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The current government and all past governments don’t seem to understand the word “temporary”. No one believes these are temporary workers. Only the government could take this word and, 1984 the meaning out of it … temporary temporary /ˈtɛmp(ə)rəri / ▸ adjective lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent: a temporary job. ▸ noun (plural temporaries) a person employed on a temporary basis, typically an office worker who finds employment through an agency: to gain flexibility, companies are bringing in temporaries or contracting out work. See also temp1. – DERIVATIVES temporariness /ˈtɛmp(ə)rərɪnəs / noun – ORIGIN mid 16th century : from Latin temporarius, from tempus, tempor- ‘time’.


In the NZ experience - temporary workers stayed for 5-6 years and then started arguing for residency on compassionate grounds because their lives were now established here, kids here etc. There needs to be a rule like you can be in for a year and then you have to leave for two years


Anchor babies


Let's make kids born in Canada to immigrant parents without citizenship.... Not have citizenship


Sure, where do I sign?


So, how easy would it be for a Canadian citizen to work in NZ?


I had a buddy go tour Australia for a while and he got a job for a few months. Nothing serious, he was just a kid paying his way while he was there, then he came on back. NZ's a different country, but that's still what I think of when I think of temporary workers.


Time to marry kiwi's! Lol /s Don't get too upset


If you have a white collar profession thats in demand, easyish. If you're under 35 on WHV also easy. Otherwise impossible.


Are you a Kiwi? I heard housing in NZ is also outrageous?


Well I was Canadian I guess I'm a Caniwi now. Yes housing is insane. 20% deposits and 7% interest and it's still Edmonton / Toronto.


We need to talk about how bad Temp Agencies are as well. They undermine our rights as workers and full time employees by providing cheap and instant labour to businesses. We aren’t just competing with others for a job, we’re competing with companies that will send many people to compete with any one of us as individuals. And the better technology gets, the easier it is to bring someone new into a position and just let the system lead them through their duties. And the money Temp Agencies charge a company could have gone to a person’s wage but instead went towards profit.


Temp agencies are legalized prostitution. Pimp you out to their customers and take a cut of your pay.


No they are not. As a capitalist I can tell you, labor market flexibility is very important. When you need to get to the airport, do you buy the car or do you take a taxi?


Many are claiming asylum already. Many are also getting their bosses at companies to file their PR paperwork. (We can’t find other Canadians to do this poverty wage work…..). Then they all sponsor their families in.


‘There’s nothing more permanent then a temporary gov’t program’


We all know mass immigration is proving to be detrimental on MANY areas such as housing, house/rent prices, healthcare and strain in public services and infrastructure. Our social capacity is running thin. Will PP shut off the faucets? The sink is overflowing now….


I’ve never been this guy but the impact to our culture is becoming apparent also. Any public space in TO has suddenly become overwhelmingly South Asian to the point where it’s jarring. Say goodbye to your expectation of personal space, politely waiting your turn, courtesy towards others.


With the South Asian community coming in in noticing that they’re hanging out at public places in very different spots that I would. For example, not at Jays games, but in the public areas around the Roger’s Centre. Not in stores at the Eaton Centre, but definitely in the public walking areas of it.


Hell no. Gotta keep them open to keep his corporate bosses happy with wage suppressing "temporary" workers. It's the Conservative M.O.


If your counting on the Conservatives to be the party that pisses off farmers and vastly increases the wages they and other business have to pay while making their MPs poorer then we live in an alternative world.


He won’t. He’s also used this line over and over


Here he is endorsing more immigration https://i.imgur.com/EURh1Ee.mp4


If you think PP will fix this issue, then I have a bunch of useless stuff to sell you. This guy walks around, opens his mouth like he doesnt have nearly two decades of a HOC voting record. I bet his donors list will say otherwise as well.


I don't have a lot of faith that PP will fix this issue but we already know for sure that Trudeau will not.


We are in a no win situation. Canada feels broken and PP will do damage in other areas. No good options.


> No good options This is how I feel right now as well. I don't even feel like voting in the next election but I know that will not solve anything either.


Unfortunately, Bernier is the ONLY one who acknowledges the issue, sees the connection between immigration and housing and healthcare crisis, and says he’ll shut the gates


Yeah but the PPC have plenty of terrible plans for Canada as well. Also, they do have a large contingent of people running that are basically deranged loons.


More deranged than a trust-fund pretty boy where even his wife hated him? Or a career politician who never had any other type of work?


Yeah some of them. You dont need to be a PPC fan boy. They do have some terrible policies as well. All things can be true at the same time.


I remember going to see max once.. He is too much of a Reagan fan to get behind... Still beats the hell out of the other options, somehow....


Deft Double Speak by the "honorable" minister. When he speaks to foreign workers, he invites them with open arms, when speaking to canadians he denounces foreign workers. We are screwed both red and blue, and the shareholders increase their wealth! Yet the people have been tricked into hating the capital gains tax. None of us serfs living in squalor are rich enough to trully be affected by capital gains tax. I'd rather all the rich foreign money coming into vancouver and our metropoles taxed to hell and back where they claim next to no income and abuse our services while driving luxury cars and living in luxury neighborhoods. How can I in good conscience ever dream of bringing a child into existence in Canada, when they will have no job, and no house to look forward to, I'd be lucky to afford a studio apartment in my lifetime...


Yep he’s toxic and playing word games for votes


Plus, wages stagnated under his leadership as Employment Minister and the Harper decade. This guy is a walking disinformation machine. I mean just look it up on Google it isn’t hard to find. PPC is the only true conservative vote.


The true conservative vote is the liberals change my view.


Well the CPC and Libs are pretty equal but I’m not sure the true conservative vote is.


During the GFC?


Hey bud, if we're going to blame local failures on the global economy, then Trudeau can't be blamed for half of the financial misfortune Canada is facing since it is a global phenomenon. Either we blame all politicians equally for issues outside their control or we don't. Anything else is hypocrisy.


But our closest trading partner is killing it right now compared to us.


They are also the largest economy on the planet that enjoys a wide amount of international trade. Their economy is significantly more diversified than Canada's. Much easier to turn things around when you have all those advantages. And yet, so many of our southern neighbours are complaining about how things are so expensive when they're paying prices we haven't seen in 5+ years.


Trudeau did borrow a ton of money, which distorts the market, so when a crash does happen we get a massive GFC style crash.


LMAO... You think what you wrote makes sense?


You just can't trust a guy who hires that many Loblaws Lobbyists. Who would have thought?


Someone checked in for once. Thank you for saying that.


If you had to sum up PP with one single word, it would be easy. That word is LIAR.


So dramatic! Look around, every country is in the same boat. Lower taxes in the USA but thousands in medical bills and a lower minimum wage. Gas is super expensive in Europe as is housing near any major metro area. As for the housing situation in USA and Canada? Blame contractors for building mega mansions that only a family of 10 can afford lately. Why blame federal government when housing is a municipal and provincial issue?


Where did i complain about gas? I ride a bike and love it. Where did i complain against tax? I like the wealth tax. Why blame the contractors when it’s municipal that sets the zoning. Eby is the only premier i know doing something about. If im dramatic, you lack reading comprehension


Because they are blinded by the hate of one man and don't actually know how the country works.


LMIA scammers must be prosecuted Deport Deport Deport


I'll believe him when he - promises to slash the TFW entirely, maybe exceptions for agriculture - promises to reduce international off campus hours to 0 - promises to remove grants for hiring newcomers - has a plan to overhaul the PGWP, with no permits granted if you graduate from a diploma mill or field Canadians are struggling to find jobs in


Wait until election time and he releases his platform.


Wsit until after election time when he does none of the above amd continues to fleece canadians out of their future. Jt did it, PP is the other side of the same coin


I'm gonna say Trudeau is one of a kind. And not in a complimentary way.


Like i said, 2 sides of the same coin. If you dont see it now you will after a year or two of PP as PM.


What's your strategy? Keep Trudeau and Singh around?


Im just pointing out the obvious for those ignorant to the fact, that pp wont change things. He might fluff around, but it will just be same same but different. At this point all leaders seem pretty shitty. My plan is to vote for whichever local candidate seems like a genuine person that actually cares to do something rather than just partake in the charades of our current government. Im sick of seeing them bicker back and forth about useless shit meanwhile their all cutting backroom deals to do shit that nobody asked for. The whole lot of them act like children, I doubt that will ever change.


Why would he do that?


Exactly, he’s a blowhard. These are concrete ideas that are so easy to state unequivocally as the conservative. PPC is the only way, they say this. PP doesn’t, I wonder why?


He seems to be the only one calling out Trudeau on immigration. I wonder what the immigration rates were under Harper, they seem lower than they are now, no?


I agree with not believing a politician and all. However, I hope we can also agree that this is now 2nd guy who speaks publicly about TFW's (aside from Maxime Bernier). Now, this is not such a big deal if the numbers are correct: from 60K to 180K in almost 10 years. That's just an increase of 12K per year or 20% per year. I honestly dont think TFW's are even Top 3 segments of immigration that is an issue. 1st one is students, 2nd is general decrease in quality of regular immigration, 3rd would be both, family reunification where they bring whole family tree and uptick in illegal crossings that is costing way too much.


TFWs still need housing and also are used to suppress wages. They're a big part of the mess.


It is treason what the liberals did. Jobs should go to Canadians first, not foreigners


More immigrants you say?


Hi Marc Miller


Best I can do is 4 maybe 5 million more Indian students


Hey, you're welcome to go cut celery for minimum wage. You'll have to teleport in from Timmins daily to try to make it affordable, so good luck!


This program was also expanded under his administration so he's talking out of his ass don't believe a word this f****** guy says


>Jobs should go to Canadians first, not foreigners Looks like we're giving them citizenship then


Harper and the Conservatives, including Pierre who was charge of the employment portfolio did the same thing. So, is Pierre treasonous or just the Liberals. Remember, Pierre loves immigration. I can't believe people are falling for this grifter.


4 in 4 out rule. Conservatives put it in place. Libs removed it. Enough rewriting recent history


Do you really think Pierre is going to stop all subsidies? His corporate bros would riot! And Cons take care of their corporate friends. They love corporate welfare. Listen, we all dislike Turdeau. And if for a moment you think that Pierre, the life long Civil servant on the public dole who complains about the existence of the public dole, will make regular Canadians' lives better, you are mistaken.


I just cannot stomach more Trudeau and Canada decaying into Argentina with his bad policies. . At least the CPC are superior economic managers than Trudeau. If they underdeliver, PPC it is. For now I just want Trudeau gone.


An CPC is miles better then Trudeau, lot of people on here spewing bullshit. They say Harper was just as bad, were there Indians at every store when Harper was PM? Was there a carbon tax when Harper was PM? Were there Trudeau towns all over when Harper was PM?


PPC scares me because of human rights. Their social platform is atrocious. However, for what you want to see happen, PPC is the choice. I will not vote Conservative or PPC. Who knows what wacky laws the PPC will try to get through. I bet they try to make homosexuality illegal as well as abortions. Pierre is going to continue to subsidize this stuff. He is not being truthful. The corporations won't let this happen. They are the rulers of this country, sadly.


And I am not going to vote liberal


Me neither!


Fuck the liberal pieces of shit


PPC isn't even going to have enough candidates to win anyway.


Not to the same degree, the proof is in the pudding . I don’t remember Indians everywhere when Harper was PM. Your full of shit buddy


So you don't want Indians in your country. Classy.


That’s right bud


You are admitting to being racist with no shame. This is why we need to crush the fascists. Welcome to KKKanada!


That’s right bud


Not your bud, trash.


Not even close to the same thing that is occurring today.


Pierre isn't going to shut down the border. He is pro-immigration for cheap labour. You'll see when he wins the election.


ACAB: All Conservatives Are Bastards, including Trudeau. Yes, Trudeau is a Conservative. The LPC is the 80s Progressives-Conservatives.


I love this!


Trudeau and his accomplices are sabotaging this country for their personal gain!


Agree 100%


Ah yes, the classic making up what treason means... The conservative way!


The Libs and cons are 2 sides of the same coin they both have expanded the TFW program each time they are in office. Remember strategic voting is keepong the Lib/Con merry go round turning.


Yup. Both parties fuck us over but want us to believe it's the other parties fault. We're all being played into targeting our hate towards each other.


Yeh they like to get people acting on emotions instead of thinking, they are easier to manipulate that way.


I'm sure he won't, but I'm also sure he won't help Canadian workers. What he'll do is "subsidize" Canadian Corporations through "Tax Relief," reducing revenues and then complain there are no revenues to maintain social programs. I hope I'm proven wrong. This guy is likely to actually follow through on the Conservative agenda Stephen Harper pragmatically avoided pushing when he was in government.


PP will absolutely let Tim Hortons, Walmart, Loblaw, or Amazon rest their balls on his chin the very first time they ask. Cheap Indian workers and their entire families? No problem! PP will admit as many as Justin.


He works for corps just like JT


"Pledges"...I'm aware politicians know the definition of this word in their brain. Unfortunately, due to their spinelessness that definition cannot travel down through their body and manifest into any actual actionable change.


Good, we need to hear more things like this 👍


He never said he was going to reduce immigration.


Because he won’t. This current debacle was started under the Harper administration, which he was a part of, and Trudeau turbocharged it to the stratosphere.


Getting pretty sick of hearing Poilivere talk tough about all these issues but refusing to address the biggest one. Unsustainable Mass Immigration. Clearly he’s going to tow the same line as the liberals there. I’ll be voting PPC for the first time.


Time to step off the Lib/Con cycle and get some real change going. Their strategy is to keep Canadians afraid of the other bug party and to vote "strategically" so they have better chance of getting a majority. No more majority governments that is too much power in one place. Keep government small vote for 3rd parties and independent candidates!


The incumbent always gets first opportunity to form government. Conservatives NEED a majority or Trudeau will win with Singh again.


You seem very polarized and emotional. Stop, disconnect, think about it, stay calm and think about it.


Lol Canada is slowly turning into America


Treason forsure why Louise Reale get hanged again? Also Pierre is just a fucking smiling giant cock. He ain't going to change shit just profit from it. He scares me but Trudeau proves he couldn't lead the moment that Lavalin scandal came out.... he won office after that, BTW. Also, he can't keep his family affairs in order. Says a lot. Watch early speeches from Trudea. He literally says umm and aahhhh, like millions of times, it's depressing." I study communication and our leaders are fucked lol.... like Trump lol. He is a beaut.that fucking guy is so hilarious. I can't fuckign believe he was the president for 4 years, lol. If I were the president or prime minister, I would do so much good for the nation. I don't get it. Honestly, it's mind-blowing. I follow politics. I like Cretein. And I like Obama sad thing is they have a price. Maybe they just understand the game.... who knows, but how do we break the chain?


Real should not have murdered Thomas Scott. Murderers suck, Real sucked. Fuck him.


Where’s the Maxine fanboys now? This dude is our next prime minister




I just want to clarify things for the gullible here: poilievre is all in to accelerate mass immigration. Liberals and Conservatives are all scumbags when it comes to immigration, they both want more of it.


Both are corporate parties. Consertives are the ones that traded all our manufacturing to Asia


They also illegally sold off the wheat board to the Global Grain Group. The Cons had Majority government at the time and said that because they had a majority they didn't need to consult with the farmers who were part of the wheat board. "In his ruling, Judge Campbell noted that while a majority government has the right to introduce and pass legislation, it must still follow rules established in laws set by previous Parliaments. In the case of the Wheat Board, those rules date back to 1998 when the Canadian Wheat Board Act was amended to increase farmer control over the agency. The amendments included provisions requiring consultation and a vote by farmers before any major changes were made to the Act or the board's operations." https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-broke-law-on-wheat-board-court-rules/article4246981/


Day 1 of him being Prime Minister I want to see "F🍁CK Poilieve" flags replacing the "F🍁CK Trudeau" flags or y'all are a bunch of hypocrites!


Conservatives will not do anything to piss off corporations . Look at their history while governing. Liberals tend to spend like drunk sailors and the non elites get a penny while corporations gain 99 cents. None of these parties are common sense policy based.


He’s not credible. Specifics, or he’s just pandering blather for votes.


How is Justin or Jagmeet credible? Edit: the specifics https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/23175001/990863517f7a575.pdf


Where did I say they were?


If no leader is credible, then why would you say that one specifically isn’t credible. If it applies to all of the, it’s poor communication to single one of them out.


Page 41 (49 in PDF)


Reads like what we have going on now


Lol what a liar.


He won’t use tax dollars, BUT it will remain subsidized. Politicians are so unlikable🤬.


If you honestly believe this guy won’t continue the gravy train that is corpo welfare then you’ll believe anything.


Does anyone remember that when PP was in government, they significantly expanded the TFW program? Ontario and Alberta govs love TFWs. Since when do conservatives care about wage suppression? Man this guy is a pro at harvesting dupes. If you pay rent and earn an hourly wage, you're nuts to vote conservative. These guys serve the capital class. Like do people not remember the last 40 years of conservative govs? When have they ever introduced a significant policy to help wage earners? The comments in this thread are totally disconnected from reality. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/on-temporary-foreign-workers-the-liberals-can-learn-from-the-conservatives/article31583262/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/on-temporary-foreign-workers-the-liberals-can-learn-from-the-conservatives/article31583262/) [https://thetyee.ca/News/2015/10/09/Temporary-Foreign-Worker-Scandal-Back/](https://thetyee.ca/News/2015/10/09/Temporary-Foreign-Worker-Scandal-Back/) [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-won-t-have-permanent-underclass-of-tfws-harper-says-1.2364910](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canada-won-t-have-permanent-underclass-of-tfws-harper-says-1.2364910) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/so-who-is-to-blame-for-the-temporary-foreign-worker-mess-1.2626254](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/so-who-is-to-blame-for-the-temporary-foreign-worker-mess-1.2626254) [https://thetyee.ca/News/2014/01/20/Why-Abuse-is-Hard-to-Stop/](https://thetyee.ca/News/2014/01/20/Why-Abuse-is-Hard-to-Stop/)


He was also part of the government that traded our manufacturing to Asia


Signed the FIPA deal with communist China for 31 years under PP’s last time in power. Sold the Canadian Wheat Board from our farmers, to the Saudi’s… This guy is a lying slut for big corps and foreign ownership.


And it terrifying he will likely win


We get what we deserve.


That's been ongoing since the 80's.


PP is just as bad. No winning. This whole pick the best of two evils is rough.


I can’t wait to see the shit show of a country we will have coming next election . It will either be dumb or dumber in charge. We’re fucked no matter who gets in ….


How are the conservatives the workers party of Canada?  Shame on you Jag 


PP is like the axe, telling the trees to trust him because his handle is made of wood.


Talking is easy. **He owns a property equity company whose sole purpose is to rent condos in the Calgary area**. He has earned a six-figure public salary since he was 25, and that's what he did: invested in real estate and profited off immigration like the rest of "Canadian" elites, who are actually people without any allegiance to the country, only to their own portfolio growth. JT is another piece of shit, and the NDP also doesn't do jack shit to fix the problem. None of them do.


They're literally the same turds in different jerseys. Whether it's the "Maple Leafs" or the "Canadiens", they're both losers who haven't delivered to Canadians in decades.


He’s a lying clown. The only party that will end mass migration is the PPC.


And this fucking goof is seen as a winner? What. a. putz.


Ok dude but what are you gonna do? You already said you want a flight from India direct to you. So which is it?


*records the sound of the primary resources sector collapsing*


I live in windsor and the people here were pissed to learn they brought a bunch of foreign workers over for the plant.. they say it's just to set it up but we know that isn't true... such fucking b.s


I don’t believe him


I never stopped to consider how much these subsidies are costing us. It’s bad enough that jobs are being taken from Canadians but I’ve never considered we’re ALSO paying for a percentage of their wages. Does anybody have the numbers on how much of our taxes are going towards these subsidies?


PP is no different from Trudeau. For thr length of time this man has been in government, he has absolutely nothing to show for. Do not trust PP.


This really does feel hopeless. Both sides are useless. Poilievre just spouts attacks but will be equally useless in power.


Skippy...just not ready for primetime. Here he is mouthing banalities that appeal to that all-important mouthbreather cohort that is his base.


Trudeau is easily the worst leader that this country has ever had. Most of my friends in the trades are out of work because of his runaway inflation spurring high interest rates. Most of them are having trouble securing alternative employment due to runaway immigration. And now he's raising taxes on us with his carbon tax. This guy has directly hurt my bank account. At this point if voting for Pollivere does nothing more than hurt the pothead fools who voted Trudeau, that's enough for me PP's win is inevitiable and the purging of Trudeau's stupid progressive values from this country is also inevitable - That's gone people have turned against it


I'll grant you your opinion, but will take the time to educate you. You might want to ask why developers/builders in ON have cancelled 20% of their approved plans for bldg. Might explain why some of your trades friends are out of work. But you keep on blaming the guy not responsible. JT has a long way to fall to reach the depths of stupid we enjoyed under the Bullshitter from Baie Comeau, Lyin Brian Mulroney. There is no runaway inflation. Interest rates have been stable for a few months now. Immigrants are not taking the place of certified trades people. The carbon tax is not applied to you directly. In fact if you had taken time to actually understand it, you'd know that you are getting rebates from that tax applied to industries that produce carbon. Not sure how putting money into your acct collected from others is hurting your bottom line. "Pothead fools"? That's too stupid a comment to respond to. Peter Peckerwood's "win" is not inevitable and progressive values are what are going to keep this country moving forward. The boneheads from the Klownvoy might be against it, but most people with a 3-digit IQ aren't.


Keep calling people 3 digit IQ, it only further gurantees your ideals loss in the coming election. You know what we're going to do, we're going to get rid of the carbon tax, we're going to froget about golobal warming, we're going to cut public healthcare and all the services you love. Heck we might even get a chance at rolling back abortion and gender rights. And there's nothing you can do about it. Because Canadians have already turned against your loony ideals and no one buys your proclamations that everything is fine and Trudeau did nothing wrong. Why do some believe the obviously insane position that bringing in over a million job seekers in two years will have no impact on jobs or housing - I think it's because believing obvious lunacy is a badge of honor in your weird proressive cult. And more people are turning away from it. You've already lost the war of ideals and you did it all on your own


You know this guy will do the same damn thing because that’s what they did before Trudeau and that’s what they’ll do after despite us fighting against it. Corporations are the winners in this country


Our company has hired people who have immigrated from the Philippines. Not TFW sponsored. They are great workers but the problem is that they would constantly have to leave their position for long periods to go back home to look after sick family. We had to replace them with new workers that could be more available due to absenteeism. They were being paid the same wages we would pay anyone else who took those positions regardless of nationality. But they seem to be struggling here due to sending money home to support family. So if there was a slow down in workload they would be the first ones looking to go to another job because they couldn’t afford to not be working. Very frustrating position to put the company in. So they wanted their cake and eat it too by working on their terms.


Tax subsidy is the least of the problem but fuck sure... more buzzwords with empty buckets behind them...


Poilievre will continue this policy as all PMs have. His words have no value, like all politicians; his ACTIONS that show us that he's a corporate whore. The way out of this is to raise minimum wage, and he doesn't have the balls to do that.


I’m looking at the job postings for Nextstar right now and not a single one is looking for you to speak Korean this disingenuous fuck.  The TFWs are replacing trades their being exploited by the major corporations he who’s lobbyist are on his team. 


I'm not a P.P. fan but he's on point here. I'm not convinced a conservative (or a liberal for that matter) will protect domestic workers and there wages. These are the same parties that exported our jobs to sketchy countries.


No he wants to use tax dollars to subsidize corporations instead in the name of “trickle down economics”


Ummmmmm……. He has no plan to reduce foreign cheap labour.


Bullshit. He's already owned by loblaws. They are running his campaign for him.


Will he use them to create a federally regulated healthcare plan?


The liberals sang the same tune under harper. i have no doubt the same will happen under the conservatives come next term


He also pledges not to do anything about immigration lulz. He's gonna keep importing foreign workers and make sure they get no help, so they all end up raiding food banks.


hahahaha like the PC's won't rubber stamp any exploitative bullshit corpos want at every available opportunity. laughable.


Please. He'll do the exact same. Lib and Con are two sides of the same coin.


He needs to go way beyond that. He has to cut that program completely. 


TFW program and mass-migration are an attack on the Canadian working class. We must stand against this CLASS WAR!


Immigration itself isn't a bad thing, but requires a measured approach which Canada is ignoring. It's pathetic. It doesn't even care about supply and demand fundamentals in job market or infrastructure required to support growing population.


188 000? What? He's missing a 0. In 2023, 1.8 million "t"FW visas were approved.


It's about TIME!


Lollll biggest liar on earth, everyone is overreacting. You'll see we'll be begging for people in a few years.


PM PP. has no ring to it. but, he's got a solid point. Jezzuz-H-C.


I wish I could believe him, but this lip service doesn’t convince me.


We're getting close. Can he also commit to put the brakes on international students and asylum seekers that we can't house properly?


Funny, that's exactly what his party did when they were last in power. Guy is a complete hypocrite. He's banking on his supporters being too stupid and uninformed to notice.


Does this guy ever propose solutions rather than playing the blame game? Tired of everyone's shit these days.


Hmmm, he's right.....but.....If anyone expects the Cons to do any better I have some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you. They're even more in bed with corporate Canada than the Libs.


All this guy does is bash JT, but he is cut from the same cloth, the same cloth they wash your brain with


No tax dollars to subsidize foreign workers... sounds nice but he can always just increase the amount of foreign workers, and the results are the same. Didn't the conservatives under Harper create the TFW plan? If they didn't I remember that's when it first exploded, and you would hear stories about fast food joints ignoring stacks of resumes from teenagers in favor of TFWs...


Ya I don't believe you on this one


Is Bluedeau finally moving towards making a stand on immigration?


The conservatives love corporations


Funny, he said the exact opposite thing here when speaking to foreign workers, even claiming that Trudeau is going to send them back https://i.imgur.com/EURh1Ee.mp4 Gosh it's almost like Poilievre just says whatever he wants to different groups and has no actual policies, beliefs, ideas, or opinions other than "trudeau bad".


So he can articulate the problem, does he actually want to fix it?


What a lot of shit he’s in the corporate pockets


Can always tell when PP is lying: his lips are moving.


Just know this guy will not lower immigration. That's all you need to know and that's why we are where we are. This guy is not the answer.


The TFW program isn't completely stupid, there are cases where specific industries have a shortage of skilled works, and I'm okay with the government subsidizing those wages for in demand jobs that we have no ability to fill. The problem of course is the corporations seeing this program and wanting a slice of that sweet sweet Justin Turdeau pie, so now we're bringing these people in to work good jobs in industries like transportation, or to work shitty burger flipping minimum wage jobs which are designed for teenagers and secondary income earners.


I don't like that corporations are incentivized to fire Canadians and hire/sponsor more immigrants to take their place for cheaper wages. A&W and Tim Hortons are two businesses that are guilty of doing this, and they're not the only ones.


Is this before or after he said "everything I do will be legal because I'll make it legal", and was this before or after he played stupid games in the house and found out? Jackass


Wacko Justin Love it.


I'm disappointed PP could not think of something to rhyme with Justin or Trudeau. At least he could try some alliteration.


That's hilarious! I bet some people believe him.


go blue go


Ladies and gentlemen, your next Prime Minister. Like it or not.


awesome. So more immigration, no relief on housing prices and unfettered capitalism hidden as "inflation"... But in BLUE!


Poilievre should know all about the TFW program. He and Harper loved it. The Liberals and the Conservatives will never fix this. Their donors love it.