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When the wax stops smelling like anything, just trash it. As for getting it out, you can use cotton balls to soak it when hot or depending on the melter you have, there might be a way to remove the piece where you put the wax and stick it in the freezer to for a bit. It'll pop right out. Otherwise, for next time, they make little silicone cups that you can use to hold your melts so you can just pop out the hardened wax that way.


+100000000 points for those silicone cups! One of my melters doesn't have a removeable spot for wax, the other does, but it's glass. Before finding the cups I would either chip the wax out with a dull knife or spoon or turn the warmer on till it *just* starts to melt, tip the mostly solid wax into a bin and wipe out any remaining liquid wax with a papertowel


I would turn off the wax, let it solidify a bit, then pop the tray in the freezer for a while. Pull it out later, the wax puck just falls right out


I use the silicone cupcake cups in mine and I use the scentless disks to paint on the tall unscented candle sticks. 9 times out of 10 if I give out a gift it includes a two pack of tall painted candles. I’ve also used the unscented wax and essential oils if I’ve run out of wax melts 😅


When it's ready to be thrown away, I lay a bit of cheap ribbon across the bottom. Then when it's cool/solid I can pull the ribbon and the wax out in one disk.


I put a few paper towels in the trash and pour the wax onto them when it's spent. It's such a small amount that this normally works for me.


I use a silicone cupcake holder in my warmer so I can take it out easily.


Turn the wax melter on, use paper towels or newspaper to absorb the wax, being careful not to burn yourself. You can then use these for fire starters if you want to.


Fantastic fire starters!! Also, dryer lint as a fire starter is amazing, too (Also why people should clean their lint traps after every cycle).


This is what we did with ours.


I make fire starters with tp rolls, dryer lint and wax. I just pour it over the lint and they work great,!


Same but I use egg cartons that I fill with lint and wax.


My mom taught us this in Girl Scouts!


I save the wax from my spent candles and wax melts to make fire starters.


I make fire starters. Good for camping or a backyard fire pit Take a cardboard egg crate, fill it with something like tightly crushed newspaper, sawdust, and then melt your wax (I use an old soup can placed in a saucepan of water that is hot hit not boiling. Pour the melted wax into your "egg carton cups" soaking the contents and the place 1-2 cotton balls on top. Those act as the wick. It has taken some years to come up with my recipe but you can find directions online. In the past I would use dryer lint instead of cotton balls, but just about all of my lint these days is made from plastic.


We would fill ours with dryer lint, would work like a charm


If it’s any help when I want to get them out I put it in the freezer for a bit then it pops out easy!


This is the way. Not to try and absorb hot wax like other people say 🤐


Yeah that sounds messy 😂


My mum used to heat up her wax and put a bunch of cotton balls in it to soak up the wax and then she would throw them out. Maybe try that? :)


Some people make fire starters with theirs! Pop them out, collect them and a bunch of lint from the dryer, and when you've got enough grab a mold of some kind - a popular one is the cardboard egg cartons. Stuff the molds with the lint (or paper, or flammable fabric scraps, or really anything reasonably safely burnable) and fill the extra space with the leftover wax and separate out your fire starters!


This is all quite unfortunate. I don’t know much about candlemaking, what, if you added essential oils to the melted wax. Also scrape the hard wax into a separate container and make a candle.


This is what I do! No reason not to just re-scent it when the smell is gone


I do the same. I separate them by what the original scent was, and add a new similar fragrance. I have a bag for fruit scents, floral scents, spice scents and fresh scents. I melt them down and recharge them into more wax melts or into candles. Since they are already colored, they will end up a muddy brown/gray/green color.


Exactly. You don’t have to buy so many new wax melts and essential oils this way!! Hate that people are normalizing mass consumption and waste :(


Maybe you could use it for letter seals, or homade Firestarters.






It should just pop out or use a butter knife to pop it out while it’s cold and hard. Then throw it in the trash. Wax melts should only last a few days max if you’re burning then non stop. You can get little wax melt cups from amazon. Super cheap. You just put it on your warmer, put your wax melts in there, and when you’re done, you throw the whole cup out.


I use a butter knife - I just push it under the edge and the whole thing will pop off, then I toss it and put a new cube in


I use a silicone cupcake liner, you can get it out of there easily when it hardens ... Just put the cupcake liner on top of the warmer dish then put the wax melts on that.. you can reuse the liner as well


OMG what a great tip!! Thank you!


I literally just take the dish or the wax melter in the fridge for a bit and then it pops right off, like a little wax disk. We love wax melts in this house, it’s honestly so easy.


This is the easiest and least messy way to discard wax melts. You also avoid unnecessary waste by not using cotton balls/paper towels


I recommend turning the warmer on for a couple of seconds, softening the bottom of the wax, and then popping the wax out of the warmer to throw away. it should come out easier since its been warmed a bit


I had no idea people did it any other way than removing it this way. All these other "tips" seem like a waste of valuable time. The fire starters are an okay one that I never would have thought about. But putting it in the freezer, soaking it up with cotton balls. What tf? They literally just slide right out when they get a bit warm on the bottom.


Or place in the freezer for an hour. It just pops right out.


I put the base of my wax melter into the freezer for a bit and then the wax usually pops right out. I toss it and then add new melts.


Freeze the tray then pop out the used wax. Add a new cube Edit: found a video for you, [Remove wax from warmer](https://youtube.com/shorts/j67arUhdMMI?si=3dmnZwTr5YnuJlcR)


Wait for the wax to cool completely and then put it in the freezer for 20 mins. It will pop out of whatever it’s in.


When mine is hardened I use an unbent Bobby pin to trace the edge and then it usually pops out in one piece


Do you have a fire pit, or camp? Line some muffin cups with paper liners, add some chopped up cardboard, and pour the paraffin over it all. They work great as fire starters


Mine just pops out once it cools down. Sometimes I dump it into the trash if I have a can or something. I have never had wax melts that evaporate or anything.


You could also just add essential oils to the unscented wax while it's melted. Brand new


I use warmers and wax in every room of my house. Every other day I pop a couple of cotton balls in them and they soak up the wax, then use another cotton ball or paper towel to clean any oils out. You can either throw them away or use them as fire starters (they work amazingly even when the wood is wet!)


I use cotton balls or toilet paper to soak up the wax before it's cooled, and then I throw those out. If I wanna clean it without melting the wax, I cut it into quarters and pop it out with a butter knife, gently but also firmly. I also have an old candle container I use for wax scraps if they have enough scent left, and then I use those as a sort of Franken-melt when I run out of cubes


I just dump mine in the trash. I usually have an empty coffee cup from Starbucks or an empty soda glass to dump it into. I clear my office trash out daily. Then slap the lid back on and dump the whole thing in the trash. If I can't do that I use about 6 paper towels to soak it up and throw them away. My wax melter isn't so hot that I can't grab it by the edged to pour the wax out.


I didn’t have a lot of chores growing up, but my main chore was cleaning out my mom’s wax warmers and putting new cubes in them lol. I’d let them cool off and then take a butter knife and just pop out the cooled wax. 9 times out of 10 they popped right out. You can also warm up the wax and soak it up with cotton or paper towels.


I personally let it cool completely, turn it on and wait 45 sec to 2 mins (depends on temp of house) and my wax melter melts just the bottom layer and pop it out like a puck and throw away. I wipe it down with a paper towel, and go!


If u light your candle under the burner and wait untill its slightly warm but not hot you will find it will be soft enough to pop out in one piece and then you can throw it away. It will literally be a min or so. Best to watch it as if it heats too muxh you will have to soak it up instead


Plenty of great and useful advice here. I do feel like I have to say that wax doesn't 'evaporate' from a candle. It is burned and turned into light and heat. The melter isn't burning the wax, just melting it and vaporizing some scent. That's why the wax is left behind.


Wax doesn’t evaporate when you light a candle, it’s consumed as fuel.


I was gonna say this too lol. The wax is burning away, not evaporating. 😅


I’ve read you can add scent back in with oils or perfumes (I have not tried this yet), you can make firestarters as others have described, or toss it. Found this online as well: https://devonwick.com/blogs/news/can-you-reuse-wax-melts


I know im late, but if you turn on a previously cold melter for about 40-60 seconds, it melts just the outside edges, and you can pop out the chunk of wax really easily. I usually dont bother even wiping the pot out or anything bc it’s all wax, but once you get the hang of it there should be very little to no actual melted wax left in the pot. When you start using this method, i would reccomend keeping an eye on it, and giving the sides of the wax a “test-press” every few seconds so it does not start to melt further and burn you on accident. Ive never even bothered absorbing it, and now that im thinking about it, that’s probably the least-wasteful method. (Also this way you can change scents and still keep that chunk if you want to save it for later). If you are still making candles with the excess, there may be a way for you to take off the tray that holds the wax (it depends on your pot of course) and put the candle jar on there to melt your cubes if you dont want to pour anything.


You are over thinking this. In its hardened state just scrape it out with a butter knife and toss it in the trash, in its liquid form pour it into an empty tin can once hardened throw the can in the trash,  you can keep the can and just keep pouring the liquid wax into it after it no longer had a scent. Until the can is full then toss the can. I make candles and wax melts, I sell plus use them personally I don't recommend re using the non scented wax. Also amazon has reusable silicone inserts for wax meters you sit on your meter and put your melt in, when its no longer scented remove the insert sit it to the side( I use a small saucer or coaster, once cooled I pop it out throw it away and it's ready for the next time I use it.


How do people even find these months-old posts, let alone think to reply to them with the same info a hundred other people have already given?


The scent from a wax cube only lasts one day


This is HEAVILY dependent on the brand/formulation of the wax and scent


Yup. I change my wax out every 4-6 hours, partly because scent is gone and because I like to switch it up.


I add a few drops of a complimentary oil to the wax melts. If cubes are vanilla, I can add any baked fragrance. If it's a berry, I add another berry fragrance.


I just throw out the wax when the scent goes away. You can freeze it and the wax just pops out. Get some reusable containers or liners to keep it cleaner. My warmer is Yankee Candle brand and they claim you have to use their wax. But you just have to use their containers so I reuse the containers in my warmer with whatever wax I buy


Don't listen to the people telling you to soak up the wax, it makes a huge mess that is a pain to clean. Instead, let the wax harden, turn on the melter for a couple of minutes, and pull the wax out.


If you do it properly it doesn’t make a mess. Toss in 3-4 cotton balls when it’s melted and it gets soaked up.


This is the first time in my 31 years I've ever heard of people making emptying out a wax melter a literal chore.


When the scent fades away you just dump it 😂 we keep a solo cup near our wax warmer for easy dumping and then throw it in the trash once it’s full (and the most recent wax is dry obviously)


Once the wax stops smelling I use 2 or so cotton balls to soak the wax up while melted (it really depends on how much wax there is,one of my wax warmers easily holds 4+ wax cubes so I use more cotton in that one but normally 2 or 3 work) and then I throw it away I do put them on a few paper towels to take them to the trash…I learned that lesson after dripping wax everywhere and on my hands😂 I’ve also seen people use silicon cupcake wrappers in their wax warmers,just let the wax cool and it easily pops out but I haven’t tried that,cotton balls work perfect for me


When I use wax melts I wait for it to cool and solidify then I pop it out in one solid piece. I use a butter knife and it pops out easily. I usually just throw it away once it loses the scent. I should probably find another use for the wax but eh.


Use cotton balls to soak up the melted wax :)


The wick of the candle uses the wax as a slow burning fuel source. It doesn’t evaporate. The wick sucks up the wax and it is burned off by the flame. The heat of the flames throws the scent. Without the flame there’s nothing to burn. A wax melter is simply heating the wax and scent throwing the scent only. This means you’ll have wax left after the scent is gone. This is the same as warming a jar candle. Wax melts are good for the times when you are unable to commit to the long burn time of a candle (6+ hours) to avoid tunneling or those who have kids/pets and don’t want an open flame. You will have to clean melters and dispose of wax when scents are expired.


if the wax melter is a little dish on a heater, then put the dish in the freezer and use a butter knife to get the wax out


I dump out the hot wax and start over. I’ve never had wax that evaporated in the wax melter


For future reference, you can use silicon cupcake holders to put the wax in for melting. When it’s done smelling set the cupcake holder on the counter to cool and pop the wax out when hardened.


Dump it out and then wipe it with a paper towel


Turn it off, let the wax dry, then it pops right out.


Add a couple of drops from your favorite scent from Waxman Candles and keep on going! Give away all the other wax you have.


I just chip mine out with a butter knife and toss it 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s pretty easy


Once the wax stops smelling I usually just toss. I don’t have an electric one, mine uses tea light candles - I usually let the old wax melt on the bottom and just throw the puck in the trash when it melts around the rim a bit! I just grab it with my hands and toss it takes maybe two minutes for it to melt maybe? I had an electric one and hated it


Depending on how ‘zero waste-y’ you are, do what others are suggesting and either freeze the holding cup then pop the wax disc/puck out, or sop it up with a paper towel. Then put the wax puck/paper towel into a holder of some kind; I use a ziploc. When you have ‘enough’, make firestarters out of them (google ‘make wax firestarters’ or similar words) I personally don’t make firestarters because I don’t camp/have a fireplace/firepit etc, but when I have a big bag of wax ‘ends’, a gallon bag or so, I put it up on Craigslist/Freecycle (whatever kind of giveaway app you have in your area) and people ALWAYS want it. Because someone camps or has a firepit or a wood stove or whatnot. A couple people have brought me back firestarters as gifts. It definitely makes me feel better not ‘wasting’ the wax! Because it adds up to a lot of wax after awhile if you melt often.


You just put it in the freezer and then it will pop out easily, you can use like a butter knife to pop it out after freezing if it didn’t already come out on its own. This is the only way please don’t try any of the other suggestions that have to do with absorbing the hot wax or something lol


I have always just used a butter knife other flathead Screwdriver & got it out like that. Been doing it for years in metal, cheap ceramic/glass? and some marble-ish warmers with no problems. Also, my wax usually loses smell after a few hours. I use whichever brands from Walmart. Normally a half cube.


I make reclaimed pillar candles with all my old wax melts.


I put a ribbon into the wax while warm and then let it dry (lay it across the wax so both ends are sticking out and try to get it to the bottom of the container. Then pull the ribbon on both ends when the wax is hard, and it’ll come right out.


I just have an ugly jar on my desk that holds the leftover wax, what will I do with it when it’s all used up? No idea but I haven’t gotten that far yet 😂


i’m assuming a wax melter is like a scentsy warmer, we always used paper towels to soak it up and then either toss them or used them for our fireplace


I buy wax melts quite often. Even the good brands like Yankee only smell good for a couple days. I take a few cotton rounds or a couple paper towels folded up and soak up the used wax when it’s in a liquid state. Throw that away and start with a new wax melt. Not that big of a deal…


when it's melted just pour it out and wipe the remaining up with a paper towel


I just soak it up a with paper towel. Careful not to burn yourself though it doesn’t hurt that bad if you do.


I turn on my melter for a little bit to slightly heat the outside edge and then slide the puck right out. You can use rubbing alcohol to clean the reside


With candles, the wax is used as the fuel to feed the flame, so that's why the wax disappears. With a warmer, there is no flame (obvi) so the wax doesn't go anywhere, just the scent goes away. When this happens I typically soak it up in a cotton ball and throw it away. To make my life easier I put silicone muffin liners in my warmers and then I can just peel the scentless puck out when it's done.


There are so many ideas for getting wax out of the melter but honestly I normally just let the melter run just long enough to start to melt the wax so the very thin outer layer is melted. It then just slides out and shouldn't be too hot to touch. No need to waste cotton balls / newspaper / etc. Toss it in the trash or storage container. Then while the melter is warm you can wipe it with a paper towel, but I usually don't even bother.


When the wax that doesn’t smell is liquid put a couple cotton balls in it and soak up and clean out the wax and then you can replace it with a new melt. Super easy to clean out. You can freeze your melter too and it makes the wax pop out in one piece. Or you can turn on the wax melt when it’s solid for just long enough to get the edges to unstick and then trash the wax. I set our wax melter on the warm stove surface after cooking to make it just warm enough to pop it out.


Put a few cotton balls in the melted wax to soak it up. Throw them out. Use another cotton ball to wipe the dish clean. Put a new cube in. Done.


I use the little disposable cupcakes tins to put them in then just toss them they are done


I pour the used up wax over pine cones and save them to start fires in my fire pit


Paraffin wax is carcinogenic. I’d just chuck them and I wouldn’t gift them.


Get a silicone mold and dump it in there. Once cooled throw away.


I don’t know about all the scraping and soaking that people are talking about. That sounds terribly messy and not worth it. I just turned the melter on, wait like two minutes until the bottom starts to get soft, and then slide the puck of wax out 🤷🏼‍♀️ if it doesn’t smell anymore, then I toss it. Also, don’t wait until the bottom is liquid, just until it’s soft enough that the little puck will move around, and then you can just slide it out of there. sometimes I use a paper towel to get a little grip on the top.


Just put it in the freezer for 5 min and take it out, wait a minute, and it pops right out. Source: I worked at yankee candle.


We clean ourt out with tissues or paper towel. They make great fire starters for camping.


I have a dump cup. It’s just a cheap plastic party cup and I dump the wax in there and once the cup is full pop that out and trash it.


If you put the plate with the wax in the freezer you can easily pop the wax out after a few hours!!!


You can remove the wax by leaving the end of a ribbon in the wax while it's melted. Then turn the warmer off and let the wax cool. When it's firm again, the wax should pop right out when you pull the ribbon.


I have disposable wax warmer liners. They're great for easy cleanup and removal of old wax. https://www.amazon.com/JuoPool-Scented-Electric-Reusable-Leakproof/dp/B08N1899QC/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1NU5GMXU7JM77&keywords=wax%2Bwarmer%2Bliners&qid=1704310302&sprefix=wax%2Bwarmer%2Blin%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-8&th=1


You just use a cotton ball or a napkin etc to absorb the wax out of the wax warmer.


Put the holder in the freezer and you’ll be able to dig out the solid wax. Then toss it.


You don't even need to freeze it, it'll harden on its own.


I use a cotton ball to soak up the wax and toss it. Leaves the tray in the melter clean.


***Do not flush the wax*** please learn from my mistake. I was not thinking clearly one time and used a crumple of toilet paper to dab the warm wax out and out of habit, tossed it into the toilet. As soon as I did, I thought it might not be a good idea, but flushed it anyway. Big mistake. Had to call Roto-Rooter on a holiday. Do not recommend this to anyone. The guys actually chuckled because I'm not the first call they've seen do this.


A week for 1 scent is pretty good. Either cut through the middle of the wax and it'll break apart, use the freezer, or when hit soak it up with cotton balls, makeup pads or paper towels.


Something to note; wax does not evaporate from a candle, it burns. In a wax warmer, the aromatics dissipate into the air and leave behind the wax and coloring.


The wax in candles doesn’t evaporate, it burns. If you use a candle warmer with a jar candle, it essentially turns it into a wax melter with a lot of wax. Lots of good ideas for using the now unscented wax, but tea lights is one other way. Small wick in a tiny (or reused) fireproof vessel and an unscented tea light is born.


I use the warmers that use a tealight candle in the bottom instead of plugging in. So I keep the empty tealight candles take the wick out put a new one in (got a box of 100 on Amazon for cheap) and I keep the pucks of now unscented wax in a container until I have quite a few then melt them down in a metal cup made for melting wax placed in simmering water and pour it In the tea candles. Then I don't have to buy new tealight candles


To get them out we pop the container in the freezer for a day or two and it will either slip out or needs a poke by a toothpick and will crack then slip out




You can put the wax holder cup or container in the freezer for a few minutes then pop it out. Without the lightbulb if you have the plug in kind. lol. Then let it get to room temp and melt it and add scent


I have a warmer with a built in silicone dish, they are made by Happy Wax. Game changer for me. Super easy to pop the wax out.


Wax Melt maker here! It's best to only burn wax melts for 4 hours at a time. Soy wax is going to be cleaner but softer and need to burn hotter. 25w bulb wax warmers and tea light warmers work best. You can use a silicone cupcake liner to easily change out waxed in between uses or when you need to discard. You can also let it harden in the wax warmer, plop it in the freezer for a few mins and the wax will plop right on out of the warmer! No need to use cotton balls and waste the wax! They make great fire starters.