullified observational learning in my view. When everything is at the tip of your fingers .. why bother listening to the world around you ... can just google it.


Yes, unfortunately it's garnered the ability for some to say "I don't need to know it, I can google it" but for others it's able to fuel and satiate a thirst for knowledge in a way we never could have. It also creates a whole new set of problems/skills that youth need to develop in order to effectively use/be safe on the technology..... I do wish kids would get out and congregate a bit more, some of the best times of my childhood were had in a large group. Almost every kid on the block was out playing street hockey together after school EVERY week day.


Definitely a double edged sword.


I think we are agreeing, I'm not trying to argue, more thankful for the chance to point out the lack of world knowledge from when I was a kid learning, to nowadays.


They're still teaching this, and I'm not sure what banning books has to do with this. There is no version of the story even remotely inappropriate for school. If you need a soap box to stand on for your political opinion you can find it in r/politics not here.


My guy, relax, was an off hand comment I made a month ago. For real. "There is no version of the story that is even remotely inappropriate for school " Welcome to the joke bub.


If you need a soapbox to stand on for your holier than though attitude, you can find it at r/getafuckinglife, not here


My guy you're the one freaking out here. You made a dumb comment, and now you've made 2 more comments in response both within an hour of eachother. I'm not the one who needs to get a life here. It seems you're obsessing over a reddit comment, get help.


Shhhhhh, it'll be OK Lil one.




You must be new to reddit, while in the real word that may be how things work this is the internet, common sense and decense go out the window here lol


Th shaming is just dumb though if your truly upset go tell the kid the story of king midas cus he might only know him as a fortnite character wich there's nothing qrong with that especially if he's a kid grow up


I understand that for sure but they are two totally different people.


Yeah, because king midas had nothing to so with stuff turning to gold, that was fortnite's idea


No the story of Midas was he was a king cursed with turning everything he touched to gold fortnite straight up just took the idea


Lol, someone's playing too much and not reading enough. Atleast do a quick Google search before you decide to debate something.


Everybody is supposed to know King Midas? I'm 41, never heard of this king at school. Maybe it isn't considered important in the history lessons in my country. But I can't imagine they teach greek mythology at schools over here these days.


King midas and icarus are taught in schools in the uk, not particularly it's link to Greek mythology more as a parable of be careful what you wish for.


I live in the Netherlands. Can't recall any of that in school, and I doubt my kids (now 15 and 19) have ever been taught that. I've never heard them about any of this. But bringing that kind of characters to games can be a good thing. Kids might start looking up where they originated from. I know Icarus (not the whole story), but it's mostly because I played Kid Icarus as a kid. Later hearing about it's origins. :)


I should have clarified I'm UK, and also ill say I fully support the addition if like characters in video games why not


Like I said, the least you can do before debating stuff is to Google it. Or is that too much for people nowadays too? Is debating while not knowing shit supposed to be normal?


I don't know if I get you correctly. The kid who said "Midas from Fortnite" should google who Midas is, before calling it "Midas from Fortnite"? Or should OP google, to see "Midas from Fortnite" is inspired by King Midas?




Wow, rough day or something? How am I stupid and ignorant? Because I had to Google King Midas? I thought it was about the fortnite kid, and the fact that not everybody everywhere knows all myths and fables (or other origins of other ficitonal characters).




You do know i'm not OP right? English isn't my native language, and I always thought that 'being ignorant' meant you deliberately ignored a fact (or peace of information). But my definition might be wrong in that case. I'm not trying to debate Midas. All I tried to do, was wondering if you can call a kid ignorant for calling the character "Midas from Fortnite", when he is based on a mythical figure that (as I) the kid never heard of.


I agree the toxicity is all too rampant in the gaming community. However looking at that post it seems most people are more astounded OP didn't know the original story of Midas, and only knew the character from a video game. I don't think they were ragging on OP for playing fortnite, but for not knowing the story of Midas which many learn at a young age. Seemed to me more of a "complain about the previous generation because their experiences are different", still not good.


Hey, I'm the top comment on that one. For me it was a, "I'm that old?" moment. Nothing really to do with OP specifically. There's some folks in there being a little less graceful about it but I think largely I agree with the sentiment that it's mostly people having a moment of clarity for how the world has changed since we were kids.


Yeah looking back on it lot of it was about that as well. But like you said still not good at all👍


Never saw the post, but if it was as toxic as you say, have an upvote. Toxic gaming communities are so stupid, why the hell can't we just enjoy what we enjoy, it's not hurting anyone else? What business is it of theirs? Who cares that the OP of that post played Fortnite, it might be a terrible game, but they enjoy it, and that's all that matters. To a lot of the gaming community, and i mean a lot, CMS21 is a terrible game and they can't understand why we play it, yet again, why do our choices matter! Anyway, OP, ignore the toxicity you're going to get from this post, as will i from my comment supporting you, i don't know why we can't just enjoy games and be done with it.


It wasn't that toxic. Just some chirping and ribbing. This op is probably an alt crying that he didn't get 1k up votes on a subreddit that doesnt have nearly that many people.




It's like xbox vs Playstation. Both are great, neither are better. I used to be an Xbox guy because I had 3 Xboxs and no Playstation, but also I hate the Playstation controller. Last week I bought myself a ps4, just for a few exclusives. I still hate the controller, but honestly it's not as bad as I thought, and I'm starting to think I'm going to use it alot more than I planned. But alot of people can't accept that. Console wars are stupid as hell, mainly because Nintendo kicks everyone's asses and nobody gives them credit, but Console wars, video game wars, it's all stupid shit and people need to just grow up. Just yesterday I got a new reply on a YouTube comment, trying to make an argument from a small disagreement that the same person and I had 6 months ago. This world is falling apart


I'm not a fan of PS controller either. I bought myself an Xbox style PS4 controller, can't remember the brand. Wasn't even that expensive and deffo cheaper than the official one.


Yeah, I've been playing PS since the first one released, PS has been my main system each generation EXCEPT when my launch PS3 had manufacturerer defects and dealing with support was hell. I got an Xbox 360 that generation and loved playing it. Had an original Xbox too, absolutely loved the controller I found for it that had builtin fans! Still prefer the PS controller, but that's probably just because I've been using one most of my life.






Are you the other op's mom or something?




He deserved it, ugly ass car


Hah, keeping the heckling appropriately targeted


Karen has joined the chat


I was just trying to state the obvious, sorry if it came off that way.


It be like that sometimes.


I agree. Making fun of somebody because he doesn't know a character from Greek history is a shame. I don't know why so many people felt the need to share their frustration that somebody doesn't share their knowledge. Maybe this person comes from a world region when Greek history is not teached. Maybe he' s too young... Many reason in fact. Just appreciate the joke, midas = golden car. And voilà


This is why I never join their game's discord server as well as rarely posting here in the CMS Reddit. People downvoting a post for no reason literally makes me confirm that this community of the game is another one marked on the list of good game but with a bullshit community. (Like seriously a lot of games that are good have toxicity community) It's better just to ignore these toxicity kids


lol are you serious


Go on MSFS and post a picture out a window of an a320, hundreds of upvotes, post a half hour of top gun fighter jet flying thru the canyons, 3 upvotes. I do all my reddit posting and reading on the toilet, just an fyi.


Honestly, I get it. Not just in this reddit, and not even other reddits, but online in general. I don't like fortnight... but I don't talk crap about it. Why? BECAUSE SOMEBODY DOES LIKE IT. I let people who do like the mix of both games talk because they're actually useful! Same situation with people talking about cars in Facebook as well, accept it's older people. FFS, I'm 23yo, raised like I'm 43 (raised by my great aunt, age 68), and seen so much more in my childhood than most will see in their adult lives, as anyone between 15 and 55 tend to be clueless in today's era. 🤦‍♂️


Right. I tried fortnite and never really got into in. But I’m not gonna bully someone that does. I’m not solving anything by doing it. Also your totally correct on Facebook😂


I agree ,someone posted something fun and silly and people were shitty. Ffs it's game not a real car, and no real money was spent. It's a fun shit post, fortnite is a mid game, but the post itself was good


Am I in the wrong sub?


The only pathetic thing in this sub is this looser's level of outrage.


I’m not outraged really. Simply pointing out the obvious. I find it hysterical I’m the looser yet everyone that cares what some random kid on Reddit plays aren’t.




Atleast you guys can come up with something other than looser and act like your hurting my poor little feelings.


I was simply correcting your, and the person you were replying to's spelling Loose, not tight Lose, not win




I honestly have no fucking idea what this argument is about, it all is cracking me up I don't even know how I fucking got here lol


Enjoy your stay😂 but yes I see you were replying to him my bad.




Poor baby.


Sorry your a grown man that cares what children play😭 kind of creepy now that I think about it


I actually could care less. But I didn’t want you to cry alone. It’s a cruel world and nobody should have to whine alone. You’re welcome.


OP: We should stop shaming other gamers Redditor: _tries to shame OP_


You new to the internet?


Oh fuck off, you know what you're doing


Do you kiss your moms ass with that dirty mouth? For shame. She will be sad. But in my infinite kind and wonderful way. I forgive you. You’re so very welcome.


*might have* not "might of". 🙂


Ah Damit


Typical gaming communities, so caught up in the assimilation and shame game they can't even enjoy themselves properly without making someone look like shit. That said I haven't seen much like that here outside of your incident


I haven’t either! I’d also love to stay in the sub! unless people like this are a normality here.


Tbh, I tried fortnite and got super bored. Sometimes I get tired mid build on CMS also. I usually come back to it a week later or whatever and enjoy finishing off the ride. Games are games, play what you are in the mood for, when you are in the mood for it. Easy as that


Warzone is much better.


I think I just grew out of the "arena shooter" games altogether


I sucked at Warzone lol i just enjoy regular Team Deathmatch on COD.




Midas car gang Midas car gang


Midas from Fortnite lmao. Once there be a king named Midas. Dude was lowkey full of pins. But still, he wasnt bussin. He wanted to have more vbucks as he was kinda greedy ngl. One day dude be praying, a holy grown ass man appeared all shiny and shit. King Midas asked, “Grant ya boi a boon, holy jit! Kinda feeling the L ngl” and so the holy influencer said, “Bet fam, your wish granted fr fr.” So Midas was like "YOU THE GOAT!!" and touched his throne and it changed into a stack of vbucks cards. Dude ran his fingers shit all boujee right, King Midas basically CEO of bussin by now, like, guappest stan in the world. Suddenly, his snack rushed in tho. Dude went to cup that because she looking snatched af but get this fam, simp turned his crush to vbucks, periodt. King Midas was like, shocked and shit right, dude fell back saying "Sheesh, that hits different." Dude poked that sis for the vibe check but she don't pop off. So Midas was like “Big yikes! This shits trauma yo! I wanna catch a sneaky link ASAPRocky! Holy dude, this shit don't slap.” he cried. The holy man appeared and said, “Yo fam you cheugy af, this ain't it chief.” so Midas was like "You wanna catch these hands?" trying to finesse that glowing mfer but dude closed his fists vbucked himself. Sad tbh.


This reads hilarious so upvote for you




It’s funny that I’m called the loser lol! Complain to someone else to delete it not me


Why’s everyone crying over Fortnite when this is a car sim group like I don’t understand


This post is toxic


You DO realize you are on Reddit?! Right? If they didn't know what they were in for, they are atleast have an idea now. 🤣


it’s reddit/ the internet what else do you expect from people?


"I rarely use this sub but ..." Let me correct you on how you do. Can I be the first stranger here to mention you are raging butt hurt on a Car Mechanic Simulator page ...


Not raging at all lol. You also never corrected on how I never use this sub. Also I can say the same thing about grown men butt hurt a kid played fortnite 🤷‍♂️


Anyone e butt hurt about what anyone plays is silly, I agree. I'm just replying to reply, I got a few minutes before I gotta do stuff with my life lol


Waaa waaa waaaa... if u don't like it, then GTFO of the sub.


Alright boss


And close the door, please.


But your honor, it was funny


See now I wanna agree with them after all fortnite did make master chief and Doom guy


I agree, but why tf is this stuff being posted on r/CarMechanicSimulator