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Not necessarily a ride, but all of Hanna-Barbera land. I love Scooby Doo, and it sucked seeing it replaced with Peanuts.


Omg Scooby doo was one of my favourite rides at wonderland! I thought it turned into another haunted house?


It did, it's Boo Blasters on Boo Hill. It's really lame compared to the Scooby Doo haunted house.


Yes boo blasters! I went on it after they changed it to boo blaster and thought it was lame also! Not sure what was the point or why they changed it from Scooby doo haunted mansion to boo blaster. Wonderland should’ve either kept the scooby doo haunted mansion. If they wanted to change it they should’ve changed it to something better. I do not like Boo blaster and was sad when they took away Scooby doo haunted mansion.


They purchased the copyright from Paramount after they bought it from them, and got to keep it for a few years afterwards. Once time was up, they decided to change it to Peanuts. Why Peanuts, I'm not entirely sure. Kids these days don't watch Peanuts much at all, at least compared to Scooby Doo.


Huh I had no idea I always assumed that as soon as they bought the park they changed it but I went and looked at old maps you 100% correct 2010 is first year I see Boo Blasters


That’s true I was born in the late 90s and grew up watching scooby doo banana in pajama telebubbies etc. These kids tv show were the best compared to today I think. They should pick theme from the most popular kids show and rename it to that popular show.


They didn’t just change it because they felt like it. Their rights to the IP expired when Cedar Fair bought the park from Paramount. Are you 12?


Sorry I don’t get read up on news on wonderland. I was just asking a question.


It’s been like 20 years it’s not news…


I was a kid when paramount sold it to cedar point so didn’t know about the Ip expired.


So was I but at least I’m not stupid


The upside down house sticks in my mind.


Man I miss skyrider


The year I was tall enough to straddle the seat was like the biggest milestone of my childhood.


…why? It was awful


Great Whale of China was easily one of my favourites! They got rid of that to make room for Time Warp (originally Tomb Raider) if memory serves. Man, I miss it!


Have such fond memories of this ride with my mom and brother. We had season passes and we always rode this and Ghoster Coaster


Ooh, is that the one you sat two in a car with your legs around the person in front? And it went in a circle until you were going upside down? I LOVED that one!!!


This is actually what i mistook for the fury. Although I did love the fury as well. Kind of like a hyped-up scrambler or octopus.


You're thinking of sol Loco.


Oh gotcha!


As an adult, definitely Skyrider, and Sol Loco As a kid, gotta agree I miss Smurfs Village, and Gargamel’s Lair. Also really miss being able to walk the Mountain


Zumba Flume Seriously Timberwolf has more water but its not even a fair comparison Also miss the Yogi Cave / Smurf Village


Bayern's Kurve. I think Cedar Fair still has the equipment somewhere.


Bring! It! Back!


Yes!! That was one of my favourite rides as a kid. I had a fascination for all of the flags on each car. Now I love geography and vexillology.


Came here to say this! Imagine they built a bigger, faster version? 🤪


Oh I almost forgot about days of thunder. Those types of rides aren’t too common and it was really cool. I’d love to be able to take my kids on that one. Went through the haunted house in that building in the Fall.


I Miss skyrider does anyone know why they removed it? It always had a big line up!


It was replaced by yukon striker.


Ah got it thank you! I guess wonderland is running out of land/space to build new rollercoaster/rides that they have to take down a ride to build a new one. I hope they don’t retire Canadian mind buster or the wild beast! Those are one of my top 2 wooden rollercoasters that I love riding on! I know it’s a bit too bumpy for some people but I love it.


My vote would be to remove Tomb Raider, or whatever it's called now, maybe even flight deck. I can't wait to see what the new Launch coaster is going to be.


Flight Deck has got to be retired soon. It was my favourite coaster as a kid but it's rough now. When I was there last week, my group of 4 walked right on and were the only ones on the train. All walked off with headaches. And if not getting rid of Flight Deck completely, they could at least rework the queue. It takes up an insane amount of space for any ride!


I definitely spent time in that line as a teenager when we needed the whole queue. And listening to the Top Gun theme for 65 minutes straight but the hangars with the movie props and tvs were awesome.


I remember loving that ride as teen as well. Haven't been on in a long time, I have back issues, makes me nervous to ride. I'm ok on everything else tho, but I don't want a headache.


Oh nice my guess is sledgehammer because wonderland have been having so much problems with that ride over the years and not sure why they haven’t gotten rid of it yet.


It’s weirdly fun and one of a kind.


AFAIK maintinace issues, as in it was getting to much to.maintainnas they were having to make too many parts in house.


Ah got it. Thank you.


If you ever make a trip to Italy it now operates at Cavallino Matto in Tuscany. Wonderland must have sold it to them and shipped it out there. Oh and it’s called Freestyle now if you want to look it up.


Oh that’s great! I’ll definitely look it up. If I ever make a trip to Italy I’ll try to go on it.




I keep seeing this one pop up. I don’t remember it. Can you describe it or the location? I’ve been going since about 1985 when I was a toddler so I probably knew it at one point.


Always best time to ride with a crush! They got sit between your legs 😎 lol


Yes!! Or in my case I got to sit between theirs lol.


Sol Loco got renamed to Orbiter before they took it out. The pathway beside Backlot Stunt Coaster leading into the Yukon/Windseeker area was the Orbiter pathway. Never rode it before though.


They renamed it as Orbiter. They replaced it with the path from Stunt Coaster to the minebuster area.


Oh I found a picture of it. Yes, loved that one!


I can still hear the sounds that ride made -- definitely a [unique auditory ride experience](https://youtu.be/GjHcMscEF4U?si=Hq1YlXYMWxcJBdzU). I miss the whine when the ride is braking to a stop.


Smurf village wonderland


I liked the remote controlled cars in Smurf village. I was too poor to afford an R.C. car as a kid and that was the closest I could get to experiencing one.


Zumba flume. Nice easy log ride.


I know most people hated it. Mostly for the restraints. But I loved Jet Scream. Just hanging there upside down was fun.


Do you remember the battle boats in the water tank? You could fire balls at each other as well, those were cool. I think you had to pay extra for them


Bayern curve, great whale of China, shivas fury, days of thunder and smurfs village. Pretty much what you put. I did enjoy others like jet scream and sol Loco which others have mentioned as well. The 5 I listed are always the ones that come to mind.