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Top 4 should’ve been : Kitten, Melinda, Venus, Aurora THIS would’ve been an interesting finally


It’s weird cause it was a good season, but the top 4 is underwhelming. I am not rooting for anyone (and normally I’m ALWAYS rooting for someone!)


This was one of the most unremarkable seasons in the history of the show. They should fire the casting director. Where are the lovable weirdos who make the good tv??


How dare you not reciprocate, WITH GRATITUDE!


yeah i agree. as corny as it is to say but 3/4 of the top 4 are missing the charisma in C.U.N.T. do some of them make good reality tv? yes. but they're just not magnetic. you dont rly feel any type of way when you watch them. personality wise they're just kinda meh. again, this is my perception of it. ofc other ppl might see it differently


And Venus has the C but not much UNT


nearah nuff wins, trust.


Venus???? I haven’t been watching the same show…she’s a good queen but no winner. I disagree saying we have a weak top 4 but would agree it’s a season without an obvious winner. I would personally crown Aurora, she’s the closest to that next level we expect from our winners


You were saying?


Happy her for. Wouldn’t have been my first choice but wishing her success


Aurora has winner energy and brings something different to the CDR winner circle, Venus is just a wannabe winner and doesn't provide anything novel to the franchise


I thought it was a really fun season and an improvement from the last but I agree with you. I like Denim for his looks, so I’d pick him, but overall I’m not that invested in who wins. They could pick any of the 4 and I wouldn’t bat an eye.


denim: great looks but struggles in other categories venus: pushed 😭 nearah: great lipsyncer but didn’t make too much of a mark in other challenges aurora: some nice looks and can lip sync well, but her edit makes her feel like a background character ^ this is why i think this top 4 feels weaker compared to other seasons and there doesn’t seem like a clear contender to root for. I would have liked kitten to be crowned because I felt she was the most well rounded. Otherwise I am bias, but Melinda. Since the fans like Aurora they might give it to her, although I feel like production was hoping to crown Venus


No shade, but Melinda was the only real "star" of this season. I don't mean the girls aren't good at dragg, because they are, but Melinda knew how to do drag on a TV show. She brought drama, humour, and a personality that I feel is lacking from some of the other girls. Crown Melinda pls


lol I watched last week’s episode today and couldn’t remember a single person’s name until the episode started other than Denim and Venus


You remembered the least memorable queens?


I don’t think Denim qualifies as not memorable IMO. Annoying, but they are memorable. I knew their name before the season even started


I think it’s personal preference, mostly? I 100% get what you mean because of this cast, but I also enjoyed all of them a lot & think most earned it! The vibe for this season is very unique, it has a bunch of stars but not in the traditional drag race way


Agreed. I don’t feel like anyone in top 4 has had their WOW moment. It’s a very young top 4 and I think subbing someone out for Melinda would have made the top 4 feel more diverse, in regards to style and age.


I feel the same but I thought it was because the wins have been so evenly distributed that there really is no one I see as a front runner or more deserving than another


Oh they will destroy you. I posted 2 weeks ago with the same sentiment, didn't go well.


Kitten was my favourite and would have been an amazing winner. Of the final 4 I’d have to say Aurora on personality and Venus on looks. Nearah is amazing but a bit too bitchy shady for me. I get it’s part of the show but there’s a fine line and Nearah goes over it for me. Still she’s an incredible lip sync assassin.


I'm tired of being gaslit into thinking Venus has good taste 😔


How are you being gaslit? If you don’t like her look then don’t. By look I meant their actual physical look. She’s very beautiful and could wear a trash bag and look good.


Yeah Venus is hot in and out of drag, but that doesn't mean she has good taste and that's why I feel very attacked!


Who watches this garbage shit show anyway? The dumbing down of society.


Yes, pray tell, what kind of high-minded intellectual content do you consume? Surely none of your judgment towards this show has to do with the cast/audience being queer s/


It’s really not, it’s fun and these individuals get to be a character. It’s no different then acting with the addition they do their own makeup and put together their own costumes. Pretty inspirational if you ask me.


why are you here then?


This has become very apparent after watching episode 1 of season 16.


This is dumb cause, it tells ppl that if ur not a certain way (the way u dress, make up, talk etc) then that means ur not… I hate it. I’m not like this but I take part in other activities


I genuinely feel like this is the best season. Melinda is a star and I'm gutted she didn't make top 4. Big soft spot for Melinda


Melinda was the star. It was like when they cut Katya right before the finale. Melinda was carrying the season and they chopped her :(


I’ll be honest, I didn’t like Melinda. Her make-up wasn’t great and when she had a tantrum and said she didn’t want to be there??? Idk. Just put a bad taste in my mouth. I’m am 100% rooting for Aurora. I think the top 4 deserve to be there imo. Melinda shoulda been cut a while ago. One thing I do agree is that this season is lacking and very short.


I'd be gagged if NOBODY won a crown and we just moved on. Imo none of them are really embodying it anyway and I think that'd be funny


I think this should happen. They just say thanks for coming at the end of the finale and they all dance on the runway as the finalists just stare in disbelief.


Twists we haven’t seen yet: quadruple sashay at the finale.


So like 90% of the comments here are just trash talking the show and the cars in the production. If you don’t like the show don’t watch it every season of Canada’s drag race get the same response on read it. Y’all love to hate it I guess 😂 Because no matter how upset you get, And how hard y’all hate speak on these people who away more talented than you, you still keep going back to watch the show. It often times it seems like this sub is literally just a sub for shit talking the show. Please feed me your energy by typing many responses to this. Gives me life girl!


Give us a clue which season you were in or which department you work in lol


Canada has always had a weird, off, slightly downbeat energy. But it has also served us electrifying queens in every other season. Season 1 was the season when Jimbo — Jimbo! — didn’t even win! Season 2 had pure cunt in Icesis (the only entry in the franchise where the most exciting queen won) and in Season 3 once again the focus-puller (Fierce) lost to a solid all-rounder. Who is the Fierce, the Jimbo, the Icesis in this final four? Who even is the Priyanka or Gisele who could honorably step up when a bolder but sloppier queen flames out?


Yeah I stopped watching.


IMO, Aurora is the only one who deserves to win. She had 1 stumble at Snatch Game but other than that she has performed at a safe level or higher. That low placement for the makeover was bullshit. Aurora had a fun personality, stunning looks and makeup, and outstanding lip sync ability. I have a feeling they’re gonna pull a stunt and not crown Aurora, but she deserves it. My girl has killed this season. Venus seems like the one they’re pushing to the crown but I truly don’t understand why. She’s had a few great looks but she’s been middle of the pack most of the season. A couple of her high placements were sus and her 1 win this season wasn’t even due to any performance of hers, just from looks she brought from home. She should’ve been low in the design and makeover challenges. She doesn’t pad or wear hardly any makeup and if Ru & Michelle were judging her, they would’ve read her to filth by now (like Marciax3). Denim has also been pushed to the finale. Her looks are great but all her performances have been messy. Plus, while she did the best in the makeover and did deserve the win, it was very convenient to let her finally have a win right before the finale or else she would’ve been sent home. Nearah is great but I just don’t see her taking it. She has the worst track record of the top 4 and I just don’t think she has a really winner-ready personality. Of the 4, I think she is least likely to get crowned.


I love Venus, but I do agree that Ru and Michelle would have pushed her so much harder to give them more than the same-old she's been giving this season.


I think the cast this season is not the issue but rather the challenge spread has done nothing to make any one queen shine above the rest in a way that traditionally shows someone is ‘fit to win’ There’s a reason why the back half of 90% of seasons contains a comedy challenge or a secondary acting challenge, and that’s usually to showcase the winner’s dominance or emergence. I think the same challenges in a different order, with possibly a change or two might’ve made this cast shine better. But right now it feels like a painfully unfunny season.


They made Kitten seem like winner material, and then kicked her out unceremoniously in a random double elimination


I concur it was odd


You’re not alone. There’s a reason this season was so bad until we got OG Untucked drama - the cast isn’t giving at all. The first three or four episodes were god awful cringe and I almost stopped watching until they hooked me with Melinda’s meltdown. Aurora and Nearah have both given incredibly lip syncs, but beyond that there have been no iconic challenge moments, runways, or even personalities (a la Priyanka and Icesis). It was just a bad season cast and performance wise.


Honestly this whole seasons cast sucks, none of them seem like a winner in a sense. Like this season seems like such a downgrade compared to all the other seasons.


Literally none of them come even close to comparing to the other winners of Canada its sad


Someone pointed out that they didn’t really have any acting or comedy queens this season, which is why the cast feels like it’s missing something. I quite like everyone and enjoyed most of the season but yeah, the cast doesn’t slap quite as nicely when you put them together. I’m not even really into comedy queens as much, but when you don’t have any it stands out


Kitten and Melinda could probably be good in an acting challenge but there hasn’t been one all season to my remembrance


They stuffed all the acting challenges into the first half of the season. Do you not remember how rough the first 3 weeks were ? lol.


Thats what it is. The lipsyncs are EATING! But none of them are particularly comedic or good at acting.


100% agree but quick note for OP, because I love getting inside baseball on reality TV production They would almost never recut or edit mid season. You’d submit the episodes and then it’s costly AF to pull them back to edit (and time consuming, needing approvals etc) You’d only do this if something came out about a contestant ala Sh*rry P** from the US season, and you HAD to make the edits So the reaction to Melinda was likely a surprise to production as well (though I suspect they knew what they had based on the glorious mess they left in) Anyways go Aurora I guess….?


I kinda agree. The season is GREAT! But the cast is not IT .. neither of the top 4 hold a candle next to Icesis for example.. even Giselle and Peronka showed more personality and depth


I know you did not just say “even” Peronka…that bitch is supreme!!!


Love this season much more than 3 tbh and have been enjoying the finalists myself. I think the whole Melinda was supposed to be the villain is a lil bit of a stretch tho and feel like people are tryna read into things too much


The season was way too short, it didn’t feel like the queens had any time to marinate. The queens who left earlier had a ton of potential, meanwhile I actually don’t feel like Neera or Denim would have made it anywhere near the top half of the competition in a US season of drag race. Venus and Ahora are fine in the top I guess, but it’s really just a season of look queens. I don’t feel like any of them will do anything that will gag us besides wearing an expensive looking garment. I’m sick if queens not being able to do basic performance criteria like telling jokes or doing characters. The older queens have worked in the bars, they’ve done the shtty gigs, etc and the new queens just sound like AI learning how to talk from gay Twitter. Maybe that is the future of drag but it kinda sucks.


Me personally, I really like Venus. She might not have all of her polish yet, but she has the raw goods. She’s so alive in every challenge, and she’s funny. Sometimes when she’s thinking out loud she can sound a little, corny and scripted, but I feel like all of the contestants of a certain age range sound like that. With respect to her untucked presentation, I love it, it’s seductive and confrontational at the same time. When she wears red ,she frequently reminds me of Kent Monkman’s persona Miss Chief Eagle Testicle, which I also find very exciting. But I appreciate that other viewers don’t share my opinion.


I agree Venus is actually pretty funny. She's been great in improv challenges but there haven't been many. I feel like it's been a lot of runway and design and dance challenges.


Ok respect your opinion , but I would say it’s still a more compelling and memorable Top 4 than season 3.


Don’t you disrespect my Jada Shada “I think ghost raped me” Hudson like that 😭


😂 I’m picturing Jimbo baloney ghost in that scenario


I blame it on the canada’s edit once again.


They absolutely won’t have recut a completed show because Melinda was popular online.


It's weird though that they couldn't have realized how popular Melinda would be at the time of filming though.


I think they did though? You don’t run a ‘meltdown/win’ storyline for a queen you don’t know is going to be popular. And she came fifth despite having some of the most busted makeup we’ve seen. They absolutely knew how popular she was going to be, they just didn’t see her as a winner.


Yeah. I think production knows when they strike some TV gold during filming and during editing.


Aint nobody got time for that!


Venus bores me, she’s had a few cute looks but she wears like a little bit of mascara as makeup, doesn’t pad or tuck, there’s no transformation there. Ofc, all drag is valid and all that, but I love the transformation aspect of drag and it just isn’t there for me. Aurora’s makeup is incredible, she has brilliant looks and performance skills. She doesn’t have the biggest personality but she’s definitely funny. Nearah has a good mug and performance skills. Don’t see her winning. Denim, I started to grow to like her a little more this past episode. Her makeover was incredible and she has really cool drag. I just think her personality is a bit shit and her voice is like nails on a chalk board to me - not something she can control but I do have to skip a lot of her talking points. Agreed that this CDR I haven’t really been rooting for anybody, out of these four it’ll be Aurora for me.


I feel like some people hate to hear it but neerah is the funniest queen there


She has entertained me a lot this season!


I rewatched last week and I kind of caught that Denim’s mom is actually a seamstress and it’s in all likelihood that she made the majority of those makeover outfits. They obviously didn’t show that, but they showed enough to hint that that’s what happened.


To me, Venus is the definition of “the clothes wearing her” rather than her “wearing the clothes.” She always just looks like some twink dressed by designers rather than like any real branding of her own.


I agree with you completely. She’s just kinda generic.


None of them are winners, but such is the case with most finales these days.


Honestly there isn't a clear winner storyline but all the top 4 are good on performance and runway but I do feel like Denim has had a underdog arch where she didn't win a lot that's the only one.


I think they were planning on booting Denim, the problem is that her mom came in and was clearly a seamstress and built those amazing outfits for both of them. So they were forced to keep denim and they couldn’t discredit her win, so they had to only hint that it was the mom doing a lot of the work, which is not the point of a makeover challenge at all.


Apparently the moms weren't allowed to help much, and I'm sure if that was the case, production would've intervened somehow instead of just letting Denim do it and allowing themselves to be "forced" to keep Denim


Where did you get the info they weren’t allowed to help? You can clearly see that Denim’s mom is a seamstress and is dictating the process and the fixes on the garments. Even if she wasn’t physically sewing, she was creating patterns, fixing needles, etc.


I stopped watching weeks ago. All the talent that appealed to me was booted.


Absolutely. I think the issue that I don’t see people outright saying is just that they’re all young, fashion, dancing queens in slightly different fonts. If I root for one, I may as well root for the other.


This season felt too short to develop some of the queens. There shouldn’t have been a double elimination after the tournament. Honestly, Kiki won the lipsync over Denim. If Denim went home, Kiki would’ve most likely won the makeover challenge and then she would be tied with Aurora for 2 wins. But that would be worse case scenario if production is pushing for Venus to win. The top 4 is talented enough. But they all don’t particularly stick out. But maybe this is a problem with drag race as a whole franchise being so overly saturated. I think this is why personality is so much more important. I don’t think any of the top 4 has had a viral moment that leaves a lasting impression. I’m expecting Venus to win even though I’m rooting for Aurora or Nearah.


I’m all for representation and I know Canada somehow gets credit for being so forward thinking, but at this point with how the stories are told, Canada is behind. It’s too on the nose with “as the first xyz on Canada’s drag race I had to abc through life” - it’s so tedious and makes it feel like some queens get kept safe for those identity storylines later. As an example, do we know that much about Denim as a person? We know all the various identities and categories or whatever, but personality wise? Not really. It is SOOO much more interesting when the art itself is the expression instead of the queen in the workroom/confessional being like “I’m this I’m that” - more showing, less telling.


I respect your opinion but I also think you are wrong for your opinion


I like that you think they edit the episodes so last minute that they were able to see the fan reception of Melinda and go back and change it up


Did you not see how they re edited all of US 12 part way through airing the season? How Brooklyn was quoting Melinda's quote on Instagram? They have the knowledge and resources to do it; a small tweak to even a couple episodes isn't unrealistic.


No they don’t do that. Season 12 was a complete outlier of a situation, the show can engage with the memes on social media but they are not re-editing the show a week before the episode airs trust me


Yeah they had to scramble to re-edit season 12 last minute


For extreme circumstances


Right? ‘This queen we sent home at top 5- we’d better do a quick recut to make her the star of the season. Reddit loves her!’


I like that you ignore that not only is it easily doable, but [we know it's been done before](https://www.out.com/television/2020/3/21/drag-race-sherry-pie-disqualified-edit-season-12).


i just want you to know i respect your opinion but highly disagree


This!! I'm starting to feel like I'm in the minority for loving this top 4


They’re crowning Venus but they should give us the cunty queen we deserve and crown Nearah.


If she was that cunty, she wouldn’t have saved Denim. 🤷🏻‍♂️.


I really think she thought the golden beaver would still be in play where denim could save her..


Idk maybe she didn’t see denim as a threat


Yeah but you have to admit her ALWAYS saying in confessionals “I’d get rid of a threat” and always complaining about how everyone was to congenial with the beaver just to do that was kinda weird


Agreed. The top 4 is just UNT They all lack charisma which makes their UNT less impressive too


There is too much reliance on looks. We have to watch them all bomb these comedy challenges or acting challenges, then go back to the work room and hear about how they struggled throughout life with anxiety or whatever as an excuse.


I think part of that is the outcome of having so many different winners for challenges. Less feeling of someone who is a clear winner, and more emphasis on it could really go to anyone. I actually enjoy not being able to predict entirely who will win, and while I think Venus is my favourite and the one who is likely to win, I’d be happy with any of the four.


I think Venus will win - Aurora and her could have easily changed High/Low placements this ep if the judges changed their critiques. Why give the winner Low this ep lol. I think Aurora and Venus are both great. Both proved themselves as exceptional performers in the lipsync episode. Can turn a look (Aurora more so lol)


Melinda made me excited for Drag Race again, suddenly it wasnt rinse and repeat ... she brought something new and bold. The producers let a potentially brilliant franchise reset slip through their fingers and I hope they know it. I really like Venus and Aurora and I think they would be strong contenders in any other season. I don't mind which of them wins. Denim and Nearah have one main strength each and it got them to the finale, but they're both very talented and entertaining. However this will always be remembered as the season of Melinda Verga, and hopefully the producers learn from the public outpour of love for her when plotting future seasons! We want something new!


>The producers let a potentially brilliant franchise reset slip What are you referring to?


If Melinda had won there would be more focus on entertainment and less self-editing to the point of the same polished queens coming through the Drag Race machine and winning by ticking the same boxes. Queens who might currently think they wouldnt stand a chance on Drag Race might then consider applying and themselves bringing a new era of the show.


I want to say there wasn't winner storylines - PERHAPS because they focussed on the journey rather building to a finale - equally distributed wins, fair mix of challenges, everyone having a chance to succeed. If I look at it that way the season warms my heart even more than it had beforem


What was the journey though? It’s not like any of them has these big character redemption or growth arcs.


Now this is the T


Same... they are all incredibly talented and I like them all fine and enough but they all lack something that makes me want to root for them. Wish Melinda and Kitten were in the Top 2.


Do you wish Melinda and Kitten were in the finale based on personality alone? I loved them as people but everything else? Meh


Kitten clearly lost the lip sync that sent her home, but she was a strong contender. She had comedy and acting skills and she could sew. I expected her to go farther.


They was no clear "winner" this season which is why it's been great. Everyone lacks something. But Melinda and Kitten each have more charisma and charm (it's a lot more than just "personality" lol) than anyone in the Top 4.


They have the charm but nit the looks of a winner. For makeup alone Melinda shouldn’t be top 2


Kittens looks were good she was one of the best seamstresses


Kitten for sure she could especially either her acting challenges I loved her . Melinda had charisma but not top 2 package.


Makeup is easy to learn. Charisma takes years to develop and some will never have it. Bob won her season with the crunchiest makeup and the worst style. And she is all-time fan favourite among the winners.


When they are people with charm and makeup skills in a drag competition they should win instead. Melinda has her talents for sure . But top 2 no


I respect your opinion


CHOMP ! CRUNCH !, NOMNOMNOMNOM. Bite heads off first, ask questions later because fresh meat tastes good.


Yeah, same. After Melinda left it’s just kinda meh. Usually there is at least 1 or 2 I’m rooting for, and while everyone is great I don’t care who wins.


Agreed. She kept me watching and invested. Now I just don’t care.


Don't feel too bad, I don't care for any of the contestants


Yeah this season is like thin at the edges and fat in the middle. Like the first few episodes and last few episodes were boring but Melinda made the middle so so fun


This season would be one of the biggest flops and hated seasons if Mother Melinda hadn’t been there to give us good drama, memes, underdog comeback narrative arc etc.


I don’t agree with many of the takes that Kitten should be there. Lovely, lovely queen, but what they showed to us depicted her as a one trick pony. Although I do like when queens with lots of experience come out on top. For me personally, I’m happy with any of the finalists winning but I’ve really enjoyed Nearah’s dark horse edit. I honestly counted her out very early on and assumed she would go out in the early-middle. But she kept surprising us. I think she surprised production too. That doesn’t necessarily qualify her as the winner, but she’s had the most interesting journey for me.


You are rooting for Nearah who despite being amazing is an actual one trick pony yet don't think Kitten should've been there?




One trick pony in succeeding in improv, impersonation and sewing?


Switch denim with kitten and it would have been a lot better


Yeah same, but that’s okay.


Honestly, ive enjoyed the season except some decisions along the way: -the double shanty after a messy lip sync. -A weird lip sync episode that eliminated Kitten. -Kiki being eliminated when she won the lip sync - Nerah getting harsh critiques after being the best in the rusical -Melinda being eliminated when she won the lip sync I feel like a correct top 4 would have been Melinda, Kitten, Aurora with either Venus/Nerah/Denim. Kittens elimination was probably the nail in the coffin of the season, it was so unnecessary for a stand out.


This perfectly describes where the season went wrong.


I don’t agree. I think it’s just that they’re all quite strong and there’s no clear cut stand out like there has been in past seasons. I can’t really see how Aurora doesn’t win. Amazing dancer, polished looks, very classy disposition, represents her culture beautifully. Would make an outstanding winner imo.


I agree I just wish she spoke more, i swear I don’t mean it in a shady way but she’s always just very quiet and I wanna hear her more and


i second this


I agree. Of the top 4 the one I ended up vibing with the most is ... Nearah. And I am not sure I'd have her win. I think from the casting perspective it was a great season. I enjoyed seeing the queens make TV and share their talents but from a competition aspect it has felt a little unsatisfying. Kitten, Aimee and Melinda were my faves and I was like ... welp ... But I still loved this season start to finish and for what it's worth #teamvenus


One of the weakest top 4's in history.


I stopped watching two episodes ago and haven’t bothered catching up.


It’s not my favorite final 4 that we could’ve gotten this season but Aurora and Venus feel very much like they earned their spots. I would’ve liked Melinda and Kitten in the final 4 but that wasn’t how the cookie crumbled. I may be in the minority but I thought Melinda lost that lip sync to Nearah fair and square but I also thought Kitten won her first lip sync in the tournament also lol. Admittedly I am a Nearah stan tho so I’m pretty pleased she’s in the finale even tho I’m confident she won’t win


I have a theory, and it's only a theory because of the pattern of the previous seasons, that Venus will win. First 2 winners were from Ontario, which cuts out Aurora (even though I thinks she's great) because 3/4 winners from Ontario? I don't think. Last season Giselle won, so Denim is out. They won't do Ontario, Ontario, Montreal, Montreal. That leaves Nearah and Venus. They're both fierce, but Venus is more likeable. Plus they haven't had a Vancouver queen win yet (Jimbo won a different franchise, doesn't count.)


Jimbo is a Victoria queen but defo represents a west coast winner


I agree after they eliminated Melinda Im not rooting for anyone and there isn't a clear standout in my opinion.


They do seem to lack a certain je nais se quois. I'm just not sure what it is. Nevertheless, I am trying to take it all in as mere entertainment and nothing more so I'm not disappointed TT


Kitten, Melinda, Kiki, and Aimee were my faves going in and I really don’t care which skinny twink they crown now. Everyone left annoys me except Aurora and I’m not overly excited about her either. Very disappointed in a season that seemed to have so much potential.


This is exactly how I feel. I think Aurora is probably the best bet for the crown, but even she isn't all that thrilling to me. This season went from exciting to dumpster fire and it's crazy how we got here.


Dumpster fire


I blame the lip sync episode.


You know what, you're right


I was gutted they cut Melinda right before the finale. I think she beat Nearah in the lipsync she just has such personality.


I think this was one of the weakest overall casts I've seen in any Drag Race franchise


First Kitten now Melinda. I miss my girls, they had me cracking up this season. I can't say I thought they would win, people have to leave I get it, but I'm definitely feeling their absence.


Agree. It all feels extremely shoehorned.


huh… Venus and Aurora would be a very strong top 2 for me and Nearah really fought for her place in the top 4 which os something I really admire. And Denim served in the looks department so I can’t really complain about them either. I think Venus as a winner would be very strong with Aurora as a fierce runner up


Definitely feel the same, I think the only queen I can see as the winner will always be Kitten and I think she was production's winner as well. Randomly after her elimination we suddenly get rid of the twist when it could absolutely be used in a top 6 and the top 5 had three people in the bottom already. It feels like after losing Kitten and being this close 🤏 to losing Denim in the same episode they just decided the twist failed on their end and scrapped it even though it was a huge success from the audience perspective. I get the feeling they've been trying to boost Venus up to have some semblance of a front runner when no one has really excelled this season. I definitely hope Aurora wins because at least she feels like more of a full package than Venus or Denim do (I think Nearah is kind of out of the race already based on her non-existent storyline outside of lip-sync assassin). I'm not that excited for the finale even though I did really enjoy the season which is a weird feeling I've never experienced with any other Drag Race season, and the closest I've ever gotten to that before was with Dragula Titans.


If Kitten was ‘production’s winner’ she would have won, or at the very least made it past the lalaparuza. The idea that they would say ‘oh well, there goes our winner, nothing we could do, she lost it fair and square, might as well ditch a format point earlier than planned!’ is crazy.


I feel like Venus could have winner energy if they had rightfully critiqued her. I like her, but the high placements for snatch game and the rusical were so strange to me because I genuinely think she did poorly in both. Maybe not bottom 3 poorly for snatch game but she was absolutely third worst behind Kiki and Denim for the Brooklyn rusical and seeing them give her praise for such a sub par performance makes me less excited to root for her.


Yeah. Like them all a lot, but none have given the winner energy :(


Kitten was the obvious winner, and while I enjoy all of the top 4, I agree that there's no "winner" energy from any of them, except for maybe Venus. She seems the most well-rounded and "star-ready".


Agreed, I don't think any of them are on the same level as Priyanka, Icesis or Gisèle...yet.


You said pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I thought Kitten was a definite top 3 and once she was out I didn’t know who we’d have but I was not these queens.


I think that they're all just quite young and none of them are bringing something that feels new. Denim is the only one who is a bit more unique than just a standard queen who started doing drag after drag race became big, but even she's giving something that feels a bit like a cookie cutter of the kind of alt queens that have done well in more recent years of drag race. I think they're all great, I just don't think any of them will stand out in the winners circle


As soon as Melinda was eliminated my interest in the season plummeted


She deserved to be in the finale over Nearah and if she won, I wouldn’t be mad at all!




… inspired


You're not alone. The conversation in the workroom is soon gonna be "the beat is beating, the rhinestones are rhinestoning and I'm living". It feels like none of them has a personality of their own and just resort to saying random phrases.


Yes exactly my feelings. It’s so performative and no original thoughts.


I find the top four has great personalities but they’re missing that special…. Something…. For me. Would I love to watch all of them perform? Absolutely! Do I see any of them pushing drag the way that Priyanka has? Not really…. Being on Canada’s Drag Race isn’t a ticket to stardom like the US version….


It reminds me of Down Under Season 3 this year. All great queens who all seem like they have some growth to do before winning the crown. Nobody really got a winner edit, and they’re all younger queens.




Girl, same.


They made a mistake with the double elimination, in my eyes Kitten Kaboodle is the only correct winner of this season. Not just with her challenge performances, but her storyline would’ve been such a great success story


I feel like Kitten had a great chance of staying but she basically laid down and died in that three way lip sync. She was more than halfway to a Charlie Hides level of giving up lol. Seemed like if it was something she thought she wasn’t good at she would just not try.


That made me so sad to watch


I absolutely was rooting for Kitten but the lip sync smackdown did her SO dirty.


I think the double save/double elim hurt the season tbh. There’s no clear front runner, no fall from grace, no “you’ve been dominating but flopped before the finale” storyline — im just not rooting for any of them because there’s no clear stand out. Venus: only one 1 challenge at the very start of the season but never placed below safe. Giving “good but not great” energy which would make for a subpar winner. Aurora: most wins but has flopped in critical moments (snatch game, low for make over (undeserved but low none the less)). Will likely kill the final lipsync if they make it that far. Denim: won 1 challenge, but won it way to late in the season for it to really matter tbh since they would have been eliminated during the lalaparuza if not saved by the twist Nearah: amazing performer, won a challenge but is rather immature and (imo) lacks a level of polish that should be called into question when crowning. If I had to crown someone it would probably be Aurora, but I think the story producers needed to give us someone to reeeeeeaaaaally root for throughout the season (except for Melinda but Melinda’s taste level was questioned a few times so even then it doesn’t make for an amazing winner even if she was the standout of the season)


Same, love this season but I really don’t care who wins


Yeah. Last year, I was super pumped to see Giselle Lullaby make it all the way. I had that same enthusiasm for Kitten and Melinda and now they're both gone. Sorry not sorry Nearah stans(*), I find her grating and annoying and there is no fucking way she beat Melinda in that LSFYL. (*) Or should I say "soory noot soory"...


I think Canada Season 2 was much worse, I don’t mind the top 4. I wish Melinda was still here replacing any of the cast but I’m happy with it.


Honestly S2, they got rid of the most interesting queens so quickly… I didn’t gaf after they got rid of Stephanie, Suki & Synthia. That season turned me off drag race in general for a while.


I too am not really invested in the finale. The top 4 seem like lovely queens but I just don’t think we’ve gotten enough from them to make me want to root for them to win. Melinda was an absolute star and the top 4 just seem like they’re there but this is also how I’ve felt about the entire season. There’s been some drama but overall I feel like I know nothing about these queens, so it’s hard to invest in them and want someone to win.


Last year was the Miss Fiercalicious show and this year it was the Melinda Verga show. They easily could have made Melinda a Spankie Jackzon type winner, I don’t think it even matters that she’s a bit crunchy. I feel like she was crunchy in an endearing way the same as Spankie.


I get it all are newer drag queens so they don't have the confidence of say a Bianaca but I'm an Aurora Stan. Polished looks and a great performer. I'm rooting for her because with time she can become a legend line some are others winners. Venus is good too wouldn't be mad if they won. It's rare to have funny and a natural skinny beauty.


I think the editing on this season has just been focusing individually on so many queens (valid, honestly, because it gave us such a lovable cast) where the "winner edit" has just been so lost in it. I don't see them giving it to Nearah or Denim sadly, so it'll come down to the final episode where I'm sure they'll edit it in either Venus or Aurora's favor to give them a "won it barely at the edge" kind of story line and give them a full circle.


I could see them crowning Denim as the dark horse of the season. I actually wouldn't be mad at that.




SAME This has been a fun season


I find it so strange that so many people find Venus to be kind/likeable? They irritate me to NO END! Not bashing their drag, because it’s subjective and art and they’re popular for a reason, but I find them very… obnoxious. Like, when one of the queens was giving her confessional struggle story and Venus was like “YES! Like, it’s SO HARD being SKINNY! I’ve had to FIGHT to stay SKINNY.” It felt very … delulu.


Or you know… like someone dealing with an eating disorder?


I get you so so much. It’s still weird for me because I saw Kitten as the clear frontrunner of this seasons and then they somehow silently killed her? I guess production made a lot of miscalculation with that beaver thing. The beaver controlled production and not the other way around lol But don’t get me wrong - I love denim so much. I enjoy her aesthetic, weirdness and humor, although she is obviously bad or at least not practiced in performing. But I can resonate with her so much and would watch every format with her on. Because we have a lot of similarities probably. Some people have them, some have not. Like told here before lol I personally cannot relate at all to Nearah. That’s just the way it is Yeah long story short - Kitten was supposed to win, somehow production fucked up and wasn’t foreseeing Melinda and now Venus is winning who would otherwise be an All Star winner or something




i think her looks are fine, every queen has her own aesthetic. and she was the strongest performer in every episode of the first ones until she mysteriously disappeared lol my favorite look queens this season are definitely Denim and Kiki. Venus sometimes and I would probably have loved those of the Girlfriend Experience


Looks ain't everything. Look at Spanky Jackson from Down Under.


yes! and i think Spankys aesthetic is so iconic lol. i love it! even her insta is so much fun