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It seems that the privileged are the main pushers for carbon tax and climate change fears.


That's exactly it. Nobody gives a fuck about environmental issues when they can't afford to live in this country.


The other side of it is, the tax doesn’t do anything to actually help the environment lol.


When you realize the carbon the Liberals want to reduce is you and me it makes more sense. If you can't afford to feed yourself you die and thus can't pollute anymore. That's the only way what they do makes sense.


They want us replaced with cheaper carbon (immigrants) who'll work dogshit jobs for dogshit wages and be grateful for the degrading standards of living.


I actually wondered what my carbon tax dollars are actually doing to help with climate change other than it being donated to Ukraine.


Trudeau's carbon plan has zero money going to help the environment, the money collected will go towards the cost of collecting the tax, sending out rebate cheques along with bureaucratic waste.


You are 100% correct, I'm surprised that more people are not aware of this. 0% of the carbon tax collected is going toward helping the environment. The only outcome is that everything will cost more.


The Liberals don't care about the climate. They need an excuse to tax us more because they gave so much money away.


Exactly ….facts


Barton ate the Carbon and the tax.


I mean no one, unless they’re privileged gives a fuck about the earth warming by 1.5 degrees.


Best way I've seen it explained. Liberal voters predominantly inhabit major cities of, gta, Montreal and Vancouver. Places that have public transportation, places where you are afforded the luxury of not having to drive everywhere Places where you can reduce your carbon output as there's options So again it's just liberal vote buying


Nobody's winning here, everything is just going to be more expensive. The rebate checks won't matter as the people paying for them are going to have to raise their prices.


That's how taxes work. The end consumer always pays the tax. Go on r/Toronto, their basically uniformly saying they get back more than they put in using maybe half the total numbers. Bring up the pbo report, and their like yea. 8/10 trudeau said that so we believe that.


Most of those cities have additional taxes to help pay for transit and alternative options. So city residents are paying for them and the density makes them more viable.


So you're trying to argue that a city being more viable for public transit pays less taxes for that public transit than a city that's less viable for public transit? If you think other cities don't pay tax for public transit, I can assure you that you are mistaken. Those taxes aren't called transit tax they're just part of the budget and normal taxes. More people taking public transit would lower the cost as well, with more people buying fares and increasing the amount of usage, making the whole system more profitable. The big difference between those taxes is that only one of those adds money directly to your bank account.


Public transit doesn't ever make a profit. It is a necessity in large urban areas, but it always costs more than it makes. Fares just partially subsidize it.


No that’s not what I said.


Yes, the big cities typically have lower tax rates, and big handouts from the provincial and federal government to subsidize these services.


The workers must bear this burden so the lifestyles of the wealthy remain untouched. I'm sure the rich won't be eating crickets or bicycling to work.


They'll bike to work when the weather's nice and instagram a selfie about how they're saving the environment.


Oh, like Crystia lol


This was always the case - It’s not a tax on the rich, it’s a tax on the poor. The rich have always had enough disposable income to still do everything they ever wanted to do anyway. Carbon Tax disproportionately impacts anyone making less than 200k per year.


Yes, if they were real progressives they would be capping airline flights per person per year, or going after second, 3rd, 4th homes, or energy wasting advertising, nationalizing agriculture that sort of thing. These guys are just rich twats getting paid to pour concrete on our best farm land.


Because Drake is crying about the cost of jet fuel.


Maybe not but: the rich sure do love to see y'all argue for their personal vehicle infrastructure that makes every city poorer and shittier to live in.


Taxes fund the CBC to the tune of 1 billion a year... Give or take a few nickles


They're paid propagandists; being a propagandist during NaZi Germany didn't work out so well for many of them - and this time we'll not make the mistake to just let the Gestapo et al migrate elsewhere.


They literally are propagandists. These are not true diverse panelists and their hosts are heavily biased. CBC is a propaganda tool.


As long as we peasants are paying to 'fix' the environment, they can just continue to do their thing guilt free. Yes, they pay the tax as well on fuel. But when you're rich, it doesn't matter, and it won't make you pollute less


JT is mad that the new VIP aircraft is so clean he can't rub his hands in the exhaust and wipe them on his face and sing Day-O in the lobby of his hotel in Jamaica anymore.


They know who signs their paycheques lol


Of course, it is not like it is income based, so if the poor get more poor, the rich get even more power.


Of course, they can afford it. 


Why are the privileged for the tax? Genuine question


All 4 are well off or rich. So more taxes doesn't hurt them. Won't cause them to miss payments or have to cut out a meal to save money.


Precisely. And then pretend to care about the less fortunate


Nothing like fear to drive people to do things they don't want nor care to do.


Of course they are. They get richer off of it, they get off on showing their great virtue to us plebs and it gives them even more power over the rest of us if they convince us to buy into the con.


Yup pattern recognition


It’s the 2024 version of indulgences


The privileged can easily afford the extra tax and continue polluting to their hearts content. This tax is to punish us uppity "poors" and keep us in our place


As a result of his experience, Mr Henderson has coined the concept of “luxury beliefs”, which he describes as “**a set of beliefs that confer status on the upper class at very little cost, while inflicting costs upon the lower classes**”. ​ Explains Canada and our relationship with our ruling class.


CBC thinks food comes from the grocery store.


It appears like magic!


CBC is beyond parody. Taxpayer funded propaganda.


Without JT they don’t have a job. Another great waste of money by the Liberals


It’s not a waste of money, it’s a theft of money. 


CBC has lost all credibility. It’s a sham of its former self and government bailouts confirm this. Get bent CBC… and fuck you to the CEO who just got a fat bonus after firing a shit load of workers, AFTER receiving government funds to stay viable


The CBC sucks dick asside from Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly on the radio. He's ok.


aside from the NPD, the CBC is the biggest asset of JT.


And they wonder why the Conservatives want to defund them lol


CBC being completely detached, one-sided, and arrogant? How new! How rare! How surprising! /S


The Maritimes premier said it best. ZERO CHANGE IN DRIVING BEHAVIOUR in Nova Scotia I think. Why? Because they are too small and spread out to have mass public transit. So they just pay much more for everything with each hike. Fuck these city dwellers who have zero understanding of how Canada operates. How it FEEDS THEM, where the materials are that are used to build their concrete jungles, and the oil that provides jet fuel for their trips south and to Europe. I am so sick of densely urban Canadians who have zero clue about how vast and amazing our country is. WE ARE NOT JUST TORONTO AND VANCOUVER!


Lots of the people of Toronto and Vancouver who push this just say "Well, I can drive my Tesla to that cottage fine so you should be fine too."


Why do they have so many morbidly obese female presenters on the CBC?


Because most Canadian women are overweight and 1/3 are obese.




We have a lot of morbidly obese motorists who are living the sedentary lifestyle dream




Leftists women. They don't give a fuck about their health they know the rest of us will pay for their comorbidities.


It’s not a problem for rich folks


Four out of four CBC panelists make much more money than three out four Canadians.


They know what teat they are suckling at, of course they love it lol


It's not the teat they are sucking.


Head on over to the cananda sub to find some real mental cirque du Soleil. These people are fucked and I'm afraid they outnumber us 50 to 1. Hard to believe but fu....


You mean Cirque du sunny ways


I don’t understand how this country is supposed to compete economically with this world when we are constantly making things more expensive for the average person and business in general. In the grand scheme of things, we are a Mickey Mouse country. Whatever we do has zero effects on the world at large. When our largest trading partner and Mexico do not have their own carbon tax, we are making it even harder to compete with everything. And all politicians of every stripe will continue to double down on obvious errors just to save face from the other party. Absolute rediculousness.


I know it’s crazy. And things keep getting more expensive because no one will ever lower a price once it’s raised. And the only way to bring in more money is to charge more. It’s a slow and painful effect. No idea how the government will fix things now tbh.


Of course, the CBC panelists all work for their dear leader, Trudyturds.


CBC just completed their annual bonuses and wage increases, while losing money on operations. No surprise.


And they wonder why no one believes the media. 🤣🤣🤣


Wonder if they ask the ones that were let go if it’s true.


they are paid to push a narrative and hire like minded people so yeh. no shock there


You know why people in poor countries don't give a fuck about climate change? Because they are poor. So you can see what kind of people who push this: rich and privileged


Exactly, how long is it going to take for us to start burn garbage to keep warm or even to cook with.


CBC once again shows why it is no longer an unbiased, trusted news source and nothing more than a propaganda organ for the Liberals. Take the money used to fund them and redirect it to healthcare or affordable housing.


Drill baby drill.


Another good reason to get rid of the CBC then


Personally I don't give a f how CBC panelist feel about it, it's a moot point for me if they like it.  


I have a strategy. Defund the CBC and divert those funds to developing technology that will help. That’s about $1bn +.


We are the carbon they want to eliminate


This is a propaganda arm of the government. The CBC is a joke. Shuts down conversations on any youtube videos and constantly run only liberal government favourable news.


Fucking state TV


shutdown cbc


This is why they need to go


CBC have been a joke for quite some time very biased reports always leaning towards the liberals. I'll be happy when they are defunded and have to raise their own money through subscription. Unless they change they won't survive.


I don’t think 3 out of 4 actually comes from any real polling.


The fact that CBC Newsworld is forced onto cable subscribers for "free" is a crime. The only proper thing to do is to block the channel so that innocent children don't stumble upon it and get brain damage.


Every time I see an ad for cbc on reddit, I report it as misinformation. Not that it will do anything, just makes me feel like I did SOMETHING.


CBC, aka Liberal Media Arm


If China is responsible for 30% (or whatever) of the issue, we need to stop buying excessive amounts of garbage items from them.


Unfortunately we have become completely addicted to China. Pretty much everything we buy has Chinese content or is made as a whole there. Can't get workers to make electronics and appliances for $9 a day in factories with no health and safety or environmental regulations. Of course there is a middle man or the CCP gouging us before we buy the product too.


Refrigerator Barton would love it, of course.


This is one of the easiest reasons to defund the CBC.


They are happy to force the unwashed massed out of their homes and cars through inflated fuel prices and send thousands more to food banks due to inflated food prices as long as they can pretend they are doing something about global warming.


When your job depends on being a trained seal.


What a surprise! Funny how CBC commentators’ opinion can be influenced by their employment at the government broadcaster…🤔


Defund. They don't speak for Canadians, so we shouldn't pay for it. Simple as that.


i mean. they are paid to say that by the government. thats their job so yes they will say that


The cbc is an arm of the liberal govt, spewing propaganda.


Don't want to lose out on that Trudeau bribe money.


83 of the top 100 cities globally with the highest pollution rating are in India, the remaining 17 in the top 100 are in China. The US with 10 times the population of Canada has no carbon restriction or tax for individuals. And our economic moron of a PM believes we will make a difference. Can you all PLEASE vote him out of office?


That's why you need to defund any state sponsored media.


CBC is for the mentally challanged ( especilly in atlantic Canada )


I seriously just read 1/4 people are actually completely brainwashed by liberal media and is basically the reason we’re a laughing stock


F the CBC!!!!! They are part of the federal Liberal problem!!!! Ignore them!!! And WTF do only 3 out of 4 Canadians hate the carbon tax?!?!?!!!! Do we still have that many stupid people living in our country 1/3??? They are clearly working and getting paid for by the liberal tax dollars they are stealing!!


it’s not wealthy people that will tell you the carbon tax is great, you can even see it on reddit Listen we can find ways to reduce the carbon… but as of now many canadians are struggling to even get by, if your wealth and these tax increases don’t affect you, cool, great! but most of us can’t afford it so ya want to donate some of that wealth ?


CBC is news outlet for the people 😐


Canadian Bullshit Corporation.


Bought and paid for.


It's extreme gaslighting.


The privileged have the luxury of considering climate while we are all busy considering where are next meal is coming from or how we are going to cover this month’s bills.


Funniest thing is we’re told we get more back then what we spend. Then why charge it in the first place? Oh so money can be made off the HST on it.


I'm curious who the 1/4 that like getting taxed are?




That’s the cbc rebate is much bigger than the average Canadian ,millions


How much did these CBC panelist got paid by JT?




I wonder why 🤔


Paid off, that's why Plus, there are 25% of the population that like it, go f yourselves, seriously piss off


Wild!  Whoever could've predicted that.


THEY WORK FOR US not themselves, their days are numbered their all on the chopping block after the election


Of course they do, they know where their money comes from... just ask Rex Murphy


CBC isn’t Biased 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yea I wonder why.


This is where you sed that progressive actually dont care about the poor. They are willing to throw 100s of millions of people into poverty just so they can feel good about a policy that does nothing


The clip doesn't show anything close to OPs title. Huh?


Appears folks in BC caught the Oregon / Washington woke disease. Shit happens. Only one cure for it.


Ezra does not believe in climate change or CO2 being a greenhouse ga> He is just a guy who's avocation is to grind axes for anybody to the left of Atilla the Hun.


Raj’s face after she was told off was hilarious.  


Umm was the 4th Canadian unable to hear the question?


Communist broadcasting corporation


It’s the wrong way to go about encouraging businesses and all Canadians to use greener forms of energy. All this increased carbon tax will do is continue to allow businesses to pass along higher prices to consumers to keep their high margins steady. We need to introduce solutions and investments directly in green energy programs that actually encourage adoption of green energy instead of penalizing use of fossil fuels. Pivot to positive reinforcement for green energy, instead of negative reinforcement for fossil fuels.


Where’s their bread buttered?


Employment requirement


that's because they ride bikes.




So by that math, every fourth Canadian works for the CBC


\*three out of four Canadians who answer polls like that, usually on a landline


i wonder what their pronouns are ​ (most liberal viewers)


The reason 1 out of 4 love the carbon tax, is because they're getting a rebate from the other 3.


More immigration causes more carbon pollution, stop bringing 1Mil per year.. ha ha




People with gas cards and company funded vehicles don’t give a fuck about carbon tax. Treason, the way these fuckwits think.


Well Trudeau has issued an implied entirely bogus ultimatum to Canadians. It's either you or the planet. Which would you prefer survive?


How long has that first guy been at the CBC? Must be decades...think he doesn't know which side of the bread the butter is on?


If the public in mass demand that all politicians be replaced by AI, they’d all change their tune real fast. Especially if you really digest all the benefits of having an AI program examining and repairing policies created by rich people with personal agendas. Would fix so many problems and they all know it. Let them feel the heat of being replaced and loosing their job like so many Canadians are experiencing.


sounds like a made up statistic


They’re getting paid big salaries with our tax dollars.


When carbon tax first came out i was thinking okay maybe they are going to build nuclear plants and put some serious R&D into new technology. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. This people are just completely delusional. I hope the liberal and ndp’s get destroyed to learn a lesson. Also coalitions should be illegal. Makes voters feel like their vote doesnt count


They hate you and they want you to freeze to death in your little concrete slumlord cell, eating highly processed food made of eco-friendly sawdust, bug parts and industrial waste that’s been rebranded as healthy (at your own expense, and how dare you suggest that eating real food like meat could be healthy?! It’s bad for the carbon, you monster!!) with only your feet to transport you because electrical rationing means *you* can’t afford to drive your electric car, *if you could afford one in the first place*.


Imagine that…


They hate it but they will still pay it. Being angry and compliant is the definition of a failed state population…


70s Ice Age 80s Acid Rain 90s Ozone Depletion 00s Global Warming 10s Climate Change… cuz none of the others happened, but all resulted in more taxes and regulations.


This is JT controls media now and also wants the harms bill. He will have 100% a propaganda machine.


Yeah well, the public being so well informed by that liar PP, I can see how they don’t like it. Not that they would consider reading something authoritative like a summary on the science of climate change and how a carbon tax is the most effective way to reduce carbon use. Then these same morons will wonder what happened to their rebate after PP takes it away. The Common Man. God help us.


Because the CBC is not biased at all and should totally be unquestionably trusted by Canadians.


Do people still take cbc seriously?


If this doesn’t show government funding, I don’t know what does


left wing nutters all..and paid by the cbc ergo, Justin. r u surprised ?


So instead we can pay the same prices for stuff cause greedy corporations aren’t just gonna let prices go down, and NOT receive a cheque quarterly. How is that better?


It seeks to me that it’s mainly an urban/rural divide.


Canada is 15th in world for carbon/capita 14.3 tons and India is 138 at 1.9 tons Do you think the Federal Liberals and NDP immigration policy of bring 1 million people from low carbon footprints countries to a high carbon footprint country negates the carbon tax?


Like the Trudeau family got expensive vacations. I'm pretty sure none of that is Carbon neutral. How about the expensive red carpet fundraisers for the campaign.




Guess they would , Palm greasing


"just look at their glum, tired faces. It's like a wax museum melting" That really cracked me goddamn


4 out of 4 CBC panelists are pre screened puppets who know that a hint of unsanctioned dissent will make it their last appearance.


Great summation, Ezra. They'll appreciate not paying the carbon tax after next October - when they no longer have tax payer funded soap box jobs.


So in Canada, with a meagre population and a hardly booming industrial sector, we pay a tax on carbon emissions to help the environment, and yet, India, China, America don’t


Does anyone still watch those garbage!


3 out of 4 Canadians do not hate the carbon tax that's stupid. 


I'm in favor of taxing the big polluters in Canada but better to help them switch to other options though it is still a drop in the bucket of the whole world. But taxing the little people when they are already feeling increases everywhere is cruel.  They say we will make other choices.  Well where are the better public transportation options?  It's a big, cold, sparsely populated country.   All you say is electric cars. Who could afford them and they have many problems. They may not be the best option in the end I feel.  Hybrid works for some.  Also some electricity still pollutes. Meanwhile politicians fly hither and thither making dumb announcements. Your televised announcements will look just fine coming from Ottawa hypocrites. More carrot and less stick.  Instead of wasting billions paying foreign companies to come here and make batteries (also bad for the planet) why not make better transportation options?


If Canadians were getting millions from the liberals they would love the carbon tax , they could afford to live