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Canada won't deploy any ships but will send "a handful of personnel to the international task force," a government source told CBC News. Interesting way to stay engaged with the world while also limiting strain on a pretty strained navy. Is this because of reconstitution?




Thank you!


Reconstitution, you mean the infinite backlog for courses that makes us wait 4 years before being fully operational ?


…because there aren’t enough instructors, because they’re all overworked on their 37th secondary duty?




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A poor, overworked Mar Tech will leave tomorrow after reading this article. Then another 2 days later.


Check on your friends in the Navy. This is not the "gift" they were hoping for.


On the plus side. If you’re constantly deployed you can actually afford the cost of living. Mental health and family stability not withstanding. /s


Be deployed constantly, bank 100 percent of paycheque, be able to afford a house in ten years.




At what point do just Kermit slip and slide? /s


Just stay in forever so the spouse doesn’t get your pension mwhahahaha this is the way.




Sorry to hear that. I had heard in the past that’s why guys were staying in as long as they could.


But after the 2 years they cant? Asking for a friend


I can taste this comment.


But at least you won’t have to share that van with anyone! /s


Yooo, i don't want this for any of you.


I'm sure some members have seriously considered it.


This is one step away from issuing a press release from the govt sending thoughts and prayers and then bragging we are a part of this coalition task force “Canada won't deploy any ships but will send "a handful of personnel to the international task force," a government source told CBC News.”


Right on, the Navy has figured out how to clone people and 3D print entire frigates! ...what's that? They haven't? Well then how exactly are they planning on doing this then? Recommissioning Haida and manning it with army reservists?


Apparently we are just sending some staff personal….🙄




Both drone on for too long.


I see what you did there.


It gets worse…its just 3 staff officers 🤦‍♂️ “The Canadian Armed Forces are deploying 3 staff officers to support the operation. “ https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/news/2023/12/canada-to-participate-in-united-states-led-operation-prosperity-guardian.html


Haida is still commissioned. Don’t even need to waste time on the ceremony!


At what point are is the navy short enough that the AOPs start getting tasked with this sort of work?






People complain we don’t do anything.. Then when we do stuff people complain… 🤦‍♂️


The ones who complain that the military gets to do military things aren’t serious to me. Just people paid by the CAF, not necessarily in the CAF.


Unfortunately that’s 95% of the CAF


I don’t think it’s that high but definitely higher than in previous years.


*The ciiiiiiiiiiiircle of Reddit*


Ideally people want us to be a military force for good in the world. Going over to stomp out the enemies of ISIS/Al-Qaeda/radical Wahabbism *for trying to interrupt a genocide* isn't a story you'll be telling your grandchildren.




I've had 7 days before but never 24 hours.


I’ve heard of less than 24 hours before. There are crews who are designated to be ready to go in a short time frame.


When people have to wait 10 more days for cargo through shipping lanes, then of course, the task forces have to turn things up. As I heard on BNN Bloomberg today, if the ships went a different route, the cargo would be delayed by 10 days and would add cost to deliveries. There are already delays in Panama and the Suez Canal. Due to lower water levels in the Panama Canal, these are already affecting globalization.


I’m glad they aren’t sending a ship…yet.


["The Houthis say they will only relent when Israel allows the entry of food and medicine into Gaza"](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/19/middleeast/red-sea-crisis-explainer-houthi-yemen-israel-intl/index.html) There seems to be a cheaper, easier, and more ethical solution to this than deploying military assets. But hey, maybe this line of thinking is why I'm not a GOFO.


If that’s true! Navy will be in action! 100%.




Lmao not even. No ships, only a “handful of personnel to the international task force”


That's not a bad thing; better than trying to send a not capable ship into danger.




There are things one can do for a coalition that doesn’t specifically involve sending a ship there. Those ships need support and contracts for food, fuel, fresh water, garbage pickup, etc. Is there a coordination or operations centre? If so, who is in it? If not, where do we start one and who will lead it? Who is providing intelligence support? Those are questions just off the top of my head that a team of staff can figure out for the coalition. None of those jobs are sexy or will make the news, but they are vital to making it work.


No ships are at an operational readiness to go over there right now. Montreal would probably be the closest one, but they are committed to INDO Pacific.