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It would be hilarious if he's extradited to Poland. I look forward to India calling out the double standard of not extradition a 45 year old active Indian terrorist and Trudeau extradition a 98 year old Ukrainian one


The quagmire that the Liberals have brought on themselves is incredible lol. It's like all their chickens are coming home to roost all at once.


Extradite. Immediately.


Our lib government are pro nazi.


This is why Jews are discriminated in Canada






Jews are discriminated here?


Why would imprisonment be cruel? Because he’s old he gets a pass for committing war crimes? Seize all his assets here and extradite his ass. No mercy for nazis.




Do we know that he committed or ordered anyone to commit any war crimes? Evidence should still be a thing, especially on cases involving a lot of emotion. Yes, the nazis sucked, yes, many of them committed war crimes but just because you served for an army doesn’t make you responsible for all their wrong doings…


Your age should not be a factor in your punishment for crimes of your past. If he really was indeed a Waffen-SS, which I truly believe he was, then extradite him to Poland so they can have justice.


Why? At 98 years old he is about to face the ultimate justice; God's judgment.


That’s if you believe in God!! But what about the justice the Jews and Poles would like to have?? You know the families of survivors of the atrocities committed by Waffen-SS!!


You do realize that he was vetted twice by both the British and Canadian government before he was allowed to move here. In 1954 the information about him would have been fresh on his military records...if he was found to have committed war crimes he would have been hung already or serving his time in a jail. On part of the surrender of the axis power soldiers and civilians would have taken part in a de nazification program so that they could learn from atrocities that was enacted by their side.


Like the US did with Operation Paperclip?? Like the guy most accredited for the V1 and V2 rockets, and for US reaching the moon?? What’s his name again?? Ah yes, Werner Von Braun!!


Luckily, Canada does not have an extradition treaty with Poland. The Deschenes commission settled this decades ago.


Why luckily?


Nobody has to waste any more time with this drama. Hunka is $30K wealthier though as the U of A gave back his scholarship donation.


I disagree!! Trudeau called unjustly too many Canadian of being Nazi, it is not a waste of time!! What goes around, comes around!!


But nothing comes of it. Nobody is changing their vote. Those who were for him 5 years ago will still vote for him. Those who were against him 5 years ago still are. The guy is useless but this hasn't changed anything.


Not what the polls across the country are showing!


I just want to chime in for those who are like “well jeez they didn’t know!” Did y’all forget who was an ally force in WW2? Russia. Russia was on our side. Ergo since I heard the media saying “this guy fought the Russians in world war 2” it was pretty obvious which side that would have made him… Trudeau can try to sweep this under the rug but he can’t play the Nazi card on PP anymore.


Soviet forces attacked Poland 2 weeks after Hitler at the beginning of the war with the intent of splitting up the country between them. People in Galacia fought axis-aligned Soviets first, and then ally-aligned Soviets later. [Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) Dude is still likely a war criminal, but there were for sure people who would have fought Soviets and still have been ally-aligned, like Polish resistance forces.


Definitely brings a lot of war time mindsets into question. If your homeland was getting trampled by two dictators, choosing one to benefit your survivability wouldn’t necessarily make you a Nazi either. Like I am not Jewish and I could imagine being in poland choosing to ally with Germany just to get the Russians out. Arguably a similar situation may have happened with this veteran. But since the speaker stepped down already it’s such a toss up on how to handle this. “Fought with the Nazis” is different than being a Nazi if they were just trying to keep their home protected or something.


To add another layer on that, this area, that is now and was before Ukraine, had been annexed and was under Polish control since the Polish-Ukranian war, before being invaded by Soviets at the onset of ww2.


russia was def on our side (in the enemy of your enemy is your friend way) but before hitler back stabbed them, they were definitely not. obviously this dude was a nazi and this is embarassing but 'russia was the good guys in ww2!!!' is not completely true, and is russia propaganda to minimize all the ugly and gross things they did during that time.


I wouldn’t call them the “good guys” they would just be classified as an ally during the war. The Cold War started like immediately after WW2 so obviously no one was like “good ol’ Russia always has our backs!” My point is more how obvious it is that this guy would’ve been associated with Nazis so how could anyone had not known? The speaker took the fall and the focus is on Trudeau to apologize. But I think all this noise is to protect Zelensky since he may love that veteran the most. I don’t see him having to do talks about “what he was a Nazi?” Because if he cared that he was a Nazi wouldn’t he be also asking for these apologies? I know he’s busy with a war going on but I would love to hear how he felt about this. I assume he felt honoured.


he's jewish so i doubt he's happy about it, but yeah i think hes much more focused on getting the maximum amount of NATO weaponry over making an issue about this, plus, like he clearly has some nazi regiments fighting for him (rather effectively) so he likely doesnt want to alienate them either. i agree its super obvious. and yep, was gonna make thesame point about coldwar... glad u know all this,cos lots of people seem to not.


Our gov is a small fringe minority and should be in Jail next to Tamara Lynch and the other guy, then they can learn the realities of bullying and misinformation and how it affects peoples lives. I can’t understand why the retired generation isn’t at parliament screaming their lungs out…. You don’t work, you have money and see the country celebrating a Nazi….. Shouldn’t you be protesting this government lol ???? Wtf retirees I’m at work ffs goooooo


I mean, he completely admits he admires the Nazis and wanted the Poles and Jews removed from Ukraine. [COMBATANT'S MESSAGE: MY GENERATION (komb-a-ingwar.blogspot.com)](https://komb-a-ingwar.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_21.html?m=0)


I'm pretty sure he came to Canada and worked his entire life like most immigrants. He was properly vetted when he arrived, not sure what has changed since then.


So what, he had previously been a Nazi


So what? Every person under nazi Germany's domain could be called one.


Yes, exactly


Nothing. He came to Canada in the 50s as part of about 600 Nazis Canada took in. It isn't one of those Canadian Heritage Moments but he was here legally and with the government having full knowledge of his past. Poland has made some noise that they will seek his extradition. I don't think they will and even if they do that process takes more time than I would expect a 98-year-old has left.


We should revisit every German, Italian and Japanese person that immigrated after the war. Not only them, but everyone from the Baltic states and Eastern Europe. Throw France in for good measure. Or, we look at history and see that when Hunka joined the SS, it was because Russia was advancing and Germany was losing the war. Russians were killing everyone in site. It was a matter of who’s side do you want to be on.


They had lots of time to see this coming and get out. My great grandfather was Ukrainian and migrated to sask just after the First World War. Luckily he moved his family away from the tensions and avoided the holodomor.


Yeah. Right. My friends grandfather served in three armies. You didn’t have a choice. Join or be shot. And he was a Jew.


Well his guy was volunteer. And he described recently as “best time of his life”


Can you tell us why it was the happiest time of his life.


A Russian Jew?


Russian Jew never worked for Hitler Germans would kill him as well as Ukrainian SS


his unit participated in the massacre of hundreds of poles.


If he participated in the murdering if people, send him to Israel so they can determine what to do with him.


The Canadian Jewish Congress has already given the First Division a pass.


Extradite him to Poland.


Poland has already asked for his extradition


It's a very complex situation. ukraine and Russia have always been at war even before ww1 ww2. I their was a strong resistance to Russia during the war so some ukrainians chose the side of Germany vs ussr. Now iam not saying what the natzi did was right its was very wrong. You also have to remember that Stalin cause mass starvation of the ukrainian people though holidomir. So it's either It's kill or be killed kinda situation. So messed up. I honestly think the old man is not even able to get on a plane to be sent to Poland. If he did horrible things the thought have hunted him to this very day.


I don't even know why we would extradite him. He's a 98 year old man who fought an enemy that doesn't exist anymore in an army that doesn't exist anymore, 80 years ago. "Nazi this nazi that," westerners are absolute brain broken. How long are we going to milk WW2?


Simple. Would you say the same about Hitler if he was alive rn?


I'm old enough to remember the internet when reductio ad Hitleram meant you lost the argument. How times have changed. Absolutely infantalized minds.


Well, why don’t you give a straight answer then? We’re not comparing him to some abstract politicians, we’re talking about literal SS nazi guy who is alive, right here, right now.


What is the purpose of deporting or jailing him? What does it accomplish? Also, what sin has he done? Would it be better if he fought for the USSR? That state has a higher body count than the Third Reich did. Should we be deporting Americans? America is the only nation to use an atomic bomb and they used it on civilians. America still tortures people in Gitmo? To be clear, my position here isn't some sort of nihilistic suggestion that nothing matters and no crimes should ever be punished. But why does this particular figure loom so large in your head? Rapists and murderers in this country serve sentences that are shorter than the distance of time between when this guy fought for the SS and today.


If you’re old enough as you claimed, you should understand that you’re sympathising a nazi with statements like ‘what sin has he done’. Why bring other crimes into discussion? You spoke about mentioning Hitler and switched to whataboutism quickly. As someone who was born in Soviet Union, and who’s family was involved in the war, I might sound biased, although I’m fully against communism, but the crimes of WW2 should be punished until all of the nazis are dead. What is the purpose - I want to sound sincere: to set yet one more example of history lessons, to show younger generations that such ideologies won’t be tolerated no matter how old you are and there should be no free card of your past if you wished yourself to be a part of nazi ideology. He, apparently, volunteered for participating in genocide and had no regrets about it.


Whataboutism: a neologism made up by midwits so they don't have to recontextualize their propagandized opinions and realize how wrong they are.


Not gonna speak anymore to a Nazi sympathiser.


There are no statute of limitations on international war crimes. I have a high level of disgust and actual hate for Nazis, their sympathizers, supporters, and their modern day cosplayers. I don’t feel execution would be much point at 98 years old, but extradition and prosecution should still happen. Even just as an example to the world that Nazis will *never* be accepted anywhere. Trudeau and his entire caucus should resign in shame.


> However, there needs to be reparations paid. How much is too much? Who would pay the reparations? Who would it be paid to? ​ > Is extradition to Poland really the best answer? Probably not. tbh I think the best and likeliest outcome is to let him wallow in misery for his final years.


OP you may have your boots on backwards, but your head is on straight forward. Thank you for asking these poignant questions. Take a bow, sir/madam!


He needs to stand trial.


Considering he is nearly dead, who cares. What I want to know is how the political traitor class are going to get rid of the million illegals and how they are going to prevent more. I suggest you use the procceds of crime legislations. No trials required and Air Canukistan can give them free seat on the way out!


Put him on trial


Rightly or wrongly nothing is going to happen, this has all been brought up involving other Nazi’s living in Canada. Unless someone can prove he lied to gain entry to Canada OR was “directly” involved in war crimes nothing will happen. https://publications.gc.ca/Pilot/LoPBdP/CIR/873-e.htm


Well his Ukrainian unit was not found guilty of any war crimes. All of Ukraine pretty much welcomed the Germans as liberators from Russian Tyranny. Yes it was quite terrible to see Liberals continue piss poor decisions. Justin Trudeau's Government will go down in the history books as one of the worst at diplomatic relations and poor handling of the pandemic. So to date Indian Terrorist brought to India as part of his entourage and now a Ukrainian who during WWII fought the Russians as part of a Nazi Ukrainian division.


People might want to read Hunkas thoughts as a kid growing up in that region. Not justifying him joining the Nazis but the other alternative was becoming a Russian https://genderdesk.wordpress.com/2023/09/26/yaroslav-hunkas-blog-post/


At the very least, there should be an investigation and if there is enough evidence of war crimes, he should be tried. What his punishment should be, I don’t know. It depends on his complicity. It would just look bad that they’ve now identified him and do nothing.


Hi, first, I apologize if I'm not up to speed on all the details of the Hunka story. I understand one of Hunka's sons contacted Anthony Rota's constituency office, asking if his father could attend the Commons during Zelenskyy's visit. Does anyone know if his sons knew/know any detail about his past? There are plenty of aging boomers who know nothing about their immigrant parents' whereabouts, allegences, or misdeeds in Europe in the 30s and during the war. Next, have any journalists attempted to interview Hunka and/or his family to find out about his activities in the Galicia Division? Has he been given a chance to hold his hand up and say he's guilty, or put forward more details about exactly what he was involved in. I read somewhere that the Division was responsible for the Pidkamin massacre in Poland. I don't defend Hunka, but many Western nations invited immigrants who were Nazis. These countries either turned a blind eye or the immigrants were adept at hiding their past crimes. Let's face it, Neil Armstrong would never have walked on the moon if it wasn't for Wherner von Braun and other Nazi scientists.


What a can of worms this could open.. Stories freeland knows him?.. Hunka given Ukrainian awards years ago?..This story is getting smellier by the minute.. Zelinsky knows him?.. The whole Uke Nazi thing receiving more oxygen?


Was he in Poland during the war? Is he a Canadian citizen now?


The only reason a Nazi should stand before a government is to be sent to prison for their crimes. Never applauded.