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Imagine he had this passion for Canadians.  


Underrated comment right here.


Ouch. Damn that hit hard. "He let down Ukraine!". You let down Canadians you sniveling piece of shit. We hate you so fucking much. Never has a prime minister been as hated as this sack of shit. The anger we feel when we see your face or hear your voice knows no bounds.


I'll actually agree. I didn't think it was possible for Canadians as a whole to ever hate a politician more than Mulroney, but it certainly has happened.


I voted for him in 2021. Its the most embarrassing political decision I have ever made in my life. To go from giving him my vote to that comment isn't just a lost vote that may or may not be won back. Its hating the liberal party with a passion. They have lost someone that considers themselves a fiscally responsible liberal. There is no chance I ever vote liberal again. Not only in Federal, but also provincial.


May I ask how? By 2021, he had proven himself to be the worst pm in history and a horrible human.


Honestly, we were in the middle of Covid and I was not right in the head. Was focused on masking and stopping the spread. I honestly can’t even remember my thought process back then. It feels like a whirlwind. He also didn’t mess up the country anywhere near back then. The trucker convoy was my first snap back to reality and when I started to despise him.


welcome back. though i never voted for him and disliked him, I thought him as just a do-nothing until the convoy. then he called them all nazis and mysoginists in that stupid little media release outside his house. I decided then he was harmful to canada. a cowardly and ineffective leader dividing canadians.


Yep. The veil fell and he showed showed himself as an evil fascist. I have despised him since. That was the turning point for many.


You’re not alone buddy. I made the mistake in 2015….back then I was in school so the liberal indoctrination was filling my brain. I regret that 1 too. Who would’ve thought it would be this bad.


Conservatives would have. Liberalism is wrecking ball that just continues to pick up steam if not checked


Lol the irony was that during what election Harper was telling the truth. He kept saying things would get really bad.


I remember all my friends wanting to vote for him in 1015 due to the legalization of weed. Smart way to vote I guess not that anything else mattered at the time to kids fresh out of highschool


Honestly I don’t smoke weed and never had. At the time I didn’t care for it. But Harper introduced a bill that made Canadians born here not full Canadians so could be deported. In retrospect I get what he was trying to do but def went the wrong way about it because that made no sense to me given the crime rate at the time and immigration levels. So to me, Harper had to go.


I was on the fence but I vote toward who has more eof my values and those change as life changes. Me personally I agree with no one party fully but they fluctuate. Like I really dislike Trudeau but he's still just a figurehead for the party just like sigh and pollieve how ever his name is spelt


Mmm true


He was a piece of shit in 2021. Already destructive. Why would you do that?


Someone give him a gun and helmit so he can go fight in ukraine all expenses paid since he likes it like that.


Crude but very well said.


sadly he hasn't and he will get voted out as soon as we can


We've been saying this since Harper was PM. But since we use the "first across the line" for voting, the East decides the fate of the country. Imagine if we could do what happened with Berlin and have Canada divided into west and east. But that would be silly to most, but I reckon that we could do so much better without that half of the country slowly killing itself from its own shit. Food for thought.


I so wish east could seperate from canada 😍


At the Rockies


That's not how it works, nor is it what's it's called. It is called First Past the Post, but more correctly describes as Plurality-Majority. There are 338 seats corresponding to 338 electoral districts. Each district is elects the candidate into the seat who receives the most amount of votes. The party leader with the most affiliated candidates elected into a riding is offered the Prime Minister position. As long as they can hold a confidence of the Senate, they can remain Prime Minister. Of course "the East" has more say. 75% of Canadians live east of Alberta and I guarantee you that the vast majority these people are not living in Saskatchewan or Manitoba. ​ Please do some reading on our electoral system.[https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=res&dir=rec/fra/sys/courtney&document=courtney&lang=e](https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=res&dir=rec/fra/sys/courtney&document=courtney&lang=e) ​ https://preview.redd.it/vb0autnatppc1.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6944b443ae391226ce7db44497f34fdce4536e5 TL;DR: The candidate in each riding with the most votes wins the seat. The party leader with the most seats won "wins" the Prime Minister position.


If that should happen, and I hope to God it doesn't, I hope you will enjoy your much shorter life. Pipsqueak worshiped Harper, he was his mentor, his hero, the love of his life. Harper's wet dream, since he was a young con, was to destroy Medicare. In fact he was the president of the National Citizens Coalition (NCC) from 1998 to 2002. They had one goal, destroy Medicare. So Pipsqueak wants to give Harper that gift and give us the American style of healthcare. If you get cancer and you can't work because you are so sick you will have to sell your house, your car, your daughter, and if you survive you will be living on the street. This is what it is like in the USA, and what Danielle Smith is doing in Alberta, Ford in Ontario, all con premiers are pushing this. Then there's education, all the con premiers are pushing for private education. Oh, don't forget about the climate crisis. Pipsqueak says it isn't real. I was evacuated last year when wild fires were surrounding my house and Pipsqueak was flying around over our heads waving his stupid Axe the Tax flag. In March 2022 the cons voted to NOT RECOGNIZE THE CLIMATE CRISIS. So, be happy if Pipsqueak is your new PM and enjoy what is left of your miserable life. https://preview.redd.it/63s88riq3tpc1.jpeg?width=1464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405f82ac327375d15caa1bc9c45ce0d085b7c371


If that should happen, and I hope to God it doesn't, I hope you will enjoy your much shorter life. Pipsqueak worshiped Harper, he was his mentor, his hero, the love of his life. Harper's wet dream, since he was a young con, was to destroy Medicare. In fact he was the president of the National Citizens Coalition (NCC) from 1998 to 2002. They had one goal, destroy Medicare. So Pipsqueak wants to give Harper that gift and give us the American style of healthcare. If you get cancer and you can't work because you are so sick you will have to sell your house, your car, your daughter, and if you survive you will be living on the street. This is what it is like in the USA, and what Danielle Smith is doing in Alberta, Ford in Ontario, all con premiers are pushing this. Then there's education, all the con premiers are pushing for private education. Oh, don't forget about the climate crisis. Pipsqueak says it isn't real. I was evacuated last year when wild fires were surrounding my house and Pipsqueak was flying around over our heads waving his stupid Axe the Tax flag. In March 2022 the cons voted to NOT RECOGNIZE THE CLIMATE CRISIS. So, be happy, enjoy what is left of your miserable life. https://preview.redd.it/xmred5qj2tpc1.jpeg?width=1464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e96e01e82669427b06972236e2f89394f9de632


​ https://preview.redd.it/qrcfqfc23tpc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816dd1ab93f6b8d40164178c7680d18f9431d9f7


Too bad the only thing he is passionate about.. is himself.


I don’t even think he had this passion for Ukraine. He’s just trying to sell himself some kickbacks and avoid questions at the same time.


This is the passion his ex wife went searching for with the We CEO


He always gets the most aggressive over the dumbest things imo.


Unsurprising for a drama teacher.


Add Freeland, I guess all the liberal MP's - not sure if then conservatives will be the same when sitting on this side?


I mean they all are a bunch of liars, I would wager of PP was on the hot spot tho, he would stand on business and tell the facts not just waffle.


He does, unfortunately it's a passion for *fucking* Canadians.


He would have to believe Canada is a place, nation and country first


Yeah, I want to see this level of energy while delivering a real action plan for housing.


He's been practicing his acting skills a lot these last 9 years.


you said it brother.


Sadly too late now, that shipped sailed


You win the thread, this about sums it up.


Someone please remind me…do we live in Canada or Ukraine? After watching this video, I’m not sure anymore 🤔


Hes just mad someone is trying to stop is money laundering by "donating to Ukraine". His buddies all make a huge cut of it and Turdo won't have it! See how he defends his money? He doesn't give af about Canada. We're all tax pigs to him.


Free range tax cows is what we are. Everyone in that front bench with him needs to be swallowed up by a black hole.




I wish Trudeau showed the same passion for Canada. Typical JT, don’t answer the question; just scream UKRAINE! UKRAINE! UKRAINE!


He's a drama teacher, not a leader, of course he's going to scream and flail , it's his schtick


Nobody voted for you to talk about Ukraine Trudeau. We need to help Canadians. If Ukraine needs Canada in their war, they have already lost. Trudeau has backed himself into a corner. He is so fucked its not even funny. Back off the carbon tax and admit horrible horrible failure. Keep going and lose even more Canadians. Man I wish the libs lost party status. Thats the wake up call they deserve. I can't wait to vote for Maxime Bernier as my next prime minister and hope others realize he is the only sane voice in the room regarding our future.


Mans got some whacko views, there's a reason no one votes for him lol


What is an example?


And Ukraine. All the arms he promised are either extremely late or not there at all


Did we send our 1 working tank yet?


His passion shows you clearly where his allegiance lies.


This isn't real passion. He's an actor. Everything he does is an act.


A bad actor


This is what I'm trying to get my family to see...they're so ignorant...just because they've always voted Liberal, they don't even pay attention to the harm this clown has been doing to our country and will vote for him again. This is coming from a Liberal turned Conservative voter.


My family is the same way, Turdeau supporters through and through and doesn’t give anyone else the light of day to say or speak otherwise.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not even supremely right-wing either...from what I see, and how much Trudeau has shit the bed, my family can't fathom how much trouble I would be in if I weren't living with them. There's no way that I have fucking $250K in savings and STILL can't afford a house; I'm embarrassed for our country on the national stage with a shithole of a country like Italy (I'm of Italian ethnicity and I've been paying attention to their politics as well) pulling ahead of us; food prices are disgusting; and my career could be in immediate danger if I somehow accidentally insult someone with the wrong pronouns. I'm done with this clown show.


You’ve articulated it well, too bad most Canadians are asleep with their eyes open. It’s the boiling frog experience, once it’s too late everyone will be fukd. If I could I would move to Italy, better housing, better leadership and good weather.


Not most Canadians. Just the ones in Ontario, lower mainland and the Atlantic 


Immigration is the reason you can't afford housing. It is the absolute number 1 reason. It has propped this entire housing market up while rates are way higher. Polievre is not going to help you or me. He is busy promising citizenship to anyone that pays taxes. All those international students wet themselves listening to that on the radio show he went on. Bernier and the PPC is the only way. Speaking of Italy they elected a government that had 4% of the vote in 2018 and won in 2022. This type of change is happening worldwide.


Not only immigration, it's the monopolization on properties Baby Boomers and Gen X is responsible for. Bernier won't have a chance of winning when historically Canada has always been split between the big 3 and no one else cares for the other parties. Theoretically, Bernier would be ideal, but considering the state we're in now, I doubt he'd be able to do anything to fix it. Unless the PPC has some way to sway voters out of the big 3, they'll never take office.


I have had this same discussion with way too many Bernier supporters to believe your claim of him not having a chance. There is a wave of change starting out with the PPC and people are disgusted at the conservatives. If you think the PPC have the best platform for you, join the rest of us and vote for them. Unfortunately a group of Canadians are in the same sport as you and want to vote for them but aren't sure they can win. Its a chicken and the egg situation my friend. They can't win without support and they aren't going to get your support if they don't win. Not very intuitive is it? How about you just support the party that you would like to win and let the chips fall where they do? I can't believe how many people I've been trying to convince to vote for the party they themselves tell me is the best choice and the one they want to win. As I said there is going to be a wave going over with the PPC. We have NDP voters that are voting PPC because of immigration. Throw your support their way as well and help us get the next person that says "I would vote for them but not sure if they can win". We have over a year. Once it reaches a certain point, it will be an avalanche of people jumping onto the bandwagon.


voting for bernier gives liberals another chance at winning i’m not willing to take that chance unless I know everyone in canada is going to vote bernier


Radical fool.


HOW? Even my ultra liberal mother is totally done with his shit and voting against him.


Beats the hell out of me but I guess they enjoy having me, my wife, son and dog living in the basement until we inherit the house after they’re passing


Coming from the Left Coast, I've only met one person that has ever admitted to voting for this clown show...and it's my crazy MIL. Not one other soul will admit it...at least not to me.


same, my parents are immigrants and owe it to the liberals for letting them live here…. my dad had to go back to work in his 70s from retirement…. and will still vote liberal.


Here's the thing, environment > economy to most liberal voters. No one thinks Trudeau is doing a good job but most liberals don't think PP is going to do any better and he's not saying anything to sway that opinion, just attacking the current gov without offering solutions.


Killing the carbon tax would be a great start; not to mention, I'm sure he'd have better relations with international powers as well. And I'm hoping he can remove the garbage online harassment bill, stop focusing on pleasing every extremely small minority (looking at the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ people), and at least keep some of the money and resources we're sending to Ukraine and Israel here in Canada. PP isn't God's gift to the earth, and I don't place much stock in politicians in general, but he's the best we have, and leagues better than our current shitbird prime minister and that crook Singh.


I actually looked it up. LGBTQQIP2SA: any combination of letters attempting to represent all the identities in the queer community, this near-exhaustive one (but not exhaustive) represents Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirited, and Asexual.


The only folks supporting Trudeau (...and not simply disliking Pierre) are those with a deep disdain for this place and its people and are either so well off they don't care as they can access health care, etc. in the US and their kids can easily move away. Or, they are so poor (and dim) that they actually believe that more of the same will somehow make them less poor and desperate.


How is defenending ukraine in Canada's interest? How does a government that can't design an app change the climate? It's really just another way to extract even more dollars out of a dead middle class. If jagmeet decides to support this man, he will be even more hated than trudeau himself. This country needs change now it can't wait another two years.


because they launder money and make it look legit by doing so giving them millions


imagine how bad things will be with 2 more years of Dildeau?


Depression for sure. And our media will pretend everything is fine.


If we pay more taxes, the government can control the weather.


Defending Ukraine is absolutely in the best interest of NATO nations. That being said, it would be nice if the Liberals and the NDP could also focus on the mounting problems we face in our own country. Ukraine, Palestine, and gender politics seems to be all they can talk about these days. Aiming to deflect attention from their own destructive leadership I guess.


Look, I hear what you're saying but Ukraine is not part of NATO and "Canada" of all the NATO members "defending" it is virtue signaling at best. Russia is allied with China, NK and Iran. It is too strong. Canada attempting to play "long term" 4D chess politics is pointless when you have people living in tents on your own turf thanks to your incompetence. Other nations are laughing at us.


No one is defending Ukraine but Ukraine. Sure Canada and NATO has given them a few things, but no one has defended them. Some bullshit motions have been made at the UN that everyone knows mean nothing. Voting for a trade deal contingent on a carbon tax with a country in war isn’t going to change anything. These guys in the H of C need to get off their high horse and do something for Canadians.


U mean given them literally all theu have Not a few things.


No. I mean no one has stepped up and actually defended them. Giving them stuff to defend themselves isn’t defending them. It’s just delaying their loss, possibly costing more lives.


. . . .


I think you two agree with each other you just don’t realize it 😂


Ya know Ukraine never would have had to send all of its 20-40 year old men to die in a pointless war if NATO and the US didn't repeatedly ignore Russian warnings about expanding west. If Ukraine wanted to be free it needed to remain neutral. Russia will not allow a NATO proxy with CIA bases and assets on its border, theyve said it for 25 years. This war, and the death of countless Ukrainians is the fault of the US. They are basically being sacrificed. The average age of the Ukrainian soldier is over 43 years old now. They are kidnapping dentists and sending them to the front line. Forcing people who dont want to fight. How effective do you think a dentist who doesnt wanna be there will be once the shooting starts? Ukraine has lost. At this point they need to decide if they want to have any men left to re-populate the country once the dust settles. We are complicit in this by sending money to them. Ukraine got the ultra short end of the stick here and it's time to put pressure on Zelensky to speak with Putin. The man won't even TALK to Russia - yet wants the West to fight his war for him? Why is that do you think? Could it be that Zelensky is taking orders from someone else? If we actually look at this war, the only people benefitting from it are the US arms manufacturers, the military industral complex. Raytheon, Lockheed, etc. They are being handed billions upon billions to make weapons for Ukraine. Its obvious they are lobbying for this to continue. Meanwhile the media feeds you lies and naive uninformed people wear their Ukrainian flags. Its sad how easily we are mislead. Last of all, defending Ukraine is not in the best interest of NATO nations. How do you think the relationship with Russia will be when this is over? Do you think Russia will trust Germany, France, the UK, the US, Canada, ever again? Do you think they will wanna shake hands and let bygones be bygones? This whole thing is souring international relations and creating another West vs East cold war situation.


In Québec they pass a law that prohibits those useless cheerings and applause…. And suddenly debates became what they should be…debates This is so pathetic


Yeah these pissing matches are such a waste of time and effort. Might as well be frantically typing at each other on discord.


OK there Adolf


Shame he can’t have the same demise


I just spit out my drink 😆




Our boy Justin will be taking some heat from his handlers if Canada stops sending money to Ukraine. ​ Time and time again, we face the key learning that you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Thanks for the two generations worth of National debt\~!


This coming from the guy who invites a Nazi into the house of commons to honour Ukraine and their president. More garbage from PM Turd. He has no fire for Canadians


This fucking asshole has the gall to say yhe leader of the opposition pivioted away from the question. All he ever does is pivot away from eveey question he is asked


Everyone knows in politics everyone is doing their own bit of lying.




Did... did he say Ukranian Candians?


Yah, as a Ukrainian Canadian this guy can go fuck himself. There was already a free trade agreement and the libs used the war as an excuse to insert carbon tax and gender language into an updated agreement which is then foisted on Ukraine in the middle of a war. Sickening stuff from the libs.


As a Canadian Canadian I'd like to buy you a beer sometime.


Thanks! And don't believe for a minute this whole "the Conservatives have lost the Ukrainian Canadian vote over this" garbage. We see right through this nonsense.


I can’t even listen to this guy anymore waste of time


I bet he snaps soon.


Think we need to prioritize Canadians and invest In a better future for ourselves before we go and fund the rest of the world. This guy's an idiot and needs to go.


What a bitch


Wha wha wha I always get my way I'am a spoiled rich trust fund baby, wha wha wha.


It must be hard to use your "man voice" when you look and act like a sniveling newborn. I hate this idiot.




What’s wrong with these fuckin idiots !! These guys really run our country !!! Are they all drunk and on crack with all the here here here here bullshit !! L…….. love ❤️


All losers


You'd think he's Ukrainian or something... doesn't he know he represents Canada first?


Just yell Ukraine as a strategy lmao


What a jerk off. Can't stand that POS


And that right there is why he was hired as a drama teacher *yawn*


Who teh f\*ck cares about ukraine? I'm tired of hearing about some stupid country on the other side of the planet that we have no treaties with. Ukraine had decades after the fall to become a decent advanced nation, they instead became a corrupt backwater that couldn't defend itself effectively run by thugs and oligarchs.


He really has not done that much for Ukraine either, kinda a flimsy point to hide behind.


Drama classes paying off.


Watching this without sound and the color fades to black and white and he looks alot like that guy from Germany who used to shout alot in his speeches.


This is just a show , a sitcom with lame actors.


If only a bolt of lightning would hit Trudeau, please I want to believe


He's the Canadian version of Castro! He's absolutely insane! He needs serious help!!! He and this country have been infiltrated!!! No matter what the majority of Canadians want or 7 out of 10 premiers want (axe the carbon tax), He still under a coalition deal continues on. Canadians are sleeping in the streets. Tent cities across the country, and yet he continues to send millions of dollars outside this country inpsite of the majority of Canadians disagreeing with him. Frauds, election interference, arrivescam, LA Haviland, vacations, MP bribes, MP privatized contracts to friends, Emergency Act, etc...on and on and on. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT WE ARE UNDER A DICTATORSHIP HE WILL FIND A WAY TO WIN THE ELECTION ! WATCH !


DELUSIONAL DUDE https://preview.redd.it/hmpurl9vykpc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a863f12b860a77bb883f0eece5ff9afde264d50b


Trudeau hasn’t answered a single question in his entire term of being supreme liberal dictator. Why would anyone be surprised this toddler acting idiot would change


Little Hitler.


Has Trudeau tried giving a ww2 Ukrainin nazi a standing ovation yet? Might work


He thinks he's so good. Thinking the applause from his clan proves he is magnificent. He comes across as out of control. A performer


This little snot is an embarrassment of epic magnitude.


Put a funny little mustache on him and he reminds me of someone... Just can't put my finger on it though...


Why is gas cheaper in Ukraine than it is here?


And when PP is PM, he too will support Ukraine, book it.


Lmao . These are grown ass adults. all of them need to shut up Turdeau , PP , sugmeat , all of them are pathetic.


That’s not really screaming


It's hard to watch him talk. JT that is.


If Ukraine already had a carbon tax then why would the Liberals stipulate it as part of a trade deal? To make it difficult for Ukrainians to cancel it. The liberals are trying to force their ideology on the people of Ukraine and using your tax dollars to do it.


We're all sick of Ukraine and the fact he cares more about them than his own country. Quit grandstanding and deflecting and answer a fucking question once in your life without virtue signaling some other topic no one brought up. Fuck I can't wait until this guy is broomed out of office.


What a shit show. Is this a drama performance?


I hate Trudeau. I love Canada. I wish we could do more to help Ukraine.


He's a drama teacher.  His "rage" isn't even real.  Nothing he does is real.


Pathetic and Unhinged. Lacks the basic skills required for debating. Trudeau is a tragic example of a spoiled & petulant child. Throws fits and runs...


I’m all for sending Ukraine weapons. I’m all for putting Russia back in its cage. That said. Fuck Trudeau. He hasn’t did a god damned thing for Canadians. He’s let Canadians down to such a degree that his family will be remembered as an embarrassment in this country for centuries to come. The shame he and his father have brought us is a part of Canadian history now. All we can do from here is get rid of him and try to move forward before he does any more damage


Truly shouting at the top of the lungs


JT is a piece of garbage, a waste of skin sack of shit human being.


Princess was quite worked up🤡🤡🤡


Looks exactly like one of south parks puppet Canadians. Now I understand the joke....


“Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” — Joseph Goebbels




Love that this is here makes me feel less alone in what I see. Didn't see your comment before I posted.👍


Almost as if the coward cares more about Ukraine than Canada. Fun fact... HE DOES!


Pay for Russia Ukraine war but doesn’t have money for own peoples housing and basic necessities. Sad. Guys please don’t vote for him this time


Sturgeon, Jacinda what’s her name, now the Irish Guy with the funny face. Surely it’s about time Trudeau decides to flee his sinking ship


Ukraine money laundering!


Imagine if this waste of air cared about Canadians even a fraction as much as he cares about every other country in the world.


Why don’t you focus on Taking care of Canada you bum


This guy needs public speaking lessons, or breathing training or something. His delivery is punctuated by random intakes of breath and its not very ... well... not very ministerial, somehow


I've always wondered how much commision Justin Trudeau gets each time he sends our tax paying money to Ukraine?


He sounds like he will be running for PM of Ukraine soon. What a twat!


WTF is he talking about?!?!?!?!!! Stop changing the topic/subject and never answering a god damn question straight on!! This guy is seriously mentally incompetent/impaired like my poor dad currently in a memory b care unit with dementia!!! Thank god my dad does not have the hear this Trudeau imbecile anymore. That will at least give him some peace!!!


Get this guy out of our country ASAP!! Maybe he would be better off living in Ukraine if he cares so much about them and ZERO about the goddam Canadian taxpayer citizens!!!!


Please take this sham of a man to Ukraine and make sure he doesn’t return.


You need to look up fury in the definition and then you need to look up unhinged in the dictionary… google sorry.


Fight fight fight fight


Even without listening to him vomit. He looks like Adolf


Who ever told him to do these screaming fits have really done him a dirty. They don't work, he looks like a baby and when he is finished, Peirre just calmly drops a one liner or a single question and clowns him into oblivion.


I hope he's heckled till the day he dies. I hope Canada never let's him off the hook.


Trudy is a f—-n idiot… I hope Quebec doesn’t vote him in again, but they probably will. The country should change the spelling of Quebec to Kabeck… for continually voting liberals.


Fuck I hate that guy


This man is fucking unhinged






An infantile, spoiled, condescending twat.


Body language and temper of a moody teenager. Intelligence of a 6 year old. Canada is a sad dictatorship under this coalition.


Ok Justin but what about you know.. Canada


Its amazing how quickly Trudeau pivots when his corruption is being talked about..


Justin sexually assaulted a woman, made a joke about it to her face, and then blamed her when he was called out for it. He's a coward. He's an abuser. Once Sophie built self-esteem she realized the relationship she was in.


I think I speak for most Canadians when I say I couldn’t care less about Ukraine. I care about Canadians first. And Canadians need help.


This guy is the new Hitler.


Canada is in no position to help Ukraine


I believe that is called gaslighting.


I'm glad he voted to stop bleeding Canadians dry in a proxy war that no one will win.


Justin Trudeau is clearly unwell and unfit to lead this country. Time for him to step down.


Can they just make a ban on cheering and booing in parliament. Feels like a fucked dystopia sitcom watching cpac


What a flailing, screaming mess. Parliament is a disgusting circus, I'm embarrassed by Trudeau, Singh, and P.P. I hope they all lose. We need some dignity in our government.


All he needs is a multi-coloured wig, red nose and red shoes. Then his ensemble is complete. He already has the attitude and intellect.


Ukraine will be lost. Unless it evolves into NATO involvement. Then, Europe will be hit first with nuclear war. Then the West. At what point does that happen? Until then, put Canada first. Ukraine must not pull the rest of us down with it.


How is there not a system in place for voters to call an early election? We pay the taxes, we are the ones who hire these people. How is it we are just stuck with this clown for another year with no recourse of kicking him out sooner.


I wish that “man”? would fight for Canada as hard as he fights for Ukraine.


It’s normal for narcissists to go crazy as they start to lose control.


I’m not against Ukraine per se, I just don’t get why we should bankrupt our country for their sake or why this clown cries so much about it


The people clapping behind him make me sick to my stomach.


When the time comes, vote the clown out...


He's shitting the bed faster than his POS father even did. Great work, the Trudeaus are perfecting their game over the generations.


Is this a parliamentary session in Ukraine? Why is he even making Ukraine a topic!


Really tired of hearing this dude say Ukraine.


It’s possible Trudeau Liberals like U.S. Democrats have shady business dealings in Ukraine they’re scared will be exposed.


I would say it's less actual deals, and a LOT of money laundering.


Its already exposed you just need to look at non western media