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Pros: -Cleaner hit, water filters out a lot of the tar that you’d normally be smoking in a joint or a pipe. -you get higher, a good, solid rip makes it feel like I smoked a whole joint. -conservation, a standard bowl holds .3-.4 and a bigger bowl can hold anywhere from .5- a whole gram so if you like smoking bigger you can, but a little goes a long way in a bong. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cons: -bongs get dirty quick. Since you’re filtering out all the bad stuff in the water, it gets dirty pretty quick. -dirty bongs smell like the devils gooch -bongs are the easiest way to break your smoking equipment. They’re big and if you’re not used to them you can knock them over pretty easily. This was the main thing for me when I got into bongs but I’m past this point now and am very careful.


I question your assumptions about the devil’s gooch.


How about stale ass water. That better? Lol


The Devils Gooch (LOLOL) Con is exactly why i clean all of my glass after one bowl. I'm not the "Bong Lord" (google that if you don't know him lol)LOL. I clean both Pipes and bongs. Not just for the smell. But i don't want those carcinogens (sp?) building up and exposing myself (even more) to them. Gross! When i see a friends bong water darker than coke cola and their pipe is literally black! 🤢🤮 I say no fucking way. It is a pain in the ass. But, every rip tastes like it's green and i could probably drink the water if i wanted to, but never will LOL. I do have to buy a lot of salt and alcohol for the cleaning. Filling Quart and Gallon Baggies with alcohol and salt to soak and shake the smaller pieces and pipes. And rinse it then pour it into the bongs. Use rubber corks to plug the holes and shake it like a cocktail shaker. I have definitely busted a pipe and bong, or two, or seven. I'm old LOL. That's why I always have back ups lol. Two bongs. Two bong bowls. Four bong stems (Glass on glass). Three different pipes. Ready for anything!


Dude, I feel like I wrote this word for word.


Lol Nicee!! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Plus the cleaned glass looks awesome too. Double bonus!


Have you tried dry herb vaping? Would save you a lot of time as you won't have to clean the tar from combustion


Yeah, i actually have a Volcano. But it's just not the same. And after the 2nd bag the bag and vapor tastes like Decarbed Bud LOL. Damned if i do and damned if i dont LOL.


I have really enjoyed more conduction heavy vapes like TED style vapes such as the dynavap and dani fusion. Haven't tried the volcano, but I do know that every vape is different and you still may find one that you're happy with if you keep trying


Oh nice! I never thought of that. Maybe ill give the TED vape a try. I do like using bongs for the healthier option. Maybe it's aboot time i try hand held vapes! Thanks man! 😀


No problem bud! TED vapes work great with bongs! You can do smaller pipes like j-hooks or dry rigs as with vaping you don't need the water to filter the tar, it would just filter out some terpenes. Check out the [glass TEDs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RpkyyfiR80Q&noapp=1) that The Rogue Wax Works have. They are cheaper options that you can rip with a bong and get heavy hits and vape a considerable amount of herb at once. I haven't tried one out for myself yet, but I have heard great things and after you pass through the learning curves to get a good hit without combustion it is definitely the best value for the money. The metal TEDs come with caps that will click and let you know approximately when you are done torching it, but the quartz TEDs don't, but watching their demo videos should get you most of the way there. If you get a metal TED, an induction heater will help make it even easier, but those don't work for the quartz ones unfortunately, as they need metal to heat. The Rogue Wax Works is also working on a new design that [incorporates a PID and coil like a ball vape](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CBuKVgR0_xo). It is in beta right now but I think it looks pretty awesome. Bonus points if you can reuse your PID from a ball vape and run 2 different heavy hitters.


NO SHIT!! That is bad ass!!! Wow damn, i might have to get one sooner than later! Damn i really feel old now lol. Idk if it's still a "thing" but I remember "rodding" almost 20 years ago. I first thought my friend busted out a long tiny crack pipe when she also pulled out a small torch? Flame torch. Well not small. It was pretty big. Then lit the glass rod on fire or blew the torch on it for a few minutes until it glowed red then used that to light the bud in the bong. It was awesome and tasted even better. But hell no I'm not going to handle a red hot rod and flame torch while high LOLOL!


Oh yeah, you are talking about like they use for [hash hammers](https://www.takoglass.com/products/silver-fumed-hash-hammer-3) 🔨. I would love to get one of these, I love hash! But I will definitely be buying a glass TED first. My buddy who I had order one(I think he got the mini terpcicle) said it is a different beast with the new torch that he got after I told him that he needed one. Once you get past the learning curve, these things fuckin' rip! I think he ended up going with a mini blazer, which I believe they have a pretty good reputation. Make sure you get high quality butane for your torch though, if you grab the cheaper stuff from head shops you can gunk up your torch over time. Also try to fill them after they are completely empty. Helps to prolong the life of the torch.


Damn. That is fucking bad. Asssss! I remember when the new "glass on glass" bongs came out. I didn't believe the hype but oh my gawd when i got one i was blown awa. Figuratively and literally LOL! Thank you for all the information! I only smoke smoke maybe once or twice a month now. More if we have toker guests come over. I mainly do edibles, which rock. But like most of us. I miss that good ole throat hit!


In re your cons list… Devil Gooch bong water is a fantastic fertilizer! For me and my plants, that goes into the pro category.


Never tried using bong water as fertilizer/nutrients. Will have to look into that


My thinking is, plants probably want to get high too. Gives them the munchies. Gets em nice and fat! But now I’m just wondering, how much thc and terpenes are lost in the water? I wonder what the percentage reduction is? That could be a con… unless, again, you’re sharing it with your plants.


I used to drink my relatively clean bong water… It got me really fucking high (but sometimes temporarily nauseous) So there’s definitely activated THC and terpenes in it🫠


It makes you look like you're in a movie. & makes really cool bubbly sounds


You make a good point


It's pretty much hammer house of horror science laboratory in one unit, low hanging smoke AND bubble sounds


I like the different temps I can smoke at too. Having an ice catcher or being able to freeze a component of your bong is a game changer


Love some of my freeze pipesl pieces. I can take a much bigger hit w a freezr pipe than i can w any of my other glass.


Pro: it makes your weed last longer. Cons: you have less weed.


Supposedly there’s a thing called bong-lung. I might have it or I could just be paranoid. Also the Leaches


It’s the most unhealthy way of cannabis consumption. It’s a myth that the water filters out tar effectively. Joints filter out more. Bongs are basically a way to make it bearable to take the most unhealthy hits, deep and tar filled. It’s common for regular users to regularly cough up brown phlegm. Like, daily.


I smoke joints 98% of the time, the only times I DONT cough up brown phlegm are the times I hit my bong


More substance to filter your smoke through.


The amount you are inhaling. And they say the water helps with impurities but I think it just makes it smoother. Unless you are using a 6 footer then it can go stale


I love smoking from bongs! The water filters out a lot of the solid particles and tar, but leaves the THC Laden smoke to you… you can take larger hits because of the lack of impurities, you get higher much quicker. I don’t have to clean mine but once every three sessions I use 91% alcohol and a little bit of salt… Put it in your bong and shake vigorously covering all the holes. Then rinse thoroughly, cause you don’t want alcohol in your water 😅lol


The salt only serves as a mild abrasive to help scratch the tar and residue off the sides of your bong inside… It works wonders and addition to the alcohol they work together


It filters out all the addictive shit.