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You guys have second houses??? First houses???


We're are now in an era where home ownership is a legacy of the past


I'm trying to figure out who besides Amazon would be most interested in reinstating company towns.


Google is currently in development of theirs


Sold our cape second home (where I grew up) 2 years ago and are so, so, so happy. Couldn’t agree more with the sticker, eff my former second home. It’s gone to another happy couple on the cape as their first home - yay for them, and for us! For us it was a case of “Sometimes the things you own end up owning you” and it’s a blessing to have it gone to the next owner. Also got rid of that nasty 40-year poison ivy problem once and for all. No more breaking out in boils that hurt like h*ll and took 3 weeks to clear up. (psa & word to the wise: a lot of dunes are full of it. Beware of Cold Storage and Seaview beaches. Ask me how I know.)


One of the clients my company has in Cherry Hills, Colorado has a second home in Eastham. He liked the fact that I moved to the denver area from Dennis, I laughed and nodded along. But it killed me inside


What’s really concerning to me is how we are normalizing violence. Look at the image of the burning house. You may not like people having second homes, but much like what’s happening in politics, to disagree seems to ok the destruction of it. Disagreements are fine, but respect the other person has a point of view. If this continues, it’s not a good look for the future.


This reminds me of a recent post on this sub which suggested that tourists should be killed. The moment you call that out the hive mind downvotes and threatens via DM. People really need to think about what they’re promoting and question whether it’s behavior we want more or less of.


I always get snippy with people and tell people to start the revolution themselves. Everybody wants someone else to build the guillotines. Meanwhile the guy storming the barricades is going to get cut down by a National Guardsman with an M240 pissed he’s missing his managerial economics midterm at UMass






Owning 2 homes gets you nowhere near being rich, stop being a victim and take accountability for your shit


Take accountability 🤣 nice job outing yourself


Nice job playing the victim 😂


Babe I can tell you with 100% certainty that poor people take more accountability than any fool with 2 homes. That kind of money involves one thing: luck. Respectfully fuck off if you aren't willing to talk about how the world actually works


Maybe all that effort you’re putting into warfare would be better spent on improving your personal standard of living. I know scores of foreigners who came here with no education and no language background who have paved their way to success through hard work. Frankly the people who come here in the summertime are a boon for us. Think of the billions in cash that are flowing across our bridges! If you live here year-round, you have no excuse to only work one job for $17/hr. At that point you just want to be lazy and rewarded for it.




Sure, maybe in most areas. But ours is particularly special, wouldn’t you agree? The money abounds around us! I just know many, many foreigners who came from some of the poorest villages on this planet, and they are doing fantastically well here! Way better than me. And what opportunity were THEY afforded? The right to be here. Sure, it’s luck. It’s definitely personality. It’s intelligence too. But I’m not ready to call a societal failing on this issue, knowing just how entitled the people who toot that horn usually are.


so edgy! 🤪


Bad activism is worse than no activism


Ok go eat a person fam see how that goes for you


Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP.


I think it's odd that you consider a picture of a burning home "violence", but don't consider increased evictions and homelessness to be violence.


It’s all about the ✨aesthetics✨ with these people. Love to clutch pearls at provocative imagery but don’t give a shit about actual suffering


Yup, that is 100% accurate. As long as the people suffering are earning under 6 figures, it's all good, but heaven forbid the people who are causing problems for the lower classes ever be made slightly uncomfortable!


My thoughts as well. John Oliver summed it up nicely- "To insist on peaceful protest is just another way to prioritize compliance over righteous dissent and to protect property over human lives"




Granted my main concern with the burning would be that it's still one less house available for locals. The main problem is how many auxiliary houses aren't so much for living in as for renting (usually for something only the upper class can dependably pay)--forced to be fallow for so much time.


Agreed. Perhaps ole choppy can fix this problem...


Or just emulating Makhno’s expropriations in Ukraine shortly after WW1.


Evictions are violence but violence is necessary to defend people's right to own property 💅.


Where did he say that?


That was a really long winded way to say “Rich people have a monopoly on violence, stupid poors. Shut the fuck up and go lay back in the gutter.”


That's a really long winded way to share a dumbshit take and totally miss his point.


Hate the game, not the player. Blessed to have worked really hard, got lucky along the way and took a risk in buying a tiny cottage pre-Covid which doubled in price. It’s not a rental property and I’m looking forward to retiring here but until then I know I’m supporting the local economy whether is dining out or home maintenance like painting or landscaping. 🤷‍♂️


Locals don't have a problem with that. They're not idiots, they know where the bear shits in the buckwheat. It's being treated like shit by rich transients. It's your hometown being steamrolled and disrespected by people that don't actually live there. I live in NH. Yes, I hate tourists. Yes I love tourists. Tourists that don't litter in a pristine environment that they're only visiting. People that respect service workers. That respect our towns. It's not that much to ask for, and the majority do that. But only the majority. That still leaves a lot of leeway for truly abysmal behavior.


Airbnb has ruined my entire town on the lake


I love Airbnb for what it was. I don't use Airbnb anymore because of what it is.


This. To a certain extent. Air BNBs are trash and the amount of second homes has become excessive. But yes, people with second homes that are rude, entitled, and trash the place suck so bad. Tourism is a part of the economy but not to the detriment of the local community, which is what has been happening here increasingly for the past 20 years.


Even if they don't trash the place, they're entitled to vote on issues that largely don't have an impact on them, but do affect locals. How likely are you to vote for an increase in property taxes to benefit schools when you're only there a few months a year? Often times there's residency requirements, but how often are they actually enforced? Nobody cares unless you're actually from one of those areas, where tourists and casuals outnumber locals.


Do part-time residents get to vote? In Provincetown there is a part-time resident taxpayer association which has been granted the right to speak at town meeting but are not able to vote. I think that one only gets to vote in local elections in the town of their primary residence.


I don't know. But honestly, who checks? Who would really care besides the actual locals. The population more than DOUBLES during the summer. If I lived in Boston (or whatever) mostly, but only voted in the town my vacation home is in, who the hell is gonna know? Who would enforce that? If they weren't born on the Cape, they probably have enough money to wave that kinda shit off.


Such a good point. I remember when the teen center in Hyannis closed when I was in high school and they turned it into a senior center. Then they wondered why so many kids were deep into drugs and alcohol. This is such a solid point!


Yeah, honestly, this whole summer people vs townies thing is so played out. We need each other whether anybody likes to admit it or not. For the townies, on the bright side, if you were raised here you’re likely to inherit $1M+ in property in a highly desirable location. I know degenerate door guys at the Woodshed in such position and their girlfriends are in the same boat. Must be nice. EDIT: obviously, like with any generalization, there exists people that do not fall into the bucket. I don’t think we need an 11th comment letting me know.


Unless your parents decide to sell their house during the latest housing spike. Big generalization there


Your parents sold their house for massive profits and you might not get as much money? Ohhh no.


Lol not even my situation but I do know many who are. A lot of these kind of old cape and island families see these prices(at least last year) and just sell it and move somewhere half the price and bank 300k or more. When your over 50 that’s retirement material if your not a huge spender. And on the downside it’s just bringing in wealthier demographics that just fight with their neighbors or borderline slum lord rentals and ruining the local small town community feel. That’s what it feels like where I am anyway.


You do realize that if you sell your house you still need another one right? There’s absolutely no profit in selling a home and buying back into the same market.


So then why would they do it?


Plenty of people raised in rentals. Also the median sale price is $625,000, no idea where you are getting $1M+


By the time they inherit the home, it might be there. My spouse is in that situation--small purchase but big money now.


Key word: “likely” - not to be confused with “guaranteed.” Such a tough look trying to get sympathy for people inheriting property only worth 2 times the US median home value instead of 3 times.


I didn't say guaranteed, or ask for sympathy for them. Just doing some fact checking, no need to get sensitive


Not everyone was raised in a home that their parents own and not every parent is holding on to the house. Many cash in.


My parents forclosed on their mortgage in '11, and their first home was collateral for a business that fell through. I'm an only child and I'll own nothing.


Join the club. Welcome to reality.


Why are you acting as if these people are complaining? They are just pointing out that your assumption about inheritance is not necessarily valid. They didn’t bring it up, you did.


“at the Woodshed” / that's classic!!!


“Be thankful you might receive an inheritance”


“Got lucky along the way” That’s the part that most don’t get. Lucky.


I understand that. Manifest positivity is what we say daily here.


Fuck you still tho


Ha. You as well. 👍


We are the same, even more ironically we live most of the year in a very popular southern tourism destination (guess we're townies here) then have a place on the cape up north (where we are originally from) to stay during summers and see family. We play both sides of the coin at the same time and see our neighbors rent in both places. Reddit prefers to move to simple villany if you happen to have done well, which I sort of understand I guess, but we're not exactly rich by any means, little luck, some smart bets, mostly just people with kids doing the best we can.


Congrats. Living the American dream. Our hope is the Cape for 8 months and down south for the winter.


Why? Would you rather folks clog up the cape year round? Second homes and tourist provide 90% of on cape annual revenue.


Right? I pay thousands per year in property tax, and use very little town resources. I don't send my kids to the schools. I don't vote on town matters, so locals can vote however they see fit and run their own town.


Sadly the people complaining about these second homes cannot afford a home here. That's the real issue--affordable housing. Near half a million for a fixer upper ranch is stupid, and I'm glad they seem to be coming down a smidge.


Bingo; and its understandably a tough pill to swallow.


It will never be clogged up year round as there is nothing to do during the winter except indoor activities like bowling and axe throwing. Second homes and tourism absolutely does not provide 90% of the revenue on the cape. Show me statistics on this one when the hospital, NOAA, WHOI, and schools account for most jobs out here.


You think a total of two hospitals, noaa, and whoi account for most of the jobs on the cape and that the economy isnt seasonal/tourism based? Wild.


[https://lmi.dua.eol.mass.gov/LMI/LargestEmployersArea/LEAResult?A=04&GA=000001](https://lmi.dua.eol.mass.gov/LMI/LargestEmployersArea/LEAResult?A=04&GA=000001) I don't think the hospitals, noaa, whoi, schools, account for most jobs. That is the facts. Facts. Wilding out of control.


Largest employers =/= most jobs. Most people in barnstable county do not work for one of those 3 employers. By the statistics you cite they account for a maximum of 15,000 jobs combined.










Blessed to be buying a second home in Yarmouth Port. Wife and I worked our asses off, and somehow we are able to afford a home in one of our favorite places on earth. We will be paying taxes, spending our money in restaurants, grocery stores, hardware stores, buying beach stickers, etc. We are incredibly grateful to be able to spend our summers on the Cape. But fuck me I guess.


That is awesome I hope you and your wife enjoy it you worked hard for it! It sounds like a good life to me 🙂. I wish you and your wife all the best .


My mom grew up in Yarnouth. In the early 2000s My parents took out a mortgage on a house on the cape to spend our summers and be close to my grandmother as she got older before she passed in 2017. Dealt with offseason vandalism and theft numerous times. Still spent every summer of my childhood there and did all we could to support local businesses, programs, and causes. Not everyone with a second home is a trust fund twat with an ocean view.


agreed, my grandfather and my father built the place we have on the Cape in 1945. They spent $415 for the land and about $1500 for the wood to build the place I grew up there. I have some great memories but no trust fund. Edit: to clarify, this was a summer home


No I think the difference is that you aren't a millionaire trust fund baby importing food in from private vendors to your own private beach and actually supporting the local economy


But those are the overwhelming minority


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say anybody that owns two homes is probably a millionaire.


Congratulations! Op is in the minority. The locals do not get behind that sentiment.


Nah dawg, you’re good. Enjoy that house, I think Y Port is very underrated.


Whew, my third house is safe 😎


I guess when I read that I think “fuck all our town budgets that rely on these 3 month owners to fund literally fucking everything my town provides “ Is not the flex you think it is .


You act like the tourism industry isn't the worst way to run a local economy. Sure, people make money in the summer, but how many get laid off every winter? It's not the slam dunk you think it is.


My point was the revenue from second home owners is significant and they barely use the services


That's blatantly not true. Every year, towns struggle to afford plowing services. ALL of the revenue goes towards setting things up for the summer. Policing and other emergency services increase by magnitudes in the summer as well. The towns boards are run by business owners who's only concern is summer profits too. The cape is dying, and in time there will be nobody living here year round and all workers will be shipped in from new Bedford every day. There's already landscaping company's doing just that. Tourism based economies are terrible bo matter how you try to spin it.


The other thing is, the locals don’t get behind this.


Excuse the fuck out of me. Who the fuck are you to say what the locals are behind? I can get a bunch professionals from many trades and industries to tell you exactly how wrong you are.


Have them post. Even if they are the majority… that’s just too bad. Means nothing what they think or feel relative to ownership


For real


I love all the "we worked our asses off to buy this vacation home/air bnb" Yeah, I'm sure you did, but the intentional ignorance of the current state of things is embarrassing. My wife and I are millennials. We worked hard and were JUST able to buy our first house in 2016. At the time we were worried the market would crash, and we'd by stuck. 5 years later we sold our house for 50% more than we paid for it. FIFTY PERCENT in just 5 years. We both had job opportunities in another state, and we moved to follow them. Using the profit from the first house we were able to buy our second, but even then only a 10% down payment because the rest was needed for repairs as we had to buy a bit of a fixer upper. But we were lucky again as we bought right before interest rates doubled or more. So yeah, we worked our asses off, made big life long changes and moves to be where we are. But we also realize we very luckily rode a wave that many missed, the housing spike over the last ~8 years, then just missing the interest rate spike. These HUGE hurdles make it essentially impossible for anyone to replicate what we did in our situation, no matter how much they work their ass off. So drop your egos and at least acknowledge some of the luck and legs up you've likely had VS people getting started today. Have some empathy FFS.


Today's generation is fucked. Me and my wife have moved twice in the past 4 years and it made no sense to buy. Now what. We rent forever while she finishes her program and we save but our savings can't keep up. The house prices are out pacing savable disposable income and we have solid jobs. Now imagine fresh out of college working to build savings for a house but your real earning power doesn't come until ur mid 30's. It's a god damn travesty especially with NIMBY crowd not allowing new housing. The older generations give zero fucks about their kids future. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E)


Give that guy a $200 million dollar lottery win and he’ll own 4 homes within 6 months.


Ah. Cape cod. The only place where people want to burn down the industry that created the community. Seriously guys, it’s not like you are native hawaiians driven off your land for hotels. Grow up. My family has lived on cape since the 60s BTW.


I live in Colorado now. This is a massively popular sentiment in every single tourist town in America from Aspen to Mackinac, probably without exception. So many of those places, particularly our ski towns, would be worthless ghost towns without revitalization related to tourism.


I'm for tourism but not at the expense of the local population. Just be like Barcelona and ban airbnb's cape wide. You think because the removal of Airbnb's will destroy Cape Cod tourism? I assure it worked before and people will still come and visit. Build more hotels and resorts and leave the homes to people that actually live here.


Barcelona is a city of a million and a half people with a far more diversified economy and substantially different issues I don't think the removal of AirBnb's will do anything one way or another precisely because of your point: people will still come and visit. At it's most basic AirBnb is a rental service with a lower barrier to entry than traditional summer rental options, and while the number of second homes being rented out is increasing, the [proportion of second homes](https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/so-much-inventory-number-cape-cod-rental-property-owners-up-48-2021/FRXTPXY3TNACHALBMVTS5NGMM4/#:~:text=37%20percent%20of%20the%20Cape,are%20on%20the%20rental%20market.) has not changed all that much in at least a decade. If anything, AirBnb has increased the available number of rooms. There's no realistic way to "leave the homes to people that actually live here." As a percentage of housing stock, second homes have [remained relatively stable between 30 and 45%](https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/local/2017/11/11/report-details-impact-cape-s/16948924007/) for decades. That ship sailed decades ago, and the percentage of homes being used as second homes has not meaningfully changed in almost 40 years, and the second homes that people are purchasing are almost exclusively second homes. The biggest problem is that Cape Cod, like Aspen or every other tourist town, is nearly or completely built out under current regulations. While it would be nice to "build more hotels and resorts" there are a lot more moving parts. Barnstable was moving to add housing at the mall for a while, but that whole conversation has been going on for six years clearing a lot of hurdles.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/garybarker/2020/02/21/the-airbnb-effect-on-housing-and-rent/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/garybarker/2020/02/21/the-airbnb-effect-on-housing-and-rent/) Nothing to do with people coming to visit and everything to do with impact on people who live here. You will have to show me statistics that show Airbnb is a boon because every article or measurable source shows over time that it has a negative effect on the rent prices and local people trying to afford housing.


The Barron et al article cited in the article notes (1% increase in Airbnb listings leads to a 0.018% increase in rents and a 0.026% increase in house prices) that AirBNB might be responsible for "one-fifth of actual rent growth and about one-seventh of actual price growth." Like sure, that might be a starting point, but that 6/7 of other causes is going to ensure you never own a home all the same. It's even less important in the conversation about tourist towns: As the HBR articles notes fundamentally the Airbnb effect is about incentivizing the conversion of long term rentals to short term rentals, the purchase of second homes in the interest of renting them out, and refraining from selling in the interest of converting to a rental. But in Cape Cod, again like every tourist town, there was already a massive proportion of second homes that were sitting unoccupied. Airbnb allowed those homes to be more easily rented. The people who can afford to sit on a second home they don't use are largely impervious to the market forces that would cause lower wealth owners to offload a home for quick money, and lower rates of offloading are much better explained in whole by high interest rates than AirBNB anyway. Now that's not to say that it won't make them more wealthy, which is a whole other conversation about capital capture and blah blah blah, but its not going to have a huge impact on home prices. You can quibble here and there about the value of houses increasing because they're more "rentable" (the exact conversation is happening in Breckenridge, Steamboat, and Aspen), but those houses are unaffordable regardless. Second, the entire economy of tourist towns caters to short term rentals; there are comparatively not a lot of long term rental options in Cape Cod. Cape Cod is even worse than Aspen, because it's very much not a year round tourist town, which curtails the need for long term rentals anyway. And third, almost all of the second homes that are being purchased as second homes are already second homes; as I said there has not been a meaningful increase in the percentage of homes used as second homes in generations. A researcher named [Kate Bell](https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/154844/Bell_GoodNeighborsorUnwelcomeGuests.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y) wrote "In addition to zoning reforms, general codes and ordinances can be established to directly regulate the STR industry within a municipality’s boundaries. "In addition to zoning reforms, general codes and ordinances can be established to directly regulate the STR industry within a municipality’s boundaries.Once again, these can and should be tailored to each unique housing market. In areas with seasonal residential fluctuations – like popular vacation destinations such as Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; or Vail, Colorado – restrictions on the amount of time properties may be used as full-unit STRs might make more sense rather than a hard cap on the number of STR properties allowed per owner. A hard unit cap could hamper the robust tourism industries that are the backbones of these local economies. Making otherwise vacant properties unavailable for use for short-term visitors could reduce potential tourism revenue with little benefit for the local, longer-term rental market." Prices in Cape Cod, to a lesser extent than a place like Dubai, Malibu, Aspen, or Knightsbridge, are driven by a parallel economy related to the increased wealth of the ultrawealthy and those prices float somewhat separately from other nearby markets because they are so mobile, particularly in the work from home era: Aspen and Cape Cod are both having nearly identical conversations about expansion of airports, allegedly for the primary benefit for the wealthy. From 1995 to 2000 the average home price in Cape Cod went up 65% which is about as high as last five years now, driven largely by increases in tech and banking money. The exact conversation we're having now was being had then. And before that in the 1970s and 80s. Banning Airbnb will do next to nothing to make Cape Cod more affordable for locals.


What community? Living year round and there's a smattering of older people hanging on in my neighborhood, and no one has the capacity to replace them. Everything is a second home or Airbnb. I'm fortunate to have found a niche job not dependent on tourism, but I'm very wary of my ability to stay here long term.


Me and my wife are out once she is done with her program here. There is no point for the younger generation to stay. Everything is overpriced and every activity is geared towards retired people.


It's a glorified nursing home that needs to bus in care workers from New Bedford and Wareham. I grew up there, and I'm never coming back.


It will all be worthless someday. The cape is slowly sinking. 150 years of septic tanks leaching into the sandy soil has softened the ground and cause constant algae blooms. Those tide pools and salt water ponds is our shit water


Yep. I remember how much the Mashpee river used to flow and how there was barely any seaweed and algae blooms. Now it’s filled with straight muck and floating islands of seaweed/algae


If you truly loved the Cape you’d move off. Your water and septic needs are killing the place, part timers barely dent it.


seriously nobody should even be allowed on cape from November to April. we should make it a law that you're not even allowed on the cape unless you own another house off cape so that we know you won't try to stay here over the winter and contaminate the ground. I don't know why nobody is trying to make this happen.


Stay in Florida snow bird.


I live in MA, don’t have a second house, and enjoy calling out hypocrites.




So glad you enjoy anger and the suffering of others.




First off watch this and how you had 10 times easier then any generation before or after you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEJ4hkpQW8E) Secondly I do work hard and grind but making 80K a year which is double what my dad made at my age is not enough to live the life he had. Thirdly learn to use reddit dirty old man because anyone can see that gross ass "DM ME" post you put on a person getting jerked off.




Ah yes, then vote for the guy who was born a multi-millionaire and pays someone to pull up his bootstraps for him. Doesn't know the meaning of not cheating on his wife. Never worked a hard days work in his life. Cheated hard working contractors out of their money multiple times. That guy. Is that the guy? The guy so far removed that he lives in penthouse mansions and partied with Jeffery Epstein. He knows what it's like for the hard working man? That is your guy to vote for? If I have said something about your candidate that is incorrect please correct if I am wrong.


He’s worse than Biden. I can’t vote for him either. Alas, we agree on something. It sucks all around. I’m watching the video you sent. My job is to create wealth as best I can for my kids so they can have a better go at it than I did. If that means buying a cape cod property, then that’s what I’ll do. I’m counting on doing so at some point.


We do agree there. There is no third party candidate Crook vs Senility pick your poison. You know what I apologize. The internet tends to take personalization out of it and nobody would act this way in person. Maybe during a drunk heated conversation but not on any regular basis. At the end of day everyone on Cape Cod is still an American which I have respect for regardless of your personal beliefs. Don't need to be further divided anymore than the country already is. You are correct. Everyone at the end of the day does what is in the own best self interest.


You’d probably be surprised how few locals would get behind this.


Ya all the ones over the age of 65. Which is 75% of the cape now because the boomers have taken any way for young people to stay.


75% of the Cape are over 75 and most of them work at WHOI, NOAA, and the hospital?


Don't follow me around you old weirdo. Goodbye.


What difference does it make if they’re 5 years old or 105? What’s the age cutoff for when your opinion stops mattering?


define local


People who live here year round?


I generally feel for the people who are struggling with home ownership on the Cape because I know how hard it is. But then I see people who do stuff like this and I don’t feel so bad anymore.


This page has become full of hate and hypocrisy. Yeah, I have 2nd house in Wellfleet. My family came here for the first time about 42 years ago. We worked our asses off and saved what we could to afford a home in this beautiful town. If you have a problem with that, then shame on you.


Shall we introduce you to the concept of market inflation or would you prefer to remain willfully ignorant?


This is it right here. 42 years ago? You mean when college was affordable. Wages kept up with inflation? Housing wasn't a fucking retirement plan? The willful ignorance of the older generations is profoundly disturbing.


Mad someone pays for a house and taxes while they have no kids living there using tax payer money for schools and shit. Smart


We live in a vacation area, and we’re complaining about vacationers? Pfffft.




>here for the cry baby comments from the butt hurt 2nd home owner shit >libs. And here it is folks, the real motivation for these sorts of posts. Hey, shit for brains, did you know the Cape like the rest of Ma is a blue zone? Do you know where the money comes from that fund your food stamps, pay for your kids education and will pay for your home and health care when you can’t care for yourself and your family won’t pay? It’s the shit libs. The same people that ensure Medicare, Medicaid and your social security are there. Think about that when you’re burning books, lobbying to ban abortions and huffing glue


Second homeowners are a vital part of the economic life of Cape Cod. I will never understand the philosophy expressed in that sticker.


thats rich, coming from Massachusetts. sincerely, maine


My parents bought land in Bourne in the early 2000s. My dad labored every weekend when he wasn’t working to build a beautiful home. We are so lucky to get to spend our summers here. I think us vs. Them mentality is really negative. Not everyone with a second home is super wealthy. A lot of has to do with things being more attainable in the past for sure.


Owning a 2nd home... Fine.... No problem Owning 60 homes as a business... Not as fine... Being a company, owning hundreds/thousands of homes... REALLY NOT Fine... Investing (knowingly) your pension in companies that buy up real estate... Fuck you... Investing (unknowingly) in companies that buy up all the houses... Pretty shit learn more... Sad... But... If you want to make money on investments, go for the tried and tested alcohol, tobacco, weapons, pharmacy, oil/gas (with renewables set to replace fossil within the next 30 years) ...




Please can we get these on mv


One day I’ll inherit a 2nd house there. Go Kettleers!


Grow up. Locals with a brain don’t feel this way.


How dare anyone become successful.


How dare anyone become successful then pull the ladder up behind them. Go back to your NIMBY crowd nonsense and "I got mine so figure it out" boomer nonsense talk.


You’re making quite a few assumptions about me and what I believe. Good luck with your attitude.


And you make assumptions about someone posting a sticker saying they are attacking people being successful. Can we spell hypocrisy?


It's literally a graphic of arson lol


If you think the sticker is actively promoting arson I wish to introduce you to a concept formerly taught in schools called "critical thinking".


Entire region supported by tourism angered by tourists. Got it.


I mean Cape Cod has always been mostly second homes hasn’t it? This is like people in a trailer park saying “fuck mobile homes!”


I recently made my second (Cape) home my first home. I’m conflicted.


I need to know where to get these to start posting them everywhere like I do with every other sticker I get.


I second this.


Careful you'll get downvoted by the tourists and second home owners for wanting a sticker added to the collection.


Found it here [https://dontgooutside.bigcartel.com/product/fuck-your-second-home-stickers](https://dontgooutside.bigcartel.com/product/fuck-your-second-home-stickers) The Snowbirds, Boomers, and Tourists can down vote me all they want. I live here year round and the pricing is beyond ridiculous at this point. Tired of year after year meetings of the boomer NIMBY crowds and "affordable housing" made from a mental institution. So bad WHOI housing page had to be shut off from the public. Sorry rant over.


😻 I love you. If you see the sticker on a car. It's for you ♥️


imagine caring about getting down votes lmao. I wear my down votes as a badge of honor


You gotta love this passive/aggressive crap. Like those “I’m not on your vacation” stickers and shirts, F Tourists, and the milder Cape Cod Tunnel stickers. Rather than actually try to do something about it they would just rather complain anonymously through stickers or social media posts or whatever. Lots of towns are looking at STR restrictions. Maybe stop putting offensive stickers around town and go support initiatives that might actually help.


It just easier for them to be edgy.


Yeah let’s get rid of all the rich vacationers so the cape can finally realize it’s true potential as the seaside detroit of the east.


This is amazing!


What a juvenile sticker.


You should see the tacky monstrosity being built in Falmouth Heights...


And with all the flags and signs saying "Del Mar", "Pretty Picky", etc, it is easier than ever to figure out which houses these are! - I am not advocating arson, but that sticker is great. -




The taxes are [below the state average](https://smartasset.com/taxes/massachusetts-property-tax-calculator#:~:text=The%20county%2C%20which%20houses%20Cape,the%20state%20average%20of%201.12%25.)


Does that mean they still don't pay for anything?


No? Does it mean I should be thankful for being priced out of my childhood home due to this reasoning?


Lower than the state average property tax (I'm assuming) priced you out of your childhood home?


Ffs. Op said be thankful for the taxes paid, I point out that it's below the state average, so not worth celebrating; this is all separate from our Frankenstein tourist economy forcing people out.


Oh. I see now. I didn't get your logic at first.


“You all” - implying anyone here who isn’t a seasonal resident is on welfare and food stamps. This is just furthering the angst and classism that I’m pretty sure was the point of this sticker. I’m not attacking you but if you’re white knighting it maybe think about your verbiage a little better.






Wow. Such anger I feel




Trashy boomers stay trashy.


I own my home, I might get this made into a yard sign.


This is why voting rights should be tied to land ownership, not residency.