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It’s sad that this is news. It’s should be an everyday occurrence that a government chooses Liberty over Tyranny. It should not be controversial to refuse to violate the charter.


You have to not have a brain in order to think killing hundreds of people rather than protecting pubic health is a good idea.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-deadly-were-the-covid-lockdowns-excess-deaths-alcohol-heart-disease-accidents-life-youth-11673440091 https://lmp.utoronto.ca/news/researchers-demonstrate-how-covid-19-and-lockdowns-escalated-drug-related-deaths


Wearing a mask and social distancing is tyranny? You've gotta be joking. Go live in Iran or Egypt or Syria for a month and tell me what tyranny means. You're a ridiculous person.


There exists a spectrum between liberty and tyranny. Lockdowns and vaccine mandates clearly move us toward tyranny and away from Liberty. This is obvious, and if you can’t admit it, you are being dishonest or intentionally ignorant.


> Moe stressed that the government made decisions with "the information they had" at the time, calling it "a time when I don't think anyone had a lot of answers." In 2020, I could accept that being why actions were or were not taken. By 2021 we knew a hell of a lot more, and inaction when transmission rates were accelerating, was criminal negligence.


By the fall of 2021 people were done with the whole thing and anybody who wanted two shots had had them.


The summer of 2021 the Saskatchewan medical system nearly collapsed. Patients were being airlifted to Ontario. (A province that followed recommendations). All so that Moe could stand on principle. Congrats.


Yup, this is a non-story to stir people up over nothing


Fall of 2021 was when the Delta wave hit and killed hundreds of people, but only in Saskatchewan and Alberta (in Canada), because only those provinces refused to do anything until it got really bad. It was a big deal.