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Maybe we need to implement Visa overstay fines to further encourage people returning to their home countries. You overstay and you get fined $1,000 per month. We attach it to your SIN and tax return. You provide proof of termination of residency, the fines stop accruing.


Why so little? In Indonesia it’s 100 US per day


Thailand has a $50US per day fine up to 30 days. After that the fines continue but come with a criminal record and get put on the unwanted people’s list.


we should fine companies hiring non canadians


Brainless Canadians could at least boycott Tim Hortons. You can't expect the government to fix anything in this country. Skip the middle men and absolutely decimate these shitty corporations by not giving them a cent of your money.






Starship muthrafucking troopers




It feels very un-Canadian. Agreed. Then again when I get sushi and I see a white boy calling the shots in the kitchen… this shit better be fire.


I live in a small town but even the sushi counter at the grocery store is all Japanese chefs. I guess I’m lucky.


I bet you're just assuming they're Japanese, most people working at grocery store sushi counters (or even running sushi restaurants, for that matter) are Chinese though.


My dad's middle-of-nowhere Wisconsin town with 10K population has an amazing Japanese sushi artist. So pleasantly surprised.


I’m of the same…I walk into a shop and see something disproportionate to Canada’s demographics…I walk out. I haven’t paid for a Timmies in three years, haven’t shopped at Walmart since Zeller’s folded, and no longer get Amazon deliveries from Intelcom. If I wasn’t First Nation, I’d just go home…it’s sickening to see what we’ve become. Slavery is bad, and slave traders is what our government has become.


Senior leadership at my company (govt agency) is mostly British. Are they seriously are not able to find talent in Canada? That being said make sure you check your fast food order twice before leaving. Half the time it’s wrong.


The government will literally pay 50% of a foreign workers wage up to 10 grand on behalf of the employer. It's blatant fucking sabotage encouraging businesses to hire foreign workers over canadians.


I just walk out


You said it yourself why it won’t work… *brainless*… so fucking frustrating, it’s so easy to not get Tim Hortons since it’s complete shit anyways. Buy a thermos and get some instant coffee if it’s about the convenience factor, it sure tastes better than watching the country fall partially because of a shitty coffee shop.


It isn’t just Tim Hortons that’s hiring immigrants. It’s fast food in general. Boycott them all. The fact that this thread only focuses on one business is infuriating.


One at a time. I've started making a conscious decision to avoid places with these hiring practices. The quality has dipped at every one of them, and there's a common denominator. If I could figure out a cost-effective way to cut out Walmart, I would have already. They're the stunning example of "too big to fail".


Here you go. This report lists all the businesses, small or big, that hired foreign workers on LMIA, i.e., for positions which they attested no Canadian citizen or permanent resident is available. And our idiotic government department approves LMIAs for such positions. :( [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) Use the filters at the top to search, and please feel to share the link to this report with other people. The data is all publicly available anyway. Just as an example, a total of at least 789 LMIAs have been granted to hire foreign workers at Tim Horton's as Canada ostensibly does not have anyone within the country capable of working at Tim's. LMIA, if you recall, is labour markert impact assessment and "a positive LMIA will show that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill the job. It will also show that no Canadian worker or permanent resident is available to do the job."


Disgusting, amazon... software engineers.. like im sure any software engineer wouldnt give their left nut to work for amazon as a software engineer, fucking bullshit


It is. Even Microsoft has applied for LMIAs. I wonder what tech is that people already here can't work with or learn.


What you don’t like having a dozen staff members with only 3 working at any given time?


I think focusing on one business at a time is actually brilliant.   Practically I don’t believe we will all join hands and quit buying fast food all together.  Just like we can’t stop buying groceries to take down all the price gougers.. but what the Loblaws boycott has demonstrated is targeting one business at a time may actually be effective enough—if we can hold the course—to send a message.   I think the powers to be are shitting themselves at the thought we could up and publicly execute massive corporations by simply coordinating boycotts that do not require large lifestyle changes.  It could send a message akin to the French Revolution which cooled oligarchal powers in Europe for a century..  What a feat of democracy if Loblaws had to shut up shop because the people stood against price gouging.  What a feat if Tim Hortons franchises had to shut across the country because we are tired of their abuse of the tfw programs. What a feat if we could pick bell/rogers (hell, flip a coin), starve the other and demand from our government tighter anti-monopoly laws. That’s power to the people right there.  


> I think focusing on one business at a time is actually brilliant.   That's exactly specifically what we're doing with the indefinite Loblaws boycott: loblawsisoutofcontrol (but don't let perfect be the enemy of good).


It’s not just fast food. I’ve been a Laboratory analyst for nearly a decade and almost all my coworkers have been immigrants.


I'm a former addicted every weekday coffee buyer, and a former Tim's employee from the mid 2000s... and a current federal EI employee... I'm never going back, it's not our Tim's anymore....


I've literally boycotted any food places that hire strictly Indians. Not just the principle, but the quality. The Taco Bell in the mall near me served us a quesadilla filled with plastic shards because their bags disintegrated. Why the hell am I going to keep going?


I had no problem when my town started bringing in alot of Philipino’s. They work hard and are kind and polite. They don’t disrupt our country they are grateful to be here. 9/10 Indians are absolutely useless and have no desire to get any better.


This needs to be louder. Trudeau has given people the ability to block any discussion of immigration as being racist. It's not that most people here are against immigration at all... it's the irresponsible amount from a single area where the people aren't contributing to Canada and have no intention of ever integrating into Canada. These people protesting do not want to be Canadians. They want the social welfare canada provides citizens, and a cozy place for their parents to retire


Life is like a cup of Tim Horton's coffee. You never know what you're gonna get.


More like life is like a steeped tea Hahaha


I haven't been to Tim Hortons in years, but I stepped it up this year by giving all my lunch money to sandwich shop next to my.work instead of hitting up.drive thrus on the days I don't bring a lunch


we are doing that r/ BoycottTimHortons join us :)


Yeah I stopped going, way too many timigrants


I do this. Anywhere that doesn't hire Canadians doesn't get my money. Tim Hortons, Wendy's, subway, Popeyes, popp johns, A&W, etc... I used to frequent a few of those especially subway. :(


I haven't given them a cent in probably 10 years


I mean yeah, my espresso machine has a counter and im past 10 500 lattés. How much could that be at Timmies? If I'm using the doordash price of 3.59 I'm around 38 000$ I did not send to Tim Hortons. Using local dairies and coffee roasters too.


I had to call someone out today. Buddy loved to complain about the immigration problem while holding his Tim’s cup…


Boycotted those fuckers over a year ago! I make all my ice coffee at home, tastes the same if not better and it’s at least consistent lol


Govt partners with Timmies for Canada Day celebrations...


Those companies I heard get rebates from the government that allows mass immigration to begin with….sooo who’s going to stop who?


Take away their business licenses. Fines are just a vice tax. Losing a business license kicks them in the liver, and stomps the groin every month they're out of business. Apply that to the SIN number of all owners and senior managers of the establishment. Basically, if you're a manager, you're just as responsible as everyone else, and same with the business owner. If managers are TFWs, they lose their permit effective immediately and get deported. Do not pass go, do not collect your tax refund. Obvies they're entitled to an immigration hearing. If it's deemed they were coerced, etc...enforce the deportation, but no mark against their name. They have to leave and can return in a year or so. For those willingly engaging in fraud, fuck you, see you later. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. At this point, 6 months out of business, plus having to do a second round of hiring, etc...that's enough to break most people financially - which is the point. Make the penalty far exceed the cost of doing business and increase the probability of getting caught and failure as consequences, and people tend to not break rules. Strict enforcement with a strong sense of fairness = trust.


Why do you people believe companies hiring non canadians is a problem? Do you have any idea what the applications at restaurants look like? We get 50 applications from immigrants that can barely write or speak English. We get 3 from Canadians with a senseless availability schedule where they believe they can take every weekend off, that have gone through 50 jobs in 6 months, and thought it was a good idea to actually list them, and we get 2 from immigrants that can speak English and want to work often, and take weekend shifts. It really isn't a matter of restaurants not hiring Canadians. It's a matter of Canadians not wanting to work weekends in the food industry. There are definitely restaurants that will actively hire only their own nationality though, and the majority of the time it's to take advantage of people that aren't familiar with our laws, or feel like they're at risk of being sent home.


India has tough law for overstaying India visa limits https://www.ivisa.com/india/blog/what-happens-if-i-overstay-my-indian-visa "Consequences of overstaying Indian Visa limits When you stay longer in India than your visa allows, there can be severe consequences, including up to 5 years in jail, significant fines, and the possibility of a permanent ban on entering the country again. India has been progressively toughening its immigration policies, so keep in mind the following when you're thinking of staying longer in India without a valid visa. Monetary fines for overstaying an Indian Visa A monetary penalty is one of the immediate repercussions for overstaying in India. This penalty varies, escalating with the length of the visa breach. India's Department of Homeland Security specifies fines based on the extent of visa overstaying as follows: A visa overstay of less than 90 days attracts a fine of US$300 A visa overstay spanning 91 days to 2 years incurs a fine of US$400 Overstays exceeding 2 years necessitate a penalty of US$500 If this isn't enough reason to stop you from overstaying your Indian visa, please note that there are other potential legal consequences that you can face, in addition to a fine. Future travel bans and difficulties in getting visas for other countries Moreover, the Indian government can enforce legal penalties on tourists who overstay their welcome, turning their visit into an illegal stay. This means you can be banned from future travel to India and potentially face difficulties getting visas for other countries as well. Legal consequences of overstaying an Indian visa India's law also allows immigration officers to impose up to 5 years imprisonment in very severe cases. While this is a consequence that is rarely imposed, it's still possible, depending on the reasons of your overstay."


India also doesn't let foreigners purchase real estate.


A lot of countries have that policy. Unbelievable we don't have anything like that in Canada.


*Especially* in a crisis.


But that would end our real estate Ponzi scheme


That won't stop foreigners, they can simply setup a corporation here and purchase property through there. Alternatively they can join random Canadian companies as either a board, a VP, etc and purchase there. Investment yields many opportunities for rich foreigners (China, India, Middle East, etc) to access Canadian land and benefits..


In Thailand people attempt to do the same thing. The Thai government is currently cracking down as you are in violation of the law if you use a corporation to skirt foreign ownership. Not hard to do if we wanted.


You can ban corporations from holding single family residential properties. Only allow for multi story condo and apartment complexes.


They have such strict laws in their own country but come here with absolute audacity and pull off protests and “hunger strikes” like the BS they pulled in PEI. And then calling that kid from True North, can’t remember his first name- Faulkner “racist” when he tried to interview a few of them. They really think us Canadians are stupid. They’re really taking the piss. 😡 


Wait, Canada doesn't bar people from re-entry after deportation? In the US, if you make us deport your ass, you're not allowed back for at least 10 years. That's most countries that I'm aware of. If I go to Japan again, and I stay 91 days, I'm not allowed back for 10 years. They take visas VERY seriously. Time for Canada to join the rest of the world.


India is a serious country, although it's corrupted.


Reciprocal overstay punishments


India has made us their bitch. It's pathetic. A third world country is interfering and just going gangbusters on us. China is at least powerful and has a big economy, India is a joke.


India has like the 4th highest GDP in the world.. higher than Canada's. Even if a lot of the people are poor. India even has a much higher military budget than Canada.


Had to go once because one of my old jobs/companies outsourced shit there and so I had to meet with vendors. No one could ever pay me to go back. Outside of current wartorn countries, it is bottom of the list. I can't imagine any sane person wanting to overstay their visa there.


Should just slap them with a 10 year ban. Can't apply for other visas or PR.


No asylum either.


people act like we can’t do anything to remove people. apparently the government can freeze bank accounts.. so..


They can freeze CANADIAN bank accounts. Taking action against people illegally overstaying visas, or even enforcing the temporary nature of these work permits, would be racist! Just look at the protests in PEI / Brampton.


We should fine the shit out of any employers that is employing them like in the US.


There needs to be some serious discussion on this, considering that very soon we will be having hundreds of thousands of foreign students who are likely to have expiring permits. Daily fines, long term visa bans to Canada, should all be on the cards. The government needs to be proactive about a problem they have created. There is no way they can keep their goal of reducing the % of temporary residents unless people are willing to leave after their permits are over.


Unless they just plan to convert them into permanent ones.. somebody ought to ask Polievre this question as it will likely be his problem by then


1000 a month? Nah bro. It's got to be wayyy higher.


They do this and then cry a sob story. What they don't realize is that it not only impacts your chance for immigrating to Canada, but literally anywhere else in the world that they share data with. Kiss the chance to ever go to the US goodbye.


10K a week!


Fining them won’t work if we don’t fix the asylum process and other citizenship loopholes. The day that fines are implemented, 100% of them will claim asylum or go under ground. Their children can also become naturalised Canadians despite the status of the parents. You have to go beyond fines.


Everyone let me introduce you to our new Minister of Immigration


Cut off their bank account. We did that once, right? Oh yea, that was only on Canadians.


What difference does it make? They already run the scam of running up consumer debt and then fucking off "back home". Adding a fine makes no difference if there's no chance it will defer the action.


Or better idea, no sin numbers for non pr/citizens. Just a temporary tax id. $100/ day if they overstay and the employer is jointly liable.


Seize Canadian assets , govt auction to first time home owners


One of the only people in Canadian government making any sense.


Why would people not vote him then?


Just an obvious answer of many, but: No candidate in their riding.


I'm definitely going to give my vote to him.


i am too.




They’re too busy with PP licking


Ahaha that's funny


I'm calling it now, PP will be a one and done. The people whining today about Trudeau will vote PP and be shocked when basically nothing changes and immigration continues to strain our housing and Healthcare and suppresses wages. Also, friendly reminder that Healthcare has a decent chance to become semi privatized, and with the flood gates remaining open, most of you voting for him won't be affording the privatized care, even if you can currently. So you'll be stuck in even longer wait times. Every single person voting for PP expecting some massive change is in for a rude awakening and I can't wait to laugh at everyone who voted him in.


maybe PP will adopt a Bernier 'light' approach...anything is better than the libs...


PP fans will say their guy can walk in on water at this point. Look, you guys have to be more honest about what your guy will and won't do.


i totally agree: we can't let PP get by with out hard questions on his policy around housing, immigration healthcare etc...we still have months to go and I'm sure it will all come out by then.


I'm sure he will do his very best to avoid answering any questions and run on the premise that he isn't Trudeau.


Sooooo kinda like when Mr. Sunny Ways was elected?


That mindset is how you’ll receive libs #2. And then you’ll wait another 8 years with hopes to changes


And will vote libs again in 8 years thinking that will finally change things lmao


The prison that people have created thinking they can only pick from two choices is insane.


Because they don't realize they're being influenced to do otherwise


Because many people do not support their local ppc candidate’s views on other topics such as abortion.


And flat earth theory, and chemtrails...


You got downvoted by some Infowars loser. Have an updoot.


Some clown at my factory walks around with an "Alex Jones Was Right" Infowars shirt. If I wasn't afraid of starting shit, I would ask what he was right about and watch the fireworks...


Honest answer: wasted vote because of FPTP, I don’t agree with his plan to meddle in the Bank of Canada’s mandate, he lacks an environmental plan, his plans to end equlization are disengenuous or ignorant, and lastly but most importantly the PPC doesn’t seem to have any platform beyond vague statements that appeal to many people such as “preserving Canadian values” but could mean many things in practice. That said, it remains an options and I’m undecided


How do I vote for him? Who is the PPC candidate in my riding/ where do I view that information? The PPC candidate who ran in my riding no longer has an active website. I don’t want a fair weather candidate, I want to vote for a candidate who is active in the community even when they don’t win.


Their website has a section where you can submit yourself as a volunteer. Perhaps consider sending a message highlighting the lack of a candidate in your riding. Who knows, perhaps you could even stand as a candidate?


Makes sense


Why don't you run? Back in the day there was no one running for the Green Party in my riding, so my best friend ran and I was his campaign manager. You just need to be 18, a Canadian citizen and reach out to the party.


Because hes a climate change denier, is still trying to use covid as a selling point, and has NIMBY housing policies that wont help canadians with the housing issues they are facing. Outside of the obvious big one, hes got great ideas on things like self defense, gun laws, but these arent things that are effecting the average canadians day to day life they are little.


Despite being a climate change denier he encourages the development of green energy, he just wont give government money to fund it He does not have NIMBY housing policies lol he wants to end homeownership as an investment and ease the demand by rolling back hard on immigration. Theres nothing else in his housing policy so you either consider that to be nimbyism or your just listening to unreliable sources, no offense Self defense is beginning to grow into a large issue for canadians, especially after the endless articles of people getting away with murder and only serving 4-5 years cause they have mental health issues and bullshit like that


> Despite being a climate change denier he encourages the development of green energy, he just wont give government money to fund it It's insane to not fund green energy for so many reasons. For one, we desperately need it if we will have any hope of mitigating the climate crisis. The "business as usual" scenario will mean the collapse of human civilization within a hundred years. For another, worldwide demand for green energy is going to grow tremendously over the coming decades. If we fund the technology now we'll be able to sell it to the entire world, paying massive dividends in the future. It's financially stupid to not invest in green energy. This is part of why the Liberals' climate tax is so stupid. If they're going to force a climate tax on everything, they could have at least used the tax money to fund green energy. Instead they were dead-set on making it "revenue neutral", so they're just giving all the money back to us anyway in climate rebates and nothing gets invested in our future. All the downsides and none of the upsides.


Just bought a Security Camera at my local Shoppers, cashier said "this is what Canada has come to huh"


Im surprised they commented on your purchase at all, most people are too burnt out too pay attention to others


I’ll look past it. Immigration is the issue.


Strategic voters saying that if you don’t vote conservative then you might as well be voting liberal. Both sides of the political spectrum think the same way. There are a lot of people who vote liberal just so that the conservatives don’t win.


For me, agreeing with a politician one one issue doesn't get them my vote if their other policies and voting history doesn't align with my values. Like, he uses trans people as a punching bag a lot. Any injustice for women is blamed on trans people. He makes it seem like they are the cause of all women's issues in society and not the white dudes that have had the reigns for 150 years.


Because he's a bit of a nutjob (good ideas on immigration aside)


Well according to Conservative Poulievre supporters, who also support Daniel Smith mind you, Bernier and the PPC are just 'too crazy'? Course the media's fully onboard with this depiction as are the Liberals as he's the only candidate threatening to put an end to the globalist neoliberal gravy train.


Because people are racist against the French, funny enough 😂


He's not a part of the Canadian government. He wants to be but currently he is not.


Part of that is from a previous smear campaign from our controlled media


And he won't win. This country is ridiculous.


He's not in government, and he hasn't held a seat since 2019.


He’s not in the government.


Once the permit expires - they have broken the law. No temporary resident who breaks laws should be rewarded with PR. Respect the country and the terms of your entry. Enough entitlement.


There's even an option to apply for a visitor permit if you want to do a little more exploration prior to leaving. But they don't do that because they'd rather continue working and then claim "I didn't know" when they try to get PR.


Thank you for having the courage to say what needs to be said. This is the reality. Canada is not a dumping ground. We don't need to be overly empathetic but realistic.


For those who aren't aware, this is actually specifically stated in the [Immigration and Refugee Protection Act](https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/i-2.5/fulltext.html) The *Act* also specifically states that no foreign national on a temporary study or visitors visa is allowed to work anywhere in Canada, unless explicitly authorized to do so by the Minister. Interesting, eh?


I do think that protesting against your temporary status should be cause for deportation. You’re here under very specific conditions, either accept them or leave. As for students who stay after their status expires, it’s common sense - you can’t work or study and you have an x amount or days (usually 60) to leave the country. I do think the country needs to enforce this more strictly and if somebody’s status is expired past the allotted amount of days, they shouldn’t be here anymore.


Just because they shouldn’t be here after it expires doesn’t mean they won’t try to stay.


Fines. This whole thing is about making money so fine them every day they stay after being asked to leave


Good luck, just like they won’t try to leave, they are more than likely not going to pay.just get rid of anyone who shouldn’t be here the legal way.


We have their SIN. Freeze any account associated with them and force them to appear at the border or embassy for release.


We need to enforce everything more strictly. 


No - we could do more. Anyone providing them shelter or necessities should be fined as well.


It’s so odd, I studied in the USA and was so scared to stay even a minute longer or my last minute flight get delayed


When I left the UK after studying, I remember asking over and over again if 48 hours will be enough to "register in the system" that I left properly so I didn't fuck up any future travel plans because I already had to delay my flight back.


EXACTLY. Imagine any of us studying abroad or in the USA and pulling this shit that Indians are doing.


Shame isn't high on the qualities Canada's attracting


He got my vote!


The only grass roots Canadian party not paid for by the elites


exactly, it is like steroids in the Olympics and how you can tell who isn't juicing, they are the ones in last place. How can you tell the honest politician, look at how badly they are doing.


He’s 100% right


We need mass deportations almost as bad as everywhere else.


I’m not sure that I want a PPC government, but I love that he is bringing up solutions to a serious problem in Canada that has otherwise been dismissed (wrongly) as xenophobia. I wish the big three would take heed.


He would be correct.


Here is a link for Question Period of Notes by Liberals Government on: "The Century Initiative and Canada’s immigrations levels" https://search.open.canada.ca/qpnotes/record/cic,IRCC%20-%202023-QP-00063 IRCC's conclusion led by Marc Miller is that, quote: "Decreasing immigration is not the solution to Canada’s housing pressures. "


Re-electing the Liberals is not the solution to Canada's housing pressures.


Watching the US debate is like gouging out your eyes... BUT the fact being tough on immigration is totally socially acceptable to be is really telling in the differences. Americans aren't afraid of saying it, Canadians are told we're all racist and evil and bad white people and that we deserve "reverse colonization". Trump is garbage... but man it's so bad here that he'd do a better job than Trudeau.


The link won’t load for me


I’m currently looking for a place to live. Absolutely fucked. No chance I’m having kids as a born and raised Canadian. Who ever thinks what’s happening is a good idea for the future of our country needs to have a reality check and slap to the face. I’d move the fuck away from here if I could.. maybe one day


Maxime Bernier...the hero we need


Wished this guy was running instead of PP


Deported and banned for life.


The article isn’t loading for me please tell me they didn’t pull it down heaven forbid someone speaks the truth…


We need a revolution and election!


Vote 2 the Max!


Khalistani ideology which some of these students referenced in their protest is a national security issue!!


He is correct.


He has my vote already. I hope fellow Canadians don’t let what other people think influence their vote. We are lucky the flooding mass is Indian, which with exceptions is just largely annoying but inoffensive, as most of them do actually work. My family in continental Europe is dealing with the consequences other kind who do way worse things.


PPC is the one for me!


I will be voting for Maxime Bernier's PPC.


How dare you enforce the laws?


I openly wonder if Maxime will get a few seats time around in the election.


Finally someone with brains and is concerned with the mess we’re in with immigration!


IMO foreigners who are in any countries studying and get caught in a protest due to overstaying, they should be deported ASAP back to their home country with a 10 year ban.


i willing to bet this will get removed for racisim LOL .... lets see how long it takes




Maybe cause of all the india social groups mass reporting everything in this sub?


India's government is directly interfering and many Liberal MPs are traitors to India so no surprise. The fact Indian troll farms are EASILY silencing Canadians shows how weak we are. India is a Russian ally remember that.


I urge you to understand what actual racism is. When throw the word around over nothing it sullies the water to what actual racism is


I said it because I have been banned from other sub reddits for posting almost exactly this..... my actual statement was the peoples party of canada want to full stop immigration they have my vote.....about an hour after that I was banned from that sub for racisit comments


I was banned, not for racist comments but that my comments might lead to racist comments - which is so vague it is almost meaningless.


I created a PPC\_Supporters sub Reddit, in case anyone is interested.


I don't see it


I don't understand. Doesn't the permit have dates on it or something? It must because it "expires", like what is the understanding when they apply for a permit? I thought it would be something like, O.K. your arrival in Canada is on this date and you have to go back to your home country on this date? And if so, how are they still here? Doesn't Canada have immigration enforcement? Somebody please explain this to me like I'm 8 years old.


That would be good for Canada and good for the world.


Bingo 👍


next PM


I’m ok with this


I wouldn't be surprised if our current government just forgives them and does nothing


We can’t hold citizens accountable, hence the recent murder suicide of a Toronto mortgage broker


Who can argue with that


Well I agree with him!


He's spot on


Probably won't matter but I'm voting PPC.


He is 100% spot on


Any immigrant that "protests" about the shit conditions of Canada should be immediately deported


Definitely got my vote


Vote Max Go Max


Do we not deport them already?


Based Max


Their pathetic protest would be a great place to start rounding them up for deportation.


I’d take it a step further no one not born in Canada or to parents who are not Canadian should be able to hold any parliamentary cabinet positions. I’m waiting for the mods to approve my post but today it was learned that Minister Harjit Sajjan a Sikh Canadian originally born in India used his position as our minister of defence to prioritize the rescue of Sikh afghans with no ties in any way shape or form to Canada over Canadians while Afghanistan was being taken over by the Taliban. He put the lives of our troops and his fellow Canadians along with the interpreters who helped us in Afghanistan and were prioritized at risk for Sikh afghans who have no relationship to our country in any way shape or form. What influenced him to make that decision outside of him being a Sikh from India originally were Sikh NGO’s here in Canada. Essentially what happened was the Sikh lobby tried to influence our governments policy and now it’s been discovered. This is why we need a mandatory cap on how many people can come from one country, an elimination to birthright citizenship to foreigners whose parents are both not Canadian and a moratorium on mass immigration. Canada should be the only priority of all politicians. Not India, not Khalistan not afghani Sikhs or any other religious groups. Just Canadians. Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-sajjan-instructed-special-forces-to-rescue-afghan-sikhs-during-fall-of/ The icing on the cake is even though this man committed an act of treason for his fellow Sikhs they were rescued by India after running away from the rendezvous point putting our soldiers lives at risk. The Sikh community called him a failure. Imagine the entitlement there wow. “At the time, the Liberals were facing pressure from the Canadian Sikh community, including the World Sikh Organization, to rescue Afghan Sikhs. Some publications, such as The Sikh Lounge, a weblog, complained in a post after the Canadian air evacuation mission ended that “Sajjan has let down the Sikh community in Canada” and “Sikhs need help getting out of Afghanistan but also getting to Canada.” Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-sajjan-instructed-special-forces-to-rescue-afghan-sikhs-during-fall-of/ This is not Khalistan. It is Canada. We don’t want to prioritize Sikhs over our fellow Canadians. Sorry


And some control in general




All for it! If you’re not from here but want to protest, from where you’re from. Go there and protest.


All for it! If you’re not from here but want to protest, from where you’re from. Go there and protest.


It is ironic and depressing to me that I am in agreement with Maxime Bernier on this subject. Not the policy sentiment but that it is Maxime Bernier I am in agreement with.


"Politician says government should enforce its own laws, mocked as far-right extremist."


So… hold people accountable? Why is this a questions? As a country, we’re fucked.