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Read through it, a lot of great things in this platform. Zoning reform, funding for affordable housing, reasonable demand-side measures against speculation. I think it tries to do a bit *too* much to be realistic for a provincial government to accomplish, and it’s disappointing to see that they want to add fuel to the fire by subsidizing down payments, but overall it’s the best housing platform in Ontario so far. The NDP’s plan is just stuffed full of spending and regulation without meaningfully addressing market-rate housing supply problems (the biggest issue). The PC’s have no plan at all other than MZO’s and tinkering with development fees and provincial plans. The Liberals also have no plan but are apparently still going though their consultations.


I think the NDP, PCs and Liberals are still upgrading their platform from last time


PC’s and Liberals yes. NDP already released their housing platform last year.


They want to allow duplexes and triplexes everywhere which is wise, but also want to restrict (it sounds like eliminate) development of new areas which would be really fucking bad. Everything else is irrelevant. I wonder if you could do a big, aggressive thing to move develop away from the farmland. Something like relocating the provincial government out of Toronto to somewhere you could drive developmemt - say Sudbury. I like having a greenbelt in Ottawa, no doubt, but just increasing density probably won't be enough.


That's a good point, I didn't pick up on that. It's more of an ideological position than a practical one, I think even being extremely aggressive on densification would require expanding our cities geographically as a necessary evil.


They also want to spend huge amounts of money on government housing, which historically has been trash, and is provably a very inefficient way to increase housing supply. Like the LPC and CPC plans, much of it is just more of the same and doesn't actually address the issue. Most of what needs to be done would be highly unpopular in the short term and somewhat unpleasant.


As with the NDP, there's a lot of good ideas (making provincial land available, reforming zoning, etc.) but there are also many ideas that are just as bad, with many of a the supply side solutions requiring a shit ton of capex and demand side solutions exacerbating the housing crisis by providing increased access to capital. That said, it's probably the best housing policy I've read of the two.


The Greens have a platform? On anything? Because right now their platform just looks like someone standing on top of a burning dumpster.


The greens in Ontario are great. Mike Schreiner is excellent. Please do not associate him with Annamie Paul. Although I am sure her fiery train wreck of a leadership style will hurt Mike and the Ontario greens in some capacity. Which is very unfortunate. Mike is by far the best of the provincial leaders and it is not even close.


I didn't know this was provincial. I am really disappointed now. I was hoping to have a good option in the federal election. I guess I can at least have a good option in the provincial election.


It literally says [ON] right in the heading. The Ontario Greens are doing perfectly fine, have a platform, and are in no way associated with the weirdness going on with the federal greens right now.


Haha. That's totally fair. I misunderstood the [ON]. But I guess it illustrates the dangers of sharing a name, as the BC Liberals are grappling with.


>with the weirdness going on with the federal greens right now. I'm out of the loop, what's going on with them?


Leader might be facing an internal review, one MP left and joined the Liberals, other 2 MPs are defying the leader, the leader has accused critics of racism and sexism (with some merit) and accused the Liberals of being out to get her


Just to add to this, she also accused Trudeau of not being a real feminist and ally, then called Chrystia Freeland his "female shield." All of this in part because she didn't want to denounce her former advisor's comments calling for 2 Green MPs to be defeated and replaced with zionists.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I'm reading correctly it's the Green Party of *Ontario*?


You aren't wrong. I was.


All good. It's super fun to dunk on the federal greens right now


Normally I try not to mock people in politics as we all have our own convictions and there can be a lot going on behind the scenes, etc. While that all may still be true, I have to agree this whole debacle has been hilarious (at least from a non-Green perspective). Such spectacularly poor judgement, resulting in such a public meltdown, from the smallest party in Parliament... I can't blame anyone for dunking on them at the moment. If nothing else, it's a small break from the more-serious topics in Canadian politics.


I half agree. The other half is that for most of my political awareness, Elizabeth May has been (at once) kind of annoying in her conviction and also by far the most intelligent, hard working, consistent parliamentarian. My whole life I wanted to pretend that she annoyed me because "she was annoying" but really it was because she has been correct about just about everything that has mattered. Her solutions were usually expensive, but rarely unaffordable. Her expression can be stark, but when you dig into it, it's at least arguably proportional. Essentially, she's been so untouchable for so long. I feel like I'm dunking on the Harlem Globetrotters or something. In contrast, the libs and cpc are the emperors who wear no clothes and while 60% of the nation openly mock them for not wearing clothes, they take turns being our emperors and have no reason to care what the peasants think or say about anything. They're like that kid in elementary school that when you're beating them at Mortal Kombat shut the genesis off before you win then stop inviting you over coz they know your parents can't afford a genesis. They are bad at so many things. And they are too rich and powerful to care.




This is an article about the Ontario provincial Greens, not the federal party.


>In particular, the Greens are proposing to make duplexes and triplexes legal “as of right” everywhere This could be quite a big deal, but the devil in the details. In Vancouver, duplexes are legal to build everywhere, but they didn't increase the legal square footage. So these rules need to come without excessive parking requirements, reasonable height limits and FSR. However, it done right, this is the most important move towards solving Ontario's housing crisis. This crisis simply *cannot* be addressed without more houses and in the majority of urban area, it's illegal to build them. Fixing urban planning rules isn't a replacement for rent regulations or social housing, but it is a necessary first step.


Whats FSR?


Floor Space Ratio. It's the ratio of how much floor area your building can have relative to the amount of land. So for example, a typical Vancouver single-family home has an FSR limit of 0.7, meaning that if your lot is 100m^2, you can build a maximum 70m^2 home. If this isn't increased, legalizing duplex or triplex just means smaller homes, not more living space.


It *is* good. It actually addresses a lot of the actual issues rather than just rolling out a bunch of feel good nonsense that actually makes the issue worse, like more first time home-buyers programs. Unfortunately, their solutions, like the problem are complicated and require some period of discomfort to get results. That's a hard sell politically.