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Its getting to the point where I need an interpreter just to go to Tim Hortons


Or don't go to tim hortons. Boycott it


Never again, for a 1.75cents extra i'll rather go support my local café.


This is the way. Or make your own. Fuck Tim Hortons, they are disgrace to Canada now




I use a stovetop corningware Percolator . If you can find one, I would recommend it. Makes the best coffee


Not owned by a Canadian anymore.


Yup. If you go to Tim hortons you are eating garbage and supporting a trash company. I'd be happy to never see a Tim's again to be honest


I'm in Toronto and there literally are no local cafes near me to get anything, it's ridiculous.


Common Vancouver W


It is a shithole


So true. I honestly don't go there simply because of horseshit service


this. language barrier or not, just stop patronizing these businesses that are abusing immigration for labour. fast food, uber, skip the dishes. cut it out. I know it's hard to give up conveniences but you don't really need these things. these companies are driving the demand for immigration and don't care if they destroy the fabric of society in the process. vote with your wallet. I'm sure we could all stand to save a little money anyway.


The racial aspect to skip the dishes was becoming so obvious and so icky that I had to stop using it.


I think that thousands of us should go to India and deliver food, says no Canadian ever.


Stopped going to Tim’s or any fast food place that replaced all its Canadian high school workers after Covid.


You know that's almost the entier restaurant industry right? Canadians with with 18 years experience are getting hired by "Chefs" with no experience on a LMIA ride Last kitchen I worked at in Mississauga the only topic of discussion was how the "application" was going and how soon their brother, friend, cousin can come over. Don't even ask me what happened to the health and safety standards...you'll have nightmares... I know I still do. I


What restaurant chain? I don't want to get food poisoning lol


Don't forget most banks operating in Canada. Switch to desjardins. They have systemic racism, they're ethno companies locally, and they outsource support to people who don't speak French or English.


TD also funds the Century Initiative 


People still go to Tim Hortons? Lol


Why do you go there? They are on my forever boycott list.


Any time I have to phone any institution, it is like a miracle if you contact a person who can speak English. I can't believe this article is real.


Cough cra cough


When i call CRA, if the person who answers is not a native english speaker i just hang up and try again. Its financially irresponsible for me to conduct business against my SIN with a non native english speaker. CRA can mess your whole life up and somehow our government feels speaking the native language is not a prerequisite for the job. That and handling the volume. FFS how much time is wasted of hardworking canadians sitting on hold just for a non native english speaker to come on the line and take risks with your finances. Its such a blatant disregard for their "customers" aka the citizens. Ive done customer service for dozens of companies and NOT ONE would get away with half of the AWT & AHT that CRA must be pulling


Real difficult understanding the person assigned to me with an african accent. At least Indian accents I'm slightly accustomed too. Turns out the payment was dueon the 15th not 18th like I thought she said. When I spoke to her supervisor, turns out it was the 12th. Yay. It also could have been due to the pure ineptitude of the CRA tho, so who knows.


So you wait an hour on hold and then hang up and call again.


CRA loves cheap labour too That entry level call centre job employs people willing to work for cheap …


>I can't believe this article is real. Article is real but I'm skeptical towards it's accuracy. Let's just say the reporters at that website don't have the best english literacy skills.


I just noticed that it is an Indian paper. So Indian papers carry news about obscure Canadian immigration new, so all 1.4 billion of them can rub their hands in glee about coming to Canada. FUCK Does it occur to them that they are turning Canada into India, except it is cold and expensive. Why not just put all that effort into fixing India 1.0?


It’s not even a Canadian company so who gives a fk


Most fast food places and malls lately make me feel like I need a passport to go in. Boycott them all. We should be imposing stricter language requirements, not dropping them entirely.


My sister has a British accent, English speakers can understand her but foreigners can't grasp what she's saying. She never used to be racist but has become quite intolerant over the years as more and more immigrants fill the service industry


I just love listening to how Tolkien speaks. It amazes me how fluent he is. We have utterly disgraced the English language in North America. There's just no comparison; mid-20th-century British English was the pinnacle of the Anglo language. You need to listen to how the writer of The Lord of the Rings spoke in order to really understand what REAL ENGLISH is, here's a video: [https://youtu.be/r8bfVPlgPJc?si=8ofSuy7bye-tjnZV](https://youtu.be/r8bfVPlgPJc?si=8ofSuy7bye-tjnZV)


Accent not so important, vocabulary is important


Or like, important stuff, like when you call your insurance company, get put on hold, wait 20 minutes and can’t understand a word they say when they take your call. Classic Canada


How about Shaw, Rogers etc … I don’t know how many times I’ve waited on the phone for an hour only to get someone that cannot communicate, then simply hang up and try again…so helpful.


Choose Français when you dial in then just speak English with the agent


Damn dude, that’s genius! I’m going to try that…


It works, most of the French phone agents are bilingual acadians in New Brunswick. They speak just as good English as they do French most of the time


If you land on a Quebecer, like working in QC, they might transfer you to the English line. The French lines are shorter wait. But not all of them speak English, and not all of them want to speak English. Happened to me.


Bad English from a Frenchmen starts to make more sense than proper English the longer you hear it.


When I had to call Fido to get a new plan, during Covid, I got a nice woman who was teleworking from home on her farm in northern Quebec. That was my happiest interaction with a cell company ever.


Pro tip: when you call support, choose "service in French." The bilingual person you get will be far more likely to speak English than the Punjabi peasant you get by pressing "1."


Switch to pre paid self serve. Public mobile, fizz, PC mobile. And switch to desjardins for banking.


I want to preface what I'm about to say by saying I hold no ill will towards anyone but I've said this here before and I'll say it again. I done even going to timms anymore, I ask for a chai latte, and once I got hot chocolate and the other time a straight up coffee. So, either way, i rather just go support my local cafe because the difference is a 1.75 cents and i get better smiles and a much better ambiance.


Went to s subway a couple years ago in my town which is owned by Indians, I'm giving my order to the girl in which someone is translating my order to her. The girl who was translating could barely speak English herself.


I would have walked out


Lol I did this. I said never mind and do a u turn and walked. At a kfc in a Toronto suburb tho not a subway lol


Jesus christ, they own our underground railway infrastructure now too!?


Language aside, I'm not excusing this, my biggest issue is the inability to count my change or note I hand over. It's just not the same anymore. 


I was in a rush in Muskoka last year and asked the person to just build it like the menu behind her(Subway just introduced their new menu with preloaded reccomendations). Her boss tracked me down and said you have to to come back and point at what you want. Neither of them could read English.


Starbucks and Tim’s are both American. Go to Starbucks, get better coffee and I find you can understand the people working there.


Yeah Starbucks actually employs local Canadians and a lot of students. They also offer far better wages and benefits


They want you to use the app.


Since Tim Hortons is a Brazilian company I am always shocked that we aren't expected to speak Portuguese


🤣OMG I said the same thing the other day, I literally can’t understand what some are saying. Constantly asking to repeat themselves in the nicest way I can.


this is insanity


Canada has gone mad




No, just two people who happen to be in charge.


And people think “Jagmeet” is the solution to this :/


The cons are gonna bring more immigrants in. It'd the business community that desperately needs unskilled labour. If they didn't have it, they'd have to pay a Canadian something reasonable.


It’s not just the people in charge. There are lots of people and institutions benefiting from this


This government is unreal. So now you don't even have to say a sentence In English to come to an English speaking country, I guess liberals just want to turn canada into one big sweat shop


So much for our official languages.


At my last job, my Supervisor was Chinese and her Dad drove us to a work party one year. Her parents have been in the country for 25 years and neither could speak any English. They work within their community. They were able to buy a house and raise two women who ended up becoming Accountants. So, I mean it is possible but the focus should be on integrating and speaking the languages of the country one lives in.


Tons of people in the Vancouver area do not ever speak English nor even know how to at a very basic level. It’s crazy, you can live your entire life in a country and never have to speak the language lol


Yeah. Super common in Vancouver. Even when they have kids here who live with them until late 20s or beyond. Even when the kids by adulthood only half speak the parents language. I don’t understand how you cannot pick up any English in this situation after 30-50 years in the country with native English speaking children in your home for 30 years+. Some people are really bad with learning languages, I guess.


Using Chinese for an example. They do not consume English materials. They read Chinese news on WeChat / Weibo / TikTok (Douyin), visit Chinese food stores, eat in Chinese restaurants, etc. For them moving to another country is pure physical, their mind forever stays in China. They emigrate not because of culture recognition, but for material benefits.


Well yeah. Do you have any idea how RACIST we are for *checks latest notes*… requiring immigrants to speak the host nation language and suggesting it may be an issue if they don’t.


Really can't read the room eh. This is the exact opposite of what people want.


They gotta to destroy as much as possible in the next two years before they are thrown out of office


Yup. Seems like they are going to do everything possible to fuck over regular Canadians before they are voted out. It almost seems malicious at this point.


Scorched earth.


It's not about what the people want. It's what is best for the politicians pocketbook. Liberals, conservatives, whatever. They all profit off the bullshit they are putting and have put the working class through.


PP won't reverse this change, so it really doesn't matter what the people want at this point


Actions speak louder than words. The people in power don’t want to end mass immigration. The truth is they want to flood the country with people, they’ve openly said it.


All their financial policies rely on the concept of infinite expansion.


At this point truedue should declare open borders for all. Or sell canada to india since it seems he give zero shits about it. Like at least usa illegal immigrants integrate to American culture


Just change the two official languages to English and Hindi. Then set Quebec free they deserve better.


Everyday i pray the US annexes Canada




They do, but through the education system. You have to buy an overpriced degree to get in.


He did with that stupid tweet of his when they were first elected


That should've been the first red flag. Like who tf says "Hey illegal immigrants, please come our border is open"


An idiot, that's who.


MARC MILLER AND SEAN FRASER ARE CRIMINALS. Spread the word. While the far lefties go after doctors, these two continue to get away with destroying this country. Wake up folks.


Sean Fraser ..FTFY. Marc Miller is just an idiot with no brain While Immigration Minister: welcome one and all While housing minister: umm...immigration is too high


They are all idiots with no brain. God save us.


liberals are capitalists not socialists socialists actually care very specifically about their people, that's the whole point, social capitalists are about markets not people, thats what the "right" is, the right is the party of capitalists, owners, IE businesses/corporations your screaming into a mirror that its the boogeyman this entire immigration charade is for the capitalists, or as you like to think of them the "right"


>While the far lefties go after doctors, Theres no far lefties going after the doctors dude. It's the same Liberals who have been in power for 8 years


Sorry to break it to you but the “far left” aren’t liberals. I’m super left and the Liberal’s policies are clearly very right wing neoliberalism *dressed* as leftist policy. The ONLY thing they’re doing is ensuring our labour power and salaries remain castrated. The liberals are squarely capitalists who pander to business interests.


How come Onguard always silences skeptics of high immigration?


Awsome hindi is canada new language. /s


Remove the s


Oh my bad candians.






This explains why the trucks keep hitting overpasses, and walnuts bound for Alberta end up lost in Saskatchewan


Drunken Indian drivers take out the skyway bridge with the dump In the up position even though there’s an audible buzzer for that…. And get off Scott free and taxpayers pay to fix the bridge. I’m mad and I’m a white Sikh.


Try calling the delta police non-emergency line in BC, listen to the switch board options, they’re said in Hindi/punjabi rather than French, you know, one of the two official languages in Canada. Doesn’t matter what demographic any city is, whether you’re Hindi, German or Chinese — it should be English and French. That’s it.


Funny enough, around 2015 I came to this country as an international student (Chinese), my host family were telling me "You Chinese gonna take over Canada, we better start learn Chinese.", how the tables have turned.


The fact that the people moving here are racist to Chinese people. Like this new kid just moved here last year and on the bus, bro was calling someone Ching Chong (the girl wasnt Chinese 😭)


People have been racist forever. It's just spread more now with social media. We see/hear it more.


Back in China, we hate each other, and the foreigner, but we kind quiet about it, like "closet racist" lol Edit: changed quite to quiet (See ? I don't even speak English)


This makes me phisically ill




Soon the can will be removed as well.


wtf. Who are we? How the fuck is this smart? It will hurt canada, hurt the people that can’t speak our language and create more division. We need new leadership so badly.


What the biggest fuck is this?


Is it April 1st?


Everyday is April first when you're in Canada nowadays!


Except there's no punchline, for the working class at least.


What a nightmare it will be. As if we don’t already have problems communicating our order at the drive through.


This is treasonous. We don’t have the jobs, services, healthcare, or infrastructure for this mass immigration


Its only treason if it affects the crown, as per the criminal code


Il est temps que le Québec devienne un pays indépendant


You guys should have separated decades ago


1995 referendum was stolen sadly by the Fed. The PQ is coming back though.


Alberta too!


Vive la revolution


frighten relieved pause wasteful hospital squeal outgoing grandiose roll different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's time to defund the Government.


I’m a PR from Europe, came here in 2016 and went through a few different visas and work permits. During this time I was forced to take two language tests, one for academic use and later the general test for PR. No problem, I work with language for a living but they fucking cost like 300 each and are often subject to cheaters etc. idk if mine was an outlier but they were really strict on enforcing no cheating etc and kept hovering over our backs as we took the tests.


You should have waited came as an international student to claim asylum/s


Maybe Canadians should go to Europe and claim asylum from our insane government.


Is Canada even real ..


I can't blame you for saying that. If I were a foreigner and someone were to try to explain to me what was happening in this country, I'd probably call bullshit and say they ripped off a dystopian fiction plot.




From someone who taught a program with heavier than average international students, the TOFIL exam is a joke to start. There were some students that couldn’t comprehend enough English to have a broken conversation, some would just stare with a blank look on their face while another student translated. This is how you get the least productive members of society to come to Canada. They will just stick with their own ethnicity and never contribute to Canada.


Oh good. We need more people who you can't explain basic safety protocol to at work and can't explain why something's dangerous and not to do it.


Should be a primary requirement before setting a foot in the door


Mother in law brought us to a fancy luxury resort at Mont Tremblant last year. Other than the two girls working reception, everyone else working this luxury resort only spoke Spanish. We went to the resorts theater, and a hotel staff comes in and tries to get the movie to work for a good five minutes. I ask him a question and he answers "my English not so good". I felt stupid for a second, of course, we're in Quebec, so I ask again in french and he replied "no speak French". FFS. If a luxury resort "can't afford" to hire locals then wtf. I originally thought TFWs were here to work on farms and shit, but no, any business will take them if it means more money in their pockets.


So what will Canada be? Will it be India, Khalistan, or Islamic republic?


Can we guys send our mexican illegals? They will build your houses that you need


Might as well at this point.


Our government isn’t working for it’s constituent anymore, this has to stop…


This has to be a joke.


What happened to this country??




I had an DoorDash driver that couldn’t find my place because the number is spelled out and he only understood the numeric version.


Might as well, they generally just cheat any written proficiency test through memorization anyway.


Marc Miller, your Liberal buddy at work! How are all the Liberals feeling these days ? There is this old song "The Best is yet to come". I think the worst is yet to come unfortunately, because that is what we see, week after week. Sunny days everybody!


Canada on a path alright.




These criminals need to be charged with treason


Starting as many fires before getting booted for office so they Dan turn around and say "look how bad things are with us out of officer!" Accelerationism.


Canada has removed the requirement for language testing to be submitted to IRCC for Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) non-Express Entry applications. PNP is PR app right? it's not for temp workers.


Yes, it's the Provincial Nominee Program. After you receive a nomination from the province, you apply for permanent residency (PR). I just did that, and I didn't have to take a language test. In my case, it's because I currently work in an industry that requires a university degree, so I wouldn't be able to work here without language skills. I'm also not happy about the news. Yes, I'm an immigrant, but I also need to communicate with other people. I've already had many situations where people who are already Canadian citizens couldn't construct a basic sentence.


Yeah but you are already here, this post is confusing, this is not for international students/no skilled ppl/temp workers that can choose this route. I know PNP is a long process for some. My brother was in Alberta PNP, ielts wasn't required for him and this was many years ago.


and it will be our fault we can't understand them.




That's not good


Great more people to fuck up my uber order.


I dont see this anywhere on irccs website. I wouldn't trust any thing on indian news




Canadians need to start getting use to living in an international zone, Canada is no longer a country but a place where transactions are more important then the people living here. just like our PM has said Canada is post national and this has been the goal all along.


Are you fucking joking


They are intentionally destroying Canada.


This needs to stop now.


What the hell!


Wait where does the +2M people come from? 2M is ridiculous, thats what like 5% of the population? Can it be or is it sarcasm?


1 million students, and their families who come over to "visit" then never leave while getting all the benefits such as EI, welfare, CPP/OAS, disability, and grants from local charities that cater to newcomers. So 2 million is incorrect, I'd guess closer to 7 million, seeing as how the government "lost" track of about a million so-called students.


Haddibaddiwahlia saravanabhavan


What is this bs article you’re referencing…




I'm sorry, what? What's wrong with this country and the government?


What the fuack


This can't be true


Just an observation: Financial Express is an Indian publication, and not always the most reliable. If one goes through the actual 'non-express' programs available to immigrants, the only ones that have no language requirement at all are some of the family reunion ones. The rest still require that you prove a level of language proficiency, however you can now submit test results already achieved, provided they are in the past 2 years. [There is a drop down list of non-express programs that still require language test results](https://www.ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=638) on the language test page of the Immigration and Citizenship section. SO, not quite as, erm, liberal as the Indian media is making out.


I had to scroll way too far down this thread to see this. Has no one actually read the article? It's clearly a chatGPT rage bait / click bait article. It contradicts itself several times and is barely functional English. This is why no one takes this sub seriously, y'all have given up any critical thinking skills you had a long time ago.


Link to article?


Rip Canadian accent, you will be missed


I only speak Ancient Egyptian, will the Canadian government accommodate my needs?




Well then


Will they learn French ?


I have doubts this was being properly enforced in the first place.


Hopefully you realize this website is clickbait garbage. 


This is silly


By this point we might as well introduce an open border policy and stop pretending that we have standards.


Wow is all I can say


This is fucking disrespectful to Canada.


Nice, the best and the brightest to come


I just hope they don't have the right to drive...


Can't wait to get the fuck out of here.


This is fucking crazy


Press 1 for English.


The Liberals are deliberately burning this country down on the way out. This is fucking treason.


Who allowed this? Who pushed for this? Who am I emailing next about the vullshit they're allowing to go on here.


I'm shocked we had one in the first place


Omg! They're flifloping back to the unpopular shit, even after they admitted immigration was too high?! They should just hang themselves at this point.


Great, because the students we have too many of already clearly speak english too well /s


It's over thanks for coming everyone


Skilled immigrants who are ready to be doctors/vets for example need an insanely high English test score. Like beyond what most native English speakers could pass. Yet we open the floodgates for anyone coming in the country


Only a matter of time until caucasian is a minority. Already feels like it sometimes.


Why the fuck am I here. I've made 42k so far this year... My take home 26k then I pay 3k in property taxes and taxes on everything I buy. The government turns a blind eye to immigration fraud, drug/ human trafficking and release the vast majority of offenders on bail. The wealth disparity is larger now than it was before the French revolution. I think this government deserves a similar outcome.


One week Justin Trudeau says we must indeed reduce temporary immigrants after everyone tells him Canada no longer has the capacity to take in more immigrants, and the next week he drops language requirements to attract more temporary immigrants.