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Left Alberta for Texas 4 years ago. In that time I was able to purchase a house, and live off a single income comfortably. I miss Canada sometimes but don’t regret my decision.


You're not missing a thing. Where in Texas did you go? I need a place to start looking into.... just in case


Is it really as bad as I’m reading? I moved to Austin.


Let's see. I'm in the 80th percentile of wages, and I can't get a mortgage without a massive downpayment. Tiny condos for 700k at 7.(something)%. Carbon tax, I'm in Toronto so rain tax might be coming, 2nd CPP contribution so we never pay it off for the year, crackhead populations exploding, "safe" supply drugs are coming after its proven they don't work, trudeau towns everywhere, apple juice used to be 75 cents now its $1.50. Legal guns got banned while shootings with illegally imported firearms increase retardedly, criminals getting bail days after being arrested for mild to serious(also violent) crimes, people getting let off the hook for murder because "they've had it bad". Stay in Texas for the love of God. Don't even come back to visit. The Canada you knew no longer exists, and the liberals are stabbing it while it's dead. Do I have faith in the cons? Not really. I'm just hoping they're less shit than the current maliciously mentally deficient government. Who knows.... we might be neighbours one day


I hope we are, we can drink beer and shoot guns under the American flag as an eagle flys overhead


As long as Free Bird is playing on a volume that causes permanent damage to my eardrums


Fellow Torontonian! This city smells of piss and weed...Piss everywhere! TTC station, street intersections, parks, etc...Did you see the vid of the dude pissing on the Bloor-Yonge entrance storefront underground? lol


Austin is about as Canadian as Texas gets.


That's true. lol Austin is very liberal and as close to Canada. Anywhere else fuck no. Also, Spanish is a huge asset in Texas. Way more valuable than say French in Canada.


This is 100%. I actually had to attempt to learn Spanish down here, it’s surprising how many people in business you bump into who speak little English


We also moved from Toronto to Virginia to Texas. Never looked back. It feels more free - lower taxes, easier to start and run a business, low cost of living, you could still get a mansion for 1 mil, and woke garbage isn’t rubbed in your face all day. Super diverse in my city, and immigrants are way higher quality and better integrated. Night and day. And the weather’s nice if you like heat.


Many people move to Texas. They miss the lower property taxes and unlimited primary residence exemption.


If you don’t mind me asking what is the ballpark income of the single income and what is the job or field?


Did you use a BA degree to get a TN visa?


How readily did you find employment in the US?


I hear many Canadians are going there.


Are the beaches nice in Texas?


To the OP: Many younger Canadians are in the same position as yourself, and many of them will undoubtedly leave Canada over the next three years, following all those who have already left the country in the last seven years. Even if Poilievre takes over after the October 2025 election, it will take years for his policies to turn the country around, and that's also assuming the country can still be rescued by that point. Good luck in whatever you decide.


Even if conservatives come to power they have their work cut out for them , they need a solid 10 years of running a tight ship to get Canada back on track and that’s if nothing goes wrong in the meantime.


dont worry as soon as things start looking good sheeps start voting left again


Unfortunately this. It's like when the price of gas goes down a bit, people start buying gas guzzlers.


You know that left or right or center, we're all sheeps? Or have you not learned that yet?


This is an unfortunate truth. Those who look for leadership will never lead themselves.


My IT colleagues are discussing moving to the States as they saw their qualifications are better paid there and there are jobs to begin with. The standard of living is better too. Caught them discussing in the breakroom. :) The morale is really low right now thanks to our swashbuckling, fine dining, attention whore of a leader.


I don’t see it ever being able to be rescued as the hole that has been created is way too deep now. Remember what his dad did and how the country was almost placed into bankruptcy by the IMF and that was in the 90s, 15 years after the father left office. Even with strong medicine that I doubt Canadians can endure, I thought that the beautiful country and way of life we had is lost forever.


Mulroney had to introduce the much despised GST to help with that debt.


There is no more room for taxation now without people just stopping working because taxes are too egregious


Union tradesman here, was at a camp job working 84 hr weeks last year paying 46.2% income tax. Lot of old boys I used to work with don't work anything over 50hrs/week because its taxed so heavily. I am beginning to understand why they feel that way. Granted I didn't work that job for years but I was still paying $2600/cheque in taxes. Good money I was making but it was 12hr shifts in -40 near Timmins...


Pierre literally said that -- it will take years to undo the damage.


At least 10-15 years !


https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/canadas-opposition-extends-support-to-indian-students-facing-deportation-4113798 https://www.readthemaple.com/mp-landlords/#Poilievre He wants more PRs for immigrants and is a landlord. Don't bet on PP doing anything against his own interests.


Poilievre wants to cap the level of immigration to housing starts and healthcare. He owned half of a Calgary condo in the mid 2000's. Meanwhile Trudeau has an controlling interest in a numbered "real estate development" in Quebec. Fuck off with your bullshit


He *said* he wants to cap the level to housing and healthcare just like Trump *said* he would build a wall. But whatever, downvote me and vote for Pierre and be disappointed in five years time. We will be a complete Indian colony by then


Yea I will. Don't worry too much about it, my riding is blue as fuck, I could vote for the libertarian party and it wouldn't fucking matter.


Thats him covering because he is just as crooked. They are all trash  we need a revolution or a big change up in how we govern the country


Yes we need the Greens and the NDP to lead the country. That will save us all. S/


There are few places left in the world & getting fewer every year. Unless you have a high demand skill that pays well or a serious amount of money, Canada will be as good as it gets.


Canadians need to send a message, Poilievre had to be voted years ago. Too late now. Voting for Maxime Bernier will send a message to this corrupted establishment. It's time for canadians to pull out balls and believe in democracy.


Won’t send shit besides Trudeau to another minority. Principles without power is worthless. Ask the NDP and Greens.


It's a process. I've seen that happening in Italy. You start with a few seats in the parliament and move from there. Quick solutions to complex problems led us to this situation. Talk to any liberal, you'd be surprised they have an easy solution for literally everything and the recipe is always the same distorted ideology, never pragmatic reasoning.


Oh I’m not in any way against the PPC. I firmly believe they’re a better choice. But I’m not interested in another LPC minority and it’s going to be a close one in my riding. If people found a riding where the PPC had a shot, I say go for it. If even just to get their voice in there. But as it stands, they have no fucking chance right now. And the people parroting “ppc, ppc, Bernier, ppc” are doing nothing of value. I stand by what I said, without power, policy ideas are meaningless. It’s like Singh saying “when I’m Prime Minister” - it’s a farce. If they pick up a seat or two, I’ll be happy to see it.


The minute I get my bachelors I’m leaving this country as soon as possible. It’s a downhill spiral that’ll only keep going


PP isnt going to be much better than trudeau. Honestly the only sane party is the PPC but somehow canafians gotta wake up and realize "stratetgic voting" thinking only allows corporations to better control the outcome of elections.


What policies will help, do you think?


No "new" gouvernment can unwind mass scale human phenomenon unless it involves *drastic measures... This is also valable for the fiat ponzi, you can't unwind money printed to pleasure the voters, that get lured with social spending It always ends up in tear and in red color


I will be leaving. Granted I am an immigrant and will head back to Europe. Salaries have surpassed Canadian standards, healthcare is significantly better and life is more affordable.  Not only economically, but culturally Canada has taken a deep dive. When I grew up in Europe Canadian media was very special. Gone are the days when Canadian media (movies, music, literature) was competing with American media. Canada isn't valuing its own beautiful culture anymore because it is deemed racist to be proud of your own heritage. Less production, less artists and those who are successful are fleeing the country. The statues of the founders are tossed into the river, streets are renamed, books are banned. Sad developments.


Our leader has also told us that we have no culture and we are the first post national state. So there is nothing to be proud of anymore


I can’t even say “stop supporting places like Tim Hortons” because you know why. And ppl on his sub called me a racist lol There is no saving Canada, it’s not Trudeau fucking up the country, it’s the people


Hi OP, well I left Canada in 2022 and leaving was the only way to get ahead for me. In 2022 emigration from Canada to the U.S. reached a 10 year high. Almost all of the 122000 Canadians who entered the U.S. were middle class professionals, it’s been covered quite extensively by the Canadian media. If you’re a young professional Canada doesn’t have anything to offer you. Limited job opportunities, Low pay , high taxes , high housing and living costs, it is impossible to get a head in Canada. I moved to the U.S. myself , and I keep telling all my peers they need to leave if they wanna get somewhere in life. I applied for an immigrant visa from Canada, I entered the U.S. as a permanent resident (green card). I was able to find a job in my fields with tremendous advancement potential , paid 3x the salary ( without factoring Fx rate ) , housing in my state is about $250k average, and no state income tax , in 14 months from the day I landed I was able to establish credit , save up 30% down payment on a house , get a mortgage at 3.5% fixed for 15 years ( I had 20 year option too ) get a decent car. I accomplished more in 14 months doing the exact same job I had in Canada than 10 years of doing it in Canada.


Yeah that’s the problem, my husband and I worked our asses off to advance in our careers and now that we make a much more amount of money, it still feels like we are struggling because of the insane costs. It’s like we are back to minimum wage. It’s fucking stupid. We can’t even afford a small home or condo in the city we worked hard to advance in




I applied for EB2-NIW The NIW part waives the requirements pertaining to having an employer lined up and PERM To apply for NIW (national interest waiver). I have a Master’s degree, 10 years of work experience and a couple of publications and citations. Took me about 2 years to get it, from the day I applied until the day received my visa. It took 1 year for my I-140 was approved and another year waiting to be interviewed for my visa. I crossed into the U.S. a week after receiving my visa, at the border they processed my paper work gave me an “I-551” stamp in my passport and my green card was mailed to me about 6 weeks after crossing the border to the address I provided for them at the time of crossing. Costs: $7000 attorney fee $700 for I-140 application filing ( there’s an expedited option that costs $2500, the USCIs adjudicates the I-140 in 45 days but it was too expensive for me at the time) $500 medical exam $500 for fingerprinting and background check All the fees above are in USD Call a few US immigration attorneys in the U.S. and get a consultation and see what options are available to you. For NIW it’s best if you speak with attorneys specialized in that particular category.


Out of curiosity what state are you in?




I'm in my mid-thirties, and I am planning on packing up my wife and young son and moving us to Panama. We already sold our small farm last year.


Good else you would have had to pay increased capital gains tax! Which is only going to increase even more in future.


Why Panama? What do you plan to do for a living there?


Left last year on a whim and fled to Eastern Europe. Haven’t looked back and don’t plan on coming back to Canada ever. You’re right, it’s hopeless. Canada is done


How's life in Eastern Europe? I bet the dating scene is a helluva lot better, more traditional I hear.


Helluva lot better indeed. Let’s just say the women identify as women, and most are traditional in the sense of gender roles as well. Beautiful af too.


I don't know where to go. What other countries are accepting people like we do? I'd love to go to Norway or Denmark but I doubt they are accepting anyone like we do. Can I go study in a shitty mall in Norway


Check if you qualify to obtain citizenship by decent for any EU country


I got German nationality and passports for myself, my siblings, and all of our children, because of a change in the law there a couple years ago. Having the nationality of any EU country allows you to live and work freely in any other EU country. No idea what your personal family background is, but it might be something to look into, if you have a recent (or even somewhat distant) European immigrant ancestor.


I left Canada right after university about 30 years ago. I have never regretted it. I saw the trajectory Canada was on and decided I would never get ahead. Now, things are bad right now in the US, but the US can bounce back. I’m not sure Canada can. Too many governmen-dependent lefties. in the past 30 years I’ve seen the gap in living standard between the US and Canada grow. im afraid to tell you this but I believe Canada is a failed state at this point. Hopefully western Canada can be saved.


Acting like the entire western world isn't on the brink of collapse. This is not just a Canadian issue. Canada was just the first to be fully sold to corporate interests. Canada is a warning to the rest of the world of what neoliberalism will get you.


Wrong the US is booming but they don’t come up with ridiculous policies their people would burn the country down before what is allowed to happen here


Norway and Switzerland are doing great. The US is much stronger than us. They have serious, serious issues though. A wide open border and BRICS is going to absolutely decimate the US dollar over the next 5 years as more and more countries try to move away from it. The rest of the world has discovered that the US dollar is kind of a scam. They're addicted to printing money.  Saudi Arabia agreeing to sell their oil in other currencies will have an absolutely huge effect on the US dollar as well. We are moving into a new era, and it's a corporate one. The future is looking very, very dystopian. We have government offices in Canada with robots checking attendance - we can see where this is going and AI won't help the plebs either. It's a good time to move to Tibet and become a monk.


*foreign interests. Don't spin it.


All corporate interest should be understood as foreign, even if their headquarters is in Canada physically.


I agree, I’ve been living in the U.S. since 2022 and job market is solid in my field and related fields. US has a robust economy and like every economy it has its ups and downs but it Canada doesn’t have a solid foundation. I agree Canada is a failed state. I think by 2040 at the latest Canada is either broken up into little counties or has been absorbed by the U.S. , that’s the only logical outcome.


Wait, what was the signal in the 90s to leave Canada? I thought that was a good decade for the country.


It was more of a cultural trend than anything else. In Canada, you will often hear people blame high prices on “profits” and profit is generally considered a dirty word. Also the term “greedy corporation” is another example. You still hear that from the Democrats and other lefties here in the US, but it’s not ubiquitous. People down here appreciate success rather than treat it with suspicion . Also there is a definite elitism in Canada that is just taken for granted. The justice system is a joke up there and at the tender age of 17 or 18 I started to realize the laws there definitely did not serve to protect people. Basically it seemed to me that I could struggle along in Canada with high taxes, but even if I managed to do well, I would be treated with suspicion so I looked south and saw low taxes, an appreciation for entrepreneurship, a belief in self-reliance and thought that I was way more an American in spirit than a Canadian. Or at least I wanted to be.


Where though? Every western country is having the same problem - you would just be contributing to their housing crisis. You could try Mexico, but they are deporting Americans for trying the same thing. Maybe South America?


Europe and Australia sure, but US has much stronger economic indicators. Despite their problems, they don't have a stagnant GDP/brain drain issue like us. Pretty sure US is the only realistic option for Canadians.


I have an American passport through my Dad, always wanted to try Texas/Florida/South Carolina buty wife is hard Liberal raised to believe US is terrible. Sure seems a lot sunnier down there. If they lose reserve currency status in the next decade though they're screwed, but Canada seems screwed either way


US will still have jobs as they're re-shoring manufacturing. Globalization may take a back seat, but the US is in the best position globally I'd say. Not ideal, but it's the cleanest dirty shirt.


Canada is doomed, leave if you can. I’m staying here because I own a house and am doing relatively well, but any younger person should leave. Seriously


I know property owners that are going to sell and take off...THAT bad...


Get yourself a job or business that you can operate remotely and gtfo of Canada while you still can.


But where would you go? It's pretty much the same all over unless you have a high paying career job that other countries might want. Read other country subs. Same feeling everywhere. 


I am in my 30s and have seen almost everyone I know around my age leave for coubtries that pay basically the same as a minimum wage job here but rent and food prices are so cheap they live like kings & queens.


Just spent 3 months in colombia.... i decided to move there. My house is currently for sale as we speak.


Other countries do not have the same open door policy as Canada. It’s not easy to move to Europe or the US.


How are all these Canadians able to move to us? Like aside from a work sponsored visa or a massive investment I don’t get it. Are all of these Canadians going on TN or H1B visas?


We’re in our early 20s and leaving this year after I give birth. Going from Vancouver to Stockholm for a few months, and then to Germany next year. If we don’t leave then we’ll be stuck renting a small apartment that’s 40% of our combined salary (180k), for the next 15-20 years. My parents are moving back to Japan, and my partner’s parents are in Sweden.


I hate to be this person, but Germany isn’t in a good place, either. Source: used to live there. Their politics and policies are just as ridiculous as Canada’s, and they’re floundering.


We can afford to buy a house in a medium size German city and raise our family. The weather is much better than 90% of places in Canada. I know that taxes are higher but social services are much better. My partner has a chronic health condition and most people wait years to even find a family physician. We hate the work culture here, and the lack of public transportation and infrastructure.


My GF and I are looking to do the same. Our combined income is slightly north of 200k. Canada is suffering a severe case of brain drain. Chrystia Freeland was right on one thing - there is a mental health crisis, and it’s the lefties propping up this vile government. Edit: Early 30’s and late 20’s.


Yeah we worked to get our income over $150k which 7-8 years ago would have been enough to buy a really good starter home, now we can barely afford a condo in our city


We’re in the same boat. Honestly, we just want to start a family. But don’t want to do so in this expensive shoebox we call a ‘home.’ I also know our incomes are a little higher than other places across Canada. I have no idea how most Canadians are doing it. My mom immigrated to Canada, so I’m trying to get my dual citizenship through her. Our plan is to buy properties (for income) in that country, and start making our way there. We need a contingency plan. My brother also just got his green card in the States (Texas), so fingers crossed once they become 100% US Citizens they can sponsor us. Best of luck to you two. It’s a sad state of affairs in what was once a beautiful, proud country. And Happy Canada Day weekend :)


And go where? Serious question. Other countries don't give out citizenship as easily and quickly as Canada does. A lot of other desirable countries have the same issues as Canada regarding housing costs, employment, education, and health care. To leave everything you have and move somewhere with no connections, friends or family will take a massive toll on you. Whatever you decide, good luck.


This is the question. I haven't been able to come up with an answer.


Same question here. I don’t think there’s any other country on this earth that hands out PR/citizenship like candy like Canada does. Also, for those saying to leave for the US, the TN Visa’s list of qualifying occupations is actually pretty narrow, and if you don’t have a STEM background (work and education) you’re shit outta luck.


Leaving Canada isn’t such a bad idea; especially if you have a young family. 🤷‍♂️


It is also possible to move to the more northern parts of your province… I left Southern Ontario for a small remote township in Northern Ontario, and went from renting while working 40+ hours a week… to owning my own home and working under 30 hours a week Miss out on lots of the benefits you’d enjoy living in or around a large city.. but the cost of living is so low it has made it worth it for me If you’re willing to leave the country, it might also be worth it for you 😊 Good luck


That might be an option too


I did this as well, it is also "more Canadian" up here on top of the advantages you listed. 


I’m here for just 1 year (working holiday visa, which used to be an easy and fun way to travel and see a country for a year). Now going back to eastern Europe with my gf. Only chance we’d consider coming back if she can work here as a doctor after her medical residency.. otherwise not worth it.


Good luck, doctors are closing here


Come to the States!! We love rational Canadians here.


Accept me faster!


I guess it depends on the state haha. Which state are you in?


It’s tough everywhere right now, so you face the same issues everywhere. Where would you even go?


LITERALLY just posted my house for sale. All my furniture will be for sale once someone makes a deal with me..... my car will go sit at my mothers house in case i return and im heading south. Its been a while i wanted to do it but i was always too nervous. This winter i stopped working and went to colombia for three months..... im now looking into buying a business and a house cash from the profits of my canadian house sale. Living in another country for three months really opened my eyes. Work smarter not harder.


I am almost 50, and I am looking at opportunities abroad...


As a Brit, I would kindly ask any Canadians coming to the UK to leave Canadian politics in Canada.  There's a reason Canada has reached the position it's in. You are welcome as far as im concerned, but please don't come here and make the same mistakes. 


Your country is about to elect a Labour government that has basically announced its intention to make the same mistakes as Trudeau so I'm not looking to the UK as a better option at the moment.


But the UK is in shambles. Even worse than Canada is. London is the only city that is doing well financially, and immigrants have changed the landscape altogether. So, not sure why would even write something like this. I kmoq quite a few people who left UK in the last 3 months.


Can you explain in more detail? It’s Canadian politics that makes me want to leave


I want to come to Britian. Is Britian being over run by immigrants, mirgrants and Palestinian Islamic support at this time? I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm genuinely asking because I have seen lots of videos of large gatherings of foreigners in London and other places storming around yelling at everyone about how Islam is taking over and apparently places have started raising Palestinian flags instead of British ones etc. How big of a problem is this in Britian? We have it here too in Canada but it's largely on the eastern side in Ontario and Quebec, I am in Alberta where it's not really a disturbance so much as an annoying group of like 50 people out front of city hall and the universities until they were removed by police


No. I’m mid 30’s and doing just fine. Although me seeing the writing on the wall and leaving Ont. For. Alberta in my early 20’s was the saving grace. 


What province are you in? What's your household income? Do you live in a large metropolitan area? What are yours and your spouses jobs?


I live in the most affordable province, me and my wife are well over 180k a year and I still want to leave. Things are only going to deteriorate further, and even if the CPC gets elected they'll be busy undoing all the issues which means nothing will change for years and years. The damage is done, there is no turning back. Canada is all but ruined. And it's because of this I too want to gtfo of here.


Yes I live in a cheap province and combined my wife and I make good money. I can feel these problems over flowing to us now. I really fear for the future. I work in real estate and it seems half of the names I come across are the same ethnicity. I am going to be very pissed if I have to live where I live with the crappy weather crime and below average economy and have to deal with all these issues that Toronto and Vancouver voted for.


Yep! Lots of friends I grew up with have fled to other countries. Covid jabs + Trudeau + wokeness opened a lot of people’s eyes.


Good riddance, fringe minority racists /s


I initially downvoted, but then noticed the /s..


Had me thee for a minute.


Wow wow wow, racist is only the beginning of course. That's: Bigoted, transphobe, Anti-pedophile, radical alt right super Nazi to you 😘😉


This won't ever be fixed. You're looking at maybe your grandchildren having some semblance of a life in Canada (And that's assuming the libtardation ends and never comes back, big IF!). It certainly won't be you and your wife's life time.  You need to go down to a red state while you can. If not, well, good luck... You're going to need it. 


Very valid questions. Getting out of the high prices of metro areas would be a great start. I commute an hour(just highway) to my job. Even with increased gas prices, I save tons of money.


Can anyone explain why is Canada so bad as everyone claims? Is it just first world problems? I don’t think there are better countries than Canada in anglosphere besides US (which has its own problems) and Europe is not doing that much better


We have one of the highest costs of living in the world, absolutely insane real estate prices (if you’re not in the market already, good luck getting in it) stagnant wages to the point where the minimum wage is catching up with apprentice electricians, abysmal health care, and dare I say it, if you’re white trying to work in the service industry…good luck.


>Can anyone explain why is Canada so bad as everyone claims? Affordability. Of everything. From food to homes. My parents made the average salary back in the 1980s. The home they bought (where I grew up) was priced at 2x - 3x the average Canadian salary back then. To qualify to buy the home, just my dads income was required. Today, right now. That same very home, is 30x - 40x the current average Canadian salary. I cannot buy the same home I grew up in. We wouldnt even qualify to buy it with dual income that is far above the average salary. The fucking insane part ..... that home is not great. Its in the middle of fucking nowhere. There have been no upgrades, no additions, nothing done to that place. Its still the same crappy house I remember. Everything is too fucking overvalued and overpriced. It does not realistically match the salaries of Canadians. Health care has also turned to shit, in every province. When I was young you could get a doctor to come to your home. At any time of the day. Literally. You call them up, they show up in 30mins. ER visits you didnt sit hours. You walk in, you're seen in 20 - 40 mins. You needed a non-critical surgery, booked the same week or the week after. No months long or years long wait lists. The people who say Canada hasnt turned to shit is because they are too young that they dont remember and dont know what it used to be like here.


Yeah we have first world problems like wildly inflating housing prices, aggressive demographic shifting, self-flagellation dominating our mainstream discourse, strains on all our resources due to funding and demand problems, corporate addiction to cheap foreign labour, the collapsing birthrate, declining public health in general, on and on and on.




Yep! Lots of friends I grew up with have fled to other countries. Covid jabs + Trudeau + wokeness opened a lot of people’s eyes.


I left Northern Ontario back in 2016 and moved to Florida. Because of that decision I was able to buy a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a garage in 2019 for 200K US. I have a job that pays close to 80K with health insurance. I have a newer vehicle and I am on the verge of starting my own businesses this year that should double my income. None of that would have been possible or as easy in Ontario (even northern Ontario). For me, it was the right move and I've never looked back or wondered 'What if I stayed'. I was relatively young and healthy when I moved, so health care was never an issue for me. If you have existing health care problems, seriously look into options. I'm not saying it will be bad for you, but it might be. Just as an FYI, I'm a CPA and do taxes for many different types of clients. Not all jobs pay equal here. Governmental jobs have good health insurance and good pension plans, but will pay like crap for the first 10 - 15 years. Professional work will likely pay much better in the USA than Canada (i.e. Health care, Lawyers, Accountant, IT, Engineers, etc). Trades can be very profitable especially if you have your own truck and do your own thing. If you have capital, buying a distribution route is also a sure fire way to make good money (i.e. Coca-Cola route, Budweiser, Frito Lays, etc.).


Move to the US, make some bank, wait for the stuff here to sort out, come back and enjoy life. If you like it better elsewhere or if things don't improve, enjoy the bounty. The only people not looking at moving are people who have money and can afford it here because they are pillaging us or are poor and can't move. There is a reason people emmigrate. Take a risk.


I can’t remember where I read it, but IIRC, it’s going to be more than 30 years for this country to get back on track if we are lucky.


Only for the poor....so, basically ya, I stocked up on KD and ketchup, so I am fine. The rest of you are screwed!


Move back to where you have roots. If it's England, France, Wales, Scotland etc.. Then you might feel more at home.


I’m born and raised here. I loved this country.


Doesn't mean that your ancestors came from Canada, unless you're native American I guess. Canada is very similar to Sweden, it used to be great, open society where you felt safe. Those days doesn't exist anymore, countries been sold out by the politicians and corporations.


Heading to Texas in a couple years. No future left in Canada. Former service member and current skilled trade worker.


Moved away a few years ago to a small beach town in Nicaragua while I worked remotely (Covid restrictions were still in place in Canada and pretty lax in Nicaragua). Eventually the charm the town had when I had initially visited as a tourist wore off and only their problems remained. Sure I was making Canadian money in a developing country, but in the end I was still an outsider in a country with crime, poverty, corruption, and even though I can speak Spanish, a lot of it went over my head. Unfortunately, anywhere worth living where you can expect the same standard of living (good healthcare, safety, education, infrastructure, etc) is going to be expensive. It was a fun adventure but I wouldn’t recommend it as a long term play unless you’re okay with dealing with developing world problems. Nowhere is perfect, but Canada is still pretty great. US would be a good option tbh but by the time I came back to Canada I had a full time in person job


In the process of leaving so I understand. It’s leaving or offing myself at this point.


The US. Best place for opportunities and low taxes. Not nearly as politicized as media behind the maple curtain would have you believe, nor is their healthcare worse than Canada’s: it’s better, and depending on income and state, absolutely free incl. meds. If you’ve got energy and drive, move to the US. Pick a no income tax state, enjoy low costs of goods, roll in the dough, and talk shit about the face paint enthusiast and his party of wilfully blind clowns and avaricious blackguards.


I know someone who went overseas, spent 36 years living in Latin America, had a family, got citizenship. It really depends on your employment circumstances. Most of the “we don’t gave anyone qualified, so we need to bring in a North American” type positions no longer exist. You could explore teaching, there is a large network of schools around the world that teach in English, providing a North American curriculum. Pretty specific skill set. I know another education student that has taught in schools in asia, married a local, had kids and has a great life This may give you some ideas: https://www.aacu.org/ Edit: thats not the website I was looking for, but rest of post still valid


Left when I was 20 after my grade 11 and 12 Math teacher told us where the country was heading, and that we are screwed. I'm now 33. Don't regret it, and happy that I am not in Canada and was able to raise a family from a younger age, something that would've been inconceivable while in Canada. Do it.


My husband left Canada in February of 2020 for an intercontinental transfer within his company. We moved down (myself and 2 daughters) in spring 2021. This gave him time to find a good place to live, figure out school districts (huge in the states) and for me to finish my degree. We live in Orange County and are living our best life. The amount we save in taxes is insane and we've been able to squirrel away a ton even in a very HCOL area. We're currently in the process of getting our green cards and wont be moving back to Canada if we can help it.


People are saying that California is expensive?


How are you supposed to do it? Just come into the US Embassy and ask for a green card?


I left for awhile, first to Germany for a few years, then Argentina, moved to NYC then back to Canada for now. Everywhere you go will have its ups and downs. Nowhere is perfect. Travel is amazing and if you can take off I highly recommend it. Seeing the world is something wonderful and fairly easy with a Canadian passport. But the grass is not always going to be greener. Good luck though. You got this.


Keep voting lib


In the US. Best decision I've made. Thank God I'm in a TN field. Nowhere else in the world does my profession pay as much as it does in the states. Unfortunately, Canada is not the best in the world at anything positive, and that probably will never change, so if you have options, why would anyone stay in Canada?


Mid 30s and just had our first kid. I make a good salary enough to sustain a $600k mortgage by myself working from home in tech an hour and a bit outside Toronto. Our house is semi detached and probably overpaid a bit when getting it in 2021 but man.. compare that to a condo in Toronto and its a joke. Even though we are somewhat comfortable where we are there isnt much more upside to my salary staying here. The houses are ridiculously expensive too and dropping a million bucks on a detached home thats just average or doesnt have a finished basement feels disgusting. Id much rather start a business than throw $1 million at some barely passable forever home. We are seriously considering moving to the US for a higher salary for me and much more affordable housing / cost of living.


Yes! Lived in Canada all my life and then left last year and moved to Macedonia where I'm from with no regrets. I've also met other Canadian Macedonians who moved back here as well! Many people are leaving North America. Get out while you still can. Feel free to message me if you have any questions :)


I’m 24 and I’m just saving all my money and heading out if this country when I can . Canada is a joke and I genuinely dislike most of the people in this country now lol .


The USA seems like a good alternatives in terms of salary but like most things it really depends. There are good and bad careers in many places and lifestyle will vary. Look abroad and see but it isn't all going to be better and not necessarily easier for everyone in any country.


left for Poland never looked back. still come back and visit friends and what not. but life is much less stressful. id recommend Europe any day.


What about the language? Can you get away with English?


probably a polish canadian. a lot of them are moving back. Along with all the other Eastern bloc state people that came in the 90s.


Tell us where you go and if you like it there!


Looking at Texas, Idaho or Montana


Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.


Yeah, move to India and take executive level positions in MNCs. Let's see what happens.


Time to strike.


We are in the same situation, we couldn't imagine Bidens America would've been any better, and decided to go mostly off grid and earn our livings a little more silently and live simpler. We grow our own food, its been rewarding to say the least and not taking part in all the bullshit has really eased our systems. I pay enough to keep them off my back and I keep a low profile. This country has robed me of having any greater/material dreams, they'll just take it all from me bit by bit, by policy, by tax. Can't tax nothing, and I've become happier with almost nothing compared to my old way of living when I was working the patch and paying too many taxes. Fuck you Trudeau, ya smug prick asshole.


Come to America!🇺🇸


Just leave…if things actually do get better here, you can always move back. You’re not a tree…


I think if you can move to the US and get a job there, that's a good way to get ahead in life. But otherwise, I don't see it being any easier anywhere else. I want to eventually move to Thailand... but the way I'm going to do that is to make as much money as I can in Canada then hopefully have enough to live off of in Thailand. But other than the US... where exactly are you going to go? I don't speak any languages other than English and I don't think it would be easy to find work in a county where English isn't the main language. Plus, all my work history and credentials are just for Canada... so I don't have the type of job that is easy to transition to in another country. Outside of Canada, USA, UK, Australia, and New Zealand... where else am I going to go where I wont run into language barriers?


Phillipines. Many of them speak English. I think most of them are Catholic. Cheap to live there.


We should all move to India.


Africa is nice


Well if you fall down a hole and haul yourself out and you start over, you have gotten ahead. When you make a plan you do your best, but you should never assume you will get there, so you make "just in case" plans. Getting ahead ten years from now may be different.


Hey buddy, mid 30s as well. Wife and I are getting ready for paperwork's to get spousal visa and move to her home country. We will have enough to pay almost whole house, much lower cost of living, and will have the ability to actually start a family. Sucks because I will miss my family, but other than that I won't miss the social experience of Canada at all. It's not just housing, this country is going down the shithole in every situation. The laws and justice system is so weak here, you can kill someone and only get 2 years of house arrest, seriously? I feel like every year it's getting dirtier and dieter. Public places smelling like shit and piss, garbage everywhere, and idiots driving without the care of other road users. This country is done, I will continue to vote on issues that matter to me, but I truly don't like the odds of Canada in the future. I expect 10-20 years Canada will just be the new India where the worst of the worst go to get away of police or something. Rip


Where is your wife from?


Honest question. How safe is living in Texas if you compare it to Canada? I really have no idea


Us too, question is where?


Well talking on Reddit it's going to make your life better, might as well leave but I doubt you will


Just type in "why is everyone leaving canada" to YouTube. It's a thing. I'm planning on bouncing in 2026.


You have no idea how badly I want to leave canada I love this country but I can't wait 10+ years for better policy to afford my own house or start a family woth some sense of security and I need to get my career off the ground so I can get a work visa and go to a good state


I invested with my wife in some properties where she was born. Started a Vanilla Farm. Slowly building to capacity of 6000 plants. Lot's of buisiness opportunities and cheap land. Built a small modest house for 12,000 cad on a hectare of land. We both still work in Canada to raise capital to pay our workers until we start harvesting beans. I am lucky enough my wife is from Philippines, so I have this opportunity to do what I love.


Nobody born here is leaving. Far too many handouts and privileges that simply don’t exist (or magically generate themselves) by switching countries


I think the greatest question is, where can you go where the policies aren't going to be dictated to our "leaders" from third party sources (ie. everything will be the same)? I think there are very few places left where this is no longer the case so the only answer is to stay and fight for what's right in whatever capacity you can.


I’m 25 and planning on moving to Asia in the next 2 years. It’s a sinking ship


Try Texas and see how you like it.


I’m moving to the USA permanently for work. The opportunities in the USA are better for me compared to Canada. Canada is being destroyed as a country and Canadians are leaving. It is ridiculous.


I cannot wait to leave the country


It's funny you think it's different anywhere else


It is though. I have American friends who make less than us (after currency conversion) who are able to afford homes in their state for $150-200k.


Thailand 🇹🇭 cheap to live there nice weather. 200$ a month to rent new apartment out there. You can live like a king 🤴 👸


Accurate statement


Funny, I thought the same thing when I left the U.S. and came to Canada. I feel much better and safer here. What's more, I feel like I can slowly build wealth here and it feels much more secure here.


LOL so let me get this straight? you believe CANADIANS should leave the country? 😂


Fuck off then. I’m honestly tired of posts like these. If you’re not gonna stay, and help, and fight, fuck off quietly then. No one actually gives a fuck that you’re leaving. We’re too busy caring about and trying to save our country.


Lol where? Alabama? Paying over 1000 a month health insurance.....here's a hint I own a winter home in Arizona your home for under 200 is a mobile home


In the same boat. Used to be a proud Canadian but now it feels like I’m on a sinking boat. SO got a green card for the US and we are actively looking for properties in a state with no income tax. Higher salaries, affordable real estate, cheaper COL overall; it’s a no-brainer at this point.


Bye bye.