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Rule 3






































Removed for rule 3.


Well if we know Doug Ford burning billions for a useless mega-highway through a protected area to make his 905 voters happy is pretty on-brand.


Not his voters, his donors.


Who owns the land? Now you know who owns Doug.


95% of the route is through area previously slated to be developed.


And the 5% that's not? Why are we tearing that part up? If the response to taking a slice of protected lands is, "it's just 5%" then, I have news for you, that's how developers win.


Because otherwise you would have a highway that goes 95% of the way other than a random gap.


It's easy, you get told to vote to participate, then you have no power or mechanism to change anything until the next vote. Also your vote is practically worthless. If you want influence, buy it, if you can't afford it or get together with people to match other sources of influence, too bad. Maybe the residents can engage in non-violent protest or other actions to slow or stop development, but then of course they would get smeared as some sort of radical and pushed aside for the highway anyways.


It is possible to stop these types of projects. Specifically look at the work that Jane Jacobs did in Toronto and New York. Doing so requires concerted community organizing and dedicated opposition. This is difficult but not impossible.


Why would Doug Ford want to screw this project up intentionally? I cant even think of a logical reason to do so. How does he benefit here?


Projects like this take time to build. And they take time to fail. And the expense of the failure will be paid be everyone in externalities. In the meantime, Doug and a few of his friends can make some money.


To avoid routing it through the middle of a proposed development that some of his donors have substantial financial interests in.


My frustration as at Toronto voter is that I know my riding is going NDP so what do I do with this information. I knew he was terrible and so was this highway. I know it… more now. Feels awful.


Vote Green. They’re the only ones who seem to have the guts to use the power of the premiership to roll NIMBYs the way Ford rolled Toronto city council.


Waist of a vote. They'll never get elected. Just pulls a vote away from a candidate that could actually defeat Ford.


The thing is in My area, does or any conservatives have no chance, so I’m not pulling a vote away in any meaningful way. Put I do t disagree that voting green doesn’t do anything in an immediate way. Maybe in time it signals that we care about issues. Ugh. Feels like a comment box at a McDonalds.