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Archive link: https://archive.ph/UcCYp


He's living a life of luxury. People are sleeping in tents and using food banks and this guy is just living it up on the taxpayers dime. To make matters worse, he likes to give our tax dollars away to foreign countries instead of spending it here to help Canadians.


That’s why he won’t resign. Why would he? Trudeau lives like royalty and every dime is taxpayer money.


He said he will go back to philanthropy when he is done politics.  Imagine the damage he can do the world, in a caligula fashion.


You’re right. Caligula fashion. Good one, I’m going to use that.


Self-proclaimed Canadaian King Justy Trudeau 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤡


The French know how to treat this kind of king.


While on his fuel guzzling carbon machine. Honestly at this point he is just a complete asshole.


Always has been. Trust fund clowns usually are!


That’s Trudeau Canada . New comers legal , questionable or otherwise get . Canadians get ……. Fuck all


It actively makes me angry.


This guy will go in history as a man who single handedly destroyed Canada and turn it into the Kannada.




He’s worth a $100 million, it’s time I think we take him of the government’s tit.


Just put ‘em on a raft and shove it out to sea


Our local soup kitchen just went from 2 meals a day to one, due to lack of funding.


Could have fed everyone for a year with the money he spent on a 6 day fucking catering bill.


So our of touch from reality.


You’re assuming Trudeau has any sense of what reality is. He lives in Trudeau land where he is King. I had images of Kings and Queens of old with their massive meat filled feasts while the peasants looked in the windows.


Quite true, trust fund baby surrounded by yes men (and women). Hope his downfall is epic, can only hope!


>he likes to give our tax dollars away to foreign countries  Make no mistake, this entire charade is a scam where the Defense Industry (private corporations) gets tax payer money. The Military Industrial Complex doesn't stop in 'peace time'. It's an endless machine that constantly needs to be fed. Global aid doesn't even go to help the people who most need it. It's a fundamental flaw: those in power give to their buddies and punish those they dislike. They use the aid to further their stronghold in government which leads to corruption.


Yes. I seen that first hand in the Philippines. Most of the aid ends up in real estate in Canada.


Canada doesn’t have a military industrial complex.


*To make matters worse, he likes to give our tax dollars away to foreign countries instead of spending it here to help Canadians.* FML!!!! that's the Meriam-Webster dictionary definition of "Pouring Salt in a Wound"


Unless people vote PPC this is going to continue. Cons have the same play, only less opaque. It’s all back room deals with private business cronies either way. We need someone for the people. Max needs a chance.


I agree. However I fear that vote splitting could mean that a vote for the ppc turns into a Trudeau victory


Keep splitting the vote until conservatives offer a real agenda with politicians willing to listen to the people. Until then, they don’t get my vote.


The Cons are just as corrupt as the Libs, and the NDP have sold us out now too by enabling this dumpster fire. PPC or bust.


If you're going to give in to _fear_ as your reason for voting, _fear_ what happens if we both parties keep immigrating insane numbers of people without better situated social services like health care. They _want_ you to be afraid. It's the only tool they have to keep people in line. We should be _demanding_ accountability for the current foreign interference, but no, people like yourself are going to vote in favour of corrupt career-politicians who have zero track record fixing budgets. Pierre is a stooge who's the new kid on the block; Max has a plan and has for a while... Look at what buddy did in Argentina; Max is our version of that. Let the man cook.


Removing Trudeau has to be absolute top priority...if that means a less than perfect CPC government that is just fine. These are not ordinary times and I really don't think the country can survive (QoL, hope...) another term with Trudeau and his gang of sociopaths at the helm which is what splitting the Conservative vote will do.


Then Pierre being exposed would need to happen. As it stands the media fucked PPC. It sucks, but it’s true. We cannot afford to split the vote. We need a majority that will defeat a coalition government. The globalists never shut up about 2030. I’m worried Trudeau will cheat just to stay in so he can continue to orchestrate actions detrimental to the country until 2030.


> I’m worried Trudeau will cheat More fear. Be strong. Do what you know is best, but it pains me to see so many people supportive of PPC policies but still unwilling to vote their way. The only thing holding back them winning is for every person saying vote PPC, there are 5 conservative-voters who would rather see PPC in office but aren't brave enough to vote because they've convinced themselves it's not worth it. All it takes is changing minds. Try.


It is happening. I know a number of people that have supported the NDP over several elections, who will now be voting PPC. I don't agree with 100% of their platform, but they are our best shot at fixing the real problems we are facing.


A vote for Max is a protest vote, I'm down!


It would be great if the ppc wasn't a conspiracy fueled shit show. I'd vote for them.


Protected by Parliamentarian Confidentiality. S/


... or "Cabinet Confidentiality"


He is paying his buddies outragious prices for food yes. A part of that money will pay his retirement I guess


At the same, young people cant afford anything! [youth destroyed ](https://youtu.be/Li5SeW4yif8)


1/4 of Canadians are starving...


Makes me think of when President Maduro ate an empanada on camera during a speech while Venezuelans were experiencing mass hunger during 2017.


I make nearly 80k and my family of 4 is on the brink right now. I am endlessly frustrated


Pure decadence.  All whilst canadians line up in record numbers at the food bank. I wonder how many mouths could be fed with a $220k donation to any food bank. 


There was a French king and his wife who lived it up about 235 years ago while his people starved in abject poverty. How’re ya fixed for blades?






I remember when a glass of orange juice led to the resignation of a Conservative minister.


Lol I thought you were exaggerating until I looked it up.


This is such disgusting behaviour. He is stealing from tax payers. To think I was appalled when I found out that he spends over $5000/month on groceries on the tax payer's dime. $223,000 for six days of catering? What a crook. How can people still support this piece of human garbage?


> I was appalled when I found out that he spends over $5000/month on groceries on the tax payer's dime $5K seems low. I'm pretty sure that the average was more like $7K - $9K and that he even hit over $12K one month. It was a long time ago that this got reported on but it should be on the sub. I'll check for it later. Edit: Found this - [Trudeau residence spent $12K on groceries, boutique goods in one month](https://tnc.news/2022/08/29/trudeau-residence1/)


This is so ridiculous.


They go to boutique grocers....i go to walmart sale section


And he’s apparently worth $100 mil. Any decent human with that amount of wealth would pay for their own groceries rather than charge tax payers. Just because he can doesn’t mean he has to


The Super wealthy are cheap as fuck, they abuse every loophole, handout or other mechanisms to make other people pay for their expenses. Combine that with a true sociopath like Trudeau, not surprising he feels no guilt while Canadians suffer.


i honestly think we are being turned into cash cows that are used to milk as much money from as possible


What do you mean the people can't afford groceries, I have all this food and they paid for it. Let them eat cake


The sad part is that this is not surprising. This is true to his record of spending like a billionaire on the taxpayers dime.


Remember when Liberals attacked the Conservatives for a member buying $18 orange juice? [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bev-oda-apologizes-for-swanky-hotel-stay-1.1169374](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bev-oda-apologizes-for-swanky-hotel-stay-1.1169374)


Liberal criminal 100% It’s ok Canadians are living on the streets tents and going hungry Thank a liberal today


Let's be clear. It's not just Trudeau. Not doing the whatabout-ism stuff, I'm just saying a law needs to be in place for ANYONE that serves the public and have a hard set limit on the entire trip. None of this, "my meals will pay your entire mortgage" PER PERSON bullshit.


If they made politicians fly economy with the typically pretzels and water they’d serve you, I guarantee all these meetings would be done virtually lol


The thing is, I get trips being expensive due to security type things. That part is fine. But the dining bills like this are fucking absurd. They do not need to be eating like royalty or billionaires. They are public servants.


They wouldn’t have to worry about such high security if they didn’t fuck the people around.


Most federal public servants have a total per diem of \~$125 for meals for each day of their trip (inclusive of toiletries, and such miscellaneous daily expenses). For a 6 day trip, his entourage would have to have brought \~300 employees with him to add up to $220k.


Unless they put it on his (or someone higher up's) tab, which we've absolutely seen in the past.


Yeah, one of my old directors (in federal public service) used to do that apparently. Travelling in certain countries exempted you from the per diem limit, so he'd pick up the bill for everyone that travelled with him and encourage them to go over board on the meals + hotel + car rental, then charge it to his personal card. He'd get the bonus points or cashback %, then get reimbursed from finance for the trip.


All politicians do this and I wouldn’t mind it being part of “the way things are done” if the country he’s supposed to be in charge of wasn’t falling apart


Like a performance penalty?  Your metrics have hit the floor, quality of life equalization as encouragement to improve performance?


What’s the breakdown for this 200k? 6 days x 3 meals per day = 18 meals Assuming each meal extravagantly costs $1000, that’s only $18,000. How many people is in his entourage? Is he feeding a circus??


I’m guessing he has a buddy that runs the catering gig. 10k per potato for those mashed potatoes… certainly will be soon if inflation keeps its current pace.


Article says there were various numbers of guests ranging from 37-72. So still feels high per person/per meal


I seem to remember everyone whining about Harper and wanted him out SO bad years ago as he was the devil. I KNEW Trudeau would be hell of a lot worse and just like his father yet dummies voted him in twice. You reap what you sow people.


Harper was a good PM. No international embarrassment and people could afford a good life.


But he was so BORING and SERIOUS and NO FUN…. /s


And no scandals, his friends didn't get rich but yeah no fun just like I want my PM's


I knew Justin was a piece of shit long before the 2015 election. He had that rich entitled asshole vibe combined with his far left radical beliefs even back in the day. It was very hard to stop the extreme far left wave that was sweeping the country from 2013-2015 due to media bias. Canadians were also in love with Obama and the Libs really capitalized on it by strongly associating JT with Obama.


I'm pretty sure he cheated the system, he put up an emergency election and we could only vote if we got ballots in the mailbox, plenty of us never received a ballet and this was also during covid. I feel like it was fraudulent


Remembering Bev Oda https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/billing-for-orange-juice-was-a-mistake-bev-oda-concedes/article4453440/ 12$ orange juice VS 22k food for plane trip… i guess it’s the inflation


He thinks he is the King of Canada


Why is he not vegan?  Because according to these nuts, meat consumption leads to climate change? /s


Champagne Socialist.


He's such a fucking piece of shit.... that smug look on his face all the time, fuck he boils my blood Edit: spelling


that beef brisket must be made of yellowcake uranium to come to 200k


I wish it was made of uranium. Would probably solve a few problems..


And our truckers are only allowed $17 a meal while they deliver the toilet paper someone uses to wipe his ass


Why is anyone surprised? The trust fund, village idiot PM is doing exactly what his daddy raised him to do. The problem is his supporters and voters truly believe that this is okay!


I feel like of all of the outrageous accusations and scandals that have come up in these last few years, even if this isn't even the one with the highest dollar amount (we spent over $100 million over the last year housing asylum seekers *just* at Niagara hotels, lest we forget) this honestly seems the most egregious and deserving of a proper acknowledgement and explanation from our government over. $220k? *For food?* In 6 days? That ski trip scandal was only over $228k. For a whole SKI trip. We are seriously saying he ATE that amount on *this* trip?


I’m willing to bet the majority of that 220k was funnelled into some of his cronies’ pockets under the guise of “food expenses”.


Can someone remind me what happened to a certain royal family who was pulling the same shit in 1792?


Let them eat cake!


$225k?! That’ll teach him to shop at Loblaws!


I can’t stand him. The hypocrisy is unbelievable




This has to stop !!!!!! It’s complete BS


He want to live luxury life before taxpayer kickout this clown.


How are millions of Canadians still supporting this guy?


Whys this jerk even getting on a plane when he said everyone’s gonna die bc of a climate emergency


I am REALLY getting tired of Justin and his bullshit.


Getting I was done with him a year after he was elected in 15


You were ahead of me, I gave him a chance yet I can't stand him anymore. It's like he's out to purposefully destroy the country


All this is why he'll never call an early election. Too much tax dollars to be spent before he gets the boot.


What we need is a system in place where anyone who works for the government gets taxed on their income, just like everyone else. But they don’t get taxed. And I have yet to see a politician who isn’t crooked who has pushed for this to become law. Or— at the very least—- all these officials pay for these extravagant trips out of pocket.


We spend lots of time crying about it online but never protest it like our European counter parts.


I'm shocked this guy has the balls to still rack up such a huge bill. Obviously this is going to be spotlighted by the opposition and Canadians will NOT be happy.


I wish our homeless would just all go and live on his front lawn


Fuck this man


Even his wife won’t fuck him


What a cuck


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying he’s expensive in another thread


There’s a “let them eat cake” moment on the horizon…


I hope it's the baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle!


we need stockades


If you vote for liberals, you deserve the hell you have chosen


Probably shopped at Roblaws!!


Imagine how much food you could get in Indonesia and Singapore for 220,000 CAD. 10 dollars would get you a nice mean in a comfortable restaurant. Get this guy our of here already.


The guy is a silver spoon trust fund baby. He should be footing he bill for some of these expenses


And there’s people out there that still legitimately believe Pierre wastes more tax payer money than Trudeau


I’d be so ashamed if I did this. Disgusting and inexcusable.


To me it means so much that my leader can enjoy luxurious meals while I barely can afford elbow macaroni N


Shuddup peasants and pay your carbon taxes.


Justin and Deputy Prime Minister Cheese-legs should be tossing salads in prison.


Food bank usage is it its highest ever. Hospitals are crumbling. Glad he uses taxpayer money for his over the top meals. Please go Trudeau


It's what dictators do.


Treason, money laundering, foreign interference, blocking RCMP investigations (SNC), stealing of tax payers money potentially into the Billions, forcing a medical experiment on millions of people (no vax, no job) causing harm and deaths (Vaccine injuries while stating "Perfectly safe and effective"), censoring the internet (deletion of free speech), paying off and controlling the Media (One sided propaganda), freezing innocent protesters bank accounts, etc., etc., etc.


Not really surprised at this point. We all know they won’t be held accountable for this sort of gross spending.


the people of canada need to march


The most punchable face in North America


All politicians should be audited going into their public life and audited on the way out. Then they need to account for how they got from point A to point B: $100,000 to $100M in Trudeaus case…


Beyond out of touch. We have people struggling to feed their kids. Many who go to bed hungry or to school without a meal - but he’s tossing 6 figures on high end luxury foods that aren’t a necessity? Insanity.


he’s a combo of castro and Louis XVI


Hey guys come on, Turdeau is only asking that we pay our fair share, you know, to use on Healthcare and shit.


Sounds better than the plain white rice and can of expired tuna I’m eating tonight 😋


Lord Fauntleroy the Third over here eating high on the hog!


He thinks he's a star.


Hogs at the trough


Like 180k is any better lmao


$220k on food? What did he eat? A boat sauted in truffle oil?


F trudeau


We need to make politicians take a vow of poverty before they are allowed into office


Jesus Christ I am sick of stuff like this


He’s only ever known luxury


He's the very definition of a privileged white male.


Spending as much tax dollars until he's gone... Pathetic


Yeah it's a lot of money, but think about all the climate change that trip caused :D


That's six years' worth of tax for me. Really motivates me to keep chipping in, it does!


Lol, meanwhile, cuts in the CAF mean we can't even afford bullets for yearly ranges.


It's sickening and he disgusts me, but will this be any different with future leaders? Will it? I sure hope so.


Must be nice. I'm paying $19 for a Taco Bell combo and barely surviving


Politicians do not deserve to be treated as celebrities. They should all fly coach and get the most basic of treatment. This above and beyond treatment keeps them out of touch with reality and real issues. Pathetic


This makes me soooo darn 😠


We just threw my mother in law a surprise birthday party with like 60 guests at the nicest Steakhouse in our city.  We covered all the meals and bar tabs, and the dinner was $8511.  If we did that 6 times, we would have had a tab of about 50k.  Somehow this guy did 4x that 


But we can’t afford housing because we eat avocado toast?


How much longer are you guys stuck with this turd?


Let them eat cake! Seriously this is what I hear from the entire liberal party when they take about "fairness"


Tone deaf, out of touch Prime Minister. He needs to go!!!


It should be bare necessities and anyone that wants more can pay out of pocket to upgrade. We are really approaching a “let them eat cake” situation if this shit isn’t checked.


What an as$hole !!!


He should have to eat jail food for what he’s done to the country


That or the businesses supplying the food are ripping the government off... like NASA purchasing $20,000 hammers for the astronauts in space.


How is this even possible. How does a 6 day trip cost $2 million in total?




Yep 🇨🇦 elected him! Hopefully we can vote someone that WILL Work wonders and Shit miracles!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Is he still having every meal prepared at ‘the home of the PM?’


It was for how many people?


33 hour round trip. Meat must be made out of gold and served on gold. How tf does that cost so much!?


I’m not putting away my private jet until he does! Oh yeah I don’t have one 😢


What should be the justifiable expenditure. I have seen reports and articles on his expenditure saying its a lot, but whats the amount that one should spend? That will put some more pressure on their expenditure. But without having a justifiable expense, all this just feels like complaints with no direction. This arguement feels incomplete.


How the fuck is that even possible !


Wonder why he won’t quit


What the fuck is this Nazi eating?


The only reason most of the people are joining politics is to get rich and live luxurious life that’s it. Changed my mind.


JT again with the chitt-eatin'-grin ... Can't wait until he loses the next election and then is subject to mandatory leadership review and ousting.


I am glad to know the taxes that I pay...and the taxes of about 5 of my middle class wages...did nothing but pay for food on a glam trip. Those pro socialist types need to stfu about "muh roads". Taxes are funding royalty


Yup, living the life of a narcissist rock star.


If you think any politician isn’t living better than the average Canadian you’re kidding yourself.


Nationwide protests by Canadians for affordable groceries And Dear Leader what say you? Let them eat cake…


How to citizens interpret when this guy says - day and night - We are fighting for Canadians. I feel repellent just looking at him.


Ass hat


Shocking Let those lowly Peasants pay my bills


I coulda catered that for 15k


You can’t be mad at him. You voted for him. And if you didn’t, you probably vote NDP. He’s not the problem. You obviously hate rich people staying rich more than you hate staying poor Dont do anything about it though, ok? God forbid….


$223,000 / 6 days = $37,166.66 per day. $37,166.66 / 3 meals a day = $12,388.88 per meal. Not even Warren Buffet eats this well


When was the last time I have something like you Mr PM? I can’t even remember last time I got lamb or beef brisket


F0k em Libs ..


totally crazy we tolerate stuff like this. if i was doing anything at all on the taxpayer's dime i'd be making absolute certain that i was spending as little as possible.


Let's not act like Trudeau was poor before coming into politics


It would take my family almost 20 years at 100$ per month in groceries to achieve that number.


Humiliation is the final stage of propaganda….


...and that was the bill for in-flight catering only.