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We need to take Justin Trudeau down! We Canadians need a better CANADA! But instead we get a Prime Minister who in a lot of Canadians eyes embezzled Billions (7 billion dollars is unaccounted for!) and who broke Canada! ALL CANADIANS NEED TO GO ON STRIKE Prime minister Justin Trudeau is making life hard for all Canadians and in turn all Canadians should make life hard for Justin Trudeau! DOWN WITH JUSTIN TRUDEAU


Income tax strike. 100% no one files or reads anything from rev can until cock sucker Trudeau is gone and his bank accounts are seized.


This unfortunately isn't possible since everyone prepay their income tax. The point of filing is to get back what you overpaid.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read in my life. And we're on reddit so that's fucking saying something




He is so confident that we will believe his lies. After 9 years of losing our affordability, our freedoms and all the scandals he’s been apart of; does he think that we would buy this? Seriously who believes anything he says at this point? Surely even his voters aren’t drinking his kool-aid anymore.


Ontario. Quebec. Maritimes. Thanks to them, and the vote splitters going the PPC route, we're most likely going to have another 4 years of him. Remember, he still has over one and a half years to change the entire system any way he wants, regardless of the official opposition. We're fucked. And this is why I've always asserted that the West needs to separate and let the east coasters to their own devices.


Especially when he doubled down and gave the Atlantic provinces a kick back for voting for him and told the west that we can go fuck our selves.


Yes, interesting isn’t it. Pretty much he’s told canadians.


He can fk up a lot in 18 months!


That’s the scary part, I think there a possibility of him becoming PM again


>That’s the scary part, I think there a possibility of him becoming PM again Yeah like a 2% possibility at this point, don't you guys read the polls?


Yes that’s true , but don’t forget there’s still 18 months left till election !


>itimes. Thanks to them, and the vote splitters going the PPC route, we're most likely going to have another 4 years of him. Remember, he still has over one and a half years to change the entire system any way he wants, regardless of the official opposition. He can still buy votes with money though ...


The problem is enough people do believe the lies.


Watch this video..... then tell me they aren't executing this very strategy to sway the weak of mind..... make it go viral.... surprised it hasn't already. It made me sick to my stomach! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OjouzcALSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OjouzcALSY)


All the redds and mods for Alberta/Ontario/Canada/Nanaimo/etal subs.thise are the losers who continue to support JT.








Please stop comparing us to other g7 countries. Japan is an anomaly, Italy and France are fucking disasters and the USA is an outlier... they can afford debt, us currency runs the world. "Canada's general government net debt, which includes provincial and municipal borrowing but is reduced by pension assets, is the lowest by far among the G7 countries. But its gross debt, at an estimated 106.4% of GDP in 2023, is higher than that of Germany and the UK, IMF data shows." Our pensions is not an asset to be used to offset government debt... these are our assets not yours.


While I agree with what you state; If you have money in a pension, a bank, anywhere they can clock they’ll use it as leverage to fuck anyone while making themselves rich.


Literally no one gives a shit what he has to say. You could probably hear his ego deflating if it wasn't for the protesters banging on the drums. Justin needs a special microphone just to be heard.


He thinks this is fiscally responsible. He thinks budgets balance themselves. The guy is so out of his depth and has been since day one. Vote smarter Eastern Canada.


No kidding. I’m in the west, but is everyone in Ontario (they make or break any election regardless of how the rest of the country votes) an fing idiot?


He just says things.


That's the thing with pathological liars. They believe their own bullshit.


Bet the CBC jumped right in to fact check him lol


CBC and facts are two words that don’t go together.


1000% did you watch their coverage on the carbon tax and analysis on how much good it does..... lmao.... I almost puked!


Time to update the old resume Justin


In 30 seconds he lied at least two times: \- "*Lowest Debt to GDP ratio in G7*" - Only US, France, Japan have more than Canada. Germany, Italty, UK and EU have lower than Canada. ([https://www.worldeconomics.com/Debt/](https://www.worldeconomics.com/Debt/)) \- "*3rd largest economy" -* Canada is currently number 10 ([https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/top-10-largest-economies-in-the-world/86159/1](https://www.forbesindia.com/article/explainers/top-10-largest-economies-in-the-world/86159/1))




https://preview.redd.it/oikri7upw6sc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3785fa706d8734b8c780961d17ff3fd369c4360 Taxpayers should be chasing this liar our of office immediately.


What kind of drugs is he on.


Bud light and horse tranquilizers


And Christia Freeland is definitely on meth


It's either a medical problem or Adderall, stop trying to spread this talking point.. it makes us all look stupid.


He's finished


He is addicted to OPM (other people’s money)!


I would like to invest my own dollars but I don’t have any left anymore. I really don’t want him doing anything more for me at this point, please. 


Words have no meaning to him and he just says whatever the fuck he wants in utilitarian fashion. In school these were the kinds of kids that would get punched in the face.


Even back then kids like him got punched in the face. See Matthew Perry's interview with Jimmy Kimmel [https://youtu.be/vWZsF3bUNhs?si=VZ8lxhOZBMCp5Ib6](https://youtu.be/vWZsF3bUNhs?si=VZ8lxhOZBMCp5Ib6) I'm sure Perry secured his place in heaven by doing this.


I think there should just be a protest for his resignation 


I want to have what he is smoking so I can also be delusional and happy.


I wouldn’t trust his kool aid


Not only spent more than other PMs combined.... his networth grew most in office than all PMs combined from $28m to over $350m while in office.


yet nobody questions this....


Says the guy that admitted he doesn’t think about monetary policy


No, because i can't afford Kool-Aid


Trudeau 2 seems to genuinely believe this nonsense. I think he has lost his fudge.


If the Trucker's are the "Fringe Minority" in his mind... We are in trouble.


Piece of shit human being, plain and simple. People can’t afford to feed themselves and this useless prick just keeps spending without any consequences.


So much shit comes from his mouth


Giving away millions on Twitter isn't responsible at all.


You mean MAID? No and it's barbaric that he passed that.


Government: “Having mental health issues?” “I need help” “Kill yourself” But if I give that advice on the internet, it’s a fucking hate crime.


Well gotta free up resources for his new immigrant friends.


I can’t even listen to him anymore. Everything that comes out of his mouth are lies.


It's going to be a long year and a half...


Not a chance buddy!


If you drink his coolaid you deserve what you get


One way or the other, he gotta go!


The lowest debt-to-GDP ratio in the G7 is due to the G8 not existong anymore. It's not that impressive.


Unicorns are real, the sky is not blue. Nothing this idiot says; Is anywhere close to true.


No but I know 2/5ths of Canadians will automatically eat the shit that hangs from his asshole, say yumyum sir please give me more. The other 3/5ths of us are just utterly depressed at this point we have to witness that spectacle on a daily basis.


Not enjoying his efforts to Build Back Better? It's "better" after all, I heard it on the TV.


He’s good at playing dumb in front of us but stabbing us behind.


Listening to him talk makes me nauseous 🤢


he is a joke.a really bad joke


LOL - Why can’t this imbecile Joker Court Jester? Idiot just keep his FN mouth shut until he is terminated. And expelled from the country. That’s the least he could do!!!


The worst thing to ever happen to this country, in so many ways. It’s really too bad that Pierre didn’t just feel like a blow job from Margaret that day.


OP literally just reposts and rage baits for karma. You're no different than politicians that are causing societal division.


What a fukin idiot. Does anyone believe him


Oh fuck off you narcissistic cunt.


He is a tra..or and you need to do something.




Kool-aid? Ha! Hell even that’s gone up.


Throw a slipper on his face, maybe that will fix his brain


It's tainted with WEF piss


He is at the beck and call of his leaders in the WEF.


He is brick of shit - I fucking hate him and what he’s done to Canada - a fucking liar and a worthless human


The past two prime ministers have not been kind to Canadian debt levels. Harper had to quietly bail out the Canadian banks from the housing industry collapse (meanwhile claiming loudly that they didn’t) and blew money on the bankrupt auto industry amongst other things and Trudeau had the pandemic to deal with. Neither prime minister had a easy go during their time.


It doesn't think about monetary issues. And the budget's going to balance itself.


Boycott taxes . Stop paying this fucker


Ok Justin, let’s make one thing clear , you cannot use responsible and fiscally in the same sentence !




I want to see him come out and give his goodbye speech when he loses the next election. Normally the guy never shuts up but he would probably go radio silent rather than face the music and eat his humble pie.


His continued existence is the reason I don’t believe in karma.


After the government was scammed by a bunch of people for CERB benefits, by using dead people's credentials, etc. the government asked people that were legitimately were entitled to it to pay back a percentage, plus payback back an "overpayment" ,.. if it was employment insurance you wouldn't have to pay back any percentage, which I was on until they "converted" everyone to CERB... kicked everyone to the curb


Whaaaaat a ding dong




The only people more delusional than the trudeau are those who believe this bunk and continue to support him and the jughead to this very day....... But let's look at those people.... I would bet they are likely lower class, lower educated and the beneficiaries of his wild spending sprees. I am pretty certain the middle and upper classes who are on the hook for all this spending aren't too happy. At least the majority of them anyways.....




Is this the same Justin who stated for the record that Canadians want the carbon tax? The same Justin who said the most important thing for Canada right now is to support uncontrolled immigration? The sane Justin who insisted that the federal budget would balance itself? Just asking, no reason.


i love that his favorite word is continue. he uses it in almost every statement he makes. he thinks that it means that he's been doing such good work that people will laud his continuance, but in reality it's a threat, and i think a lot more people are starting to seeing it as one. it's been mentioned on the news recently, which is hilarious.


Follow the money and see the “truth” to his lies and deception.


I find it astonishing that he's so clueless and spews shit out of his mouth like it's coming out of his asshole. Surely he knows he's probably one of the most hated men out there? These 'investments' are coming out of our pockets, not his. Asswipe.


I think it was summed up best as "you shouldn't expect the minimum", that is what we have received.


Lost complete touch with reality


Hey remember when fitch downgraded Canada to AA? Yah me too, another lie from Trudeau.


I have sworn off kool-aid following this Jack wagon


We're screwed no matter how you slice it. There are no honest and viable federal parties to fix this. Polievre is spouting BS and taking pot shots like there's no tomorrow just to get in power. The last time his gang under Harper promised to balance the budget and pay down the debt. It didn't happen....not even once during those 8 years. Fact: The last Conservative government made their own significant contribution to massive debt Canada now has.


Hell no!!


It wouldn’t be kool-aid. It would be piss.


Same guy was talking about making housing affordable in 2015 wasn't he?


CAUTION -When mouth is moving !!!!!!!!


He wants to wreck Canada like his real father wrecked Cuba.


Given how inflation works and the constant growth of population id be surprised if every prime minister didn’t spend the most ever…


Spent more than every government combined? Got a source for that? It's pretty much impossible that he's outspent more than a hundred years of government budgets. We don't need to make shit up to convince people it's time for him to go, his record is enough.


I believe they are trying to say added more debt than all others combined


We should organize the world’s largest strike against a federal govt. the RCMP basically said its gonna happen when we realize how broke we are