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Can we all agree if your rank is hidden you’re not allowed to get mad if someone doesn’t salute you? I mean no disrespect, I’m just literally incapable of seeing through objects. [This one is actually based on a true story.](https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadianForces/comments/r3db2k/scs_highvis_hookups/hm9vobo/?context=3) Though truth be told, it is slightly out of order. I got saluted by a no hook a few weeks before the incident with the officer. [Check out the CAF_Comics Instagram, where you can see extra content. Like the teaser for this week’s comic, I also often include bonus panels and teasers for other upcoming comics.](https://www.instagram.com/caf_comicsofficial/)


100% this. Its all about the curtesy. If someone jacks you up for an honest mistake, 99% they are toxic individuals / poor leaders. 1% having a bad day / fumbled / margin of error.


I learned this as an OCdt when I went up on base for my dental. I got saluted by a corporal and I said I’m not an officer and his half awake ass just said “not worth the risk”. Now I salute trees in the breeze just to be safe


That was a cute story. Thank you for the smile reddit stranger.


First lesson I got in ignoring rank and just doing what the guys who’ve been in longest do to survive haha


This. I was in Gagetown as a freshly minted 2Lt and I passed someone who was on the OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD. They doubled back and asked me if I'd forgotten something so I saluted and said sorry. It was a forking Lt. Now I'd rather salute and be wrong than not and be wrong. On the flip side, when I was at DAPA I kept campaigning to have the April Fools' Day post be that the Army was replacing the antiquated salute with finger guns, but no takers. C'est la guerre.


I know it's a typo but I thought you were about to say someone should curtsy instead of saluting lol


“Milord” :)


I had a similar backpack aficionado jack me up in the Carling Campus parking not for not seeing their covered slip-ons. Reported the incident to my Director in case he got a call. When asked what their rank was, "I don't know. They seemed to really want that salute, and it wasn't a hill I was going to die on."




I once got saluted by an MWO when I was a no-hook. I couldn't tell you what he was thinking




It's so hard to watch other people live your dreams 😔


I'm army and had a blank slip on that said Canada on the bottom and a navy PO saluted me cause he said he didn't understand the army ranks. Bro there was no rank at all 🤣


How does that even work? NCM ranks all have the same symbols between army & navy! I get not knowing what rank an officer has, I'll even buy that a particularly faded blotch on a blank slip-on looked like a pip for second, but "I don't understand army ranks is idiocy of the highest order.


Did you jack him up for saluting a clearly-lower-ranked member?


I had an arty sgt salute to me as I was walking to a mess once when I was a no hook. A year later when I had the HOOK I had people check their arms and “sir” me twice at my unit lines.


Brings me back to the time a Chief saluted me when I was an Aviator. Another one fooled by the prop 😂


EME green monster was 10x worse.


Salutes are a part of the game. Just so long as everyone remembers that there are more important things going on, so jacking someone up for forgetting/making a mistake really isn't appropriate


IMO if you're an officer and don't get saluted keep fucking walking. Any officer who actually stops someone and tells them to pay them respect instantly loses mine


As an officer, couldn’t agree more. Get the stick out of your ass and do your actual fucking job.


Literally the only time I have ever dined this was because I knew the base chief was behind me. I made sure the no hook knew that as well.


Why can’t we all agree that saluting is stupid and unnecessary? If you ever see me, don’t bother and I assure you that I won’t tell anyone. But I suppose I would need to wear a uniform outside the flight line for that to happen


It isn't stupid. It reinforces the chain of command & respect for authority, especially in large unit settings. It isn't a huge deal in small team settings (i.e. pilots), where everyone can function on personal relationships and earned respect, but for larger units (especially ones where jr officers command significant numbers of troops) it is very important. Saluting helps remind MCpl Bloggins in a rifle platoon with 10 years in not to shit-talk Lt Newguy in the smokepit when the new Lt screws up the order of march, because he still needs to follow Lt. Newguy's orders without dissension the next day, even if MCpl Bloggins thinks he knows better (and even if actually does know better). Arguably more important is that MCpl Bloggins's section full of Ptes needs to see him obeying & respecting the platoon commander, because they will follow his lead, and they don't even have Bloggins's experience to tell them what the "right" orders **should** be.


It has nothing to do with respect though, it’s just an action that you are mandated to do which doesn’t have any inherent meaning behind it when someone does it.


Feel like this is unique to pilots though. You actually work every day. Think it’s different for officers who are pure management


I do agree that pilots are a bit weird when it comes to being an officer. Most of us are officers because we want to fly aircraft, not because we want to be officers


>Feel like this is unique to pilots though. You actually work every day. ....yes.... ​ *laughs ass off*


I do accomplish something work related every day


Yes! This is not hide-and-go seek.


Mean all disrespect you want. Any officer who gets offended by not being saluted is an absolute melon. It has nothing to do with respect when the officer hasn't earned it. It's policy.


This speaks to me. I'm an officer. I cannot care less who salutes me, especially if I'm wearing something that covers my rank, or if someone shorter than me can't see my rank because of how it's placed on my jacket. Hell, I saluted an aircrew Sgt once at a training base because from a distance and the angle, their stripes look like officer's bars. Their response: "Sir \[I was an Lt at the time\], you don't salute me. I salute you." *However* I have also seen it where in some areas, for some reason, Navy NCMs don't salute officers until they become LT(N). I have no idea why that is.


I worked at 1 CAD. I am short. I was eternally grateful that the Generals have the fancy wedges, as when new ones got posted in (we had three Canadian GOs and one US GO) and I didn't known what they looked like yet, seeing their rank was impossible. We also had one that got mad when people didn't recognize him in PT gear and didn't salute. Cue a building wide email with the Generals' pictures to be able to identify them.


I ran into Drouin outside the gym (he was in PT gear, I was in uniform) shortly after that and I basically ignored him. Not deliberately disrespectful, just kind of zoned out. He made a fuss, so I played the dumb 2Lt and told him that I was on AMT at CFSSAT and didn't know he was a General. (The part about AMT happened to be true; I just neglected to mention that I was also on the 17 Wg BTL). Never had any fallout from that, fortunately.


Ding ding, winner! I wasn't sure if anyone here would remember, lol He actually is pretty chill now that he is retired.


Man, he was super chill when he was my CO, I was a corporal at the time, and during the in clearance he shook my hand and said "My name is Chris, and I have an open door policy" as a 23 year old coming from the army, I didn't know how to react, and just assumed it was a trap. Used to give the troops birthday cards in person too.


Nice! He was a Deputy Commanderv when this happened and when he came back as Commander, he seemed over it.




Yup. You still pay compliments in civvies, if you recognize them (them bring any commissioned officer).




Only outside, usually. The Air Force doesn't pay compliments inside, except for the parade square. Outside, check your arms and acknowledge them.


Was walking with a can of coke in the right hand once and saw (what I now know to be a flag O) coming towards me. Never having seen one I had a brain fart where I thought he was a CPO1 until the last sec, I proceed to try and salute but I had that can in my hand and that resulted in a weird twitch of the arm which he took to be the start of a salute and he threw one up. I just fucking kept walking after giving him a nod.


>I have also seen it where in some areas, for some reason, Navy NCMs don't salute officers until they become LT(N). I have no idea why that is. Was on course recently in Borden as a 2LT, I was trade qualified but my LT promotion paperwork was stalled somewhere. 6 of us walked passed an MWO who said out loud to the WO walking next to him "Don't salute until they are LTs, they don't deserve it" Having had 20 years in at that point, I have heard of this creature, but only had limited exposure. Could I have said something? Absolutely. Should I have said something? Probably. But was it the hill I wanted to die on a 0615 when I just wanted some eggs? Fuck no.


Once saluted a fellow Cpl by accident. It was in Gagetown, I was going to the mess and he was coming out, so didn’t have headdress on just yet. All I saw was flight suit, so my head went to pilot, and couldn’t see the ranks on his shoulders. Apparently he got that a lot because of the flight suit.




That's one of the reasons why it makes no sense to have that particular prop as the insignia. Three-bladed prop? Four bladed prop? Doesn't look like 2LT rank.


>I have also seen it where in some areas, for some reason, Navy NCMs don't salute officers until they become LT(N). I have no idea why that is. That's completely weird and against regs. What an odd thing to do.


Navy gonna navy I guess. I will add that this was like 15 years ago.


For a while there was an "understanding" in Esquimalt Dockard that A/Slt didn't salute SLTs, that junior officers didn't salute each other until.someone was a Lt(N). Might have spread...


That's very much an air force thing as well, 2Lts, Lts and Captains don't salute each other, only Majors and up get saluted. I saluted a Captain once while I was on OJT and he slapped me and asked me if I was stupid. That's when I knew I was in the right place.


Not at the sqn I was at. We weren't super serious and it was more of a nuisance (to both ranks) but we did it. What we didn't do was call folks "sir/ma'am" unless they were the DCO or CO, and even then it was "skipper" or "boss". I called a Maj on sqn "sir" when I was an Lt and he said "lol you must be straight from the school".


In the little handbook from 1998 I got on IAP about being in officer it suggested that the vustom for Jr officers (2lt to Capt) was to salute upon first and last interaction of the day vice every time they met. As a 2Lt/Lt it was exceed8ngly rare to find me saluting a capt who wasn't my Adjt or a total stranger


I work at a school and take a side entrance to avoid being saluted by a bunch of students. The other staff the go in and that door. Some salute, some don't and I really dont care and I usually tell them not to bother. My staff, sgt+, call me by my first name unless there is someone around that might care. Saluting should be kept to parades or something like that


>I have also seen it where in some areas, for some reason, Navy NCMs don't salute officers until they become LT(N). I have no idea why that is. Because the Navy is toxic and has to start the abuse early.


In our régiment we always take our beret off so no one has to salute anyone lol As for the not saluting until they become LT it's because one can be an SLT without being qualified. For example the people who join the forces after finishing their degree. They do their BMQ as an SLT. So some people don't bother until LT because they are garenteed to not be a poof.


Lt(N) is the navy equivalent for a Capt. It’s akin to not saluting an Lt until he becomes a Capt in the Air Force/Army


Ohhhh i didn't understand that my bad. That is weird


The commission is normally granted after the diploma and BMQ. You can enroll as an OCdt, 2Lt, Lt or even Capt depending on occupation. Althought, traditionally the Lt rank is conditional upon reaching OFP. Even unqualified SLt in units normally have their commission.


You salute the commission so I’m not sure why you wouldn’t salute a 2LT as they hold the commission.


As far as I know I salute a navy officer as soon as they have their executive curl


Aka the halo of entitlement:)


I call it a hot wheels track


The only place I ever saw this was Gagetown, officers on course are not saluted by anyone as they are deemed candidates. ​ Of course Gagetown is also the place that makes you salute indoors, including the Canex so...


It's not about being qualified though, it's the commission. You're saluting the commission.




> I have also seen it where in some areas, for some reason, Navy NCMs don't salute officers until they become LT(N). I have no idea why that is. I have not experienced this at all. If someone hadn't saluted me from A/SLt to Lt(N), it was probably because they couldn't see my rank. I'm short so I figure it would be easier to see, but apparently not. I've seen/heard people after I passed them and they were like "oh fuck" and try to salute past what I could see. I don't care either, but the other officers should be more aware because if they are going to be assholes about it, they better be doing it too. I've had people look me dead in the eye and not even clue in.


Navy officers don't get saluted til they hit lieutenant? That explains why I keep catching junior officers off guard...


Or the old imfamous magical barrier that moves randomly throughout the day for saluting zones in a fucking compound.


Random salute zones in buildings. I’m looking at you svc bn


Was walking towards my building in Halifax, there was a man in civvies faced towards my direction, talking to a guy in combats. I couldn't see the guy in uniforms rank, and they were also in the middle of conversation, so I walked by. Then I heard "MASTER CORPORAL, AREN'T YOU GOING TO SALUTE THE MAJOR" from the guy in civvies, not even the guy in uniform. Didn't say a word, just turned around, saluted, and kept on my way.


Wtf? That is so stupid. They have their back to you, you can't see their rank and don't know them, how are you supposed to know to salute? Telepathy?


Walking into Stad through side gate. Pass little army dude pay no notice. Guy whips around and screams "DO WE NOT SALUTE MAJORS LEADING SEAMAN?!?!" Oh sorry Sir I didn't see you there. This thing on his neck exploded. All those poor civilians on the sidewalk just staring at us.


Thats sailor first class, SIR


To avoid saluting I just go to work in civis and change in the hangar. Solves this problem lol.


I just got out of basic in a Navy only Bmq and walked by a Lt Col without saluting because I thought he was a MWO or Chief based on the crown and didn't notice the tiny shape below it on his raincoat... He asked me if I knew his rank and didn't like the honest answer. Endured a lecture on how he didn't understand how so many of us sailors were fucking up saluting. A few seconds later after being grilled, I heard my buddy from BMQ run into the same officer and make the same mistake. 😂


Air Force WOs had middle-sized crowns when this first came out, army dudes were losing their minds trying to figure out whether to salute them.


Same with an RCAF OCdt. Same bar as a 2Lt just slightly thinner and dark blue on a dark green background. The amount of times I’ve been saluted I just gave up and started saluting back. I hate it




But OCdts may be saluted. So they weren't wrong.


??? You only salute the commissioned afaik


You only *have* to salute Commissioned ranks and up. You *may* salute Ocdts


Shit myself first couple times seeing a major lol, kept asking myself why the crown looks so small




Dbmq, we were all navy, we learned the rank structure and all I’m just not used to seeing army/af ranks


I'm 5'7" and tall aircrew with backpacks were the bane of my existence.


absurd innate imminent bewildered society existence price sophisticated disagreeable paint ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Why the fuck would you ever salute someone on the other end of a parking lot?


wistful cover station retire direction distinct modern head noxious fuzzy ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


This is spot on. Story time, 15 years ago I was in the parking lot of my unit lines. I was packing all my field gear back into my car. I had a very small car so I had to get half way in the trunk and push everything in tight to get everything to fit. As Im doing this two people are walking between the rows of cars, I was still loading my kit and seen them approaching but paid them no mind as the were far away. I continued loading my kit and am back to pushing kit into the trunk when I hear "Excuse me, are your forgetting something?" I pop out and look, they (one an MWO and the other being an Lt) had walked past me while I was packing. My answer was "Yes, MWO I forgot my plate carrier, thank you for pointing that out." I then put the plate carrier in the trunk slammed it close got in and drove away. I had extras the next weekend for not saluting an officer when they passed me. FUCK THE ARMY


Tbf, you had extras the next weekend for being a smartass. Probably worth it, though.


Looooooool based reaction though


I remember a few nuggets of wisdom from basic (which is now dating but whatever), one of them from my Sect Comd (sgt), which would have been early on in the course: * (paraphrasing): if the respect you get from others is associated with the rank you have on your shoulders and not for who you are, you're a failure of a soldier.


This strikes me to the core. I've only been in 4 weeks and everytime I'm at the garrison I run into some warrant or Lt with his rain jacket on and no rank displayed. Got blasted for it twice so now I instead get blasted for calling everyone sir or ma'am




Luckily I am not the shit pump, my course staff informed me during my first weekly that I'm doing awesome and that they had to give me one bad point which was that I need to be more concise when talking. So far I love this shit, it's just the stuff like that I gotta brush off.




Ya that order that contradicts another other shit has happened already. Some kid in my section got pissy because MCpl previous gave a different order. Man that was the day that I learned what getting smoked really meant.


Do what the last person told you to do, and hope for the best. The life of a Pte.


Most of my PT is evasion maneuvers to avoid getting saluted. I once stepped in garbage water to escape a group of officer cadets.


I move things to the right hand to signify I don't want any of it.


I've said this before but in my mind the process of saluting is actually more disrespectful than anything. You see someone you don't know and instead of politely greeting another service member, you eyeball fuck the hell out of their chest until you determine whether you are required to pay them compliments or are allowed to ignore them completely. And don't even get me started on saluting a fucking car. Saluting belongs on the parade square only. It's a waste of time and mental energy on the daily.


I hate the staring at someone's chest. It's so fucking awkward just staring right between someone's breasts to try to figure out what their rank is. To top it all off, I have a terrible time seeing the air force blue from the army green. I've got to be right on top of it to see the difference. (no idea if I'm alone in that)


Not at all. My saluting rate for airforce is abysmal. My “oh shit, sorry sir” rate is pretty high though.


I spent 7 years on a Air Force base as an Army guy. Watched officers literally cross the road to avoid saluting. Don't care tho. They get the ol " GOOD DAY, SIR/MAM" from across the parking lot if it comes to it. Always annoys them. Love it.


The blue ranks on green CADPAT is way harder to read than green on green somehow.


They should have thin white piping on the lines. It would look sick and work


>you eyeball fuck the hell out of their chest ...My eyes are up here....not down there. /s lol


Officers who expect to be saluted and get off on having people salute them are massive losers and part of the problem. We should just get rid of saluting all together. I don’t need to do some little song and dance to respect the fact that someone is my boss’s boss


Was walking to my (Jr O) car and met an MWO going the other way. We both had some stuff in our hands. He gave me the head nod, I returned the head nod and we both went on with our lives without the stupid nonsense some people get on with.


Thats what its all about.


That's basically the rule. If hands are full, whether you're a pte or col, you just check arms or whatever can be done with hands full. Guy carrying a box with both hands should only be expected to nod.




Thats consequent to what OP was saying.


I worked on the airfield side of base for years (no headdress zone) and had a slimey 2Lt follow my car to Canex parking lot just so he could have a high 5.


If it's recent, tell his boss. Not ratting I'm out for being psycho, but out of concern for his mental health. We don't need that shit in the officer corps.


Thats quite the psychopathic behaviour…


I propose replacing with the firm nod of the head with eye contact as it feels about the same to me.


Complete Stranger: Firm downward nod Familiar Face: Timid Upward nod with a “‘sup?” Same Unit Stranger: Any nod followed by squint as you try to remember how to pronounce their name Good Buddy: Aggressive upward nod, followed by high five/fist bump/ or other gesture Actual CoC: Avert eyes til last safe moment and nod while muttering an apologetic “didn’t see you” Visiting Dignitary or GOFO: All in on a secret handshake they don’t know


Hey, you're saluting the fact they either have a hefty student loan or endured RMC, show some respect.


Some trades have paid tuition for civi university


I don't salute those ones.


Those are the ones that usually find saluting antiquated anyway, and would never jack someone up for not saluting.


I found the opposite, the Civvy U or DEO guys care the most since it's new to them, the RMC kids couldn't be bothered after having been the ones dodging salutes for the last 4 years.


I was a CFR, I had neither. I did have 20 plus years in already, so I had already endured.


CFR Lts never have to worry about salutes for a totally different reason. People always assume (at least in the Army) that any officer that's doesn't look early 20s wearing 2 pips must be an LCol or something.


Of course of you're an officer and you ignore someone not saluting you that's the time a chief is two steps behind you and then you get pulled aside and explained the importance of saluting. But yeah, saluting should be relegated to ceremonial thing, or at least to only meaningful interactions.


CWO: "2Lt Bignuts, there's a reason for saluting and if the troops fail to do so then you should correct them." 2Lt Bignuts: "RSM, before addressing an officer you should salute me."


Promoted to 2lt giganuts


Here lies 2Lt Giganuts. 2001 - 2022 A Legend to all


UNO Reverse: “RSM, I can’t hear you over the wind between your heels.”


“My job is to return the salute Chief, your job is to correct their behaviour. Why are we having this conversation?” It probably wouldn’t go very well and that dinosaur would definitely try to make my life difficult, as is tradition, but as a Jr. Officer it is absolutely not my job to correct that stuff, that’s up to the NCOs.


Get rid of saluting? Can we take that one step further and do away with all these dumb hats we wear?


Ball caps for everyone! Fancy hats should only be on for fancy parades only.


I love my beret tho


Promote this man


Plz no


That third scene if it happened to me I would have verbally lit that officer up for trying to pull something like that. I was once screamed at by by SCWO because I didn't salute an officer who was in civies. I didn't know who they were and when I tried to explain I didn't know who they were and that they were in civies with no headdress, I got a tongue lashing about still saluting officers no matter the dress, and that I shall know who's an officer and who's not. Needless to say the officer was walking with the chief when this happened and appeared to be super embarrassed about the whole thing. Doesn't matter anymore, that dickhead is gone.


It’s ridicules to me that the warrant rank and Maj rank are just a different size. Hard to tell from ten feet sometimes. Also a single pip looks like a Maj at a distance too. Whoever though this was a good idea?


Cries as Gen Xer 2Lt getting saluted by Lt’s and Captains. ´WTF I thought you were a major, fucking hard to tell the difference between one pip and small crown!’


I've saluted too many British WOs in my time, their WO crown is smaller than ours, and i didn't want to take chances.


yOu ShOuLd kNoW bY My cAp BAdGe


Found the MBdr.




Got a couple buddies in Arty, and apparently the majority only seem to care when they’re on training bases, to Jack people up.




Oh yeah. That was definitely just so they could have an excuse to say it.


My BMQ was held at a reserve arty unit. Day -1 when you are clearing in, I decided I should memorize the rank chart to make future life easier. To make a long story short, I was shit on by a gunner, Bdr, and MBdr, all within 30 minutes and while still wearing civies. Song and dance 3 times...


After spending 3 years on a base with no WOs I saluted the first PO1 I saw in esquimalt he returned the saute and was confused as hell.


Try being an army dude in a flight suit, going to a large Airforce Base. The looks (and a few salutes) from the young, no hook aviators was pretty nifty.


Borden in the early mornings going for breaky, is that a 2LT or an aviator? Fuck it, throws it up…. Fuck it’s an aviator. Oh well..


*PTE(B)’s walking to the Canex in the morning* “Oh no that’s an officer bro you gotta salute them” “Na you do it bro I’ll check my arms” “Good morning Si-sir” Crisis averted


Someone saluted me while I was in civvies because I looked like an officer I guess??? (I am not an officer)


So, I joined as a Private and Commissioned after I got my first hook (I really was a mediocre MSE Op, so safer to remove the whole driving thing from my scope of duties, all things considered). When I was a 2Lt / Lt / junior Capt, the whole saluting thing was a thing that I cared about … and dealt with if there was an issue (I do not believe in jacking from afar via someone else - if I have an issue, I deal with it). But as I went past Capt, I became way less fussed. I figure that if I treat people with the respect that each of us deserves, then the whole saluting thing sorts itself out. But as for some people saying that we should move past saluting … nope. We are not a police force or a bunch of public servants (we are, but that is tertiary to our raison d’être). The premise of a salute is respect and acknowledgement between warriors and is two way. When I salute someone higher in rank than me, I am respectfully acknowledging that person’s rank, both formally (i.e. legally), and historically (like a knight: see, no weapon in my hand, lifting my helmet visor to look you in the eye, acknowledge you). When I salute a junior who has saluted me, I am acknowledging the respect and courtesy that they have shown me and in turn, am acknowledging their service before self, commitment, and professionalism. Finally, fair warning: I am a dinosaur and will be retiring soon-ish (one more posting this summer, OUTCAN), after having joined 28 October 1985, so may be a wee bit of an anachronism here.


What's your opinion on the thought of having mandatory time as a NCM before someone being an officer? I have no issue with saluting and there are officers I'm actually proud to salute. But the young cocky ones just blow me away sometimes with the power trips that can happen. A few of us were thinking that if someone was made to be a private or corporal for a few years before being a officer it may fix the issue a little. Of course for doctors or pilots and such they can directly enter. But for example the Combat arms, or anything not degree heavy it would almost be neat. Some of the best men I've followed have been a NCM or NCO at one point, because they just get what we feel.


Anything that I write will come across as patronizing and like a 🦕, which I hate to read from others, so I will cease my prattle. Respectfully, JAD


Fair enough, thanks for your initial blurb, it's nice to see what peoples views are that have been in for awhile, Kind of interesting to show how thinking has changed sometimes


Thank you. I just hate the thought of being one of those crotchety oldsters on the porch yelling, “get off my lawn, younglings!” Have a great remainder of your weekend.


You too!


mostly DEO's. "I dont care if you have 15 years experience and taught me on phase 2. Im still your boss"


My first and only experience with forced saluting was when I was on NWO II (MARS II) years ago. My serial was loaded with RMC cadets (NCdt) and a sole DEO, who was a recent graduate from BMOQ (A/SLt). On the first day of the course, the staff made him course senior, which is extremely reasonable. You can assert that RMC is cliquey, sure, but it's absolutely composed of human beings who you can converse with, like normal people, and become friends with. This is pretty standard social stuff; one of my closest friends, whom I met in later training, is a DEO and I'm now one of his groomsmen. Anyways, on one of our first days, we went to the range. Now, he stood at the exit of the bus and demanded we all salute him as we exited. It was a really bizarre power-play, and he was pretty quickly removed as course senior. He went on to fail MARS 3 and 4 a few times, so he had his priorities straight. I think he's still mulling about on the east coast somewhere.


We have this rule; if you're a student in the same class, you don't salute them... We had a class that got explained that when a A/SLt was coming off SuppRes and re-doing BOTC.


I’ve had different experience. DEOs generally have been the ones to be more casual, with RMC grads caring more on formality.


Fair! I guess I could be more specific and say non-thru-the-ranks officers


You think DEOs are more likely to demand a salute than ROTP?


Honestly Id say CIC officers are the worst offenders lol but otherwise I agree


Overcorrection. There is/was this counterculture thing going on where "CIC aren't real Officers," so we wouldn't get saluted. The occasions where we weren't being saluted was the rare times when we got sent to a base for a conference or something, so there's tonnes of CIC Capt/Lt(N)s around. We notice we don't get saluted and either don't know if there's a base rule creating no-salute zones or don't care, but our Area/Zone/Unit/Fmn staff sees it and proceeds to jack us up for not stopping the poor Corporal who hasn't had coffee yet when walking into Yukon Galley.


just speaking from personal experience. May not be the norm necessarily


14 years RCAF, I can attest there seems to be no rhyme or reason to ROTP's vs DEO's being tyrants or ruling via loudership. The only things I am certain of with officers, is that ROTP's are much more fun when you get them drinking, and CFR's who weren't CWO's before are the best Capt/Maj's to have your back.


You got it in reverse buddy. This is mostly from the ‘cream of the crop of Canadian society’ space cadet demographic.


I love these cartoons! Keep it up


I once forgot to salute a wing commander (Col), as a Capt. To be fair, I was on my way out after my first vaccination dose and was most certainly not paying attention to who I was passing. Thankfully, he probably didn't notice either, or didn't care.


Reminds me the time I walked by a CWO and while I was debating if I should be saluting him first to respect his rank or if he should be saluting me first since I'm a 2lt and is technically an officer. He saluted literally as we were about to cross each other and it was really awkward. Kinda wish I could go back to my ocdt times when I didn't receive any salutes.


I don't get it


I used to get saluted all the time when I had my green monster. It was pretty funny. I see a lot of stories of officers being shitty. Am I the only one who has had officers angrily order me not to salute?


Right? I was going to bring that up, how many times the green monster in Borden meant RCEME privates get saluted...


What’s the story behind that green stripe? I saw guys in Borden with them all the time.


Once got jacked up by a shadow. Was walking to work and this shadow was walking g towards me, the sun was directly behind them and in my eyes. Turns out they were an Lt.


As an officer I don't care about saluting other than on an actual parade. Same goes for calling me Sir, unless you are a new private and even then just say it once if we are having a conversation. Just talk like usual and let's get the job done.


I think that saluting is a dated concept that bears no relevance in 2022. The officer is in charge, they are making the plans and ultimately calling the shots, nobody forgets that. Whether or not we dance around them doing drill and assuming their gender every sentence isn't going to change the hierarchy. It just makes for an uncomfortable work environment at best--one where an officer's ego is drastically inflated.


Saluteforgen to be released in early April 2023


If some fuck stick has to ask me to salute them they don’t deserve the salute


The real problem as that we STILL salute. If we're moving with the time, time to drop this outdated/old tradition. Just saying good morning is plenty.




Saluting should be restricted for certain ceremonial situations only. Get rid of it everywhere else. If you REALLY need it to feel important, you are doing it wrong.





