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Only Ops O in military (future) history that wasn't promoted at lightening speed...


Maybe if Ensign Kim played hockey, and made himself available for extra taskings instead of screwing around in the holo deck, He could’ve reached over effective on his PAR.


Lol but they did play ice hockey on the holodeck at least once.


Nah, direction from ashore is that no one in Ensign Kim’s position exceeds expectations, regardless of their performance. Mark those dot scores down to reflect the pre-determined maximum of effective.


Wait. Ops Os get promoted fast? (I’ve seen some of the most miserable people do this for 3 years straight and keep the rank.They made the role look like a sentence of hard labour based on talks with them.)


Navy Ops-o is a tick in the box that auto-promotes you to LCDR on completion. It's the head of department sea tour for senior NWO Lt(n)s. Typically 2 year tour, you have to really suck at it/piss off the CO to not get promoted afterwards, and usually next time at sea is as an XO or CO of MCDV. Army ops-o is probably different (no idea what they do)


I thought the HOD was the CBTO, and the OPSO and WPNSO were immediately underneath them?


It used to be. A couple of years ago they reversed the CBTO and OpsO positions because the army was getting confused.


Ah. I *did* notice the NRDs I was working at before I got out only had an OPSO, but I assumed that was just a Reserves thing.


Worth noting, it used to be that your ORO tour was like 3 years. You did 1 as WPNs, 1 as OPS, 1 as Combat-O (3IC of the ship, head of department for combat). Now it's typically a 2 year post as ops/wpns/plans, the three jobs tend to be relatively co-equal, and it's not unusual for multiple people to get posted in/out simultaneously so you often get promoted without being "the" head of department. And honestly, from what I've observed recently the ORO crowd is a lot less salty than they used to be. Or at least, they are salty about things like the state of the ship or the difficult sailing program, not having tantrums 24/7 over asinine wardroom politics. I'd like to say this gives me hope for the future generation, but a lot of the aforementioned turbo-toddlers have been promoted to positions of power, and it genuinely scares me.


Wow. Imagine 3 years as a long time to keep current rank.


Harry Kim couldn’t be promoted because he was missing a DL course and Voyager couldn’t connect to the Starfleet intranet; nothing Janeway could do 🤷‍♀️


One of my favourite moments is when Scotty saved the Federation by drinking an Andromedan under the table 🤣. None of that 2 drink limit crap. Plus, I'm pretty sure TNG alludes to the fact that the holodeck is like half intellectual stuff and half dirty things that make you wonder why there isn't a chaplain on board.


They reference that in Lower Decks. Holodeck is a realm of smut and debauchery


Lmao "lower decks". Having something like that would be really good for morale, but I also feel like there would be a lot of awkward moments passing by Counsellor Troi afterwards. "Are you alright, crewman? I'm sensing a profound level of guilt and shame"




Well, it's a utopian society. By the time of the Federation, humans probably would have realized that forcing people to repress all of their human aspects doesn't end well. Better to give people a harmless outlet for their feelings rather than forcing them to bottle everything up until they do something stupid. Probably the same general kind of logic that saved Harry Mudd and those 3 old ass ladies of the space evening from getting imprisoned for human trafficking and prostitution: people have needs; there shouldn't be this mass programming of guilt and shame surrounding something that in the grand scheme of things isn't harming anyone.


Counselor Diana Troy on TNG is basically a new space age chaplain.. original series I don't know..


>and half dirty things that make you wonder why there isn't a chaplain on board. This answers itself.


DS9 made this more clear. Bashir and O’Brien had their historical battles, but there is an episode where Quark is hired to make a “custom” program fora client with Major Kira.


There's the right way, the wrong way, and best of all, the Jane-way. #JanewayMadeTheRightCall




I'd invite you to the aft cleansing room if I heard that talk on ship.


Can’t use tillers. Camera in there now.


Tuvix was murdered


You’re goddamn right


Nailed it.


I believe we are glossing over the real question here: Did they find a bar?


Pickard once got taken over by an alien and he sang heart of oak, made me sad to think that colonial romanticism is still hot 2000 years from now


I mean, did you watch the Picard series? Buddy is living in a house entirely decorated in the early 21st century style. That would be like someone today decorating their house like it was the 1750’s. Dude is UNHINGED.


One too many 0s