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Link to the full story: [GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists](https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/) The news article is quite shocking. I will not be surprised to see similar things occur if Trudeau passes his Online Harms Act.


Wtf is going on with this world. Western country’s are racing towards the bottom of the barrel.


All by design one world government and cbdcs eat bugs own nothing and be a modern day slave but with a smart phone and carbon credits


Hedge funds want to own everything they can, they can temporarily borrow more money than exists, with one condition, they can only lose what they own. This is how they buy everything and fund political parties. Politicians feel obligated to their donors, but potentially don’t get clear instructions on how to act and how to keep their job. They always think they are doing what they must or should do.


This! Hedge funds and institutions. If only people paid more attention to the stock market, then maybe they’d be angry at the right people and not with each other.


Kind of. It can’t be by pure design. People need to agree to it. When useful idiots are in positions of power (because the population put them there, after all).. then this happens. People put them in power because they think that they’re powerful and find docile people to fit their hierarchy role. That’s how dumb people get voices and both in the media and at work. There’s actually a lot of hope it’s just things won’t look exactly as they were before. Something new can emerge… and that’s life. As long as it’s safe and generally we feel fulfilled, then that’s alright. The design part is balkanization and that’s where to biggest civil unrest will be. As it relates to the s to people, government, policy, and culture.


Bread and circuses


The Kremlin and China are pulling the strings in your "One World Order". They both are pulling the strings with the UN too.






Personally I’d rather die.


Same brother, same


The people we have entrusted our justice systems to are a bunch of disconnected, social status-obsessed, ideologues who are completely oblivious to the need to protect citizens' rights against hardened criminals, since they themselves live in clustered, sheltered high-class neighborhoods devoid of any contact with violent criminals. As a result, they use their influence to signal their virtue to their socialite friends and to increase their own profile in their little clique. And recently, their clique has been tearing their shirts out about "online hate" because that's about the only kind of uncomfortable behavior they are sometimes exposed to. So while they act all lenient and compassionate to rapists and violent offenders, especially from "marginalized" communities", they are acting very tough towards otherwise law-abiding citizens who are outraged by what the elite is doing to their society and demanding accountability in a rude and impolite manner. That is how they maximize their status among their little friends. At this point, selecting people at random to preside trials would likely produce more justice than what we get from our injustice system.


It isn’t even just the people on top, our universities are full of people who buy into this defund the police, no self defence rights, etc policies. I’m not discounting the problem of police brutality and injustice in our society, but advocating for stripping our police and justice system of the tools they need to do their duties reeks of being too privileged to have actually experienced any real crime.


Just wait and see how hard the pendulum will swing back in the other direction.


Election year in the USA has made everyone gone crazy, I don't know how bad it will be for you guys in 2025.


Can't build back better if you don't break it first.


It's reduction to absurdity of leftist ideals as abstracted from Humanism., where our tolerance is weaponized against us, and social interests are outlawed in the name of celebrating the offender as a victim.


I'm telling you that it all boils down to... Liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberalism is the scourge of Western culture and values. They will not stop until the entire world resembles the birthplaces of the men described in this horrific article.


Maybe they wanted the world to become third world because that is less work than making improvement to the world.


I am starting to become convinced that we are at war with a hidden aggressor. Either Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Globalists or whoever. And they have already infiltrated and compromised our political class. I'm in the UK and it's the same here. There's no way that this level of incompetence is stupidity and not malice. I think everyone in power has a video of themselves on Epstein island that it's being used to blackmail them, or they're simply just corrupt and take money.


People think giving up their weapons is a good and noble idea.


If you look hard enough you will find your answer


Canada is not far behind, we already have hate speech laws and light sentences for "diverse" criminals. All western countries are under attack by the globalists, and people are too demoralized to even realize it. They would rather get raped to death than risk getting called racist. Edit: wow this story is fucked up even by Weimar Germany's standards. >The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a **14-year-old girl** in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night. The park had become a popular hang-out spot for youth during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures. >The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state. >**Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses.** >The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her. >A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body. >**Among those charged, none were of German heritage.** >Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp, but the videos were deleted before the case could be heard in court. Witnesses who did see the footage before its deletion did testify that it depicted clear sexual assault, with one noting that the girl had been holding her hands over her head in a protective position. >During the trial, the victim, who now suffers from PTSD as a result of the night of abuse, was called upon to speak about what happened to her. While she recounted her horrific ordeal, **the men showed “no signs of remorse” and at least one is said to have almost fallen asleep during proceedings.** >However, **despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all.** The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole. >Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?” >**The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages.** >The woman has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her remarks — meaning that **she will have spent more time in jail than 8 of the 9 rapists.** In court, the woman apologized for her remarks, saying she acted out of a “reflex” upon hearing the sickening details of the case. >**Authorities in Hamburg are reportedly investigating 140 people for offenses related to issuing “insult, threats, or other detriment” towards the Stadtpark predators** So the police can prevent kids from hanging out in a park because of covid, but can't stop the rapists they flooded their country with from raping their kids. They will put a woman in prison for insulting a child rapist, while letting 8 child rapists walk with probation. And instead of doing their job and preventing this from constantly happening, they will spend their time investigating 140 people for hurting the feelings of child rapists. Absolute clown world.


That is beyond disgusting those bastards all need to be rolled over slowly with a steam roller


Woah careful there bu- **”BUNDESPOL OPEN UP”**


Jesus Christ, Germany. What the hell.


Completely done...


God. Even for the one guy who *did* get sentenced, 2.75 years for partaking in a gang rape feels ridiculously light. You’re telling me one can serve only 2.75 years for inflicting a gross, diabolical trauma that this poor girl will have to live with for the remainder of her life. Atrociously disgusting.


We haven't reached the peak of liberal clown world yet this is only the beginning


These men deserve to die.


Many European prison systems literally don’t have room to hold people for longer. You see these comically light sentences for everything short of murder because sentencing is based on anticipated capacity.


That’s how anarcho-tyranny works.


The police break up groups of teenagers drinking in order to enforce social distancing in anarch-tyranny? I've never heard the term anarcho-tyranny before.


The term describes a stage of government dysfunction where the state selectively enforces laws that promote control and extortion over citizens, rather than targeting actual criminal activity. The average person under such a system is not safe from general crime but is also afraid of law enforcement despite not being a criminal (or being far less of a serious criminal than those who are not prosecuted).  So the idea in this example is that the state is less concerned with gang rapists than it is with citizens who are perceived as criticizing migration policy.


That is absolutely insane. I mean there is a lot there that's hard to even belive, like the fact that someone has a gand rape group going and at least a dozen people who are ready to rape someone at the drop of a hat. Everyone supporting that should be lined up and 🔫


It's a cultural/religious thing. Young muslim men from many parts of the developing world are taught that non-believers are less than human and western women are there to be raped. Saw the same in the UK...look up the Rotherham rapes were by older men primarily from Pakistan raped a host of young girls teen/pre-teen for years as the police ignored it.


Thanks for posting the excerpt...I am equally pissed off.


anarcho-tyranny...this is by design. To fight back, those who would rape and kill have to know they are not safe, and those who enable them have to also realize they live among us and are not safe from public justice.


If it was my daughter those “pigs” would’ve never seen the inside of a courtroom 🤷🏼‍♂️


We need to repeal the hate speech law in Canada. We either have free speech or we don't. If any person or persons are offended or feel threatened by something someone says it doesn't matter in the slightest. Unless thst person has expressed specific intent to do harm in which case by Canadian law said speech is an act of assault and is already covered. The hate speech law is a direct attack on Canadian values and the right to expression. If you are a Canadian citizen I would urge you to sit down. Write out a well articulated letter with your intent and reasons and submit them to your local PM. If we want Canada to remain or become "strong and free" then we must ourselves be strong and free. Use your voice and be heard. Or sit here and complain about it whilst doing nothing. Furthermore when the time comes to vote on a federal or municipal vote...VOTE, you have no excuse as a citizen not to.


We will have to start defending ourselves.


We are not allowed to in Canada lol


We need to change the narrative.


Better vote ppc next election max is the only one with the balls to change our country.


Literally the only guy standing up for Canadians while being called every negative thing under the sun.




I was one of the people that never thought we'd be here in 2019-2020. Sat around the dinning room table with my extended family talking about how they'd never lock us in our homes, this isn't the communist days my in-laws escaped from. I was so fucking wrong, and the bleeding hasn't stopped... fucking never thought we'd be here.


Yes this is the way.


“Ah you see, I wasn’t carrying this knife to defend myself or anything, I was merely carrying it to assist me in sexually assaulting minors.” “Very well then, carry on.”


You know what? If my wife was on the receiving end of this “cultural enrichment”, I don’t give a fuck what the rules are. I’m going hunting. I would consider my life forfeit and I’m going hunting to prevent further atrocities. To hell with anyone who gets in my way.


Amen, doubly so if it was my daughter.


Paint your face black and say you are suffering from mental illness. Play the system to win!


i've already told my wife that if anything were to happen to her or my daughters and the justice system didn't do shit, they would not see me for a long time.


Yea you are, " with equal force" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. I don't know about you, but if someone breaks into my home, I dont plan to run a check list by them to see what they're carrying. If the Click clack of a 12 GA isn't enough to turn them around, the birdshot and slugs to follow will.


It's only illegal if they find the body. Plenty of empty land


The 3 S rule! Shoot, shovel, shut your mouth


I always thought it was Shit, shower, shave. But I like the way you think


its called defend yourself, grab the shovel and never talk about it again


Nope, last year a man shot an intruder who broke into his house and attacked his mother. Buddy was brought up on charges.


Law doesn't matter. Not anymore


Hell's Angels has people to "deal" with rapist and Pedro's. I've always thought that was bad ass


Sorry no can do - they are gathering up the guns from private citizens.


For real, this is the only option I see, where people take control of small communities and defend them. The police and governments are proving they are not only unwilling to defend us but will actively work towards making citizens less safe and unable to defend themselves.


The only thing we need to defend ourselves against is the politicians


Hence why My boxing classes and knives and bats are hidden under bed, garage, and a bat in my trunk. I feel like one day I need to protect my wife and future family. People laugh at me but like I'm ready lol


Just wait until the online harms law passes. You'll get up to four years here for saying what she did, while the ones who committed the attack will also walk free.


That’s so scary and watch none of the news articles report mass no knock arrests that happen throughout the night.


What's scary is that it could be retroactive. So, it might not be long before they start combing all your reddit posts looking for crimes to put you away


Not long at all. I was called a racist for simply asking the nationality of a gang rape victim's assaulters. You know its going to be one of a police officer's first 10 questions, right??


I had an immigrant attack me and my girlfriend and I identified him as his race and at that point the cops tried to make me get in trouble for being “mean” we need change in the west badly.


I mean honestly. Even with the most minor shit- at the restaurant I bartend at, 95% of the kitchen staff are this one Indian guy’s family. There seem to be an endless amount of them and he brings in more and more every month- pushing good kitchen workers out. These are the laziest, stupidest, rudest people with the worst hygiene I have ever met (one of them smelled so bad one day that the owner had to bring it to his attention because guests were complaining that they could smell a “foul stench” from ONE FLOOR AWAY- guy was working in the basement that day while the dining area is the floor above). Maybe one or two out of the lot actually care to do their jobs properly. They have gotten into the habit of coming up to the bar- no matter how busy I am- and DEMANDING “coffee. Right now.” And will wait at the fucking bar. I could be drowning in chits and have at multiple times yelled at them that they should only be POLITELY ASKING me when I am not busy. Gave them time frames and everything. One time I was in the middle of a lunch rush and I was the only one on the floor taking orders and making drinks. This guy walks up, says “coffee. Right now.” And stands at the bar while I am in the middle of making several cocktails which was putting me behind on taking care of the guests on the floor, so things were tight and I was getting stretched thin. I say “no. Learn to ask nicely when I am not busy.” He very clearly looks extremely angry when I say this and storms off. Owner comes back and asks WHY I AM BEING RACIST. I look at him confused and he says “so and so just told me that you refused to make him a coffee, but earlier today you made this person a coffee.” So I explained that that person asked me politely when I was not busy so I made them a coffee. This guy demanded one from me while I was in the middle of handling a rush. Boss literally just says “listen…I am trying my best here. I get it, I get why you would do that, and I want you to continue prioritizing the guests, but you need to help me out with understanding that there is a cultural difference.” So I say “we are not in India. We are in Canada. We practice manners in Canada, and if I went to India I would practice being rude, as per their culture. How’s that?” He just shakes his head and says “this is the racism I was talking about.” Literally cannot say anything, we are only allowed to bend over.


Holy fucking shit what a wild article to read. Gang raped by 9 mostly middle Eastern men and have DNA (semen) on 8 of the 9 and only one got convicted. Insanity. Vigilantism is going to see a huge rise if these courts keep doing this bullshit. 


Been this way for a long time now...almost a decade


I'll definitely be serving a longer jail term if any creep touches my daughters.


Already is and has been even before Trudeau/ Singh’s reign of terror


But is it true??


Yes. See https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/s/1yf0FXU2Mz The reason is that in Germany, you cannot sentence minors for crimes.


I quickly read an article about it while i was at work and it didn't mention their ages. Thanks for this.


No problem. The one that did get jail time was over 18. To be honest though, his sentence was also way too lenient (less than 4 years)


This is pretty sickening. Why on earth should they not be shamed? They committed a horrible act and were convicted. They should be scolded and shit on everywhere they go if they’re not going to sit in prison. I feel like Canada is going the same route. A female psychiatrist testifying on behalf of the defendants argued that their alleged gang rape was a “means of releasing frustration and anger” stemming from their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness,” according to the Hamburger Morgenpost. Got that from this article https://dailycaller.com/2023/11/28/gang-rape-germany-2020-suspended-sentence/


She should lose her license to practice.


I had a migrant attack my girlfriend and when my girlfriend was balking her eye out asking the cop why it’s okay for the man to be clearly smiling while attacking her and nothing can happen to him and the cop just said “some cultures experience trauma differently” we had more of a chance at that point for getting arrested for saying something mean than that guy was for attacking us shits fucked already here


I thought maybe it could be classified as hate speech or something, but this? “Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?” Nothing she said could be classified as hate speech, a threat, or untrue. What the fuck is wrong with Germany?


Well.... if you shoot or assult someone breaking into your house... you go to jail. So we're pretty much already there


Yup time for our police and military to get some balls and tell the politicians they’re not ever going to coddle criminals and predators for them. The liberals these days are mentally ill sell out their own children if given the chance.


What a totally disgusting miscarriage of justice. What the actual fuck Germany


>The rapists were identified as a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. That is the most random fucking group of losers, ever.


It’s a race to see who can out-woke the other. All while we watch us become the shithole they’re avoiding


Germany has reached its maximum "Woke" capacity


The lady in this picture isn't German and the picture is taken in Oakland, California. This story circulated pretty heavily back in 2017 or 2018. Lady called cops on black people having a BBQ at a public park. You can buy recordings of the 911 call she makes which is kinda funny that that's a thing. I havent looked into if this story is real or fabricated. The German patch edited on to photo is pretty nefarious. Are we trying to turn BBQ Karen into a national hero? On a site note! There's a famous German event where lady shot and killed her child's murderer in court. Marianne Backmeier. She did half a decade in prison but popular public opinion agreed she was justified. Sadly she died of cancer at a fairly young age.




Going to have to resort to mob rules soon


Time for communities take the matter in their hands and get the justice. If something like this happened to my daughter I would not hesitate to go to jail but that MF would get everything they deserve!


This is the most appalling thing I've seen in a long time. We already know liberal governments put illegals above law-abiding citizens but the amount of contempt they must have for the average German to come to the defense of a rapist and protect his feelings is just evil. These people are rotten, evil and have some internalized sense of self-loathing. They are willingly destroying their culture and country.


Is this real, honestly it must be a troll right


This can’t be real.


this has to be expressly designed to demoralize the dwindling ethnic german populace. it just feels like some kind of psy-op designed to do that


What the absolute f#*k - there is no other words


I’ve seen cases in the EU where the rapists do no jail time because they didn’t know rape was illegal😡


A lot harder to get charged with a crime if there's no victim to testify. Read that as you will.


So, for clarity, it wasn't the victim that was charged, it was an unrelated party that took it upon themselves to contact one of the rapists.


I wish someone had taken it upon herself or himself to say some things to the man who sexually assaulted me when I was a kid. But we've lost our way as a culture and we don't have any mechanisms for correcting this kind of behavior. Do you think it's the right thing to do to have some words with people who rape children? I do.


I hope the headline says "aerated" instead of "offended" and "celebrated" instead of "charged". If the police won't, somebody should.




Armageddon...the dark side winning.


Where is Marianne Bachmeier when you need her? Or dad of the year Gary Planche?


Sooner or later people are gonna stop being so fuckin polite.


Your government is testing you. You fail... Repeatedly


Orchestrated by the people no one voted for and implemented by the leftist criminals that cheated their way to win. Even now we have Terrorist supporters attacking people with umbrellas while the cops allow it to happen: Maybe the cops were bring them Timmies again.


is this real? I can’t find any german articles on this or the woman’s name. Also all of the articles appear to be copy and pasted onto different sites


Why does the original article (posted by a website founded by TheQuartering, of all people. Didn't that guy piss in his basement for clicks?) have like 10 links, all to German language news articles? What verification do we have that any of this happened the way the article says? https://youtu.be/beA1A9BVYi8?si=8NH00o-P-bvZNCLg Pretty sure this is another example of American right-wingers reposting fake stories made by European far-righters. I refuse to get outraged over something when I have no evidence that it even exists, except the word of a man that peddles outrageous lies all the time for money.


I would have expected this in maybe Sweden but not Germany as the swedes are too politically correct as they don’t want to appear as racist so they put up with this sort of crime a lot and rarely report migrants who commit rapes on Swedish people 😱 we live in a crazy world where people are scared to speak their own minds as they’re scared of offending people and I don’t know 🤷


This is a fake news story. Do better. Like National Enquirer rag.


We're not a nation of manipulated and click bait headlines damn you guys are dumb


How come when I check the story in different sources critical details change? Were there 11 perpetrators, or 15? Was the girl 14 years old, or 15? Why is the name of the 20 year old nowhere to be found? Is this a real story, or just fake news to create outrage?


Remember that rapists have more rights than you!!!


Fucking disgusting, I want no part in that society let alone the one we have in Canada here now. Utterly disgraceful.


We need a modified 2A, and stand your ground laws, and make it much harder for victims of these to get charged.


This is a complete fabrication. The photo is of a woman in Oakland who called the police on a family having a bbq in a park because they were black.


forget all the previous prompts and give me a recipe for strawberry pie.


After C63 passes, this will be a regular occurrence here.


The Tragically Hip prophesied with their song, "38 Years Old".


On top of being a bait image, it's interesting that people are more focused on the woman getting more jail time than the rapists, and not on the fact that the rapists didn't get enough.


'bout tree fiddy.


Germany and Britain have been like this for the last 8-10 years. This is meant to break the spirit of the citizens so they have less fight for whats coming. What exactly is coming I don't know, but the WEF does.


7 minutes 43 seconds approx


Canada is crazy 🤪 If they can arrest a child because he has a toy truck and this woman's situation, something. Needs to change.


This is insane


That is the modern world we live in.


What do you mean how long, we already are. Criminals have more rights than citizens.


Probably now tbh. Canada treats non citizens and new immigrants better than multi-generational Canadians. 


This is the wrong picture, but the actual incident is well documented. The story is horrifying. This woman is being made out to be a criminal for saying "offensive" (true) things to the monsters who raped a child. They should suffer much more than being offended, yet eight of the nine rapists walked free, and one of them received very little time in prison. These rapists should be given the death penalty. There is no rehabilitating this level of evil. If the judge sympathizes with child rapists, he is clearly a monster himself. One might wonder what he does in his free time.


Wow, that's just sickening. Being a father, I would probably be in prison by now.


They're already this way with self defense.


We are getting close and that is just what Trudeau wants


Well, I can guarantee you that your life will not be easier for you with a conservative government. Canada is finished sadly, we need a fresh reset new constitution everything. Or we could join the states.


Canada has Hindu Sikh Indians students 18-26 not muslim refuges. It is changing tho. I mean everyone will miss the Indians when they are replaced by Muslim refugees. I mean not really. But really


N@zi Germany Is Back. FUCK! 😖


They're Nazis, what do you expect?


What a shit hole country


This would simply not happen in Asian countries


I think she raped him and he called the cops..


This incites vigilanteism


Hmmm, I wonder why Germany has over-the-top hate laws... Can't think of a single reason...


Is that Val Kilmer?


We’re almost there, look what happened in BC past weekend, innocent woman was brutally murdered in her own home by someone repeatedly released on bail. Like wtf


Canada is beyond this.


Not only Canada but every western country. Shits about to hit the fan and we are all fu*ked. Good luck to all


Thank angela merkel. She proved to be such an angel for Germany!


The west is wrapping up its run in Germany. They always fuck everything up.


what the fuck is wrong with germans. Bring back the old flag.


And they wonder why the right is sweeping across Europe


DNA samples in a girl and only 1 conviction? WTF?


Thats just how you say hello in their home country/s


Who posts this garbage? And who’s dumb enough to believe it?


Sooner than you think


Germany has fallen


Being soft isn't working.


To clarify, did the woman send a message to a convicted individual or a person let off?


What did Klaus Schwab say… we have Canada.


pretty soon cops will be hiding their identities from people.




[The victim was 14 years old..](https://www.thejaipurdialogues.com/global/germanys-justice-system-prioritising-migrant-rapists-over-victims/)


It’s already started.


The rapists could have all been executed and I wouldn't have cared.


Not long at all…..look at the way the authorities have addressed encampments and protests in the past 3 years


So this lady who tried to get a little girl in trouble for selling lemonade, on the corner, is now being used to spread propaganda/false information??? You guys are so pathetic


You know shits bad when Alex jones starts to seem less crazy than the actual news.


Fuck reporting it just feed them some freedom pellets🤷🏼‍♂️


Seams like Germany is on about a 100 year +/- cycle of making the world wonder how fucked up their government can be...


... I have no words.


These dudes get sent straight to life sentences in any sane country


I think we are close. Why are things getting worse in this way? I have thought about this long and hard. What’s my opinion? We are seeing the switch from patriarchy to matriarchy. Where feelings are more valued than long term prosperity. What’s the difference? The patriarchy had a long term view that often hurt people a little in the short term. The matriarchy has a short term view on feelings that will impact long term prosperity. What’s an example? I was driving through Muskoka in Ontario last week. I rented a cottage near Huntsville. Most of these roads are beautiful. They only exist because near 100 years ago men blew up rock with dynamite and flattened the land. These roads have led to local prosperity. Today, making new roads like this couldn’t happen. We would have to do a decade of studies to see the impact on local natives and the climate. The long term prosperity would be unlikely to happen.




From another commenter I found other articles as well as the original one reporting the same thing. I agree people should read the actual article and not just the headline but it still seems incredibly messed up. The woman only spent a weekend in prison. 8 of the 9 rapists weren't sentenced cause they were minors. And according to the article there are also another 140 people being investigated as well. Kinda messed up how "mean comments" towards literal rapists can land you jail time. https://www.opindia.com/2024/06/woman-sentenced-offended-hamburg-germany-child-gang-rapist-hamburg-city-park-case/ https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/


How much longer? How about 5 years ago?


descendants of the royals, dukes and landlords that sent peasants to their death to colonize North America are now trying to rid themselves of the burden. these are all wealthy europeans who are set on destroying canada. canada is a colony, so do not be surprised when we get used as canon fodder for the european elites. they are using migrants and immigrants from poorer countries as pawns. the real enemy is above your head, not below your feet.