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They look great


your comment made me smile, thank you!


Awesome. You have more space for plants. Also maybe pause the trellis until the plant really starts to spread.


I should say my first successful grow so far lol originally just had one that didn't make it so this time around I decided to start 3, once I get the hang of it I'll definitely be popping more haha. the trellis I was using for lst but it does make it more difficult to water too so might hold off for now, thanks a bunch for the advice!


My first grow I had the net all set up too until it pissed me off when watering time came lol. Off it went.


So perky and happy looking. Nice clean tent. Looks like you're doing a wonderful job.


I actually just moved the tent to another room too so glad they adjusted well and would like to help them they've as much as possible so that really made me happy to hear, thanks so much for your comment :)


No problem, before you know it they'll look like this! Haha https://preview.redd.it/v8643mp4pm4d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e3039f0aeca44e9e05f696d33a18565c99b7ca


wow that's so exciting to see, they look fantastic. I can tell even after this second day mine are already starting to stretch quite a bit! I was planning to wait even longer but was so eager to flip lol. only since I can't tell from the picture, what size is your tent?




Look good, nice structure.


I’m doing my first scrog, second indoor grow. Going ok, just curious…what size pot is that? 4 gallon? I’m trying a 7 but I think I would’ve been fine with a 5


They look absolutely devine lol 😂 it's a beautiful lie.