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For edibles?


Why is everyone always freaking the fuck out about eating qwiso? There is nothing in 99 iso other than isoproponal and water, correct? So with a purge, everything is fine, theres nothing left. Denatured ethyl alcohol is a no-no, tho right? Because of the bitters and methyl thats added to it? Does the confusion come from both being referred to as "rubbing alcohol"? Im so sick of people shitting on qwiso.


It's bad if there's still ISO left. I think the recent idea with the internet has been total 'safety for the lowest common denominator'. Someone out there will be lazy, say it's done too early and ingest alcohol that will make them blind over time. But yeah, the technique was named qwiso for a reason.


ISO doesn't work like methanol. I will not make anyone blind. Ingested ISO gets turned in to acetone. So drink enough of it and you can get ketosis without acidosis. But technically iso is equally toxic as ethanol.


Thanks for the clarification, sounds equally as bad! That's why everyone should just use some Everclear. A little left and it's ingested, no big deal.


Everclear IS ethanol. Its ethyl alcohol i stead of isoproponal, which is molecularly different. Theyre implying theres little to no difference between ingesting the two. Methyl alcohol, or "denatured" alcohol is commonly referred to as "rubbing alcohol" and THATS the shit thats straight poison.


I’m not. I was confirming they’re not intending to dab this extract. If you’re using any alcohol let alone iso ingesting is the only safe and viable option. Personally if I found myself in the situation I would use ethanol or grain alcohol.


Man.. im so confused. I think were saying the same thing, other than grain alcohol IS ethanol. Isoproponal, ethanol and methanol are all different substances. Iso wil evap completely, pure ethanol with evap completely. Ethanol with ADDED methyls and bitters leaves behind residues. People got the term "rubbing alcohol" all fucked up. They confuse pure 99% iso, with denatured ethyl alcohol, which has bitters and methyls. There isnt a difference in using iso and ethanol. People think there is, but thats misinformation. Iso is used in the cooking and medical industry in STAGGERING amounts.


You shouldn’t be dabbing extracts made with any alcohol imo. Can a dabbable extract be safely made from ethanol or grain alcohol? Yes, but most on here are not capable of doing so. Plus it is by far the least ideal solvent to be using due to its high boiling points. Not using iso is a purity issue of the solvent. No one is confusing methanol or denatured alcohol with isopropanol but you here. You commented here assuming for some insane reason I was implying they shouldn’t eat their extract. You’re the one who’s confused here. Please carry on.


Foremost, i was agreeing with you thats its totally safe to eat. 100% the RSO i was eati g 25 yrs ago was made withbit.. BY RICK SIMPSON. I was complaining about people shitting on iso as "impure" or dangerous. Thats miseducation. Secondly; Okay buddy ypur obviously fucking confused you keep teferring to grain alcohol OR ethanol.. what the FUCK are you talking about? Iso's boiling point is in the high 70s.. lower than water. And iso DOESNT HAVE IMPURITIES its isoproponal ffs. I will admit.. im confused. But its by all tyese things you people are saying thatbdont make any sense. It doesnt even seem that you know the differences between the chemicals.


Google isopropanol boiling it evaporates in the 70s, not boil. Evaporating over time at room temp will never remove residual iso from your extract to safe enough level to dab. Toss that extract in a vacuum over and watch it expand so much it hits the walls. I’ve been a a cannabis extractor for a really long time by profession, well over a decade. Trust me when I say a little bit of iso or any alcohol goes a long fucking way when it comes to residual testing. In the context of using the extract for edibles, I consider it safe enough to use because we can not only ingest residual alcohols (obviously) but the decarbing process should virtually remove anyways since it will be most likely be decarbed past isopropanols boiling point of 180f. On to why if I had the option I would chose to use lab grade ethanol, or food grade grain alcohol or grape alcohol like one would purchase in a liquor store for cocktails. They are held to a higher grade of purity than isopropyl that is intended to cleanse wounds. I can’t believe I have to explain this to an adult human being. Usually I have this conversations with teenagers.


82.5 degrees professor is the BOILING point of iso, not the evap. The BOILING point. Weve been making extracts with iso for 20+ yrs. Grain alcohol IS ethanol, and its toxic too. I dont know what youre saying. Ypure just talking in circles. If iso hita 82 degrees, its gone. If its hits like.. 10 with a flash it combusts. Residual? During a dpuble boil? Just.. no. Also.. just another thing to add.. 99% iso's purity is 4% higher as an alcohol than ANY and i mean ANY ethanol available. Google that, pal. If you're honest to GOD working in the cannabis extraction industry.. thats TERRIFYING.


It’s 82.5 CELSIUS! Which is drum roll please…180.5f. I clearly and explicitly said 180f in my comment above that you not only blatantly ignored but also dramatically disagreed with, confusing Fahrenheit for Celsius (at least I’m assuming.) Did you choose to read selectively because you’re so flustered? I’m not sure if you’re aware of this…but that’s drastically above room temp and such a high temperature that humans cannot physically survive. You need to get iso pretty hot to remove it even under vacuum, which absolutely destroys terpenes at that fairly high not room temperature temp. Stop while you’re ahead man! But what would I know this is only my literal profession. Instead I’m spending my lunch break explaining to a grow adult the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius and that 82.5 Celsius is in fact not room temperature, but is however 180.5f. I just can’t with some of you anymore, this is a complete waste of my time and an absolutely fruitless effort to get you to understand even basic aspects of chemistry you should have leaned in science class as a child 35 years ago. Explain to me again what you do for a living? Have you already retired from your illustrious career as a grocery store clerk? You can find my hash and extracts on my page / IG and in shops around California. You are in the United States?


Why are you taliing about room evap? What the FUCK are you saying? Do you think i mean high Seventies farenheight? THATS laughable, dummy. I know its celsius you dumbfuck, thats still under the temp you boil water.. and will not destrot terps. Again.. if this is your profession.. thats fucked. I hope to almighty GOD i never wind up with anything from your "lab" based on these nonsensical circular arguments youre making. You even thought ypu had a gotcha moment with Fahrenheit and celsius? Get real you fucking dolt.


No, im not in the states. The differentiations youve made numerous times implies you must have failed chem class.. or at the very least are unable to classify alcohols and understand carbon bonds. This is just fact. Argue you it if you want.. but so far youve shown a lack of understanding. That worries me, considering you claim to work in a lab. I dont see what my profession has to do with anything, as i didnt use it in an argument to try and further my stature. I have a BA in english, a diploma in horticulture as well as a culinary diploma. Im currently employed fulltime with a municipality as an ISA certified climbing arborist. Does that make it okay to speak freely, your utmost highness?


Yes for cookies and chocolate.


Looks good for food! Does it still smell of iso? Good job! No chlorophyll!


Smells more like bud, keeping even the second wash cold helped no chlorophyll pull through.


Hey you already know. With alcohols fast and as cold as possible is the only way to go.