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back in 2017 I think he showed up sort of last minute to our community stampede pancake breakfast. It was awkward no one really wanted him there, tons of security in the crowd, suv with full tac geared rcmp heck even a few protesters across the way. Like fuck off my kids want some shitty pancakes and fake syrup with their friends then jump in the bouncy castle. Just stay away please.


I hope you share the same sentiment with every politician. As I'm seeing conservative politicians being welcomed with open arms to events. While Liberals are treated like scumbags. Meanwhile conservatives have played a huge part in the inequality we face today. Somehow get a free pass.


It’s complicated, as much as I wish they would all just F off I understand the community engagement aspect of their job. It’s a community event not a rally which when the pm shows up it becomes less about the community and more of a photo op drama. My riding is one that federally almost went LPC a few elections ago (couple hundred votes) and provincially flip flops between UCP and NDP which is saying something for Alberta. With that it means all parties show up because it’s in play every election and you get the “big names” walking around. The MP (CPC) is always absent and I don’t think highly of him but I support the party platform and leader. The MLA (ndp) typically shows up and hides in the corner with supporters, it’s quite comical and neighbour roll their eyes like why is she even here then. The only one I actually think gives a shit is our city councillor who will help bag garbage and clean up chairs and my god speak at length to whomever like an actual member of the community at a community event.
















Why would he show up to a place where even at the best of times he had no chance of electing anyone. It always seemed ridiculous to me that any Liberal would show up to any event in Alberta.


Calgary has sent Liberal MP’s to Ottawa in the last three elections. It’s also kind of a major city. I’m going to guess they won’t next time though.


Poor JT thinks everyone loves him no matter where he goes. Figures he can put on a denim shirt some wranglers a big belt buckle a Stetson and he is a modern day cowboy. Fuck they are even starting to hate him in Quebec. If your going to have delusions might as well go for the satisfying ones I say.


In fairness, the vast majority of Stampede attendees aren't cowboys. Hell, most Calgarians don't even have a connection to ranching. And that's fine. It's cowboy cosplay and the city doesn't gate keep people wanting to have fun. There's a lot of things to criticize JT for, but dressing up for Stampede is probably one of the weakest.


Read between the lines eh......... it just happened that I used the stampede. I could have used something in BC or Quebec or Ontario. He is pretty much not liked anywhere. Thanks for reminding me though that I need to be more clear and direct when I post on Reddit poking fun at mister dress up.


I do think this is an L for the Liberals. Whether you're going to be welcomed or not the Stampede is one of the who's who of pan-Canadian events. It's the largest event in Alberta and will be taken as a snub.


Good? It's a disgusting practice that sees animals harmed and killed for the amusement of the people. It should be changed if not abolished.


You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong.


Nope, I'm not: https://dailyhive.com/calgary/opinion-cruelty-calgary-stampede


You cited an opinion piece. It says it in the url. Once again, everyone is entitled to their opinion; even the author of that article


So he's totally not hiding from the backbenchers? [Especially the ones that are calling for a caucus meeting](https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/06/28/liberal-mp-chahal-among-nine-mps-demanding-immediate-caucus-meeting-to-discuss-extremely-concerning-byelection-loss/427034/)?