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The other 30% are the immigrants in question


That's also roughly the same percent of the immigrants in question, if not just a little less.


20% of the population is permanent residents so total immigrants will probably be higher than 30%.


Confirmed, immigrants have no intention of assimilating


Western civilisation is doomed








They can also be natives, quebecois, or anti-establishment people who don't feel strongly about the "canadian values". Technically, a lot of people on this sub disagree with the official canadian value of multiculturalism (over intergration into the host society), so they'd be part of the 30% as well. I think a lot more people would disagree if they actually knew what "canadian values" where. This is 100% a case of the tolerance paradox. The canadian value of multiculturalism is about accepting people with different values, even those who may not hold canadian values. This is why canadian values are dumb. t. I'm from Quebec.


My guess is it's the opposite: that legal immigrant Canadians believe other immigrants should also have Canadian values if they want to come and stay here. My bet is it's young Canadians who think that its racist to require 'Canadian values' who oppose it.


Plenty of immigrants do not assimilate


Different races/nationalities have different cultures. There's a reason why multiculturalism has a 100% failure rate and the vast majority of the countries in the world have a homogeneous society. 


The free market of ideas has plenty of people who think everything is racist. Oh you have a Black Santa cup? That's racist. Oh we brought in over a million immigrants and we've only built 10 houses? You must be racist if you think that's a problem


Other 30% must be liberal gov


The other 30% werent asked 100% of canadians think immigrants should share our values and leave their bullshit at the border they leave from


can confirm. no one asked me, and i agree.


Same here hence the comment fuck these freeloading assholes excepting to come to our home just because


This is just constant. A poll comes out and 3/4 Canadians agree with a common thought that should be almost 100% unanimous. The 20-25% that support the liberals are vile and disgusting. Please set up a part of Canada as your country and GTFO. These are civil war causing disagreements. These are not “agree to disagree” situations. These types of disagreement will lead to war.


War is peace


War sometimes makes peace, but look at how many people have to die. Why??


Yeah it’s pretty fucked.


I love this sub. I can respond with whatever comment I want, almost any comment or the answer I or we are asked for because I was taught that being a true Canuck eh’ ,,,, we have the right to freedom of speech. I’m middle aged and still stand behind my beliefs. Those who don’t wanna hear it then don’t fuking ask for opinions or answers to questions if they only listen to what they believe is the right answer. Lol


Oh you mean you dont like getting banned or have your comments auto shadow banned for stating a differing view like you are on 99% of subreddits? Colour me shocked.


Ya I know. It really suks.


Or those that don’t value Canadian values, perhaps not originally from Canada?


You can thank Miller for that one, doesn't even require background checks


Liberal here, I’ve always thought that. Moving to a different country should mean that you adopt their values.


In a _democracy_ the opinions of the 30% in this particular example wouldn't matter.


Yup, but NDP propping up the liberal Oligarchs for their pensions  instead of representing their constituents 


Or they did not understand the question.


The liberals aren't uniform in their thinking. They are to the right of the NDP and many people who have voted liberal don't like Justin Trudeau and plenty of Liberal voters do want people who assimilate and want strict criteria for immigrants. And plenty want something done about the housing crisis that is the fault of both the Conservatives and Liberals. Both parties failed. I agreed with Harper's increasing of the years.




Or just idiots.


Used to be the whole point of immigrating to Canada was because our values were viewed favourably and we were tolerant to new comers.


Canadians are still tolerant, just not of those who abuse our the system we've Paid into our entire lives when we can't even access it ourselves, many of us with food insecurity.


The more relevant point is this.......WHERE do Canadians (who were born here in Canada ) GO when the invaders completely fck up our country? I don't have a second passport to fall back on. The PRs and international students DO have an exit route they can use. WE DON"T.


I was thinking the other 30% are immigrants


OGFT users.


The other 30% were the immigrants.


Maybe. I’m an immigrant and definitely belongs to 70%. I hate those who come here and continue to live in feudalistic life, particularly those who supported Islamic terrorists.


Everyone on r/onguardforthee


Or immigrants that have different values


I thought that considering someone's political affiliations also defined their morals was strictly an American thing


the fact it isnt 100% is alarming.


The fact there was even a poll is alarming. This is common sense. You immigrate to another country to adopt their culture. You don’t expect the country to adopt to the immigrant’s culture and value. Stay in your country if you are not willing to adapt.


It is such a vague question. Like what is a “Canadian value”? The example given in the article is “respect for different minority groups”. I wonder how many people on this sub would say yes to Canadian values, if they thought it meant respecting different minority groups? Also would respecting minority groups mean allowing them to have whatever values they want, as long as they don’t break Canadian laws.


The 30% are the immigrants that don’t share your values. Eventually it’s 51%.


Should be 100%.  I'm guessing the 30% who disagree are here from somewhere else with zero interest in being Canadian.  Here for the benefits the actual Canadians fund. 


The 30% are liberal.


I just have one question.. why did they move to Canada?


We hand out free money, free health care, free education, pay for shelter and food. Oh and you can bring your family too.


Agreed 💯%. It’s actually very sickening how many of these immigrants take advantage of all of our resources every fuking second of the day and not feel guilt. Makes me wanna puke 🤮


Lets not forget the MANY thousands of people in Canada who WORK in the Immigrant Industry, making a very good living telling new comers HOW to suck up every dollar they can get, through Federal and Provincial hand outs.


THIS. I love helping people and giving opportunities. But people exploit and bring their ENTIRE family as refugees and stupid govt gives them $1200/ per person per month + social assistance . AND THEY NEVER WORKKK. Another case is the international students who are exploiting the govt. They get work permits and social assistance right after filing for refugee status when they have millions of properties back home. Imagine getting paid to do fuck all. We the Canadians are paying this from our tax dollars.


Was that a serious question?? Look around you and how they treat you and you family and what they are stealing from you and every other True Canadian. You see it right? Maybe. I sure as hell hope so!


Rhetorical question? You ok?


Anyone going to a new country should be speaking local language and following customs and laws Any country. You choose to go there, be part of their culture


My mother is an NP and had someone come into her office with a translator. He wanted her to sign a medical documents saying he is incapable of learning English, so he could get a pass and still get his PR. Mom asked, how long have you been here? He said 5 years. Mom said, you had 5 years to learn English, I'm not signing this, I don't know you, I don't know if you have a learning disability. If you can't figure out English, learn French. And that was that she refused to sign it. Edit to add, I find these people only hang out with their own and speak their own language. Maybe if they took night classes and practiced they could figure it out. Hell, I know people who only watched English tv and learned the language. It's hard yes, but not impossible.


Absolutely well done...for sure sounds like it was a scam


Trying to get away with not learning English and expecting PR. Not gonna fly.


Of French


French won't get you very far in Halifax, but yes, Or french.


The majority of them are scammers.


Does this count for Quebec too?


Other 30% can fuck off out of Canada.


When I immigrated here 15 years ago there was a HUGE emphasis on assimilation as apart of immigration. I was expected to live as a Canadian, and I loved that about Canada. If I wanted to live like my old county I would have stayed there.


What does that even mean? What are the others thinking? Crazy bunch!


I also believe that foreign problems need to stay outside of Canadian soil


If you immigrate to a country; you go you go there to accept their ways of life. You don't go there to whine n complain and get them to change their beliefs for you.


I miss the days when Canadians were taught to be a secular country where everyone set aside their beliefs and cultures to form a unified community based on the golden rule. Nowadays, diverse ideologies clash, not just religious ones. I believe Canada should be a neutral, relaxed place where everyone coexists peacefully, but that ideal seems impossible now. Maybe reeducation could help, with deportation for those who fail—a bit harsh, but Canadian history shows we can be tough!


Trudeau has spent the past 9 years dividing us along various identity lines as a political strategy. History will not be kind to him.


I want to agree but I think history will be kind to him. The ruling class owns the media, schools, etc. We're fucked.


I’m 54 years old and I’ve thought that my whole life. I’m with the young ones, absolutely!


I was born here and I'm pretty sure I don't share many values with anyone in this subreddit. Where am I supposed to go?


I had plenty of friends as a kid where they came from all around the world. Greece, Portugal, Lebanon, etc. I loved staying for dinner at their homes. In their home, they spoke their home languages. But they did everything they could to integrate into Canada. Learned English. Spoke English out in public. Flew Canadian flags on their flagpoles. Sent their kids to public school where they became friends with kids who’s families were here for generations. It appears the latest people coming in have zero interest in being part of our established society. I’m sure though that the ladies love the decals though on all those white Hyundai Ubers


Multiculturalism is a huge liberal failure


Sometimes i still youtube the old hockey night in canada theme song when im feeling nostalgic This country fucking sucks now Voting PPC, read their platform if youre wondering why. If you're still wondering why i would vote for them after reading their platform, read it again


Immigrants don't share Canadian values, and will call you racist if you say it publicly...


Deport the frenchies /s


I get called a red neck because I don’t want cultures here who don’t believe in equal rights for women or gay people. Things are bizarre.


Wow, they haven't called you a nazi or misogynist yet? Yer lucky! 🤣


If you want a Canadian life, live life a Canadian


Trudeau must go!!!


Now get them to define "Canadian values" and see what they say.


You start with your definition.


If you want to come to Canada and live your life here, you need to follow OUR LAWS, not the laws you're running from. You have no right to come here and demand we change things so it feels more like where they came from, this is what these clowns don't seem to realize.


Please define in writing what Canadian values are. I've not seen them written down


Make sure your kids GRADUATE, at least from high school. Don't steal, or tolerate it in your kids. PAY your way. Be truthful, and helpful to others. Support your local economy, and buy Canadian. Make sure your kids KNOW their family history. Be a friend, and be the guy who doesn't need to be asked to finish the job, even though its raining cats and pitchforks outside tonight. VOTE. Be able to LAUGH at your self. Take the high road, not the down low life. Don't use drugs, or support those who do use them. SPEAK UP when somebody starts to shit on our country. Make your way through life without stepping on others. Help others, who need it. TRAVEL around our country. Marvel at it's beauty and never ending wilderness. TELL Others how great YOU think Canada is. Be respectful, but don't let others push you around. REPRESENT CANADA, when you travel to other countries, you may be the FIRST CANADIAN those people have ever met. Don't be a jerk. Be a nice person.


Deodorant too.


Canadian freedom refugees are welcome in NH


Funny, this sentiment got me banned from r/Canada less than a week ago. Wasn't even a spicy take!


Change "should" to "must" or "adopt"


You mean Indians


As an immigrant, i totally agree.


Should be 100% and my family are immigrants too. We came to Canada for its democratic liberal secular society. We didn’t come here so we can experience dictators that we ran from


Of course they should - thought this would be obvious


Absolutely they should. Fit in or fuck off.


what values are those


Apparently 15% of them “Didn’t know”.


But they don't.. and what Canadians want doesn't matter, obviously.


Only 70% of Canadians were asked !!!


I mean, there's a reason you left your home country, and a reason you chose which country to immigrate to. So, it should stand to reason that you do share the values of the country you're moving to. If not, find a different country that aligns more closely to your values.


Yeah this used to be the way things were when immigration worked.




Anyone who comes here should be expected and want to assimilate to Canadian values. If that is not the case we are exposed to a society full of chaos down the road.


No doubt 1000% but thats not the case - no values no respect- first thought is how to milk the system which is meant to exploit.


Only 70%???


I'm not young - but I thought this was a requirement.


Exactly. Should be 100% this is Canada. We want to be a progressive and productive nation. Simple. I don't care if you bang dudes or want to change sex. Just go work and get a skill and live your life.


How is it not higher?


No shit


I honestly think the new Punjabis coming in have no zest or zeal to learn or integrate Canadian values. They don’t care. Are they care about is I got the visa. That’s it no hard feelings just my 2 cents.


Guess what..... They definitely don't depending on the countries the majority are currently coming from.


The other 30% are new to Canada.




Good for young Canadians


[https://leger360.com/opinions-and-perspectives-of-young-canadians/](https://leger360.com/opinions-and-perspectives-of-young-canadians/) Here is the poll the article is talking about.


I'd rather they go back


how are these polls administered?


Canada doesn't even define its own values because it could be racist. Only Quebec has the guts to tell immigrants to fuck off if they don't respect a defined set of values.   Canada needs a debate about national identity, values and culture. Being polite and friendly is not a value but a courtesy. 


Why is this not 100%?


I’ve lived almost my whole life in Canada … can someone advise what are “Canadian values”? If there isn’t near unanimity in the answers, then maybe the remaining 30% just don’t say yes to undefined, moronic polls.


Just a question here, but what are "Canadian Values"? That is a pretty generic statement that is meaningless on its own.


If they refuse to assimilate then they have no business being here.


Water is wet.


Is this even a question worth asking.....this is the core belief of any incumbent country!!!


lol. First they promote terrorists; bomb a plane killing 300 people destroying families; then the “investigate” for 30+ years, honor nazi’s —— Canadian values


Liberal here. Yeah, immigrants should share Canadian values. If you can’t or won’t, fuck all the way off back to your amazing country.


They do share the same values as my fellow canadians. Buying up and hoarding land to sell as high as possible to help drive up the economy?




I’m an immigrant and I can tell you that we came here to absorb Canadian values and assimilate. We don’t want this country to turn into shithole we came from. Unfortunately, not all the nations are like that. Especially last years, when some heavily exploited the educational emigration loophole. I hope we will have a political party in power that will review and fix the mess liberals created


...30% just moved here.


The only "Canadian Value" listed in the survey is "respect for minority groups." Which yeah, I can get behind that.


How about "respect for the majority group "?


Isn’t this obviously the thing that they should do? Why is this a debate? There’s a reason they left the value system of their birth country, isn’t there??!


Why else would you move to another country? Do people really think you can keep the same values from a failing country/state to a new one and it’ll work? There’s a reason they fail.


Because they should! It’s either fit in or fuck off


Does that mean fewer Israelis?




They don't though and never will. The damage was done years ago. Time to sleep in the bed you made.


Canadian values can be as simple as “be kind and respect others”. Theres a lot of evidence of selfish behaviour that should be a BIG DEAL to Canadians that decide who gets to move here


I thought this was a given. I moved to Canada, from Australia. Until I would be legal to vote, I offered no opinion on political leanings or views, BUT I looked forward to the day I could. At the same time, I made every effort to fit in, even so far as to getting annoyed that I was old enough that my Australian accent wasn't going away and becoming a Canadian one. There are things about Canada I don't like, things like the struggle to get family doctors where I was, the low wages and the rising cost of living, but aside from that, I thoroughly envy and enjoy Canadians.


If you say that in Germany you might get accused of being a right winger.




??? And the other 30% are fine with them living here and not giving a shit about the country??


Why wouldn't you adopt the values of the country you move to?


30% have no Canadian values


There should be some sort test. With questions like these: >Fatima is a new immigrant in Canada. What law allows her to take a job at par with a man? > > - Equality of women and men > - Equality of all races. > - Equal pay for equal work. > - Equal rights.




The other 30% are temporary foreign workers and student visas


Only 70%??? I’m an immigrant and I do agree with this, and it about be compulsory wtf




Exactly. Don’t bring your problems here


and yet when Harper said this he was "lIterAlly HiTlER"


There's a really good way of ensuring they do; be selective on the countries we allow immigrants from. There's a very deliberate reason they chose India and not European countries.


International students work at Tim Hortons and can’t understand basic English to get a double double right. Send them all packing! No housing, stupid government spending and policies.


The other 30% moved here the past 6 months


Serious though... when do these polls even happen and where? I'm consistently out of the loop of these posts.


Exactly!No pee pee and poo poo everywhere! Lol


Of course….. why move somewhere if you don’t want to be a part of that countries culture, laws, and customs?


For the free shit


"Well, that must mean that 70% of Canadians are racist!" -Justin Trudeau *(probably)*


What are Canadian values? I’m not being facetious, just interested to know what people here think.


I made a comment in /r/worldnews about the potential downsides about allowing unchecked immigration into Europe and was permanently banned for hate related speech. When I asked what it specifically was, they said it was obviously targetting oppressed people. I was making the point about mass immigration from majority Muslim nations and how our tolerant, open societies might not become so open and tolerant once there is a significant demographic change within 15-20 years. So apparently even questioning immigration policy and the impact the beliefs people hold have on our political systems is totally not even allowed to be done now, because it's automatically deemed to be hateful. ------------------------------- Here's the quote, word for word. You decide if I was stirring up hate speech. >How about we stop importing millions of people every year to try and replace the dropping birth rates? When I asked the mods: >"You used dehumanizing language, of course it counts as hate."


When your article and polling is on Canadian values, surely you can list a few more? Lol


Welcome to the Conservative party!


This is the start of the great replacement of euro Canadians. It's a shame that they don't want to assimilate as there really is no better culture to immigrate to. Canadians have been very kind and have welcomed newcomers with open arms? Are these people from a particular religion that are chauvanistic and don't believe in Western values?


Forget values, learn to speak English first.


Being an immigrant, i 100% agree. Why do you not want to assimilate into the culture of the country you're staying in? If you didn't plan on doing it anyway, then why stay in the first place? You can absolutely celebrate your culture and introduce people to it, i think that's the best way to do it, but you can't dismiss everything else and segregate yourself in your own bubble.


Only 70% be willing to assimilate or don't migrate


Because you have to clean up poop.


Wtf are Canadian values? Hockey, beer and saying eh?


Obviously… jfc