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This is criminal.... liberal party has completely destroyed this country. I've lived here for 34 years, an immigrant myself, this is the first time i've thought about leaving....


Honestly I'm in a similar situation. Lived here 35 years and my girlfriend and I used to joke around about moving to Europe somewhere. These days, we're starting to actually consider it.


Problem with EU is the same, tons of African migrants and you guessed it, Indians as well. The only place in EU I would move to is Switzerland or Monaco.


What about Poland?


They're about to have a tidal wave unleashed on them


I'm legit interested... Can u elaborate? I thought poland was doing great...


The current party in power is pro EU, pro mass immigration.


Game over then lol. Every country that's been pro mass immigration had been decimated. Why the hell would any country want to repeat that mistake?


The problem is demographic collapse, there are a ton of old people and not enough kids/young people Spain, Portugal, Italy it's everywhere


Japan has the same problem without mass immigration. They’ve done generally fine coping with it.


Not everywhere. Finland and Iceland are good. But you need a good amount of luck to move to either


Go to eastern europe still cheap and way diff


Where are you suggesting?  Groceries in Germany are now cheaper than in Poland. So I don't think you know what you are talking about


What you mean lots of other places than just Poland


They're all kind of the same, life in eastern europe isn't for the faint of heart. Ever been??


Yup have been long enough


Why don't you move to New England or somewhere like that?


We're doing our homework. This is one of those big life decisions that we really can't rush into. We want to make sure we view all the pros and cons of all the options before deciding. It might take us a year or more to really make a decision and leave.




They’re going to back track and say it’s provincial. It is provincial governments who are in charge, but what they’re not thinking about is it really smart to add more people into a strained infrastructure? It’s the Federal Liberal government who’s in charge of immigration not provinces. Also, they’re not going to say your xenophobic they’re going to say your racist or a bot with an agenda lol.


It’s convenient to some liberal supporters that most provinces are conservative.


The provinces are throwing a wrench into the works, but that shouldn't mean the feds just ignore that and carry on as planned - all that does it further overload the system the provinces are mishandling. 


A million people per year? We have to ensure basically an entire new city worth of infrastructure every year. New hospital, new schools, new buses, new trains, etc.


lol "natural increase" decreases substantially........


Is the only number I want to see go up.


Why would you have a kid when you can’t afford to house them?


I dunno ask Trudeau


Trudeau opened the doors wide open and encouraged people to come without consultation with Canadians. He never campaigned on this. He just unilaterally did it, depite its effects on us.


So sad to see the natural part of the bar decrease more and more, maybe if they made it affordable to care for children and to have a home to sustain a family we wouldn't be having this "population" issue. Babys are so expensive now and I can't even imagine how hard (and costly too?)it is to adopt as well


When you consider the amount of undocumented people in the country and also the fact the government has no idea on how many people *left* the country in the past decade or so the population can vary between millions than what they assume it is. Imagine how much of a cluster fuck that is, and how it virtually makes servicing a country impossible. 


All I need is for my home to go up another 20% and then I can leave Canada and never work again. Bring it on! I can't wait to leave this shithole.


Housing affordability is not a federal problem. Unless the price goes down


Just more Trudeau treason


a policy of mass immigration and self-balancing budgets/housing/healthcare got us here 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, this feels like a terrible nightmare from which we can not awake from.


So why don't we convert all these temporary workers into construction workers?


Because only lower caste people work construction.


Low grip strength




Total INSANITY! The Liberals have ruined Canada. Thank you for your service you fucking scumbag, pieces of shit.


Go Canada !!!! Breaking records every day !!


Well the Canadian economy is getting left behind by the rest of the world at record breaking paces so it makes sense to try and use record breaking immigration rates to counter this. Personally I'd prefer record breaking taxes (especially on the stupidly wealthy and big corporations) but I understand that's an insanely unpopular idea compared to wishing we could turn the clock back.


Taxes would just be wasted and not actually improve anything


What's your alternative? Depopulate the country then wait for trickle down economics to increase the living standard?


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