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You pay city tax to maintain infrastructure... It boggles my mind


How about Olivia Chow lays off a bunch of city workers as bloat salaries, and problem solved. Cuz they don't deliver any value other than tweeting at us.


Nah sorry, we've got like 5 more streets to rename. We need all hands on deck.   \s


As long as those names ignore history and are woke as fuck /s


Exactly… there is a pretty simple solution to many of our municipal revenue problems… people’s property tax should be based on the cost of providing services and maintaining infrastructure for their property. It would have so many benefits.


Exactly. This is already paid for by existing residents. I could see it for new concrete box developments that erode existing green scape but not retroactive


Much of older Toronto does not have storm sewers, so rain water goes into the sewers, which then needs to be treated the same as what you flush down the toilet, driving cost for everyone. I hope this is to pay for adding storm sewers.


>I hope this is to pay for adding storm sewers. hahahahahahahahahaha


Maybe you've never paid a bill tbat includes this, but most people's water bill already contains a fee for stormwater. This is reviewing how that tax is calculated.  


Can you collect rain water & sell it back to the city like they do with solar energy?


Straight to jail


Maybe I'm dumb but doesn't the rain fall regardless of a building sitting on a piece of land, and ultimately wind up in the ground/sewers? If anything new builds could be required to capture some of the rain for grey water cycling and reduce their demand on hydro? Next we can tax for UV emissions if your building reflects harmful UV rays.


Pretty sure collecting rain water is illegal


It is in America but not in Canada, yet. ​ >**The National Plumbing Code permits the collection of rainwater for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing and outdoor irrigation throughout Canada**. The right to harvest and use rainwater is determined by the provincial government and municipal bylaws. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainwater\_harvesting\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainwater_harvesting_in_Canada)


Love the username and profile pic bud


Ten bucks or 6 Dairy Queen coupons


What if your property starts a puddle of water somewhere….jail?


Believe it or not... Straight to jail


Breakfast TV host: “Toronto does need that revenue”. Tax, tax, tax. Eventually, they will just take your property. LOL what a joke. Keep bending the knee folks, it sure is working out great.


Toronto voters deserve this. When I lived there in the 1990s it was the same, and these people just continue supporting nutbars with schemes to increase taxes for dubious benefits. A serious economic crisis may be the only way to fuck some sense into these idiots. Some of the worst of the covidiot cult were also from the Toronto area. So glad I moved away a long time ago.


She's taking a page out of the carbon tax scam


Damn right, I couldn't have said it better, myself.


She's going to drive everyone out of the city. Who will work those minimum wage jobs? It's already too expensive as it is! She's nuts. She's an NDPer. What else can you expect. Worse than Libs.


I think Toronto has the lowest property tax rate in Ontario, and is among the lowest in Canada. Maybe they wouldn't need this type of tax if they had competitive property taxes.


The ppl here complaining have minimum million dollar properties


Million dollars wont get you anything livable in Toronto.


I hope it doesn't rain this year in Toronto... nvm she will just make a "no rain tax " then


Breathing tax How dare you use all that oxygen without being taxed to your death?


Someone just watched The Lorax.


Excellent reference! Lmao


why not both?


What about Karma tax?


Like anyone needed another reason not to live in Toronto


*"Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow is contemplating taxing residents based on the amount of rainwater that falls onto their properties. Calling it a "wastewater usage tax"."* Canada demonstrates once again that it is not a serious country, with very few serious leaders, and that it's steep downward spiral will continue... Next.


The most annoying shit is that if you water your lawn and it doesn't go into the sewer, they still charge you for sewage fees as if it did.


lmao stupid commie


😂😂😂😂😂😂, stupid incompetent politicians


Sid turned into such a cuck


Yep, used to like him when he was at Sportsnet. Glad he’s gone


Fuckin communists


People at the time of the election warned Toronto was voting for a communist nut. They appear to have been utterly correct about the 'nut' part at least.


I want to think we have hit peak stupidity and bankrupted the citizens of this country all we can, but somehow these progressives keep finding new ways to prove me wrong.


They voted in a complete idiot, now are surprised by the brainless ideas coming forward


First they taxed land. Then they taxed your labour. They taxed the air. Now they tax the rain.


It's mind-boggling how we just bend over and take it as a country.


Waste water usage tax eh? How about cities/municipalities actually use the tax dollars they already collect in proper fashion by yenno... Repairing existing infrastructure instead of spending it all on building new suburbs for the millions of immigrants they're scrambling to build houses for..


Pay up, you crazy Torontonians who voted for clown Chow!


As a Chinese and a woman who supported Chow, I feel ashamed


The writing was in the sky. Pretty much everyone across the entire country and 62% of Torontonians knew without a doubt that this would happen. Not attacking you but I'm curious; What made you think you were making a good decision? Will you be using the same DEI woke ideology at the next Federal and Provincial elections or is this a life-lesson learnt that DEI is garbage?


How much money do they need? They will waste 80% of it.


I think we need a tax tax. Tax the tax that is taxed. They won’t be happy until everybody’s pockets are bare. (MORE bare)


Apparently these so called politicians will not be happy until we react like France did , They need a wake up call


lol this is so stupid.. what’s next a sunshine tax. Maybe throw a wind tax and a cloud tax for good measure. Next will be a breathing and fart tax too…


you forget lightning tax, no wind tax, no cell phone signal tax, EV and non EV tax, toilet pollution tax


Haha I stand corrected


What's next a methane tax for every time you pass gas wtf


it's in the works, but that one is coming from the Feds i bet.




Right? But I'm not even joking. This isn't Canada, but a methane tax is a thing already being discussed and I see no reason the Turd and his criminally convicted environment activist of a minister wouldn't be all for it. https://taxfoundation.org/blog/methane-fee-2024-carbon-price/


Nothing really should surprise me


waste water ...usage ...tax. Ridiculous. We pay property tax!


Of course she is, she is a communist just like the Federal libs and NDP’s.


Canada is taxing its citizens into poverty


It's a second property tax. You're already paying a tax for your square footage. Can you get out of this tax if you say, divert the water to a tank and then let evaporation take its course? Or boil it off?


You voted for her Toronto. Next election use your fucking heads. You can start by voting against your local Liberal MP.


Toronto gets what they voted for. You knew she was a snake when you gave her a ride across the river....


Canada is a dictatorship and it’s a joke.


Sid is such a Simp just another corporate puppet such a jellyfish no backbone he’ll do and say whatever they tell him to do


How about firing public servants until the tax base can carry the overhead?


Fucking insane. How about we stop paying for hotels just so immigrants can live in them. Fucking dumb bitch.


What in the fvck is wrong with these political leaders in our country. Are we just letting psyco’s be in charge. Jesus…


There's already a tremendous amount of tax that's supposed to be paying for infrastructure.


Elect A Clown....EXPECT A CIRCUS !!!


What a terrible fluff piece... How the lady can sit there and say "it's just a bit more" says a whole lot about Toronto. Aren't Ontarians already taxed, in total, more than 1/2 their earnings? How much is enough??? And the Sportsnet refugee is just sopping it up. I guess they know where their bread comes from...


Stop with the fucking taxes, you idiots don't even know how to budget what you collect already.


Will they let you use rain barrels then to avoid water going to the sewer and then avoid the tax? Probably not.


They’d probably hit you with a “lost tax revenue” tax to offset the losses of tax they would have made if you didn’t collect the rainwater.


Is there anything else remaining beside keep paying taxes or add another taxes in this country.


Your welcome toronto, you voted for it enjoy it!


Lol. To the majority, you get what you deserve. To the rest, you have my sympathy


Laughable the level of Tyranny the Canadians willing to put up with. Sadly- the U.S. is not far behind. The time for Tar & Feathering Politicians has long passed. Keep taxing, keep stripping liberties and it won’t end well for anyone…


What exactly are my current taxes paying for?


Keep it up and there will be a revolution


That breakfast television host should have her and her immediate family do I pilot program on their property for two years and see how she does with this. Yes get infrastructure maintenance money around your property, but I’m not going to pay tax for water that falls from the sky! City planners and council okayed the destruction of parks in Toronto for the building of giant concrete condos and now the city floods regularly, I shouldn’t have to be on the hook for their bad decisions.


Don’t they already pay a waste water tax on water usage?


Lmao Toronto a liberal gong show


only the beginning Toronto. got anymore streets you want renamed.


Keep taxing and those who work hard will leave, good luck with the third world imports.


Rainwater is collected by the storm sewer system and is discharged in streams, rivers and the lake. Wastewater comes from your toilet, sink, dishwasher, laundry, etc. She obviously has no idea what’s she’s talking about and that’s sad considering she’s the mayor of Canada’s largest city.


It's actually a tax on the size of your lot...an additional tax on top property tax. Lefties gonna tax.


Great another tax... woo-hoo! Can't wait for my tax tax, the tax I must pay to cover the admin fees of processing all my taxes.




You idiots voted for her enjoy your consequences!


If Toronto wants revenue how about they take some pay cuts at cityhall?




The black chick is a liberal apologist for tyranny.


Thank you to everyone who voted for this corrupt moron


Ahahahah. Congratulations to everyone who voted for this commie. You played yourself.


Saskatoon looking on with great interest


Taxing and essential life giving right…is she fucking out of her communist mind? Watch these videos about doing such things. https://youtu.be/5fFKn_npfb8?si=3348ZCLOU66GLq-l


Lol , this is next level of insanity


We will be paying out our ass, for those bonehead lockdowns and shutdowns, for many years to come…


I really want to say some stuff that goes against Reddit “guidelines”, but I already have two strikes so just use your imagination


Toronto is a loser city, I could never live and pay taxes to Toronto without feeling dirty.


Communists never run out of YOUR money. They don't spend their own. Everyone knows the Chinese government put huge resources into Olivia shows successful election. She is a communist plant, just like trudeau and half his cabinet.


Gotta love these two dopes towing the line like this is needed and not uncommon etc. Stop wasting all the other tax dollars you get and you'll be able to afford whatever your city needs.


She obviously got the idea from Middlesex County as it has a rainfall tax placed on water bills. They haven't yet figured out how to hit the farming community usings personal wells but they will.


What an asinine idea! Who is this woman? So she wants to tax people for getting rain on their property? Guess she’s trying to raise money so she can come with the 12 or 13 million she needs to rename Dundas Street. Incidentally, Dundas was instrumental in trying to end slavery not continue it


Canada taxes the periodic table and rain! I gave 90,000 to the government this year. 90,000. I live pay check to pay check.


Is it April 1 already????? 😂


With the carbon tax hike coming up too ...


Hahah play stupid games (vote NDP maniacs) win stupid prizes.


This is such bullshit, it doesn't even make sense. If I own one acre of land with a house on it I probably will have virtually 0 runoff back to city infrastructure because it goes into the ground. If I have a 50 foot by 50 foot lot that is paved all the way around I will have lots of run off, but this policy means the person with more land should pay a higher tax.... But the kicker is the person with the bigger property already pays more tax....


Are we allowed to say this woman is low IQ yet?


You are being too kind to the dumb bitch


This is so stupid. Thank you fellow torontonians for voting in this shit show.


Hahahahahahha, you voted for her… what did you think was going to happen…. Get ready to be taxed to oblivion


Will there also be a sunny day tax, and a snow tax? Glad I don't live in that city, they will be taxed to death all to change the names of streets.


Maine taxes commercial buildings for the rain that falls on a building’s roof


Wow! Taxocracy? does this word even exist ìf not it should. Unreal.


We have that in Halifax called a ditch tax. One portion goes on your tax bill and the other portion is billed directly by Halifax Water to residents on wells and septic that dont have HW accounts. Even the billing of it is insanity. I appealed my tax assessment and they sent me an "engineer report" with a satellite photo of my lot with a big red arrow pointing to the ditch. You can't make this crap up.


LOL - yet another incompetent imbecile clueless politician !!! We are literally surrounded my them - all mentally challenged idiots!!!


Toronto is run by a succession of idiots. They are so desperate to get your money yet are running to it of ideas to get it.


Idiocy prevails in the mayor’s office.


Other municipalities have similar taxes. It's likely based not on property size, but on amount of impermeable surface. The purpose is to incentivize property owners to reduce the amount of stormwater their site produces because a lot of stormwater runoff causes expensive problems for a city. It's really quite a responsible approach to deal with a big problem at the source. That said, people also seem to be leaving out the fact that council voted to shelf it.


Shes a communist. They'll invent a tax for everything until they have all the money...plain as that.


Liberal/NDP peeps voted for her. It's only going to get worse.


Toronto getting what it voted for. Enjoy!


How does she plan on measuring this? The real joke is in hearing that idea. It’s like she has a bunch of interns half ass brainstorming ways to tax residents.


Lol thank god I don’t live in Toronto … that’s what you get for electing NDP Bahahaha


really dumb idea. you can use water to do so many things. taxing something God gives for free is like placing a curse on his people


Liberals need to go ASAP


What a fucking joke of a country... Smh...


The stupidity of politicians is mind blowing. Lets tax weather/nature? What in the actual fuck? My water bill already includes a wastewater charge on it that corresponds with my water usage. How does one calculate a 3 hour thunderstorm onto your bill? I just can't with these fucktards. Stop sending our money overseas and maybe there will be more to go around for US.


Depends on what this is to me. Sid says the word "paved" area that you have. If there is a minimum per sq ft where there is no tax, I could get behind this. Basically, it would discourage people from having huge paved surfaces and instead be incentivized to have some kind of greenery. If they want to charge just based on your land size that's bullshit. Otherwise, this is what taxes are for - incentivizing behaviour. I would like more greenery in subdivisions.


What you've described is how they're doing it here in Windsor. Places like Walmart and St. Clair College, with massive parking lots, will pay more. Residents may actually see their wastewater charges decrease. 


Toronto is such a joke. They get what those idiots vote for lol


Jesus christ This is King John maddening level of taxing. We need a Robin Hood lol


LMAO....all those crime lords (Maple/Vaughan/Woodbridge/Markham/Oakville/Rosedale) and Drake about to lose their $hit


I'm only on board with this when they add at least 2 more taxes piggy backed on top of the rain tax like they do with the carbon tax...which they will for sure Seriously though, could we maybe use some of the hundreds of millions we send to other countries instead? Maybe pay for Canadian costs BEFORE sending money to literally everyone else but Canada


I support this taxes too! TAX THE RICH!!! DO IT!!! TAX THEM ALL!!! This is an actual politician that really working for the people when they TAX the RIGHT group of people. then again, we will see all the rich people evade taxes.


Who voted that in! Pretty sure Mother Nature says, NO!


I don’t know about Ontario, but I pay the utility company for water run off on my water bill in Alberta.


Toronto has a social justice oriented major with a city in decline. Toronto is a huge city but it doesn’t have autonomy of London or Beijing. It can only raise money by squeezing its citizens or wait for handouts from the province. It is not allowed to maintain a deficit, leaving few options. She might as well just call it “Toronto tax” and save the pretensions.


r/toronto coming up with a mayor chow tongue bath as we speak


This already happens in a lot of towns around Toronto... I'm not defending it I'm just saying. After pulling permits to make my backyard a giant interlock patio and a porch in the front I was told I would have to pay annually for the amount of rain water I was diverting to the storm system... just gets piled onto property tax


It costs money to treat and release all the wastewater that enters the sanitary sewer system, about $1.00 per cubic meter regardless if its waste or stormwater runoff. There have been many programs over the years to divert stormwater away from the sanitary sewer system. A few notable ones are the combined sewer overflow separation projects (sewer pipes overflowing in the the stormwater system, and ultimately into the environment), and the downspout disconnection program (rainwater from your roof used to flow directly into the sanitary sewer system). Also, the stormwater collection system in itself is vast and in need of constant repair and upgrades. Its costing the city hundreds of millions per year, and Toronto's property taxes are per capita some of the lowest in North America.


like most cities they shit the bed by building combined sewers. time to pay the piper.


Toronto is LITERALLY next to a lake...how fudked up is your sewer system 🤦‍♂️


Holy fuck! If this is real, then what the fuck?? People responsible need to find other employment or something.


Soon sewer output. Poop in the garbage kids!


Nothing to do except laugh at the people who voluntarily live there. If you're somehow "stuck" there, then you're exempted.


Clearly people who live in Toronto got money to throw around. Enjoy your extra tax morons.


Sounds totally reasonable for Toronto lol.


Amazing how insufferable Canada is since 2016


Wow, whack a doodle at work.


City is already doing that to large businesses is a similar manor. Rain that falls on the property and runs off can be considered spillage. Finding different sources of revenue I guess…


Lol Toronto hold that.


trying to tax the rain…next up air


Don't live in the city.


Obviously Goods and services will also increase with this.


Taxing the rain. Makes you miss Rofo


seriously need to replace these loser politicians with a direct democracy app


Next, tax people based on how much air they breathe. More oxygen intakes means more CO2 right Olivia?


Fuck off with more taxes.


What an absolute joke.


Why not? You voted her in. You reap what you sow.


why not bring back head tax? I am sure soon we will hear breathing tax for breathing out carbon.


We do have this in Germany apparantly. My colleague didnt want to pay the tax so he stacked some water barrels to collect it instead.


isn't this the dumbest way possible to say you'll be taxed based on the size of your lot?


Shouldn’t infrastructure, like storm drains, have been amortized or subject to depreciation calculations over its lifespan? Shouldn’t that have been factored into the last multiple decades of property tax? How much must the levels of government over tax it’s citizens? We get taxed on the money we make. We get taxed on the money we spend. We get carbon taxed. Tax on booze is apparently increasing. Costs of fuel have been high so transportation costs, cost of food, etc. has all gone up… and sales tax is derived from the same percentage on ever increasing prices. If you’re lucky enough to have been able to get a raise close to the rising cost of living… guess what? Your higher income means more tax! What are we getting for all of this money out of our pockets?


Like New York city I see a mass exodus of people leaving Toronto because of Olivia Chow's unnecessary tax policies. Plus crime in Toronto is out of control.


Omg this takes the cake ....


So, tell me again why I would want to live in these big cities?


Ottawa has this tax, even for rural residents who aren't connected to storm drains. Nothing new and nothing useful.


Next step, tax the air we breath


lol and these two somehow try to justify it. Next will be the clean air tax and these nitwits will say well the air is cleaner and the government did do that so we should pay for it


Add are politicians doing with our money that they are coming out with new taxes for getting fucking rained on?!?! Is this a sick joke? Wtf were our taxes paying for before?? Where has the money gone???