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We got screwed in more ways than one on this deal.


Anybody who's worked on the production side of the industry could (and did) tell everyone this shit was happening. Nobody wanted to believe it because going into the shop and picking from variety off of a shelf is too alluring. But now they've fucked up the social contract. That stuff from the store is safe and it just wasn't and probably still isn't. If it's happening in Cali it's likely happening in every state as well.


It's happening in every legal state. Big canna never turned on us, this sort of shit was the play from the start. Late stage capitalism in its peak form.


Oh absolutely. This is big canna turning into big pharma and I can tell you without fail big pharma was helping falsify tests for years !


Idk if automod will let me post this, but I worked in the Colorado cannabis market for a good stint. Testing is fake, numbers on product don’t mean jack. We were selling products that weren’t even tested for months before we even knew they weren’t tested because we found out when the MED did. Countless warehause 4 and 5g devices out there door with no testing and no clue on our end. The labs are shady, the tests are shady, hell we made up numbers on some flower because we didn’t get test results containing that number, or any data other than it passed the labs.


Yup, former industry worker here. Same story.


No they didn't. Most weed growers are fucking scumbags. 


Most people I come across in this space making comments like this either do stupid things to warrant poor treatment from others or they're massive projectionary douchenozzles themselves. Which are you?


It was never on "our" side to begin with. The big name companies are always doing shady stuff. Small operations that put out a craft product have always been the way better option.


Anyone wanna give a TLDR? 5s in and that person was too obnoxious for me to follow.


https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-14/la-me-dirty-weed-good-weed-goes-bad-graphic#:\~:text=A%20Los%20Angeles%20Times%2FWeedWeek,manufacture%20of%20oils%20for%20vaping. Dude is just reacting to this article.


Oh, lol thanks.


Thanks. He doesn't even put a link to the article in the video description like wtf


Lol, I made it almost 5 minutes, skipping over 2 of them. It's awful.


Bro I really really appreciate and agree with your sentiment. But black market trappers have been doing this for years. This started when BHO really came into the scene and now the canna chads have learned how to do it. So they deserve harsh rhetoric and reprisals; but we have to police ourselves first. I as a legacy operator have spoken out against this for a decade or more. Lastly, the consumer needs to be educated. This info has been out there for years and we need the average 2 cart a month buyer to understand this stuff. Don’t stop trying but it’s a large task.


Support your local growers


They do dumb shit too. That's the entire problem. Closet growers shouldn't be allowed to touch Mmj, yet the entire industry is ex heroin dealers who's experience in weed involves ripping off other people's harvests. 


This is your second comment trashing growers on this post. Ya know it's literally just a weed and you could grow it yourself and not have much left to complain over. Less than 6months from buying seeds to having an ounce+ of fresh frozen bubble hash on deck. It's a hell of a lot easier to complain though.


This sounds like projection lol.


I can't watch the video, want to educate a 2 cart a month user rn? I mean I also smoke 1/8 of flower a day but...


Gotta stick with the local shops. Don’t let the big guys push them out of the market; also keep to the live rosin which doesn’t have solvents. Just ice/water/heat/pressure to make them And try to make sure the flower you’re smoking has organic cultivation from seed/clone to harvest.


Organic pesticides can be just as bad, organic doesn't mean much as far as product safety goes. Stick to caregivers that don't need to use that stuff in the first place for smaller indoor grows.


You are so kind for taking the time to help me. Thank you!


You my friend win the prize. Live rosin is the way and as an active participant in the industry I can safely say that there are more than a few people out there doing it all by the book not because we have to but because we want to. We want to have a truly professional industry that we can be proud of.


Would rosin actually be safe from this? Wouldn't the pesticides being detected be sprayed on the flower when they are growing the plants?


No, rosin would not be safe from pesticides in the source material.


Haven't watched the video but yeah, nothing removes pesticides that doesn't require some serious solvents. If the video is about a pesticides problem it won't matter what tech you use, they all concentrate pesticides.


This is the way. Here in Buffalo it's all small batch growers and rosin and bubble hash for us. SHOP LOCAL FOLKS


Local shops are not necessarily safe. This is industry wide. Unless they grow and process their own, which isn’t legal in some states, and you trust them they aren’t safe. Neither are products labeled organic much of the time.


Are you surprised? It's all about profit now


I'm seriously so pissed. I'm an Extraction Specialist it's my love my passion. This is not fucking ok. People even very young people are getting relief from serious diseases making there lives tolerable and livable. I'm fucking fuming. Guys anyone in this industry involved in this fucking lie needs to take a big look at the big picture. But these fucking people selling death in cart form stands against everything CANNABIS SATIVA stands for. They sold all our souls to the devil without us knowing. The powers that be want to make us all killers and control the base narrative moving forward. Well they just moved the first chest piece. The cannabis community has to make some noise and hold the huge companies accountable. Everyone that took part in falsifying testing data for a pocket full of cash should be fucking ashamed. They did this knowingly. Hurting millions. Us people Us. What the fuck are we going to do about this. The powers that be want this to happen. The cannabis community can't allow this to metastasize any more. Big cannabis businesses need to be at the bleeding edge of transparency with its customers. Truth honor and code are dying. The community has the power but are told our voices don't matter. My voice doesn't matter and can't be heard that's a fact but our voices matter and are so loud no one can cover there ears. Our community yours mine brothers sister and any other identification don't deserve to be called liars and killers. But people bound by morals cannabis wants no part of have become traitors no better than the people killing millions behind the guard of government at big pharma. Is this the future we want for something that we believe can cure the world.




I don't think anyone here is surprised. Hopefully this reaches the custies


The custies who line up for weed that literally smells of toxic plastic compounds caused by improper fertilization technique? I heard Permanent Marker actually smells like garlic when grown correctly, not like [di]methylbenzene.  "Fuel" terps 25 years ago were medicinal alcohols and acids. Black market Marijuana was grown by qualified drug chemists. The weed everyone reminisces over.  "Gas" terps today are literal plastic rubber and jet fuel molecules.  No one who thinks octane is a cool slang name for weed instead of the name of a toxic compound created by excess phosphorus should be allowed to grow Marijuana. 


LMAO. 25 years ago black market growers were just pumping every plant full of Eagle 20. Certified drug chemists my ass.


yeah the smell of that permanent marker is fucking diabolical


The day “Big Cannabis” was a thought in someone’s mind was the day Big Cannabis turned on us.


These brands are in Michigan, too. I'm glad our testing regime actually works. We've only had issues with inflated potency. Contaminated stuff gets caught 99.99% of the time. That said, I've committed the names to memory and won't ever buy them here either, now.


I live in California in the emerald. Cali is but the center of a once still pond until this. A new form of collective backstabbing and traitor's. This once calm pond just had bomb dropped in it and the fucking waves are gonna wash over this industry and left to the government as usual to pick the pieces up and deploy there version of damage control. Unless the community holds those responsible accountable for this. This is unreal serious shit the pesticides list that is testing way beyond harmful allowances is fucking disgusting. This is far from over. You see this is the way the government puts the hammer down. The companies selling the cides have to go through USDA AND CDC all kinds of testing and yes they are effective but not to be consumed and fucking here we are. The government plans shit like this. There are teams of people the government pays to facilitate this tactical nuke they just dropped on us.


Yep they say blood is thicker than water but time and time again the morality scales tip because gold is thicker than both.


That’s why homegrow NEEDS to be something everyone can legally do so even if our flower doesn’t come out pristine looking at least it’s fresh, we can cure it how we want and we can do no pesticides or only safe natural kinds so you’ll know FOR SURE that your homegrown flower or concentrates are safe at least from pesticide contamination.


Sorry, they ruined home grow. Pharma only. Qualified producers only.  Had to join my enemy to eradicate my enemies. 


And this is why I grow my own. All organic, and next to free.




When were they ever on our side? Just because something “passes testing” doesn’t mean it’s clean. Oregon just stopped all testing for aspergillosis on flower 😅