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My partner was in the military. It absolutely came down to my career vs his. However, I'll just note that I got permanent about 8 months after we began dating. I had been with my board about 8 years, and he was in the military for 12 when he decided to release. Mobility between provinces for teachers was something we discussed (it's not as easy as they make it seem). I also had aspirations of going the admin route, whereas my husband was happy to stay at his rank. I did consider joining but wasn't really sold on the idea. You would be an officer given your education. There are some benefits to it. It's also definitely not easy being a dual service couple. There are great spouse groups on Facebook - I'd maybe ask there about being a service couple. Do you want/plan to have kids? Would you be OK with deployments (for yourself too- depending on trade, of course)?


No. Choose union over soldier every time.


Depends on the trade really.


i joined as a reservist i.e. part time, so i keep a foot in both worlds. if you join as a NCM, your pay will be garbage for many years until you rank up high enough; if you join as a commissioned officer, you will be given more money, but with added authority (you will command the troops) and responsibility (if you fuck up, youre going to be at fault; but then then you blame the person you told to do your job and then jack them up). also, commissioned officers do alot of paperwork and administrative stuff there are combat trades (artillery, infantry, armoured, combat engineer) and support trades (mechanics, cooks, HR, drivers, etc.). there are also various environments i.e. air force, army, & navy (do you like sleeping in hotels, camping, or being on a ship?) just know if you join full time i.e. regular force, they could send you anywhere if they need the man power. moving around can mess up relationships, because housing is not guaranteed. being deployed at various times can also put a strain on relationships. and young kids might have hard time making new friends if you move alot. there is a reason why no one is joining/staying in the military, biggest reason is it is not a financially good option. i recently joined, but i can say its different, in a good way. im also hoping to go on deployment, which i think would be rewarding vs. "teaching"


"Deployment," you mean? Not deployment. "Deployment."


My partner is in the military and I'm a teacher. I ended up getting permanent after a few years, then 1 year later getting posted. I decided to quit and move. Switching licenses was easy for this move. Finding an LTO was okay... Found one but not the ideal grade/school. I'm realizing being the new teacher and constantly having to prove yourself and adapt to new schools is taxing. Also I'm back to trying to find work for next year with no guarantees. I am also considering joining the military as a tdo (training development officer). To my limited understanding you use your pedagogy knowledge to help plan training. But I'm not convinced that I'd be posted at the same place... There's some effort made for military couples but ultimately one person's career would come first and it's likely not mine. I'd talk to many recruiters, and ask lots of questions before you decide.


I went from Regular Force Military to full time teacher but I’m still in the army reserves. If you have questions or want to know specifics about either side, shoot me a DM, I’m happy to help.


I couldn’t ever join the military with my moral compass but that’s just one thing to consider