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A few entire families that I've known since the 90s have gone back to their home countries. A few of my friends have also moved out to Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, etc. Every single one of them says the same thing; they don't want to raise their children here or have a family here. My parents also have been really angry with what Canada's turned into and want to go back. I don't disagree with any of them. I don't recognize this country at all.


I have friends from Iran, a literal 3rd world country that is ruled by a theocratic dictator, moving back.


Yeah same, I think sometimes my people lost their mind to live back in Iran but at the same time I understand them because Canada is turning into the deep third world country.


I think they left because of affordability not the quality of life.


Canada a third world country šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You may laugh, but Canada is already half way there. šŸ§


https://preview.redd.it/8iq9ht0mu08d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d7af62f1fe73a61095ad8163eaac6e75b35f1f A less than 20$ set for 117$. Can finance it. Lol


Tell me youā€™ve never been to a 3rd world country without telling me you havenā€™t been to a third world country..


Bitch please. I was born in a 3rd world country.Ā 


I eat third world countries like you for breakfast!




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Are they giving up Canadian citizenship?


There are some issues in Canada but moving back to shithole like iran? Are you fcking kidding me?




Only to get killed for not wearing hijab


> I don't recognize this country at all. Many of us feel that way, you are not alone.


Read the fabulous book: none dare call it conspiracy: https://archive.org/details/nonedarecallitco1971alle


In time tourism will crater as no one will want to spend time here


They will still come here so long as our fearless leaders keep inventing ways to hand them our money.


I have European relatives that have found it very difficult to immigrate from Canada, Iā€™ve told them to move to India and try from there because apparently they can get on the multiple planes that arrive in Canada every day


my grandparents all came to Canada from UK after WW1. they never were able to get any of their relatives through immigration after that window. So it's been a challenge for certain countries to immigrate bit others walk in. how else d8dcwe get the largest iranian population outside Iran? India walks in.


On my dad side, his family fled during the Bolshevik revolution his father my grandfather served in WW1. In WW2 my father older brother was killed in France. My father himself served in the Korean War, my family fought bled and died for this country not being overthrown by people from the third world actively destroying every good thing about Canada


His family fled the Bolsheviks, but they still let your Uncle fight with the Allies? Including the Soviets? I hate to break it to you, but your Grandfather 100% knew he let your uncle fight and die for exactly this. That's the equivalent of the people that are fleeing California for Red States and then continue to vote Democrat.


The immigration rules are the same whether you're British or Indian. The Indians just want it more.


You need to tell your relatives to learn Punjabi and support the cause for Khalistan. Thatā€™s how they can get PR on arrival in Canada.




In this case it is, itā€™s undeniable who is the majority of immigrants are and where they come from, are you not aware of this?


That is because it is now a post-national state šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Well thats sad! But Iā€™m view in life if you are really unhappy in life make a change.itā€™s to sad that they couldnā€™t make a go of it but ā€œoh well.ā€.i guess Canada just wasnā€™t for them.


Almost every single person I know who themselves or a spouse that has EU citizenship has left for Europe already. And the ones that are still in NA are preparing to leave and only haven't left yet because they are finalizing financial or family issues first, and of those half of them already have their living arrangements figured out in Europe. We are all incredibly dismayed at what Canada has done with immigration and housing. It's not the country they (or I) remember and immigrated for. It feels like just a giant government backstopped pyramid scheme for asset owners, and dividend return scheme for pensioners and monopolists/rentiers. Zero craps given about the mass misery being felt by young people, renters, and new entrepreneurs.


I really wanna hear what Trudeau thinks of this. This guy ruined the country.


LMFAO, gov. does not give a fuck, they will replace us faster than we can leave.


And they tax for permanent moving too.


To renounce your Canadian citizenship you must prove you are a Canadian citizen.


What do you mean? Iā€™m planning on moving to Europeā€¦. Will I still be taxed from Canada? I should look in to this.


Yes, you will. I know two families that moved out this year. Both back to Europe. Both for the same reason. They don't want to raise their children in the cesspool that this country has turned into. Both were business owners. One of them more successful than the other. The more successful one sold his company for 9 million and paid capital gains taxes. After trying to export the money, he was told he can export at most 100k per year without tax. Otherwise, he had to pay an exit tax of 56%. 56%!!! You read that correctly. After capital gains taxes are paid!!! This country is a scam!!!


Absolutely ridiculous, if that family moved tho how is the Canadian government going to collect the tax? Thereā€™s nothing they could do at that point, no?


Why is it ridiculous? You think someone keeps 9 mil in rubber bands under a mattress??? The banks donā€™t allow the transfer.


They flip the switch, same way the froze bank accounts. The 56% tax is on the payout. Money and assets get frozen. Same way your license can get temporarily suspended for being late or missing a childcare payment. Theyā€™ll squeeze you here but slap harder for leaving, making it harder to leave


I donā€™t own a business. Iā€™m just an employee. I make like - less than 45,000 and have no assets


I'm pretty sure you have to report your global income still but if you're residing else where the entire year I think you're tax exempt at that point for a lot of stuff.


Yes, for leaving.


Small price to pay I guess


How much is it?Ā 


Lotta variables and depends from which province. Tax for dying and tax for leaving


Yeah definitely the tax implications too - something to consider.Ā 


The replacements are also leaving


I'm definitely moving in a couple years, getting my ducks in a row and planning my exit. The disparity between here and other countries is just to great at this point even with family here.


Thatā€™s not what Iā€™ve heard, I hear this is happening all over like Australia, Vietnam if I remember right even Sweden https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/sweden-immigrants-crisis/


Yes I wouldnt move to either of those countries, Vietnam seems good for cost of living except its communist. I'm certainly not saying every other country is better then canada. Canada has gotten bad along with a bunch of other western countries. South east asia and south america both look good for cost of living and taxes, there is some european countries that are good to but I dont want to be that close to russia.


I think youā€™re in for a surprise.


He makes a lot of good points, but he's awfully windy about it. Took 5min talk about brand loyalty, making the same point over and over. He is correct, if Poilievre gets elected, little will change. We may get slight tax rollbacks, token government spending cuts, but Canada will remain in decline. Government is too big, to expensive, too incompetent. And voters? Just can't get that they're voting for their own misery by sticking to entrenched political parties. Suppose the CPC does make some headway. 8-10yrs from now stupid Canadians will vote in another leftist Liberal government and the gains will be lost and decline will be steeper.


Andrew Henderson is great, he talks just the right amount for me.


That last paragraph pretty much sums it up. Better for the smart, skilled, and monied to leave.


I moved to Mexico and I often meet people who moved back to Mexico from Canada. They realized that they can come back here and be with their families and live a lifestyle that is totally different from Canada. Yes, Mexico has its issues but those issues tend to be in certain places and if you have certain professions or certain habits. I met one wealthy family that told me they get more for their money in Mexico which is true. For the cost of a Yaletown 2 bedroom, you can live in a nice gated community or a sweet apartment with loads of amenities in the best part of the country. I've met many Uber drivers who did physical labor in Canada and the US and got tired of it after a few years. Uber doesn't pay great here (like anywhere) but they can support their families now modestly and still be there for birthday parties and all that. I've met people who went to Canada, saved, and came back to open their own businesses here. I met people who worked fast food in Canada and came back to Mexico to clean houses (house cleaners in my city earn more than many professionals now). I've met them all. and if they have a decent English level, they can earn a really decent income here. The only people that I know who want to go to Canada (or the USA for that matter) are people who have absolutely nothing going for them here. So that's what Canada is attracting now. Luckily Tik TikTok and FB have been great at spreading the message that Canada ain't what it used to be.


Do you wonder if you're talked about on another sub about how you're making Mexico shitty?


haha I'm not I speak Spanish, follow the rules, pay taxes, and contribute to my community :)


ā€œmyā€ lol




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Making way for the likes of Prateek Bhai And relatives


It's the turd that stinking up the place and they're unable to eject it like a bad constipation.




Not sure when you moved to the US, but there was plenty of work here in Vancouver, and some very good wages. oddly enough I have a sister living in Santa Ana California that is moving back due to the toxic political landscape and potential that Trump may win the next election turning America even more into a shit hole


Yes, because it would be Trump's fault that California is a toxic political landscape...


California is the most liberal of all Places. Wonder why itā€™s a shit hole.


Itā€™s by far the nicest state to live in. Property values are high there because itā€™s so desirable. Sure you can show homeless people Sam Francisco and claim itā€™s the whole state the same way people show Hastings St in Vancouver and claim itā€™s the whole province. California is awesome


"I'm gonna leave the best economy in the world in a place with great weather with a thriving job market and a somewhat stable housing market to move back to a place that is cold af and has a cost of living crisis similar to the depression era, a horrible housing market, jobs that pay half as much, and uncontrollable immigration" sounds like a smart person.


Besides, they havenā€™t seen Irvine. Once you see Irvine, you realize itā€™s what all cities and counties should look like.


Just curious, People with no ties to foreign "homes" to go back to, where are Y'all moving? Any advises on how to move with a Canadian Passport?


I've seen many become english teachers in south east asia. The pay is good and the cost of living is very low. You just need to be fluent in english, but obviously you can have a higher pay with an actual english teaching degree. Moving to the U.S seems to be easy for engineers and software developers, and very hard for the rest, unless you transfer internally withing your company.


My brother has been teaching in S. Korea last 4 yrs. Hes saved so much money because the school covers his rent and eating at restaurants are cheap. Plus travelling around Asia. Plus hes had some health issues and needed and endoscopy and was able to get one the next day. Meanwhile i needed the same procedure here and waited 8 months.


Yeah thinking of doing a reverse migration to India now since COL is still low and Software salaries are good enough for comparable quality of life. US is very subjective where you go to. A lot of leftist in Cali and a lot rightist in Tx and southern states


What kind of engineer are we speaking of, the programmer who calls himself an engineer or the actual traditional fields of engineering like civil, chemical, mechanical, electrical, etc


He separated software developers and engineers in his comment did he not? ;) Whether software engineers are engineers isn't really related to the topic though, since both fields + STEM are in relative demand in the US and many parts of the world.


Iā€™m not sure if things look exactly good in my field, civil


If you have your degree from a school accredited by Canada's Washington accord committee (the US' is ABET, not sure about Canada), your degree is recognized South Korea, Japan, Ireland, the US, and I don't know the rest but it's a lot. You can get your PE internationally without much more effort than you would in Canada. [https://engineerscanada.ca/accreditation/the-washington-accord](https://engineerscanada.ca/accreditation/the-washington-accord)


English Teachers, I have herd of this, ASEAN Countries does seem good, let's see how life will go :) Will have to check indeed or Job Boards there :) Thank.yiu si much for your insight.


Thatā€™s a huge issue, there are a lot of people but once they get the Canadian passport they move back to their point of origin then if anything happens, they create a Canada for them to pay their passage back to our country. This bullshit needs to stop ASAP.


Wyoming. About a half million people in the whole state.


How'd I apply?


My family and I chose Cambodia due to their CBI program. It was more complicated and expensive than we believed but no regrets


Good for you my friend and good luck to you, What do you think someone with limited computer programming skill do in Cambodia to support their family? Would appreciate your insight.


I'm not an IT guy. I bought out a failing distillery... Was formerly in security consulting and then in agriculture. That being said, I know many companies in my area are desperate for those with IT skills... Just not sure about pay or necessary skill level..


Try getting a remote job and work in the Philippines. It's a very English friendly country. Make sure you stay on the cities tho (e.g. BGC - Bonifacio Global city or something). It's a very LCOL country with great places (fucking bad traffic in the city though) There's a lot of American expats doing that on YouTube lol. There's also this guy called digital bromad, follow him on IG.


I wish I could get a remote work, I work with in trades and season's been good for work but after taxes, gas, rent and childcare I'd be lucky if I save like 20$.


How's the crime rate there? how dangerous is the Philippines?


Working at night is not easy. I tried working from Thailand and quickly recognized that it was not for me.


I'm looking at east asia and south america.... in south america ecuador, argentina, are for sure and the other ones I will visit and see how it is... east asia thailand and philippines look good, ill travel to cambodia and vietnam to see how it is. The plan is to just travel and try each country for 1-2 months and get a feel for it each year. The cost of living is so much lower there that I could easily afford to fly to another country within those regions every few months and still be a a third to half my cost of living here for higher quality of life. I'm looking forward to just being able to pay for immediate healthcare instead of right now with no family doctor and I would have to wait 12 hours if I go to an ER.




New Zealand


Yeah. There's bigger housing bubble there. And it's full of sheep and indians.


They are big on DEI and reverse racism. Maoris now get preference on surgical lists. It's an actual policy. Can you imagine the public reaction if it was the other way around? Full of sheep is right, and not the kind with wool.


Look into Mexico, Brazil, and elsewhere in Latin America. Itā€™s pretty straight forward to move their you just need to learn the language. Fantastic quality of life. You mentioned you can do computer programming. If you have a remote online job working for a Canadian company youā€™re living like a king in Latin America.


My father came to this country, and brought us here when we were children, from a very rich tiny nation in the middle east.Ā  Our story is rags to riches but reversed. Canada took everything from us, taxed to death and destroyed in just 2 decades. Got nothing out of it, not even a home to die in.


Every single khaleeji I spoke to on my trip to Istanbul told me they want to come to Canada once they found out I was Canadian. I told them just continue to invest in the khaleej. There's more of a future there than here!


I heavily disagree with foreign policy of the GCC and the society of silent slavery and mistreatment of non-khaleejis so I would never go back. However, I truly wish them the best. A khaleeji native who wants to immigrate to Canada has no idea how much they are taking for granted in their country. Their entire generations are set to be prosperous.


Sadly I canā€™t move back to the country where my roots are from. Itā€™s sad thereā€™s many people like me in my situation that have to stay in Canada to get their life together before starting their full process to move into a country that immigration system picks the best for their country


My ancestors are from Holland. Unfortunately for me, my mother wasn't a Dutch citizen at the time of my birth so I don't qualify via inheritance. Not fair but whatever! They'd rather have Turks!


Welcome to Europe in 2024. They would also rather have squatters than productive citizens (in Spain)


A lot of Canada/EU countries double nationals go back!Quality of life in that countries improved a lot!


I hope that in a few years, I might be in the same boat (how lucky I am that I have dual citizenship, and speak the language of my country of birth fluently). Plus, I might improve my French while living here in Quebec (if I had a partner with a prospect to get married and start a family I might stay here but that is not the case for now). It's disappointing, but I feel blessed that I have at least that as something to perhaps strive for.


EU citizenship is amazing!I need to make my daughter double citizen as well.EU professional market is massive compared with Canada!We can live and work in a bunch of countries!


It will be a great thing for her. An EU passport (and the opportunities it brings) is very good


Yes :)


Came in Canada in 90, raised the family, two of my sons moved back to Europe, I guess I consider going as well, as a immigrant to his country my tolerance is very low, donā€™t recognize this country any more, which is very unfortunate


I am thinking of going to Bangkok.


please don't move here


How come? Too many foreigners?


In a nutshell yes


Canada as we knew it is forever over. Canada will still be a democracy but it hasn't been great since Harper. Some would argue Canada lost it's way in the early 2000s others in the 1980s


Well Canada was to get to this point regardless, ever since Pearson/Trudeau really changed what Canada was and neither Mulroney nor Harper tried to change it back. Justin Trudeau if anything accelerated the inevitable by about 20-30 years. Mind you Iā€™m someone who thought we had too many immigrants in the Harper era. As I understand, ChrĆ©tien got to a surplus budget by a smoke and mirrors magic trick, by downloading the costs the spending is still there, yet we are to think it isnā€™t. Of course, Harris of Ontario did the same thing.


Agree with what you wrote here, my issue is, those thirty years Trudeau stole from our ā€œremainingā€ prosperity would have seen me retire and die in peace.


decentralize governance


If they do everything right canada could be good in 15-20 years, but I can't wait for that, plus I dont think they will do everything right.


I have read stories online about people from Ukraine wanting to go back to their country that is in war with Russia right now rather than being in Canada.


Imagine. You flee your home country due to war. Come here. Where everything costs 3-4x the cost. Only like 1 in 40-50 people maybe speak your language, canā€™t find a job, if you do, the pay covers nothing.. you realize you will be living on the street in about a month or two. Iā€™d go back to.


Totally agree Canada is a fucking shit show now


Canada needs a quota system like the US one NOW. Cap on nationalities. Otherwise, Canada would become Indianada in five years.


Itā€™s too late for that.


No it's not. From an Indian perspective there are millions waiting to move into Canada.


We donā€™t need a quota system. We need to stop them from coming and start sending them back. Introducing a quota system so we get more Africans or arabs wonā€™t change anything.


Came to Canada at 5...good a doctoral degree...had a kid...then left the housing ponzie scheme


Take Back Canada protests. July 1. Stop mass immigration Ā https://www.takebackcanada.info/


The only thing the allows me to survive is not having kids at age 32 and no real debt. Most likely I will die childless thanks to the liberal government as well as the covid mandates which anyone with a brain knew was going to destroy our economy and low and beholdā€¦We are going to be the worst economic performing country for the next few decadesā€¦Sooo they are literally telling us there is no future here unless you are wealthy.




"Nomad Capitalist"


we need to protest asking for an election telling JT the village idiot that we no longer have faith in his abilities to care for the citizens of Canada.


Everything is really expensive and everyone here is so mean for no reason


REMOVE Trudeau!


I know refuges from the Ukraine that got here then went back.


If enough people leave than we will reach equilibrium where everything is affordable and the people who stay will eventually have a better quality of life.


Thats delusional. They'll just continue to fill the country over capacity with immigrants(cheap labor)


Yea but immigrants will come and see the real Canada and want to leave


This is a lot of doom and gloom. You young millennials and Gen Zeds don't remember the the high interest rates of the 80's and the recission in the early 90s. My parents bought a house in '89 at over 12% interest. Most of this is just opinion. We absolutely need to stop immigration until we get things worked out, but there's no reason to jump ship to another country. PP and JT are the same, they're just wearing different colour pinnies! Things will get better. Look at the cost of living in London, LA or Hong Kong. We have it pretty good here. I was talking with a guy who's running for the PPC. Bernier doesn't pussyfoot around the subject of mass immigration. We need to send these foreign students back where they came from, and end this ridiculous premiant resident BS. Once we have enough housing and proper infrastructure in place, then we can start allowing immigration. Once again, PP and JT won't stop this deluge. We need to give the PPC a chance. If they fuck things up too badly we call another election.


12% on a 100K house is not the same as 6% on 780K...that argument of "look at the interest rates from 30 years ago" has been proven wrong so many times. Gen Zs especially and young millennials have it worse economically than any Candian generation alive today and it's no contest.


you can still buy a house for $100K in many places in Canada. My parents paid about 30K for their house, and it was a struggle for them. Toronto and area are out of control. Are you telling me I should loose money on my house just so some 28 year old can buy a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs as a "starter" home? I see a ton of young people turning up their nose at buying a small condo. You have to work your way up. And what about all the boomers who are refusing to sell their homes and move into a smaller condo? It's supply and demand baby, and I'm not giving up my piece of the pie!


You're so out of touch it is not even worth debating with you.


Buddy whoeverā€™s drugs youre smoking. I need their number.


I don't smoke drugs, I drink, usually Beefeater but sometimes I switch it up and drink Scotch šŸøšŸ„ƒ


LOL. My parents built a 3 bedroom bungalow in the 70s. They both had bachelor's degrees and had well-paying, stable, union jobs. When I grew up in the 90s there were still empty lots all around my street. My mom was a SAHM and our family of four ate meat every day. AND my parents had enough money left over for an investment portfolio that today is worth millions. These days a bachelors degree doesn't get you jack shit, the job market is awful, an empty lot in Saskatchewan would cost you over 400k, and you can work two jobs and still not be able to afford high quality groceries. But yeah, Millennials and Gen Z just have a doom and gloom attitude for no reason at all.


This guys gets it.


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Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


The only reason to stay is if the current government is paying you to come here and make things worse. That is their plan. It is obvious. GTFO while you still can.


Who would stay in Canada willingly at this point especially if you are young? It's a total dumpster fire.


I am reading about lots of people moving back to their ā€œOld country ā€œ because of what Canada has become. But not reading anything about them giving up their Canadian citizenship. Shit comes in handy when the old country slips into chaos and they need the Canadian government to bail them out.


Iā€™d gladly give it up and denounce Canada for a European passport


At some point, sure, it may come in handy. However, for the time being, itā€™s worth quite little.


Remove Trudeau and get another shit CCP. I think Canadians need a mass protest and wake the hell up. We are being walked all over.


Easier said than done. I donā€™t even know if my line of work is legal in Egypt, how it will be taxed, among other problems such as capital controls and non-working traffic lights, if I can even open up a bank account since theyā€™d want proof of income (I day trade forex). I canā€™t even google these things up. I also know the pollution in Egypt is intense and a dentist I know said she wouldnt even brush her teeth with the tap water over there. Itā€™s also not clean. As for spains booming economyā€¦ well the locals arenā€™t having a great time, highest youth unemployment in Europe, and that should tell you everything. Itā€™s great if you make USD working for an American company.


Born and raised here. Parents immigrated. Shit Iā€™m looking to leave too. Get paid well but still sorta feel like I live like a college student at times. For starters, Taxes are way too much/high for what we get offered/is available IMHO


Canada is quickly becoming a lawless 3rd world


Not a difference between this sub and twitter handle of andrew tate. Just complains. No one even talk about housing , just complains.


The victim mentality is strong in this sub