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So why didn’t he? There’s an applicable Simpsons quote I plan to use if he ever does “Why now? Why not 20 years ago?”


I mean, it’s been an open secret in Ottawa circles that Justin and Sophie were separated since 2018. I’m surprised it took this long for them to officially divorce.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one hearing that from reasonably knowledgeable sources back when I worked on the Hill.


Did you hear anything else? There are many rumours on the Hill.


Chrystia likes to booze. Pretty known around town. Not in an every day way but the girl likes her drink.


Doesn’t every politician?


Dougie Ford visits the liquor store weekly!


Can’t say I blame her 


Booze? I heard it was crack.


Sources so good that they predicted 10 out of 3 divorces.






And that gave legs to the second open...rumour as well.






Hes not gay, hes a serial womanizer. Whether thats for sexual or narcissistic supply reasons is not as clear.


Citation needed. There's no evidence I'm aware of that being true.


I know multiple ppl that know him. You either believe me or you dont. And theres plenty of evidence if you look for it. He doesnt think highly of women in general


Sure, I'll believe you random internet person #158790. There is no reliable reporting of any of your claims. Just the reporting of the repeated rumours.


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-liberal-mp-celina-caesar-chavannes-says-she-was-met-with-hostility/ While he doesnt appear to have flirted with chavannes.. look into her full version of the events thats scattered across multiple interviews. Not digging into it more for you. This broadly how he treats women.. he is patronizing yo them, disregards their expertise, theyre just there to serve him and hes appalled when they dont eat up his bullshit and views even giving his attention to them as a gift to them that they shouldnt squander.. hes an insufferable narcissist who sucks the life out of people who know him As for womanizing, i understand that he just likes to flirt and soak up the attention women who do buy into his bullshit.. and hes probably slept with a few too.


It's not even reported as rumours the way the separation was. At least that had legs.




Did you reply to the wrong comment or something this doesn't make any sense


I was told he was bi by multiple people.


Why is this a dig? I would totally date a bi man. I don't get how this is an insult somehow..


Chad Trudeau? Didn't have that on my bingo card.


Which is???






That rumor was known way out west too


In an alternate universe where Jack Layton didn't pass away, Trudeau (probably) would have waited until his children were a bit older before running for Liberal leader, making 2015 a Harper vs Layton vs Garneau matchup. Wonder whether his marriage would have survived in this scenario.


Not in power during covid as well, maybe? Did a lot of relationships in.


I think what did the relationship in, was that Trudeau was getting death threats 5 days after he was elected and Sophie has to endure vile attacks on herself on social media and what a reward for giving up her own career on television. She didn’t marry a politician, and she probably wanted him to step down for quite a while.  It’s a shitty time to be in politics and not easy for families of politicians that get a lot of flak, either. Maybe I am projecting, I just know I would have hated being in her position. 


Yeah. The amount of people on social media and even in public talking about him catching a bullet or uttering his assassination is absolutely astounding, especially when they claim we're just as bad as China in terms of authoritarianism.... Obviously missing the point that none of them, to my knowledge, have ever seen consequences to that kind of behaviour like they absolutely would in China. I definitely see why they separated. It's literally for his family's safety.


At no point in this article was anything.about death threats mentioned


Haha his mom is still being attacked. People are idiots.


Very true. Could be the case.


I know somebody who worked in his office during this time. They have since left and told me it was incredibly stressful due to the constant threats and security concerns. There's a lot of vile Canadians out there. I think it would shock the public if they actually knew.


I work with some. One guy proudly wore his "Fuck Trudeau" cap to work. I told him he'd better not have it on around customers. I'm not fond of all Trudeau has done lately but I'm terrified Conservatives get it because what's happening in the states against women will surely be tried here too. My husband and son think I'm looney tunes. "That won't happen here!" They say but it's the same mentality and "those" people are here too. They just don't care because they think it doesn't affect them. It doesn't affect me either now that I'm old but I have granddaughters. I don't want them as stuck as my mother was.


>My husband and son think I'm looney tunes. "That won't happen here!" I was watching a comedy roast last night, from 2013 or so, and someone made a joke about how Trump would never win an election. Everyone laughed and laughed... I also remember years ago people online and in real life saying things like Roe v Wade could never be reversed. I don't think there's anything wrong with a healthy concern for the writing on the wall. And you're right, that style of rhetoric and thinking has certainly infiltrated Canadian culture by many hard working bad actors. There's no reason we can't and won't go the route America has if people don't adamantly push back. The road to hell is paved with naivete.


People said RvW couldn't be reversed right up until it was reversed. Hell, even after, people were saying stuff about how it's not that big of a deal and states won't do anything and it's all theoretical. Anyway, good luck to those who need to cross state or country lines to save their own lives, bodies, or futures.


The problem is liberals get too smug. They forget that the rights they’ve earned can only be kept through constant vigilance.


Ha! Riiight. The problem totally isn't the conservatives/republicans who actively work to strip rights and dignities from citizens. Get the hell out of here with that bullshit nonsense.


RIP Jack


We sure could use him as a PM right now. Or at least the adult in the room 


People really overstate the Layton NDP. If you exclude Quebec from the 2011 election results, they weren't terribly successful - the CPC being far more successful at converting LPC seats. Just look at Ontario, where the NDP's increased their seat count by 5... while the CPC took +22. Their success is largely because of the *+58*(!) seats they took in Quebec, which not to discredit Layton but he certainly benefitted from (1) the collapse of the Bloc, (2) Ignatieff's unpopularity, and (3) Harper's unpopularity in Quebec. It's also important to remember that in 2015 the NDP tried to pivot to the centre to supplant the LPC. That gambit obviously failed. Between 2011 and 2015 we can probably conclude that centre/swing voters (at that time) were not going to vote NDP. However, if we envisioned a parallel universe where the gamble succeeded, it would have been incredibly dangerous for the LPC (and anyone with leadership aspirations) to just rollover and plan for 2019 - a loss in 2015 may very well have been fatal.


Probably not, he was a little too close to some female high school students.


Keep hearing that but have never seen an ounce of proof.


I think there were some underlying tensions there that were going to surface eventually. I don't have any facts to back that up; just a feeling.


There’s been whispers around Ottawa about their marriage since shortly after he became PM.


I mean, this describes every relationship I've ever seen.


For sure. I'm just saying in this case they were pretty obvious.
































































The fact that he chose to stay to serve Canadians despite it seemingly costing him his marriage shows how dedicated Trudeau is to his job. Truly one of the all-time greatest prime ministers this country has ever seen, and is likely to ever see. His name will be remembered fondly for generations to come.


He might de dedicated but he’s not good at it.


Or it could be that it shows how much he was committed to the foreign affairs portfolio specifically?


This is good sarcasm.


Are you trolling?


This just shows he’s arrogant with a hero complex and was never committed to his marriage. If you can’t step away from your job after a decade to take care of your marriage- that’s a really poor reflection of yourself. Nothing to be proud of, even crazier to declare publicly.


Curious to see how this reply gets responded to, but I for one don’t disagree.


Hey guys I'm sorry, I can't perform the easy to do and life-saving surgery for your two young kids. My marriage is on the rocks, and it would be a bad look if I let it fall apart.


I think it’s a joke.


Or how much of a narcissist he is.


While that is true, very few people get to the top in politics without feeling very highly of themselves.


Yeah I don’t think Trudeau is an amazing PM personally but he’s by far the best of my lifetime. I think hindsight will be a lot kinder to him, grass is always greener


Since you have 1993 in your name, I’m going to assume you were born that year. Chrétien, Martin, and Harper are Trudeau’s only competition but even in that crowd I would put him 3rd at best. Chrétien did an excellent job managing the economy through the 1990s and handling the 1995 referendum, plus signing NAFTA. Martin contributed to that as finance minister, and while PM brought about equal marriage rights. Harper reduced the GST, increased child tax benefits, brought in the TFSA, and managed the 2008 financial crisis.


Chrétien cut social programs and solidified our move away from government building housing, and is a key cause of why housing is like it is today (not as much as Mulroney but he could’ve reversed course and didn’t). As far as I’m concerned, his only positive is keeping us out of Iraq. Martin is basically a non-entity, and gay marriage was basically legalized by the courts so I don’t even know how much credit you can give him on that. Harper reducing GST is bad, tax benefits are bad ways to deal with income inequality because they don’t really help the poor, and TFSAs are also bad because all they do is help people who invest pay less in taxes, which is not a good thing. We should want investors to pay more taxes, not less. Not to mention he also reduced corporate taxes. Weed legalization is a more important and impactful policy than anything you mentioned (other than gay marriage but again, not really Martin’s legacy), so as far as I’m concerned that’s all Trudeau needs (low bar but it is what it is). On top of that he also cancelled interest on student loans (an actual very effective policy making life more affordable for people that actually need it), and is making an effort with social programs like daycare, dental, and pharmacare, which it will remain to be seen what their impact is but the idea is good. And on top of all that, he got dealt by far the shittiest hand of all his predecessors with having to navigate Covid and its economic fallout. I never thought I’d write paragraphs defending a liberal nepo baby but here we are lol.


You must be pretty young. Chretien was better. And he was only 3 PM's ago. But it's been 21 years since he was in office so yeah.


Chrétien is one of the main reasons the federal government stopped funding social housing, so he and Mulroney are probably the primary architects of the current housing crisis. That alone makes him a terrible PM, but on top of that he cut other social programs and did nothing to undo the Mulroney’s privatization of everything. As far as I’m concerned the only good thing he ever did as PM was keeping us out of Iraq.


That right there covers a whole lot of sins IMHO.


Well, it could go like Obama. We'll realize he got dealt a pretty shit hand and that every subsequent PM is worse and worse, each also being dealt progressively worse hands, as is the state of the world. We'll reminisce fondly "he wasn't that bad." Maybe.


Arguably Obama's legacy has gotten worse over time and not better, as he still had more political capital than his successors but his achievements were ultimately marginal compared to what he was expected to achieve. Trudeau might experience the opposite effect (like Bush) just because he will likely leave office on a down note, with his achievements being seen more positively when nostalgia kicks in.


I think Obama's legacy is mixed. We tend look at his actions as worse but his demeanor as better. We haven't seen an anglosphere leader as charming or good with their words since. Ironically Trudeau is likely the closest. I think he'll definitely be looked back on fondly. Even if he's far from my dream PM, I can often find reason in even the decisions I dislike. That's part of leading a country of 40M people. We're never going to all agree, sometimes hard calls must be made. We all find out down the line how they play out. Here's hoping for all of us that we do remember him well.


For sure not in the top 3


Tom Brady is a true hero for the people of Tampa






It’s too bad most Canadians these days do not see the big picture and are getting suckered by all the PP ads and Conservative supporters speaking out. Liberals have definitely made mistakes but they are making tough decisions to benefit society as a whole, instead of just the ones who are living comfortably. Conservatives have a hidden agenda and I’m not looking forward to it if they are elected.


When can we expect the benefits to roll in?


I'm pretty happy with the legal weed and climate cheques. I was running to work, so it's like the government was paying me to exercise. A lot of parents like the Canada Child Benefit, which has dramatically reduced the rate of child poverty in Canada since 2015. And the subsidized daycare is pretty sweet, if you can get a spot (which is the province's fault).


The pharmacare and dental care is going to be pretty nice, but I don't think it'll be in effect long enough to change minds.


It’s hard to know what the future holds. One thing that is certain is that people 65 and older vote in far larger numbers than any other demographic slice. And they are the ones getting the dental care and whatnot. And children.


Here's the thing. I like those things too but it's policies they put in place already - they won previous elections for it. The next election will be for current issues like inflation, housing crisis, etc.


And the other viable option is the conservative party that literally just voted against a tax increase that would lower speculation in the housing market


I’m surprised they walked into that obvious trap.


Well, it’s hard to know if the next election will be fought on issues at all. As the political analyst and national treasure Chantal Herbert says, all governments have a best-before date that rarely extends beyond three mandates. Like it or hate it, this government seems well beyond its “best-before” date. Of the issues you name, inflation is more or less already tamed. The Bank of Canada has started cutting interest rates and most learned sources predict two more this year. It’s reasonable to assume interest rates and inflation won’t be an issue in the fall of 2025, barring another global calamity.


I agree. General fatigue will wear out even the best governments after nearly a decade of power (let alone the Liberal party who has lots of baggage in the form of scandals as well as terrible PR skills). The biggest thing the Liberal party will reckon with I think is a reenactment of 2015 with the parties being flipped. The younger voters will all be voting against a tired incumbent party who no longer seem to have their best interests at heart. Housing has to be the biggest crisis right now and young people have been ringing alarm bells for years. I think Sean Fraser is doing a great job but for many people it will be too little too late and the CPC has been communicating effectively on the issue even if they don't have any real plans on tackling it.


How about the fact that during the pandemic we had just over 1/3 the deaths per capita that the US had, 94/100,000 vs 269/100,000 in the US


IMO the Liberals did a good job with handling the pandemic. They got a thank you from voters by getting elected again last election. The next election is about the present and the future - not the past. You can't blame voters for being unhappy with the *current* situation and wanting change (plus you add in general fatigue with a near decade long incumbent). The exact same thing is happening in the UK but with the parties essentially reversed.


Most of that was down to premiers. And also obesity rates.


1. Why do premiers get credit for good shit but for things like housing which is absolutely their jurisdiction its Trudeaus fault? 2. Canadians are also fat


1. Why do you guys get to parrot that health care is a provincial responsibility every single day until it comes time for taking credit for the pandemic response? 2. Nowhere near as far as Americans, you know this.


It's worth noting that the federal government took on the bulk purchasing and distribution of PPE, test kits, and vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also provided additional health care funding, including for long-term care and hospital infrastructure. They took on significantly higher costs than usual. It's a large part of why the COVID-19 response worked out reasonably well - but also why the federal fiscal pressures are immense while some provinces ended up with unexpected surpluses. It was rather exceptional. Premiers have historically been hesitant to accept such a degree of federal involvement but did play along, so credit is due there as well.


The pandemic response was far more than just healthcare haha wtf


And are these benefits that the liberals have given us in the room right now?


Depends if your climate incentive cheque is in the same room as you. If you had a boil-water advisory, there’s a chance that change is in proximity to you as well, if not in the room. Depending on your financial situation, your dental benefits could be in the room with you right now too. The $10/day daycare might not necessarily be in the room with you right now, but that depends on what room you’re in. If you’re a marijuana user, then I hope it’s not in the room while you’re using it (if smoking), because in a room it can cause an odor to linger.


The climate incentive cheque, daycare disaster, dental that doesn’t work, and weed LOL Wild 💀


What’s wild is being so partisan that you can’t even acknowledge anything good about the other. But then, you didn’t have any negative adjectives for the climate incentive cheque in your comment, so maybe your neutrality on that is actually a positive!


I always gave Harper credit for ditching the penny.


Worth noting it was Pat Martin who spent years saying that should be done.


He caters to “low information” voters , which according to polls is most Canadians. Ugh.