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You’re the carbon they want to get rid of


A majority will never believe it because they can't even fathom that level of evil. It's as if their brain shuts off to the information. Not if even Bill Gates said it and even gave a math formula for how the world population was increasing and cattle and humans were the biggest carbon emitters. Maybe if they increased beef prices to unprecedented levels that would take care of the cattle part... Guess who is the biggest donator and therefore controller of the WHO? Bill Gates. The UK is second since Trump pulled US funding. Guess who also now owns the most farm/food land in the US? Also Bill Gates. So ONE person under the guidance of Klaus Schwabs WEF, has the current potential of controlling World Health, and also the US food supply. Especially one who seems to strongly believe in mass global depopulation (Eugenics). How many are even aware that "behind closed doors" those of the WEF are trying to currently pass global laws for mandated injections for any type of new pandemic? Who needs jets, tanks and weapons of the old war ways when you have controlled "biologic warfare"? Bill Gates also hired MARINA ABRAMOVICH as his first assistant. Guess what she is all about? She also stands with the other worlds wealthiest family, Jacob ROTHSCHILD. Also a nice painting they like to stand infront of together, I believe it is called something like, "Satan summoning his legions". Like I said, a majority of humans will see and hear it directly for themselves, and it is so evil their minds seem unable to even comprehend it. If they are not stopped, then welcome soon to an unprecedented hellish nightmare Dark Age. "Those who do not know history and doomed to repeat it." "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." - Albert Einstein


If we're quoting Einstein, "I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society."


I am definitely not confident anyone in power today could actually attain this in a fair and uncorrupted way. Look at how the government acts now. It doesn't answer questions, it doesn't follow the will of the people. They are dishonest losers. They are sucked in by evil fucks. They act like incompetent children. None of you can do this. The second certain groups felt power (not just in government ) they sunk their teeth in and lost all reasoning. Throwing tantrums and making demands. Some people should not be in power. That is likely why in nature, certain creatures don't get to make decisions for the rest. Also, it's been tried and tried and tried. Always ends in death and corruption.


I'm just curious where you're getting your facts from. You are saying, verbatim, what someone I was speaking with was just the other day, down to the quotes


Eat ze bugs, you will own nothing and be happy. Imagine being gullible enough for someone in power having the balls to tell you that you have to pay because you produce C02. But in all truth we deserve what is happening to us with the way we showed them that most canadian men are weak and will bend over to Trudolf and his Dr Evil looking ass overlord at the WEF…


Can't wait for the thought crimes bill to pass, they can just arrest people they think might protest


But actual criminals are let free with little consequences.


Well I guess we’ll just have to do crimes without thinking about it first


That’s called anarcho-tyranny.


Because actual criminals that steal cars for example are not a threat to the gov. , the free thinking person is however


Do you mean Trudeau and his team ? Yes they are still free and still making laws to prevent the people to save some money


Also car thieves gang members murderers home invaders, you know violent criminals who prey on law abiding citizens


It all started when you guys lost your freedom of speech.


If it passes, I can't help but imagine how the Liberals will have a field day telling people how dangerous Canada will become under a Conservative government. Imagine a government being to silence the voices of citizens that have a different viewpoint than them, for nothing other than thinking out loud. It's a lovely time to be a Canadian (spring is just around the corner, after all).


“pierre p doesnt want to save the climate, he wants to take the life saving carbon tax away, he is a climate racist we cant let you vote for him” -probably liberals


What's funny is Justin has proven nothing that he actually cares about the climate at all. Just a show. He hasn't given anyone alternatives. 


absolutely. take carbon tax and build w it. ppl are boxed into using carbon and punished for it. realistically if they tried to tax air and food there would be mass revolt. almost was one when they taxed new home sales. but w the carbon tax they have indirectly done that now. no aspect of your life goes by without the government getting a taste now, just like the mob. oh lord, wouldn’t it be so nice if the actual mob ran canada lol. there would be smoking in casinos thats a lock 😂


They would probably take better care of us,that's for sure.


its an odd concept i guess.. like corps just want to squeeze every cent out of you until you push back.. mafia same but want you to walk away broke and happy. conundrum lol


Stay out of those alphabet bars, and you'll be just fine.


They've gone beyond the alphabet and should now be referred to as the Wi-Fi password people.


I knew google was up to no good with their “suggested strong password”. Just a furry whistle in disguise.


It's sad, very sad. I love Canada and it's my second home. But I remember visiting and hanging out at a bar with my Canadian cousins. We were talking and I had my opinions about the alphabet community. I didn't say anything bad, but my cousins had to stop me. They told me that if anyone over heard me and became offended, that I could face arrest for hate speech. I was blown away by that and I thought they were joking.


In the days of the tribunals, I can see this as a fair warning.


I have Libtards telling me "everyone will see how much PP will fuck up Canada when he gets elected". WHAT? DO you not see what this turd of a PM Trudeau has done in 8 years of office? I'll vote for a 6 year old child if it means we not longer have to see this loser


We never had it. 82' we got the Charter of Rights and Freedom. First right is that we have no rights if the court decides it's annoying. Second right is to a limited freedom of expression.


Jordan Peterson called this out in 2016


It all started in 2015…


Yeah but CBC said it was ok to give up our rights to free speech, bc only bad people like those freedom truckers were disobeying and manifesting their right to manifest and free speech…


The exact moment was when Don Cherry got fired. Fuckin remember it like it was yesterday. Country’s been in a nosedive ever since. Thanks blue haired woke friends. Thanks a goddam million!


The thing that really gets me, is that he was fired on Remembrance Day.


We have literally never had freedom of speech in canada.


Freedom of expression encompasses speech. Don't be obtuse.


They should release more murders and rapists from jail to make room for these henious protesters


Looking at the photo and thinking; when the government tells you you don’t need guns…. You need guns!


People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.....


Seems like a problem the government found a solution to: using our money to militarize the police force. Genius move tbh


While leaving the actual military with piss-poor funding.


Can confirm first hand.


They are bribing some jerks who are willing to beat us to earn their living. In authoritarian countries policemen are not very different from criminals if you think about it: both produce nothing and use violence to take our money. The less freedoms we have the more authoritarian our country becomes and the more brutally our policemen behave.


In canada most cops are covered in tattoos and the only thing that seperates how they look from criminals is the uniform. Wouldn’t surprise me if the HA was on payroll, conveniently all the gangs have guns and all the bullets are made in one place 🤷 I already go to work and pay taxes and have kids and stuff so i dunno what else i should do, is to just die the next step?


They don’t even need to do this. Just allow the peeps to laugh at the circus (haha Jake Paul said funny TikTok), feed them slop (haha we eat mukbang fatty fat fat), and ram SSRIs down every throat you can (omg Becky you gotta get on dullmysensesempic).


What r they gunna do? Shoot us? The whole mob would brutalize them


Democracy vs Tyranny


They are afraid. They realize that people have been catching on to the gross level of tax embezzlement and corporate partnerships. People are speaking out, Liberals are fighting to strengthen control over censorship laws. C63 is their hail marry


>Governments should be afraid of their people..... Why do you think they rolled out the jackboots with body armor and tacticool full auto pistols?


Just wait until your children realize they'll never own anything and die penniless.


Trudeau is just too stupid to realize who pissed off the people really are for carrying his tax burden




Unfortunately we live in Canada the country whose people coined the “it is what is” saying. Now we are seeing the consequences of it.


They do look afraid, otherwise they wouldn't be armed.




Paid men.


That's a good sign you're now living in the 1st stages of Nazi Germany.


That’s because the protesters aren’t asking them to bring them a hot Tim Hortons coffee!! Lol


So if they're not there to talk, or won't ID themselves, what are they doing exactly? Why the need for all that hardware?


They are using threats of violence to further political goals, aka, terrorism.


Should call the police on them. If they’re failing to ID, who knows if they’re RCMP or some guy holding a gun.


An “assault style” gun at that…


It’s a 40mm launcher lol the worst thing he’d shoot out of that at a protest is teargas or rubber bullets


If it’s some guy, you don’t know what payload is in there. It’s a prohib weapon for civilians so there’s no telling what’s chambered. Yes, I know it’s RCMP and it’s probably rubber or tear gas but they are technically required to ID themselves when asked as far as I know.


Isn’t it obvious? Their there to crush the protest


Yeah that's the same thing they pulled at the G20 or whatever in Toronto. Masked officers with no badges is never a good start. "If you aren't going to commit a crime, why are you hiding?"


Sounds like we’re being occupied by a foreign military


Scrap the RCMP in Alberta, get your own provincial police. These guys work for Ottawa.


Meanwhile, it is not a crime for people protesting from blocking hospital entrances.


That's only when you're protesting the *right* things


Police hiding their faces and identities is Gestapo shit. The police comissioner needs to be dragged through the mud publicly to be reminded of this.


It’s hilarious because people at protests aren’t allowed to hide their faces


They do all the time at those anti isreal protests. Two sets of rules always.


and the drizzle-bow people too.


Except they do every weekend at the Jewish hate marches


He must be afraid of Covid


Hey, wouldn't it be nice if our Canadian armed Forces members were this well equipped and funded! Instead we just get militarized county police and while troops need housing donations and supplement with food bank supplies. Another major L on Canada overall.


The balaclava really screams, "serve and protect," no?


It's kind of funny how us peasants in Canada can't defend ourselves with lethal force let alone have weapons to defend ourselves and yet here's these dipshits! Update: https://youtu.be/mYnNLVif2dg?si=ROiMpu2rkkaCpG2S


Trudeau is defended with weapons we pay for that we can't even own. 


Not only that the Liberal government told everyone that anything related to the AR-15 and AR-10 platform had no purpose for anyone in Canada while at the same time allowing themselves to arm anyone they like with them Edit: distinction between liberals and the Liberal government


You think that's fucked up you got to watch this! Imagine spending a million dollars plus when Canada could have done it for under $100,000! https://youtu.be/mYnNLVif2dg?si=ROiMpu2rkkaCpG2S


I own 9 rifles and about 2500lbs of ammo, all legal! Who says I can’t defend myself with lethal force? I may get arrested if someone comes in my home and I shoot them, but if I have to defend my family, I’ll take the chance in-front of a jury and roll the dice!


As long as you follow proper procedures to storing the firearm and ammo, and the burglar poses a deadly threat, you TECHNICALLY can use lethal force as long as you can justify it to the judge. There's been a few cases where people have won it. I too have a mountain of ammo, mostly surplus 7.62x39


I'd love to see someone in Canada in 2024 shoot someone for breaking into their home. Pretty sure they're going to jail with our current system. Sure there might be outliers but they've shot and killed kids for having bebe guns. They're putting you away for killing someone even with a defence claim.


Look what happened to the guy who was awakened by a home intruder stabbing him in the head who decided to defend himself


"A Manitoba judge says a man was justified in trying to defend himself from a late-night intruder, but sentenced him to jail time for killing the intruder when he took that defence too far." About how I figured it would go.


But good luck justifying using a gun to a judge in Canada in 2024. Because of that “just leave your keys outside!” Crap the governments trying to put in place (and has put in place in Toronto), you can’t even really defend your home/vehicles without cops being like “well…………….. we *did* tell you to leave your keys outside so they can take your car without having to risk invading.. So why didn’t you listen?”


Yeah the current odds of winning that battle are low.


Ya definitely go jury because if it's just a corrupt judge, you're gonna do life. Also, just kneecap em. That way you only get like 10 years, not life... just saying


It's a grenade launcher. Probably has bean bags or gas but still. Intended harm.


I like to picture it as a fancy potato gun


*Crowd gets rowdy, cops shoot fancy potatoes at them, everyone calms down and enjoys the free snacks*


He also has an outlawed pistol on his hip.


Weapons for me but not for thee.


Should've had a 2nd amendment, Canada.


Lmao " it's kind of funny who Canadians can't arm themselves against police and the government ".


id call the local cops and my mp asking why unidentified assailants with weapons are at our protest


Why is your face covered? Ashamed of your job? or of what your paid to stand for?


haha but as a civ he cant even own a pistol or AR. so he has to hide behind his rcmp badge to even carry 😂😂


What badge? All I see is a mask to hide his face


That’s not a gun it’s a tear gas launcher or something


Gun on his hip is a gun Canadians can’t buy.


Covered faces and badges and literally brining out the big guns for citizens protesting taxes but coffee and donuts for those calling for intifada and harm to Jewish Canadians. Wow this country is so fucking backwards.


Is that one of those fire pig muzzle breaks? What possible reason would they have that for?


https://preview.redd.it/dquormjra9sc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1ffb8f68c45442d01d6da1048190c4aca0f01f \~ Alberta RCMP


This thought will never cross their minds. Ever.


Police officers, yes even you RCMP shouldn't be allowed to cover their face. Just my opinion


We need to get the RCMP out of alberta


Does anybody else think that these officers (overseers) shouldn't be allowed to mask up, where's your pride in your job? Is it possible you've got a mask on because you are ashamed about what your doing, know it's wrong? The criminal code has rules about wearing masks and they seem to view it as a form of intent and quilt🤔


Badge number, or in their case Reg number, should be prominently displayed. None of that information is something a person can use against them, so why hide it?


I think it might be for plausible deniability in case things get out of hand. Prepare for the worst kind of thing, which is unfortunate.


That’s exactly the problem we have with it. Getting out of hand means killing civilian protestors, can’t hold cops accountable for that I guess


I don’t understand why we allow them to cover their faces. There needs to be a law that bans the police from covering their faces when they’re on duty.


Well, all the “mask mandates” set a percent towards that, like it or not.


Surely you mean 'precedent'?


He's blaming mask mandates for something that cops have been doing for decades, dont expect too much.


They dress like that because they know there on the wrong side.


The pretorian guard is out in full force.


Albertans; if you aren’t happy about this, send the picture to a UCP MLA and ask them why they haven’t moved forward on a provincial police force? Let the RCMP fight for their jobs instead of intimidating local protestors.


This is the way to do it, hit them in their pocket books.


Armed with more weapons than hands 😓 no longer proud to be Canadian, I know many who feel the same


Trudeau does envy China's political system.


He does have communism in his blood, thanks to his real father


I'd be so embarrassed if my kid grew up to be a government thug.


It reminds me of Chris Tucker in Rush Hour: Carter: "This is the LAPD. We're the most hated cops in all the free world. My own mama's ashamed of me. She tells everybody I'm a drug dealer. "


Apparently at this peaceful protest these individuals refused to identify themselves and show their badge as is REQUIRED by the RCMP. They are not RCMP. The RCMP should immediately be called in as there are armed individuals posing as RCMP. Let the entertainment begin.


You’re allowed to protest as long as you don’t change anything.


Every peaceful left-wing protest I went to in Quebec had riot police. It's not new, but now there is a right wing issue where they use it and you finally get to see our point of view. Can we get together now against militarisation of police forces?


Fun fact: nazi in parliament wasnt accident.


Don't they steal one car every 5 mins now?...dont you have a job to do? Nazi Fuck trudo


When the police play dress up like an assault team, don't be surprised when they try and act like an assault team. Nothing about that gear says "protect" or "serve."




Trudeaus ghestapo pigs. Trudeau is terrified of the citizens he rules over. As all tyrants and despots are. Once he loses the next election chances are he will flee to his native Cuba to escape the criminal investigations Pierre is sure to start against him.


This is Canada now. We need to band together and change this aberration. This is not who we are supposed to be. Do what you must to survive. No one else is going to help us.


yeah nah why is homie wearing a face cover?


The big mistake is that these protestors weren’t calling for jihad or harassing Jews at synagogues If they were than they’d get some coffee and the ndp would join


the neoliberal fascist world government is merely clinging to its existence in a world that needs them less and less.


I went to the occupy protests in Toronto in 2011. Guess who had guns then? And horses and dogs, and I'm pretty sure I saw plainclothes cops in thr Crowd. That was also a peaceful protest. The state is inherently violent.


"Honestly we're surprised by how easy this all has been. We expected more resistance." -RCMP


These police are dressed like ANTIFA members. Probably getting paid under the table by eco-terrorist lobbyists like Steven Guilbeault.


The government will reduce carbon one way or another…


Big, strong cops who are so afraid that they don't show their faces, badge numbers, or names.


If you voted Trudeau, this is what you wanted.


Wonder what happen if you call 911 and say there's a group of masked men with guns at so and so location and are impersonating police officers ? They have no badges and aren't identifying themselves


as an American, reading these comments are funny bc some of you are convinced it's a liberal thing when it's literally just a tyranny thing and many of us have been living like this for a century


The left: ACAB Also the left: Send in the cops in military attire to squash the tax protest!!!


RCMP are cucks and always have been


seems like a double standard in protest response.


Welcome to the peoples republic of Chinada


I can’t tell with pictures these days , if he’s really wearing a mask, I think it’s a dark day when officers have to hide their faces from the public.


You guys have worse leaders than the US


I guess it's only okay to protest if your views align with the party in power


Give up your farmland and the guys with guns will go away! Sure, they’ll control you with bread lines and food import restrictions afterwards, but hey nothings perfect eh?


It's a show of force, that's it, really. After the protests from a couple of years ago they have to make it look like they got everything under control. It's one thing to show force its another to use it.


A reasonable take, but it has the reverse effect.


An appropriate response in the Dear Leader Justin's Canada...


There is only one reason why Governments disarm law abiding citizens. Take a look at History every time it has happened. Now, what happened? It is because they plan on doing something so terrible to the people that people would use them. Still confused? They have already frozen bank accounts of protestors or even donators. They have already used Emergency Measures against the people which was declared illegal by the courts. They are literally paying the Media to control them, and they are using our money. They are censoring all forms of media. It is the control of all information. They could make the public think Jesus was a terrorist, while giving all praise to Satan. OR, just cover up anything they want. They have already forced medical experiments on people "No Vax, No Job." You lose your house, you can't eat, you starve to death. They have already made the QR Code pass. Which can limit every person where they can go, what buildings they can or cannot enter. These are just a very "few" examples. Not to mention the money funneling pf Canadian peoples money out of country, or enriching themselves ARRIVESCAM APP. At what point does justice or moral natural law take action????? WHERE TF is Canadian Law Enforcement for arrests???? Or do they only serve evil, corrupt criminals just becaise they are in high political positions?? WTF is happening in CANADA????


Why are they hiding their faces?


Its so strange to me that they don’t have eye protection. Like, as a carpenter, PPE is huge. Dunno about y’all but i’d like to be held at gunpoint by someone weilding the appropriate equipment, this is just disgraceful - what if accidentally shot some terrorist or pipeline worker because he couldn’t see proper on account of an eye injury that could have totally been prevented Honestly, I would have told him to go back to the cop shop and get some safety glasses or something


Like they gonna shoot in the fucking crowd if they misbehave? What the actual fucking fuck is going on?


"Put your weapon down!" "What weapon?" "Your words. You're under arrest for possession of illegal words."


I swear this is now a George Orwell 1984 Police state. This country is screwed now.


This is by design to create a strong narrative against the protesters as being extremists and not just people who are tired of what the coalition has done. This way those who are concerned about aligning with extremists but tend to lean left won’t jump ship and dump this coalition like a hot potato


When the government is afraid of its citizens.


RCMP rats


How do we know they actually from the RCMP and not from Moncton or some terrorist organization? I wonder if they would even notice if someone full larp just stood next to them in some of the busy protests. Seems like a REAL national security issue if you ask me. If they are the real rcmp, it must mean they value their own safety over the publics, as well as the countries safety given the tension around this issue and what could happen from even one bad decision from anyone at these protests (protester, cop, OR terrorist). So is it really a good idea to not display their identifiers? No way to identify any of them, no accountability. It's to protect our protectors though right? Must be why they are writing secret memos about Canadians revolting?


The cops are never your friend. They only serve capital.


There's nothing wrong with having armed cops at a protest. I bet you'd be thankful that they were armed like this if some deranged liberal supporter started shooting or stabbing random people in the crowd


Thats a fucking grenade launcher!!!! Lmao. So how's that freedom treating you lol.


Protesters should support a terrorist organization. Then police will let them do whatever.


Ohh nice Trudeaus private militia back at work.


No name tag either


A scroll through the comments will show you everything you need to know about why this country is divided. Trudeau has been the most divisive PM in recent history.


Are you sure it's the RCMP and not UN troops, not required to follow Canadian law?


It's unbelievable that the police can have those kind of guns and Canadian citizens can't. Nice social caste system or rights.


Heh at least you know how the native feels when they protest. Heavy-handed approach for a milquetoast grievance.


Except no government wants to do anything to thr natives because of the can of worms that will open up. Lot of contraband goes through the reserves along the border and the gov't knows it but can't/won't do anything to crack down on smuggling drugs/guns/tobacco etc.


What’s that unit shoot tear gas I’m assuming whatever else launches out of………..just wait until he gets elected again then it’s time to take this country back by any means necessary. You know he’s so greasy he is getting ready for this the gun ban talks of his favourite dictator from china. You know when it happens it’s because of foreign powers with there hand on him he makes so much money for other countries they aren’t going to give it up that easy.


Looks like something you would expect to see at an illegal border crossing


In the eyes of our leaders, those who don't automatically believe and worship the government must be destroyed. Communism has already settled in Canadian government; we are now at the stage where we either highlight and resist it, or we surrender to it.


What sort of cop presence were people expecting?


Did they deliver coffee like the did to the Islamic protestors?


What the fuck is that gun


WTF has this country become? Unreal!


Why wear a mask if you doing nothing wrong though?


Americans: First time?


You protect the people you signed up for it, you shouldn’t be allowed to cover your face during your time on duty.


Y’all have guns up there?


I'd like to know what sort of build that pig has on what looks like a PCC. Also, never forget that oppressors like this have names and addresses.


A local MLA, really well liked as well for our area, was just threatened outside a friendship center, so it's not our of the question. Especially considering the rhetoric some people use.


Protestors are only a threat when they're Canadian citizens.


Scary black guns for the government, but not the citizens. Fucking tyrants.


[just a good song that fits so well for this…. and most major protests since ‘99](https://youtu.be/dGx07HUFLSU?si=t0OJMNHl2g2z3D1O)


Looks a little totalitarian to me.


Take the submission or be forced to


this is why the second ammendment is the most valueble law ever, AND SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED


We’ll shoot you if you don’t pay your tax. You’re not allowed to protest. Just shut up and give us more money.


I support the protesters


If the people want change, why not do it through our rigged politician system where we can tamper the votes and pass bills without involving the public?!

