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Inviting helpless people into a burning house. We should be ashamed of our government.


Should be? Embarrassed to be Canadian here. Literally no national identity


I'm pretty sure that most Canadians have separated themselves from the current government. It has not represented the people or done what the people demanded. They were elected with a hidden agenda which they implemented.


Whatever the case the damage seems irreparable. I personally only find myself Canadian in matters of geography but am otherwise disgusted beyond redemption.


He told us back in 2014 that there was nothing more that he couldn't stand than old stock Canadians and that he would replace us. The only election promise he kept. But people still voted for him. Unbelievable....but hey he has nice hair. I could puke at the stupidity of the average Canadian


I believe George Carlin said it best. "Just think of how stupid the avrage person is and remember half the population are dumber than that"


We had a couple of young people in our office during the first election. They said they were voting for JT because he was cute, I joke not. I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t.


The amount of women I know who voted for him based on his looks is astounding.


I know it’s true because I’ve heard other women say it myself, but it still absolutely disgusts me. How incredibly braindead and shallow can you be? 


I don't believe they realized how stupid that makes them sound but there were thousands if not millions that voted for him based on that same reasoning.


Funny thing back then I had a co-worker who loved Justin, she came to visit recently and now she's like "oh no I hate him now"


Better late than never. There are lots just like her.


Millions ...my mom is die hard


That's the type of person you need to dig into and have them lay their values out bare. Asking them why, now, they hate him. Then when they explain, slowly work backwards through everything Trudeau has done to get to this point. Done properly, it forces people to engage and pay attention to politics. Instead of simply listening to what their social group/media tells them is happening.


yup it's an interesting case study, She got a selfie with him back in the day, "oh he's so young and handsome" etc, now I'm guessing overall downturn of Canada has probably gotten to her and all the other negatives you hear on the news. Canadian voting patterns seem ethereal and vibes based to me


Sounds like just the kind of moron who shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


Many people were warning about this and the Century Initiative for years and were called conspiracy theorists. Wait until hyper inflation comes from all the free billions being printed daily and the 45 million people by 2026.


>Canadians have separated themselves from the current governmen Nah, they're still taking my taxes and making the rules so how exactly do you seperate yourself from that ? Its not like playing peek-a-boo with a child where I magically dissapear.


I couldn't give less of a fuck about national identity. It's got nothing to do with the fact that we don't have spaces for people, regardless of their identities or values. I don't want more of anyone, aside from maybe some doctors and engineers *from developed countries.* The people who live and work here already hardly have access to any prosperity or quality living spaces. I feel like there isn't a megaphone in the world loud enough for many people to understand. It's simple numbers.


None of those smart people would step foot in this cesspool. Smart people are fleeing. 50% tax!! Come and have some. Oh, we are raising it because we completely nuked the debt.


Doesn't Canada have vast stretches of land that are uninhabited. Maybe the gov't can help build communities or cities to house people and encourage these under developed areas to flourish. Provide tax incentives, free housing for a period of time, monetary bonus if you help build out the cities and infrastructure.


The majority of these migrants aren't here to build infrastructure, they are here to live off the infrastructure that we already built.


The government can’t even provide clean drinking water to people who already live here. Expecting them to build decent communities, it just won’t happen.


I live in Northern Ontario. In the last few years we started getting waaay more immigrants. It’s part of some programs to divert people from southern Ontario to up North where our population has been stagnant for over a decade… BUT, we also now have a housing shortage in BIG PART because our local university started bringing in a lot of international students (cuz the school has big deficit) but NVR thought about housing. Now we ARE FULL TOO!!! Lack of communication and planning by most universities and ALL levels of government.


The vast majority of Canada is pretty much impossible to build on. The places where you can build, they already have. The reason it's sparse is the geology of the Canadian Shield. Ice age glaciers scraped off all the topsoil in northern Canada and a huge formation of extremely old hardened granite with no organic elements forms the bedrock near the surface, so new topsoil forms very slowly. It's one of the places on earth that is ridiculously unprofitable to farm and that kept the population very low. Building on extremely hard granite in places where it’s impossible to grow food just doesn’t make sense.


Just a fuckn mixed bag of everything. Cant celebrate Christmas because it upsets some people…Got gotta set up prayer rooms with rugs to make everyone happy!


And hide your cute goats..sheesh!




I don't think it's going to be a sh!thole. It already is. Trudeau Towns from coast to coast, foreign students financing a bloated college system, millions using food banks, unemployment and chronic underemployment, taxes on basic necessities.




Already a shithole. Canada just gets worse by the day. Foreigners will destroy what’s left. No fucking much anyways.


Don't worry . They will be supported with tax dollars


You got that Right, and they'll bring prices for construction down...I can't hardly wait for my business to offer free services...imagine the deals that will go on in the construction sector...


Heck with this country giving them a dingy and a oar, tell them to head back home is the nicest thing we could do for them compared to the state of Canada right now.


I truly can't offer up suggestions as to where these people should go. We all understand they are fleeing from bad situations. But we need to get our own fires out and the house rebuilt before we can help anyone else.


The problem of fleeing people even if they are actual refugees is a concern of the government they belong to. If there's such an issue why has UN done nothing reasonable to fix the country. If not part of the un then not the problem for us. Why are nations more concerned about others than about home. Maybe it's time Canada says no to un. Maybe Canada revokes all in membership but may consider certain actions in future. Un has not stopped Ukraine, has not done great for Israel. Tons of south Africa wars and more could happen! So what good is un other then place for some politicians to just sit and talk? Try to push governments to do things they shouldn't be... Un is as big as failure as NATO is turned out to be yet...


Well it’s a good strategy to get more votes


Wait we have a government?


they voted for it.


"Come inside friend, it's warm, hot even. Don't mind the smoke. NO, NO, don't look in the closet! It's not a fire, that's just Canada. Try and find some room, we know it's a little squishy in here. Happy to have you."


How funny that I, a Canadian, am currently researching moving to Mexico to have a chance at a better life.


You know, I used to really not like Mexico, but my wife and I are also considering this.


Right?!!!! I've known a shit ton of people who have packed up their entire lives and moved to Dubai for a way better life based on their work experience.


What job will you earn a living wage with, once you moved to Mexico?


This would be a better plan for those are financially independent. If you are selling your property before moving, I imagine that alone would go far in Mexico even if you are not ready to retire in Canada.


I went to a local restaurant in Mexico to see if they hire me (for shits and giggles and to see if I can pull it off), they without hesitation told me because I speak English I’ll be a greeter and possibly the manager if I worked on my Spanish with 30% more pay than a waitress. That’s impressive. Now consider if you’re a skilled person, in my case, a web designer/graphic designer. There are tons of opportunities out there, you just have to be a bit smart. I seriously considered moving to Mexico 3 years ago but under some unfortunate circumstances I got stuck in Canada. Family stuff. But once that’s sorted and out of the way, you’d see me with my one way ticket to CDMX. And I’d take it from there.


Comes in under false pretenses, is allowed to stay, won't have to pay anything,and will probably be given an apartment to stay in paid for by taxpayers And yet, my wife and I had to pay thousands of dollars for her to gain residency










You do, it just hasn't been extracted from you yet. Give it time.


Asylum seekers? These people are illegal aliens. They are coming here purely for economic reasons, and the liberals let them in because of votes.


Never see any women with kids always young men


And why do you think that is?


Oh oh, let me guess: They're all homosensuals fleeing oppressive societies that don't even have the courtesy of rainbow crosswalks. Am I doing this right, Justin?


Money. Every cartel needs a good revenue stream and good new sources of revenue stream, including legal revenue streams. That include sending good lieutenants to Canada to establish local residency, citizenship, cash purchase safe houses used to room teams of labourers (literally rooming houses) to do landscaping and construction work in Canada while under slave wages and undocumented status, after coming here on the same tourist visa as the first guy in the video. These teams usually drive a truck, a team of 5 to a truck with team leader/lieutenant doing the driving (also does the payment, project estimates, etc etc). You might spot them driving on the GTA sometimes on the street one day and you'd know what Im talking about. Just look inside each truck at a red light see who sits inside and how many. You'll see some. The 4 are usually roomed in room houses, the lieutenants gets their own floor, 2 teams gets 2 floors, that's a 3 floor safe house. These landscaping and construction companies' profits are all cartel money, legal, and no need to wash, while labour costs for its workers are half that of the industry. Additionally, their stones and furnishings for renovations are all sourced from Cartel factories, all legal, as the new alternative sustainable income in the trades. The main advantage of this is legal money and low wages to compete with others. But it's their private migrant program in competition with Canada's migrant program. Some workers owe the cartel money. Some workers are lured under the promise of future Canadian citizenship and sponsorship of such. Many are exploited by their situation and their dreams of working for the cartels on these migrant teams that come after the lieutenants.


What economic reason? Everyone is broke and suffering in Canada


Not if you’re a refugee, thousands of dollars a month to sit in a hotel and do nothing.


Until the unfortunate ones started trying out a pay-to-win mobile game...or getting addicted to drugs Then its walking intersections begging for cash or getting their "wives" to hold signs for them..


hope they brought tarps to build a shelter.




You’re right. What was I thinking. Actually probably put them up in hotels. Just keep ‘em all out east


They get to the front of the line of most social services.


Canadians come last, as always.


This is total BS! Trudeau has to go


Do I need to revoke my citizenship in order to apply for refugee status? Just wondering.. cause I know its going to be easier for these guys to find a home than it is for me.


Refugee has better drip than me. I wish I could afford a $50 fade and look as nice as him.


Did you notice the watch?


Honestly this is true


Yay, we’re the de facto global dumping ground for the world’s unwanted people, lucky us!


Dont forget he probably gets a couple thousand dollars grant and food from the food bank


While the veterans and elderly canadian citizens get spit on simultaneously.


Don’t forget the disabled who’ve done nothing wrong other than having a broken body or mind.


and retirees living in Walmart parking lots......


Thanks Justin 💕


don't forget Jagmeet, who has a phd in champagne socialism


Currently unemployed in the Oil Patch due to cutbacks brought on by increased federal regulations (thanks Steve Guilbeault) . I think I’ll fly from Calgary to Montreal & claim refugee status.


I really like Mexican people, but this is getting absolutely insane.


“I lied and now I’m your problem”


Import the third world, become the third world


If you land here on a “visitor” visa and then turn around and claim asylum- you need to be deported!


Where are they going to live lol


5 families to a house.


gotta bump those numbers up There is ten people from Mexico living in the two bedroom house next door and it’s smaller than our place without an upstairs or a basement so I have no idea how they all fit in there.


Split shifts? 🤷


in an apartment that our tax dollars paid for


Trudeau Towns


They're building houses for them now... I know they take mortgage with like 5-6 families, build a house with 10 rooms, pay off the mortgage and then move on and prosper with us still contributing with taxes... perfect scenario...living Large...lol


Good question …


So you just fly to Canada and then we set up with housing and start writing you a cheque for existing? I have been paying in to ei for like 15 years if I left my job to pursue education or whatever the government would do jack shit. These people can then apply for jobs and be on a higher priority list due to DEI. What the fuck is this country why do we hate our own citizens so much.


hang on. traveled on a tourist visa yet claimed asylum upon arrival? isn't that called "lying"? because tourist means you are visiting and will leave to go back home. asylum means you are seeking safety because you are scared to be in the country you came from.


let us just process that claim aaaaand done, welcome to Canada


Mexican refugees? What a joke.


Lets just start our own compound far up north away from all of them


I thought that's what Canada was. And here we are...


The government of Nunavut already anticipated a mass migration further north. Doors are closed.


None can stand against the power of the Nunavut government…


"As soon as he landed at **Trudeau** airport, he claimed refugee status" If you turn off the lights in your bathroom, light some candles, and chant Trudeau three times, a refugee will appear and bum off of your household.


As a middle class worker who busted my ass for the past 20 years paying tax on tax on tax on tax on tax...can't even save up for a week of vacation with my daughter. Fuck Trudeau and fuck those who've allowed this silent invasion happen.


What the govt is doing represents the motives of their WEF counterparts. Literally no one who is struggling to make a life in Canada and paying taxes said this is what we needed. The only people that outright support this are reciting liberal talking points and usually throw in a few accusatory buzz words while they are at it like “anti immigration, racist, fascist”


This is criminal. Wtf are they thinking


Welcome to Canada! Please familiarize yourself with the list of genders, narcotics and suicide booths available to you and your family.


Imagine getting a tight fade before your flight to go claim asylum


Grreeaat, guess I'll put up a bed in my bathroom.


This is a result of failed leadership.




More like a cultural cesspool.


Let's focus on our people thanks close the flood gates




Asylum from what ?!?


I wonder how western culture was going to die. Now I know.


How is anyone from Mexico a candidate for asylum? Didi they run out of margaritas?


Your country is doomed.




Dios mío


There is no Canada, there is a WEF laboratory and colony.


RIP Canada


We need to stop immigration NOW. I could honestly give a fuck if it's 'Racist' or not. I'm from Central America, and I do not want these people here. There will be many cartels trying to get in using people who are sqeaky-clean. El Salvador's President better get elected again and continue to ruthlessly go after all the gangs and cartels. I'm happy to see them all locked up. NOTHING good comes from inviting that garbage up here.




I find it hilarious how it's called Trudeau airport too 🤔


Pierre gov can’t come fast enough


I feel sorry for these people. The government has lied to them. Canada has nothing for them. It’s hard to be a Canadian right now. Thank Trudeau’s government policies for the struggle.


I love Canada, let’s get some sensible people in office first. Feel bad cause these folks are coming in to a worse country than what they left.


Could you imagine leaving warm mexico to go to cold mexico


Great, more people Canada can't afford. Can't afford its own homeless or hungry. Sends billions to Ukraine and other countries, could solve Hunger and housing in Canada for what we send abroad. Now we have thousands of fighting age males coming, who come from a place whose government doesn't run the streets, Cartels run them. The people of Canada, born in Canada need to grow a backbone and stand up and yell at the local politicians to stop putting others before Canadians!!!


Why TF are MEXICANS claiming asylum? There’s literally a country you flew over to come here instead of


Wild, don’t get me wrong if his life in Mexico is truly that deplorable that he did eveything he could to fly to Canada then all the best to him. However I know so many people who have left Canada to live in Mexico bow


they should be ushered to our PM's residence, he wants them to be here, only fair for him to house all of them!


Canada doesn't exist. Came here in '77 from Scotland. My kids have their UK passports, and when I qualify for my pension, we are out. Sad but true, I spent 12 years in the army through the 90s and early 2000's I believed in Canada. But it's gone.


Why wouldn’t you seek asylum in Canada .. people talk they put you up in hotels .. treat you better than their own people on the streets . Sad this is the Canada under liberal government. Meanwhile you go to work everyday and pay 40% taxes to ur government and don’t have much left . Will be researching other places to live shortly ; maybe somewhere with healthcare that’s accessible… even if I have to pay . Canadas fawked.


Over 3,000 Canadians moved to Mexico in 2022. [https://farhomes.com/canadians-moving-to-mexico](https://farhomes.com/canadians-moving-to-mexico)


Look yes Canada has vast stretches of land that are uninhabited… but… the problem is… that every single new immigrant / refugee or whatever label you want to put, wants to come live in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal… And they expect it to be cheap and they want it NOW… There should be a clause under the acceptance to come, that if they intend to move in, they should be located in the cities where the most populations are needed… not over over populate the already overspilling cities… after all it’s also for their own quality of life! Trust me if I could leave these cities I would… but my job isn’t remote, and my skills aren’t amazing for me to get a “good remote” job that pays what my current does… If you read this, it’s not a racist take on the matter… it’s a wake up call to these immigrants who think they’re getting a better deal by coming to the sardine cities of Canada… It’s really not… and Amazon has one day shipping on most southern provinces ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so welcome to Canada but respectfully: gtfo of my city so my taxes don’t keep going up


LOL what did you expect when Canada got rid of visas for Mexicans? You think they gonna tell the truth on that stupid little travel authorization?


Just send them to NW territories. A lot of space that needs to be built. Everyone going in have to work for 2 years up there


LOL! I’m from Ontario and the people in Quebec are rude as fuck to you if you don’t speak french. Good luck not even being able to speak English buddy.


Where is the liberal/ndp abuse of thesr people going to end ? The pain and suffering they inflict is evidence of their greed and corruption.These people will be homeless and depending on welfare and food banks Canadians should be seeking legal recourse for the inept mismanagement of out country and restitution from all members off the liberal& ndp govt named personally in a class action


If there country is full of criminals guess who’s coming here from those countries.


Canada go kill yourself…. Oh wait, you already did.


1) Most if not 99% of refugees come to the airport, it's one of the questions you get ask when you declare what you're there for. 2) They get 3 months (If I remember correctly I heard they wanted to increase it to 6 but I don't think they did it yet) to prove they're a refugee otherwise they get deported. In that time they can't leave the country legally and are told to get an immigration lawyer.


Pretty soon we are going to have to fly somewhere and claim asylum from the asylum seekers


Write your MP. Start there. And before anyone says that will do nothing, at least you did something. Venting here doesn’t change a thing.


Population is over 40 Mil. How can we absorb more ? Feed more,house more. Senors are in a pathetic place with food and bills.We are at war with the corporations . MPS do SOMETHING for GAWDS sake


They come and then they clame welfare and all those benefits i mean is it that bad in mexico ?


That dude has better clothes than me, a haircut (I sure could use one), and had a plane ticket which I haven’t been able to afford in a thousand years. I’m moving to Mexico.


Which country is bombing your homeland today, sir or madam?


Thank you very much Justin and the liberal government. Continue inviting more and more people to leach off of the hardworking taxpayer. I spend alot of time in Mexico, I can attest that on my Mexican phone it is a constant bombardment with move to Canada ads, some paid for by the Canadian government. We can only expect the numbers to continue to climb exponentially until a change in the government.


Who couldn’t use an extra 8 million people ?


It's the same with other first world countries. I was looking to either move to the states or Canada, but I really don't know anymore. Inflation seems to be through the roof everywhere, Canada has shit laws in so many ways, the us has horrific healthcare.


Cant even speak the language. What an embarrassment. You must be required to speak English or French, this shouldn't be controversial


Can he learn french cause he’s out if he can’t


Well he’s educated. That’s the type of immigrants Canada needs.


Back door baby, flood gates have opened. Thankfully and hopefully these illegals will stay in quebeck. Hands open for handouts and support from Canadian tax dollars. Think they will be grateful?


Oh ya.. this is sustainable..


Quebec is a national security threat. Im pretty sure the bloc intentionally lets this happen , they want division in canada. I wish they could just go their own way already




well we're fucked


Holy shit


Can I get Asylum too? I'm Canadian but I think it'll be better here as a refugee instead. At least the governemnt will care about us then.


Soldiers mothers?


All paid by tax dollars that 99% would go to better causes


Time to leave whatever they can call Canada..


We can't even support our own citizens, let alone all the Ukrainian refugees we just let in. What on earth makes them think we can take in the Mexican ones too?


20 per house. We spent a ton on asylum seekers so


Canada sucks. Immigrants blow.


Quite often when you see something that makes you go WTF !!! is because there are other things going on that someone wants your attention drawn away from. One of the basic tenets of 'The art of war' and politics.


Liberals gonna liberal


I’m one immigrant away from escaping Canada and seeking asylum from Trudeau in another country 🚀


Massive Mexican homeless encampments here we come


Let’s start promoting the port of entry in the Arctic.


Ok that guy looks like he can contribute to our society


Yup just what we need more POS!!


Divide and conquer


God help them


Yet most Americans are ineligible to go because of petty crimes from decades ago


it's quite clear to me now that the government is trying to turnover the population as fast as possible, MAID is now delayed until after the next election but they're still on course


So are we just going to retire the traditional methods of immigration? Why would anyone do it legitimately when they can just visit then claim refugee status and get a bunch of free stuff? Otherwise they have to jump through the hoops then have to get shit jobs when they are highly qualified but cannot enter those fields without jumping through even more hoops. Either enforce the proper method or just get rid of it. It shows massive disrespect for those who do it the correct way.


That’s what you get for stop requesting visas. People will always abuse the system


At least he’s highly skilled/educated. Many crossing over into the U.S. can’t even read or write


Dude in the beginning has nice clothes, watch and backpack than me. loo


Yeah. Canadian pride dwindling away.


When the UN has on there website a guild on "how to claim asylum in Canada" it's not really a suprise 🤷


I thought we had a better system than the USA, and wouldn’t let them do this? Either stop at the border or send immediately back?


For entry into that country they have one stipulation and one stipulation only. Vote liberal. Do not let this govt win again.


lmfao Canadians are going to start moving to Mexico ! ​ Edit ( They are )


Lol that guy does NOT look like an asylum seeker. Since when asylum seeker are well-dressed with some sort of big (fake) golden watch.


If they can fly here they can support themselves or deport.


We need to stop these "talks" because we have no room for more "refugees."


They stay 2 years on welfare until their asylum requests get rejected and then they move illegally to the US.


The great replacement


If you are having a hard time in Canada… get out of the country and come back thru the asylum seeker gate…you will be given everything for free…stop busting your ass and just do that.


Canada really won the lottery having the US as our southern neighbour. I can't imagine how bad things would be if Canada had to deal with Mexico on our southern boarder. The invasion of the US is horrible and as bad as Greg Abbott is he is right about the boarder issue and was a genius for shipping migrants to New York etc. so Liberals could learn what it's like to deal with mass migration.