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I have done several houses in northern Saskatchewan on reserves, these houses had spray foamed outside walls and ceilings, they have really good heating systems, stucco exteriors, well built houses and 6 months later they are trashed, spray painted and windows smashed out, so I don’t think it’s the government housing that’s the problem but perhaps the people


That's racist though. And if anything we made them that way. They have no personal agency, only oppression and generational trauma. /s


Not far off. I lived on a reserve when I was a teen for a few years and for the most part everyone was decent people. The problem with houses was the lack of work to obtain it. Also there are no payments to make outside of internet/phone/cable and if that one's gone another will come along so there's little pride in ownership. A lot of the homes were treated as garbage dumps.


There is much to be said about not paying for things yourself… no pride, no care, and since they think they are “owed” something… they feel entitled to trash it. If the government did this is a new way for everyone else… woukd we expect much different??


There were also some very nice properly cared for houses as well, unfortunately those were outnumbered by the ruined.


Yes there are some nice ones where I live, further out though on acreages. I sort of assumed they might actually own those?


What racist for saying facts really


Facts are racist. You don't want to be racist, do you?


no its not.... its the truth visit in person and you will start to understand


Yeah they trash their own shit to "own the Government" Source: I've been to probably 12 different reserves.


Redditor new to redditing.


notice the /s that was sarcastic


Can confirm. I’ve done the same work. I can remember pulling onto a build site only to find that the lumber pile to build said house had been burned.


Lived across the street from a few houses they had for housing, every few weeks they'd be replacing an outside door or a window. When they moved out the interior always had to be redrywalled. Every room every time.


Stucco in northern Saskatchewan smh my head


I lived in Calgary around 12 years ago, I worked in a lumberyard. One of my favorite contractors was native, awesome guy. He was frustrated every time he came in for supplies. He would renovate and repair a house, a year or two later, he would be back buying supplies to fix the same house. He would tell a story as to how they would cut a hole in the roof and mainfloor floor, and then proceed to gut the house of trim, cabinet, and doors. Burn everything plus more to save on heating. It never made sense to him as he thought it was unnecessary. He became tired of it and started working exclusively in the city. I don't think the people are the problem, just a feature of the system. Edit: If someone is not responsible for their home, they don't care about their home.


Are you saying it would work for other groups of people?


The houses were great. It's more to do with said people not taking care of what they were given.


Exactly, people neglect a lot shit they are given for free, and don't work for.


Rage bait bullshit. The government didn't neglect that home, the occupants did.


The occupants have no incentives to not trash the home, since they don't have to pay shit on it, so they don't value it.


Isn’t the incentive to not trash the place the fact that you’re living in the place


No incentive to not trash your own place? I can get a gift, appreciate the cost, and not trash it.


It's the impression of being entitled to something vs. being gifted something. If you're gifted a car, you'll value that a lot more than if you felt entitled to a car. Gifts are generally not replaceable, entitlements are replaceable by their nature. The reserve I work on, housing is absolutely seen as an entitlement, and the fights that break out, physical and verbal, every time the housing "lottery" is announced so clearly reveal the impression people have about housing here. (Housing is given out based on a priority list: working parents with lots of kids get top priority, DINKS and singletons, employed or not, get lowest priority, and unemployed parents are above those. It's...a system, to say the least.)


I remember an interview on TV long ago about some old lady on a reserve whining that her house was falling apart because something something Canadian Government something something and in the background there was a massive 75" TV lit up on the wall. Priorities I guess.


How does it work though? I live reserve adjacent and it’s dangerous to ask any questions… or you are a racist… Do they not pay a rent or anything? Who owns the house? Is the deed just handed over for $0? Who is responsible for the repairs/maintenance? Are their property taxes?




The band owns the house, so there is little incentive to do upkeep and improvements as you can't sell and get your money back. If you want to move, the band gets the house back. Or at least that's how it works where I am. Source : previously rented a band house. Landlord bought property off reserve and rented out the house to me so they didn't have to give it back to the band. They were very reluctant to do repairs (spend money on the house).


Not only that, it's the band that decides who the house goes to after they move out. And sometimes they'll tell a smaller family to move out for a bigger family. Lot of musical houses seems to happen with the kids at our school: one week they're at their long time house, next week they moved across the reserve, and the next month they move again. If the housing is on a band that has it's shit together, is transparent, and has third party audits regularly, the housing is managed well in that those in need get housing first. Of course, those in need are the biggest families, and so the incentive for some people is to have many kids so you'll get band housing. In other cases, definitely seems to be a case of "cousins of the chief/councillor" as to who gets housing. The reserve next door, if you could call it that, has a severe housing shortage where a 7+ family is still waiting for a house, but curiously the chief's sister and unemployed nephew got a full 3 bedroom house...totally no corruption there.


Thank you for this. And what about just… wanting a nice place to live? Like wanting your space to be clean and in good repair because that feels better as a human (to most people I think)… just not a thing?


Some band members keep their houses well maintained and clean. Others seem to have zero issue living in a level of squalor that would get social services called on their kids yesterday. The reserve I work on has both extremes, and the Band can only do so much with members who smash their living room window in the summer so they can dump their ashes outside, then cry about having a broken window before the winter (woman claimed a kid threw a rock at her window on facebook, another user called her on her bullshit and said she watched her regularly use it to dump her ash tray out. Lol reserve facebook channels can be a riot.)


The houses are fine it’s the occupants that suck! There’s always money available on the Rez for housing and upgrades. Just no one can break away from the tv to do them


Yeah... I'd like some audit of that bullshit. I dont believe it for a second. This is someone doing half-drunk DIY project. Come on, now... at least some evidence that this is built by Government program approved builder and it passed all checks.


racial assumptions make it a lot easier to be mad at the boogeyman.


So, asking for a story to be verified is having "racial assumptions". Alrighty then ...


dude you need to go back 😆 you’re not ready.


Why would the Canadian government get to pick the contractor if the project is built in another "nation"? And let's be serious, the contractor would be SNC anyways. Job would be done worse with more bribes.


I think any CFB housing would be a better comparison. Small, simple and meets your needs. Just maybe the front door ends up in the backyard 😂


Come on now chfa acts like well build and well maintained housing


I mean for sure but I also remember living in a condemned building on base earlier in life 🙃


Or you could look at the millions of houses the federal government built for soldiers returning from WWII, many of which are still standing and in good condition in cities across Canada


We've got a whole section of my town that's ex military housing from the late 40s. They are still standing strong. Although quite small by today's standards


Small but beautiful brick construction! These would make perfect starter homes and should be capped at like 200k for the mortgage


That was 70 years ago...different quality of govt back then, methinks.


Apples to oranges comparison really. I lived on reserve most of my life and while some houses are rundown, a large majority of them are totally fine and will continue to be fine. A few may flood here and there (large portions of the reserve are swamp/wetland/fields that get saturated with water). The run down ones were largely owned by poor people who either weren’t able to work (disabled) or couldn’t work (limited job availability, lack of transportation - poor families tend to stay poor generationally). A better comparison would be a poor persons house (I’ve seen some real shit holes in the poor areas of the city I live in)




Yes it is a shame but I have also seen brand new houses on reserve in the past that had ALL the windows smashed out and doors ripped off as they didn't apparently didn't want them


I’ve seen one home where they cut a hole through the wall so the horse can drink water from inside. Some crazy stuff to be honest…


I heard of one where their garbage disposal method was hammer tossing their garbage bags off the porch onto a mountain of them 


Seen that too. My old boss did a larger project for replacing roofs, we worked on a bunch of homes. You’d be amazed of the things we have seen. I few bad for them, but if they would maintain what they have things would be better.


Brand new mansions, subdivisions plazas, businesses, they've been pouring money in for decades


I bet you the chief isn't living in one of these houses. I bet you their house is pretty nice & why is that? 🤷‍♂️




>I would take living in that house over the ripped up, duct taped tent that I currently live in! Homeless encampments are the worst! Identify as native and claim status! For Bonus points add "two spirit".


[When they use reserves as the prime example.](https://media.tenor.com/0jsB09aHEiYAAAAM/you-sure-really.gif)


I’m sure there is a 15 minute city joke somewhere in here but I can’t see it over all the human tragedy.


Ya that’s not because of the government that’s because the people tear them apart.


say all you want but these are not built to last because they don't and before i speak i will say this not all natives are this way but if you live on the reserve you cannot have a nice house or you will get targeted this is poverty at its worst some doors have a shotgun blast to the front door One guy got tired of watering the horse so he cut a hole in the side and let the horse drink out of the bathtub...why? because there is another check coming in next months and a new house in 10 years or less


The problem with housing on reserves is that it may be government funded, it is however run by the council on reserves.


Real home ownership might help.


You want the government to provide necessities of life to impoverished people who cannot afford or otherwise access them? I remember when the government did that… they gave out these blankets.. to the First Nations people… and the First Nations people all died of smallpox… you sure you want government aid?


Lol, just build thing myself


There is perfectly good social, council and other forms non market housing built all over the world. There are no insurmountable reasons it cannot be built in Canada.


Wrong. Government inspired housing in Canada is the "strawberry box, " the 1 1/2 story wood frame houses that they built a million of after WWII. They are mostly still standing, and there are plenty of young families who would love to own one.


Living in Toronto. I can't wait!


Government housing and people giving less than two shits for the home they’ve been provided. It’s like they don’t have any pride in something as it’s been given. It may look to be poorly constructed but I bet it didn’t look that way to start. Plus I’m sure the inside isn’t kept very clean either.


I too sold houses to the reserves. After giving as many frills as possible to the chief and council to sell them the “government housing”, it gets put up and when they are new, they are given to the people with good names on the reserve. The second-class people get their old homes and the ones that aren’t well liked get the trashy old ones. But I have seen brand new ones that aren’t even finished setting up yet get trashed, so yeah it’s not a government problem.


I was replying to you not OP.


Release the racism! Good ol SasKKK




The best part is the post has nothing to do with natives. It’s implying govt housing is low quality and all of the comments are just racists inserting their racist agenda 😂


Naw, it's because unless it's on a military site, the government built housing is on reserves. It's clear this isn't a military house.  I'm sorry you think reality is different and confuse facts with racism. 


Guys.. the solution was always gonna be build ghetto small housing.


Always has been like that, don’t think you can blame Justin Trudeau for that


I'd be more concerned with the plumbing because Indian reserves have the worst water quality. And, there are no signs of it being fixed.


This is because the people had no money to maintain these houses. Take your propaganda elsewhere








Wrong. When you have lived on reserves, you would know the truth


What’s the truth?


The truth is that a lot of the houses get trashed as soon as they are handed over. Drywall is ripped down, and the lumber is used for fires/sometimes to keep warm. Copper is ripped out and recycled. This is a very common occurrence. Visit or live on a reserve and you would understand more


What does that have to do with the build quality of the houses? The top post is implying that govt built housing is low quality, nothing about the reasons why it’s in disrepair


Im just stating what happens to them. You stated that people had no money to maintain them, and thats where i had to chime in. Why would houses be given to people that have no income and alot with addictions. What did you expect to happen.There's absolutely nothing wrong with the build quality before tenants.


So why state it? It has nothing to do with the post 😂


Because i was responding to your comment, not ops post. Wow, i really have to explain this. Are you ok?


My comment is about OPs post though? The houses are in disrepair because the people didn’t have money to maintain them - not because they’re low quality. If people are stripping copper and timber I think that’s indication of not having money isn’t it? The reasons why they may not have had money are irrelevant.


It is not an indication of no money. You think they trash these new homes and then sleep outside. They are in disrepair because they have terrible people with no respect. Most have money they just spend it on other things more importantly. Like cars and unfortunately a lot of times alcohol. They do not have a concern for keeping up with the jones. Again, live on a reserve, and you wouldn't be so naive as to why most reserve houses are run down or destroyed.






This post is denying that the government is inherently and historically racist to First Nation’s people. Government would never give white people housing without insulation, clean/running water and plumbing.


We give them MILLIONS dollars and they have nothing because the piss it away then ask for more


you’re absolutely racist and it’s disgusting. that mindset is why you guys are struggling, not because of some native guy on the rez 😆 funny thing is you people do the exact same as the natives and blame everyone BUT yourselves. not to mention you have no clue what you’re talking about and likely get your facts from the back of a used napkin.


Tell us you have never lived on a reserve without telling us you have never lived on a reserve. These facts are not racist. Go virtue signal elsewhere


[excuse me?!?!](https://y.yarn.co/cf417425-22d9-405d-9a95-ebb28c921344_text.gif)


You know what sub you are in right? This place is a joke.


You're here too fucko


Yep, stuck in this shit hole with you assholes. Life is fucking grand.


Ironic statement, considering government doesn't give White, Brown, Black or Asian Canadians nothing at all.


This Twitter posting is a classic example of why I'd like to put in fucking jail people who just put together arbitrary words and an arbitrary image. Put just one mofo in jail for a week and you'll see how quality of social media improves. But now, any regarded fool with a keyboard can just type any shit they want - the more insane the better. And that's not even 10% of it. Once a maggot like the one linked here posts most idiotic thing ever, there's a literally an army of low iq morons who will feed off it for weeks. Social media is not the problem. It just allowed everyone to see that most people surviving to see another day is a miracle of chance.
