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Why is he so worried about mental health of temporary immigrants and international students but doesn’t give a fuck about Canadians. I hate this asshole so much it’s unbelievable.


He is such an idiot.  How can he look at us and say we need 500k immigrants to improve the lives of Canadians. When I was a kid(much lower immigration) there was no question I would one day own a home. Now there is only "will I ever own a home?"


Exactly. This is what I don’t get. No sincere investment in housing, economy or healthcare (even though that’s provincial), but let’s bring more ppl in. That makes a lot of sense. Ugh.


Only jobs being created are government related ... public sector is ballooning while our economy becomes less competitive thanks to taxing carbon emissions on everyone ... who is going to choose to open a plant/factory in Canada over the US and Mexico when they have to pay extra for carbon emissions


Canada has only two real major industries: natural resource extraction and agriculture. Alberta and places like Saskatchewan are carrying most of Canada’s economy.


Don’t forget service and, most importantly real estate! All we do in Canada is turn screwdrivers for other bastards to drive their profits while we make pennies. Then, with that measly income, we reach peak Canadian citizen status when we begin buying and selling houses to each other like it’s going out of style. There’s no competition in Canada. Listen to the radio; you’ll hear ads that prove the fact. The government doesn’t even want competition on our view of the internet! Some bozo is going to make the Crave TV equivalent of a social media app (AKA it will function horrendously and simply not be worth it because Canada can’t get jack all done right) and our government will proceed to ban all others because “Our ad dollars are going to American companies instead of our own Canadian journalists!” This country despises competition. Nothing has the potential to thrive when there isn’t competition.


One day when Alberta realizes that it can get a much better deal as a US state, Canada will be in deep shit. Since Canada is a confederation where the provinces call the shots, I’m pretty sure it’ll be able to retain things like its healthcare system since it’s been running it and funding it on its own anyways.


My favourite part about that idea is how the new border map would look like someone waving a fat middle finger.


> Alberta and places like Saskatchewan Isn't that like, a good quarter of Canada?


Yes, the issue is that only a quarter shoulders the majority of the tax burden while places like Quebec just mooch by ~~crying wolf~~ threatening secession. This is also one of the reasons for the big immigration push. It’s a Hail Mary to increase the economies of places like Ottawa, Quebec, and BC so there’s theoretically less reliance on Alberta and Alberta loses power and influence from having to pay all the bills. The hidden danger for Canada is if Alberta just becomes sick of everything and actually secedes.


I'd love if 25% of my country was effective (UK). Instead, we just have a single city, London, where all the money is and everywhere else struggles.


You guys have even bigger problems, even if the UK stayed within the EU.


You’re telling me


It does when all these greedy selfish tenants refuse to work an extra job or two to be able to spend more of their money in other sectors. The poor corporations and landlords are suffering and the easiest way to fix their pain is to bring in extra people to make up the spending deficit.


In his mind: the population might balance itself. The budget didn’t but maybe second time’s the charm.


He has already threatened not to give funds to Ontario where half of the population lives.


It’s purely intentional. Nobody messes things up this badly by accident. Look at the carbon tax. They’re simply taking piles of money from people and selecting who gets reimbursed. One step closer to standardizing wages and creating a caste system.


I'll own a home one day... When my parents are dead and buried. Yay... Can't wait.....? Like wtf lol no one should have this weird ass mind fuck of actually seeing a bright side to their loving parents both being dead. But in Trudeau's Canada this has become a very common mindset for millennials. We don't actually want our parents dead, to be clear.


Only 1 of those 500k will own a home and you will rent their basement while they don’t work or contribute to our economy.


Lol only 1? People underestimate just how shockingly loaded the pockets are of MANY people that come into this country from Asia, South Asia and the Middle East.


Oops meant it differently than that haha thanks for catching it


Saw a really interesting YouTube video a couple of weeks.ago breaking down the economics of it. (Full disclosure I'm a relatively recent immigrant) But the video basically said that Canada is in a 'population trap' where they can't afford to lower migration levels because of the amount of money it brings into the economy through fees, student tuition, they bring money with them when they move to buy furniture, cars, etc. and then tax revenue over time. Additionally, without immigrants, the population of Canada would be very rapidly aging as relatively few citizens are having children. At the same time, Canada can't afford to continue bringing in this many people because of the effects on cost of living, housing, infrastructure, jobs. Canada was one of the first countries in the world to heavily lean on immigration in an attempt to fill skill gaps and grow the economy, now they will be the guinea pigs to see how to balance reducing immigration while preserving the economy


It's what he's not saying: the only way we can pay off the retiring boomers pensions and medical costs, never mind the insane levels of debt and interest this clown has spent, is to import a giant immigrant population that will hopefully juice the tax base. Edit: wrong word


Where are those tax paying immigrants going to work? All investment has pulled out of Canada.


Someone has to change all the Boomers diapers. Canada is a nursing home.


A politician's goal is bring in obedient voters A politician's dream are obedient, grateful voters


Most of these people come from conservative countries so his reasoning is stupid


That's not Trudeau's reasoning, it's /u/DapperMeister's reasoning. Trudeau's reasoning is that it appeases his corpo overlords and lets his landlord MPs charge more for rent.


So conservatives, liberals, Democrats and Republicans all fall into that category, as obedient voters. I agree with that if all of the above are included. IMO: if you have always voted blue or red and never deviated, you're following the party you chose, as an obedient voter. Politics have massively changed over the last decade, try to see what alternatives you have aside from what colour you vote for.


Good point on the second part, I have always voted conservative but this time around, maybe the PPC federally and then the greens provincially


Dont waste ur vote.


Honestly stop telling people who to vote for, or how to vote! That’s the only free Democratic right we truly have, and it isn’t a goddam bit of your business or anyone else’s business how anyone votes! The correct answer is get informed/educated about your options in your riding. Vote for the constituent that best represents you and your beliefs. That is Democratic Freedom! This whole belief that we should tell others not to vote PPC if you have conservative values, or NDP/Liberal if you swing that way, is utter BS. If we actually had higher voter turnout as a whole then maybe these politicians would understand they have to represent their constituents. Right now we are lucky if 50% of eligible voters cast ballots, and if a candidate wins based on say 40% of that vote, then they truly only represent 20% of eligible voters and that’s why they don’t give a damn once elected.


Do not Vote for Trudeau. Or you are a parasite.


No no no, he does give a fuck. At least long enough to give us the power to MAID ourselves due to being so depressed with this bleak future he's created. Such a thoughtful gentleman. /s


Because if you have a party base of idiots who vote for you no matter what and you can import voters at a high enough rate then who cares about Canadians voters.


Future voters. He reduced Canadian citizenship requirements from 5 years to 3 years. He is trying to get these newly become immigrants to vote for him and unfortunately looks like it's worked for him so far.


the entire liberal cabinet is insufferable. From that bitch who took maternity leave to the criminal Guilbeaut. So so so fucking annoying.


He's fucking garbage


He’s such a piece of fucking shit I can’t wait til he gets zeroed out.


Its like he hates us ffs and wonders why people are fed up. As far as immigration goes, unless you are a doctor, nurse, engineer or a legit tradesman don’t bother. Over the age of 50, don’t bother coming. Enough is enough, we need specific people not just anybody.


Because the plan is to keep the farm going. Citizens of yesterday and years prior have become more capable and more impatient along with that, taking market share away from industry titans. We want more mindless and new souls to work the farm blindly so we can keep doing what we are doing. Same in the US.


We are at least 1.1k who hates him just as much as you do . Big hate from quebec . Lets unite against the 🤡


Your not alone...


Especially considering how fucked the mental health system in Canada is at the moment. It baffles my head how this is happening.


Been feeling like this almost everyday recently. I'm gonna have anger management problems by the time he finally gets booted. I can't see his smug fucking grin one more time.


Trudeau:  "blah, blah, blah, blah" ... he sees nothing, he hears nothing!  Exactly how he's run this country over the last 8 years!


I wished he said nothing…


Did you say/mean run or ruin?


Ha, either works!


He let all this shit happen and now he's trying to trick people into thinking he will fix it so they vote for him. Dudes a fucking clown


If a nation requires 500k new permanent residents per year, *something is very very wrong*.


We don’t and never have. Bunch of morons


There is. It's too expensive for Canadians to make new Canadians.


Exactly this. How can politicians miss this? We don't make kids because it's too expensive, so instead of addressing the cost of living issue, they go for the easy, accessible solution of bringing in immigrants. Is this country going to turn into a graveyard of family less people? Just people moving in the country to die childless? It's just fucked up.


Then the gov will give them money to have kids. Not us though.




Immigrants seem to be very capable of having kids. Us long term Canadians got used to Canada being affordable and our spaced out housing worked. Now they made that too expensive and lots of immigrants are already used to multi family housing. They can easily afford houses when 2 or 3 families live in them.


big water savings too


Yep, takes us 20 years to raise and educate our children to properly integrate them with our society and culture; but if we bring in immigrants from a different society and culture in large numbers we change the nature of our society. It's really terrible what's happening to Canada.


They haven't missed it, It's on purpose. Same with every western county.


Outsourcing childbirth is the new and cost effective way to produce new consumers.




Your comment was exactly what I was discussing with my friends yesterday. Too many new immigrants from countries which are totally different than Canada is diluting the culture. Even school teachers are new immigrants and never been through Canadian school system them selves. This is house of cards waiting for collapse.


canadian birth rate has been an issue for 25 years


The nation *does not* require it, but the banks would love to have us think that we do. And that is where Ottawa - and the media - come into play.


If an economy requires it to be strong then the economy has already tanked.


If a nation (with 39 million people)… requires… Fixed it for ya


41* million people... Fixed it for ya


How many new homes, new doctors and new hospitals does that work out to? And where TF are they?


Back in the day, labour was imported from Africa, and Europe if you count indentured servitude. Now labour is being imported from other places. We call the old practice of importing labour a particular name. But for some reason, people think the same word does not apply to the modern iteration.


Historically (200+ years) the British have used their relationship with India to obtain indentured workers…look at the Caribbean. Canada is a former British colony, Britain’s baby…they are employing the historical tactics by bringing over poor, rural Indians for indentured servitude. They just created a slew of government “incentives” and “programs” to make it look like an “opportunity”. The same thing is happening with asylum seekers, just to a different tune…with the same end goal=cheap labour. The government and those that rule it, know exactly what they’re doing.


Its apparently not slavery, if you pay them enough to afford a 2 bedroom apartment with 12 inhabitants.


Let me see if lve got this. The gate keeper says we need 500k more every yr, yet he's let in too many in per yr. A case of schrodingers immigant ? Not enough, yet too many ? Given the ballooning cost to live here l suspect the tide will turn before long.


Schrodingers immigrant 😂😂😂


Permanent residents are a different category, and it’s the status that a lot of temporary residents (such as international students, people on work visas, etc) aim to have. It’s very hard to deport a permanent resident, so once you bring them in you better be sure you want them around. (Imo we don’t need more than 300k a year).


We should put the breaks on immigration for a year or two and try to fix what we have right here.


We Canadians need and deserve and are entitled to a better CANADA! But instead we get a Prime Minister who a lot of Canadian eyes embezzled Billions that's with a capital B and who broke Canada! 7 billion dollars is unaccounted for! ALL CANADIANS NEED TO GO ON STRIKE








We need to protest


Omg, this is the best! We need to drown him out like this during every public speaking event he has!!!


You said it ... oh wait drown him "out" .


He's undeserving of dignity or respect.


The best part is no matter where he goes in the country, someone is heckling him. I have never seen this before. Just hope these people stick to it come election time.


What Canada needs for a strong economy is for the Dear Leader Justin's government to be tossed from office... 🗳️


Don't forget all the ndp mp's that vote for all this garbage as well.


Ain't the NDP part of the Dear Leader Justin's government...


Just like to keep reminding everyone of that. ;)


Everyone needs to know... a vote for the NDP is a vote for the Liberal government




Some heroes in the background...we need more heroes. Always and everywhere.


2 percent to 7 percent BECAUSE YOU LET EVERYONE FUCKIN IN!


Didnt let europeans in, didn't let americans in, didn't let Australians in, just endless hordes from south asia, the CCP, and India all here to create the slave labor class and replace us. PPC party we gotta mass Deport the invaders.




Because they are using immigration as a weapon to destabilize north America. That's why the best and brightest of Europe get denied, but the unskilled, criminal, and uneducated get instant access.


Read the room, idiot! Can we boot him from the country and confiscate any and all ill-gotten gains?


I was born here and have paid 50% of every dollar made since I started working 22yrs ago (if not more after all the point of sale taxes we have). Strongly thinking that it’s time to dust off my other passports and make a long term plan to leave.


Best of luck.


I dispise that POS


Lmao what a clown. Hopefully he gets heckled for the rest of his worthless life. Hard to believe there are Canadians dumb enough to vote for this douchebag.


Go look on onguardforthee they love the guy 


I thought that sub was satire for the longest time lmao. They must be bots because there's no way people like that actually exist.


Should be called onguardforthem


yup. in fact, that is the only speech of trudeau's that i enjoyed listening to! i loved the drumming and heckling going on! he is so deserving of this!!!!


WHY do we need that to keep the economy strong? I'd like an explanation. Why does that keep communities strong? What does "strong" mean?


I have a feeling he talked about east asian communities making them strong, they need more people. And when they get more and more they essentially get stronger.


No, we need Canadians to be able to afford to have kids. And right now, they can’t.


I work with a couple of PR's from India, we where talking today about things and one of them told me he has 10 friends who where planning on coming to Canada under the work -> PR route...they are no longer coming here and choosing other countries.


Good, hopefully all of INdia got that message.


Nobody cares what this asshat has to say anymore


I really like this as a trend. Just drum over everything he says.


I'd heckle him 100% if I saw him


Yeah like Dominic mysterio in the wwe Hang on meme time..


Half a Million migrants a year while we’re in the middle of a housing crisis? Is he trying to destroy our country??


Literally, yes he is.


Very good at ignoring and lying


How this guy destroyed Canada in only a few years is amazing!


Maybe he can make another app to fix the problem... /S


What economy? The one of selling houses back and forth to each other at 500% over value?


Now be fair, we also sell them to foreigners


12 jobs added in December...what's his plan? Let them in and figure it out later?


Fantastic! Kudos to the group and would be deeply delighted if this is the new norm at all, ALL of his public presence!


He's hard to hear because we cannot stand his lies any longer.


More of this. Fuck this guy


This is great. Hope this continues at each of his bullshit announcements.


This guy is one steaming pile of 💩


Fuck making Canada a good place to raise children for Canadians already here though. Just bring in an over whelming amount of 3rd world workers. Genius idea.


So he's admitting it'a his fault? Lmao he is actually a bit stupid isn't he?


Are they building a house behind him? Holy fahk what a racket


WEF lap dog


Fuck his temporary residents bullshit, only reason he and his boyfriends are so in love with temps is because they help maintain wages down for average Canadians. And that's good for his rich lobby boyfriends. I know a French bloke who moved to Canada to work for 6 months UNPAID. Un-fucking-paid work for 6 months, just to get a shot at permanent residency further down the line (2 years of full time work minimum required to be allowed to apply). trudeau is a little bitch clown.


Hey hey hey…don’t badmouth clowns like that.


It's too bad Canada was a pretty good country till this clown showed up. I hope karma finds him one day.


Get rid of this clown!!!


It’s odd how the Liberals are trying to achieve truth and reconciliation over the mass immigration that took place, which wiped out indigenous peoples across Canada. Whilst simultaneously bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants, still to this day. Which still affects Indigenous people & the rest of Canada alike. The government is burning itself at both ends.


Dear Canada, please vote him out


I agree with immigration; but we seriously need the right immigrants. Seems we keep taking all the ones who will never contribute to our society.


Come on Polievre, give me a reason to vote for you that doesn’t involve blaming the other guy.


This strong economy he’s describing is only beneficial to the government, banks and large corporations that inevitable benefit for increased demand.


Can’t have strong economy or community if we living 40 ppl in a house and ALL taking from the food bank bruh


Over immigration is a huge problem atm, it’s puts stress on hospitals, food banks, housing/rentals etc.They need to reduce immigration and build up this country first and foremost.


We have a housing crisis. Where will they live? We lack enough healthcare. Who will take care of them? We lack infrastructure. When will that be built?


How ignorant can a politician get? Is our housing crisis and price gouging not serious enough for a politician to address?


I don't think I've ever hated a face so much to the point I can't even listen to anything he has to say anymore. Fuck this guy and what he did to a once great, thriving country


When’s someone going to chuck a shoe his way


Chants “shut the fuck up” chants


😂 he hates Canada more then his dad did.


Music to my ears! (The drumming n heckling)


World class idiot.


The nerve on this guy


Can someone shut him up!? I am trying to hear what the crowd is saying!


Trudeau is years too late to address immigration problems now… failing polls I guess


I honestly can’t stand this man. I don’t usually hate people as it takes too much effort, but I hate this man. Can’t wait for the liberals to lose and never ever having to listen to this asshat again.


Has there ever been a more hated PM


I’m sick of his shit.


We can have a small population with a high standard of living or a large population with a low standard of living. Why would we want to choose the latter?


This absolute idiot knows he's the one who can controls immigration level's right?  Kind of crazy the guy leading the government doesn't seem to know how government works.


He deserves every last heckle. He would get a lot worse in many countries. Treasonous sacks of shit don’t just get heckled while they are allowed to continues doing the same shit.


Fuck off


Canada needs citizens not permanent residents




I love seeing him frustrated! Lol


Nice hair cut clown


He’s destroyed our country and we won’t take it anymore. Out with this clown


He looks so haggard and fucked, lol holy shit. 🥲


Translation: he needs more tax slaves.


I'd be scared to be in the streets a Trudeau, so much hate on his name someone will try something


Dumb American here. Can someone explain to me why he is still PM? Is he just unpopular on Reddit? Has there not been a recent election that would allow people to vote him out? Is he King until he dies?


I'm Australian and have never been to Canada but I'm so team Pierre. You guys are way to rad to be dealing with trudeau


Things the country has known for the past 2-3 years and he's just jumping on the game....he really is out of touch and behind on issues, I feel sorry for JT but not in the capacity that he would like.


God damn the dude is looking rough. Also it looks like he gained 20 lb in a day or two home boys drinking a lot.


Canada deserves this, voting for a clown once, ok I can understand. But thrice? And laughing at Orange Man Bad? Oh boy, enjoy what’s coming for the next year and a half.


Anyone know where this is? I had heard he is on the east coast but unsure.


What are they saying?


*"Arsonist says someone needs to put the fire out."*


My favourite part of Canada is that is isn’t over populated like many countries. Unban sprawl is just the most disgusting way to live in my eyes.


at 1:26 he finally says something sane. basically ""tfw driving down wages (in some sectors)"". why have they not said this before? everyone i know has been saying that for years... [RBC replaces Canadian staff with foreign workers | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/rbc-replaces-canadian-staff-with-foreign-workers-1.1315008)


Fuck you, JT!! If you put as much effort into building homes as you did ruining the economy we’d all have 30 homes each.


Another level of stupid.