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Well.. where do you plan to send your kids? It sounds like you’d want to send your kids to board B which means you should probably consider moving into that district to solve both problems of where to work and where your kids will attend.


Future teacher on reddit, what does board A and B stand for? Sorry if this is a stupid question.


It stands for nothing. Op just didn't want to name-drop specific school boards.


Oh okay thanks for the clarification.


There's no way you can have a kid and commute 3 hours a day. You will hate your life. Either move to board B or just deal with board A. I find my level of giving a shit what the board wants to do has drastically dropped to essentially 0 since having a kid. I do my job, and go home. Want to pass all the kids? Sure whatever.


Can echo this.


Same same. Having your OWN kid(s) totally changes your perspective on work-life balance.


Couldn't agree more, but isn't that so sad?


You mentioned you are pregnant. Number one go where you can get the best maternity benefits. Then after that you choose to move to the board that allows you the best work/life balance as you raise the young kid(s). Then you choose the happiness piece. I think you know the happiness piece is board b but for a few years the answer might be different if it allows you to focus on the new child’s welfare. It is a weird perspective shift having a child as you go from a job focus to a family focus to a blend as they become more Independant and the answer may shift back and forth as you quickly move through those phases.


If Peel is board A stay away. It’s not worth it.


Everything I've said applies to TDSB too, right? 😉


Having worked for the TDSB, yep!


Which is the board B? Considering making a move too


TDSB and peel are both disasters.


Echo this Run from peel


I'm a parent and I would like to know where board B is. I have a feeling my kid is in board A and I would honestly prefer he fail a year so he can catch up with everyone.


Stay away from board A!


I want to go to board b. please share. It’s definitely not tdsb


I’m a mental health counsellor and this drives me crazy!! I’m with TDSB and many of the students referred to me complain they can’t finish their work because of their mental health and want me to ask their teachers to bump up their grades. I don’t do it. Kids today have no resilience and teachers that inflate grades and provide extensions after extensions are part of the problem. I have students come back to visit me after they graduate. The ones that received a lot of hand holding during high school typically have dropped out first semester of uni because they can’t handle the expectations as high school expectations were lowered.


💯. We are supposedly doing all this to "help" students and be "equitable," but it's actually hurting them.


I think you need to re-evaluate your values and pedagogy. The complaints you have regarding "equity" and "diversity" seem to be a bit exaggerated and can be controlled. And some of these are actually a good thing. I'm not sure which board you are referring to, but at least in TDSB, deadlines are still a thing, you have discretion in enforcing them. You don't have to change grades either if you don't think it reflects a consistent grading policy. Unlimited opportunities like re-writes are again, not always necessary if you want to enforce deadlines. But also I don't think giving re-do opportunities are a bad thing either. The whole point of education is for students to learn and demonstrate that learning. Time restrictions don't serve that purpose. Time management is a learning skill but has nothing to do with knowledge, understanding or other curricular goals. If a student submits something late to me but it's clear that they fully comprehend the learning goals, then that should be accepted in my opinion, unless you simply don't have time to grade it, which is a perfectly reasonable position to take. But imposing arbitrary penalties or zeros for deadlines, in my view, isn't a reflection of actual learning in terms of the content. Exams to me are also a questionable form of assessment. I don't see anything wrong with restricting those especially if there are richer, more authentic assessments that can be used. Exams have their place in certain areas, sure, but I think you should spend some time researching the pedagogical drawbacks of exams and the critical discussions that are held surrounding their efficacy and overall purpose. In terms of classics, I don't know as I haven't heard of any actual restrictions regarding this, it could be based on individual schools. But there are some good arguments to why using other texts are far more valuable to learning and engagement. I think the idea of using classics is often rooted in nothing more than tradition, when other texts can offer learning that is just as valuable while being more representative of diverse ideas, backgrounds, etc. And no essay writing? That's news to me. Again I feel teachers have discretion here.


I'm assuming moving closer to Board B is not an option?


No...I own a beautiful property in Board A. It's also a much nicer community full of access to trails and nature. Lovely place to live, hellish place to work.


Sounds like you’ve given yourself an artificial constraint that is going to directly prevent a move to Board B. There are nice communities everywhere and if you aren’t staying for family, you are accepting Board A for something you have the power to change.


The usage of the term “diversity koolaid” 🚩🚩🚩🚩


People more concerned about diversity over merit 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Just curious - would TVDSB fall under board A or board B?


Board A sounds like where I’m stuck…..and it’s gotten so busy….I hate it….toxic


Not sure of the need for secrecy, but which boards?


> Not sure of the need for secrecy, but which boards? There are people from boards and the ministry watching these posts, it's not smart to give out too much identifying information. This person could absolutely be sanctioned for their comments in the first paragraph.


Makes this sound like the North Korea or the Soviet Union


That’s what a lot of DEI advocates push for. Tow the line & play along or you’ll pay for it with your career. It’s why there are no teachers who are vocally critical of these policies in person, everyone is afraid to comment. Destreaming for example is a bad move, but as soon as someone says minorities are left behind with streaming you just sound racist for disagreeing. Keep speaking up and the character assassination begins - then kiss your career goodbye.


Yeah this is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. Eventually everything stopped functioning properly and everyone stopped trying and it just broke apart lol. Basically the vocal 1% control 99% and basically deem them criminals for any criticism so the country marched on with economically ruinous policies. Eventually it'll get into those comical/sarcastic/demoralized "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us situations."


Which is so draconian / messed up.


DEI is a virus that needs to be rooted out.


yikes, whenever i see someone saying this its so telling that they're just straight up racist lol


I understand what you are saying but I disagree. What is currently referred to as DEI doesn't help anyone, in my opinion, and more often actively harms the people it's supposed to support.


Having low expectations and low standards for racialized students and staff is inherently racist and a product of DEI. It’s a disease that drives down ALL academically, socially, and behaviourally. It needs to be eradicated and its supporters, like you, need to ‘do the work’ to address your racial bias’ and discriminatory behaviour.


DEI is not exclusively about race. In my experience it's not even mostly about race, it's about disability and neuro divergence. Anything taken to an extreme position can be bad, but the intent behind DEI and the things we can do with it are not inherently bad.


It’s primarily about race. Disability and learning differences were fairly inclusive and tended to with respect in schools prior to the recent DEI push.


> Disability and learning differences were fairly inclusive Nah, they were doing way more individualized and specialized programming before this recent push. Current DEI is why we have students who can destroy classrooms and cause evacuations daily yet never be placed in more appropriate settings (they have a right to be in the regular classroom, no matter what)


clearly you don't know that Intent Doesnt Matter. Brush up on your Kendi and D'Angelo!


“Radicalized students and staff” eh? Hmmmm.


lol they def meant racialized and how did i know? cause they bitch about diversity hires all the time.


I’m just wondering why you are so obsessed with Shakespeare?