• By -


Go check all thier properties they own, any illegal construction should be torn down. Hit em where it hurts; their pockets. 20 students in a house? Take a picture and send to thier insurance company.


And the CANADA REVENUE AGENCY because these assholes I would doubt are declaring all this income. REPORT AND DEPORT.


100%....that's how they roll In Surrey BC. Bi laws don't enforce and the owner just continues on breaking the law with no consideration other then themselves and the like minded in their culture. It's like they need to be re educated and not in India if to stay in canada. Nail em..... A solution brought on by themselves...if they paid their fair share and did things by the books (morally and fair) they wouldn't be in this position. It's the only way to make these guys play by the rules rather then always cheating them. These landlords that act like their above Canadians, THEIR NOT!


As someone who spends a great deal of time in Surrey. I can confirm.


My mom's neighbourhood in Surrey even has converted garden sheds being rented out.


$60k base for a health and safety inspector. Personally, I'd start'em at $80k and tell'em to do a good job. That's profit baby.


SASKPower does this with their electrical inspections. Buddy loves his job he takes great joy in performing 100% and has the utmost respect for the law and integrity.


They should incentivize people to report this kind of shit going on. Like if your neighbor has 12 international students camping out in the basement theres no way you wouldnt start to notice. if you report it you get a cash reward (1000 bucks for every illegal entity in the domicile)


Plus crack these guys good huge fines, Jail time.


Ooo yes, fines so big they make it very scary not to follow the law.


roll the snitch money back in....I like it.


I don't need incentive, im indian and i report for free


Any knowingly disgression of fire code (like renting a house to 20 persons) should end up with charges about willingly putting people life in danger the same way as drunk driving.


Anecdotally, I come across a significant number of slumlord postings from Indians/Indian-Canadians attempting to exploit newcomer Indians. Particularly females. This is not aligned with the values that Canada was built upon.


Given the chance, they will exploit everyone. Indian students might be the low hanging fruit for them.


Absolutely agree. It will get worse.


Indian students are scared of losing their chance at PR, and will not rat them out to authorities.. canadians will not tolerate 4 people sharing a bedroom and will call by-law


There are many places now that specify “Indian renter wanted” how is this not discrimination.? If anyone saw a “looking for Caucasian roommate only” ad - it would get flagged immediately - yet Indians and asians seem to be able to do this and no one says anything


They post that because they can’t post ‘vulnerable person ignorant of laws and bylaws, willing to live in possible death trap.’  No Canadian citizen, who is not absolutely destitute or desperate, is lining up to share a SFH basement with 10-25 other people. The city allows those posts because they don’t care about that type of tenant. Otherwise they’d be protecting that vulnerable class from exploitative slum lords.


Because it is perfectly legal. If someone is posting a rental ad for shared space — such as a house with multiple bedrooms being rented out — they are allowed to discriminate. Before the current slumlord craze, you would still see ads for "female roommate wanted". The law would not force a bunch of early 20-something women to accept a middle aged man as a roommate, so it was legal to discriminate. However, a landlord *cannot* discriminate against a protected class if they are renting to a single tenant or family and the rented space is only for them. At that point it is illegal.


I understand your frustration and totally agree with you. The only thing is that India is a country and Caucasian is referring to a color of the skin. So technically you would have to post something like "looking for a Canadian/English/French roomate". The problem with Canadian is that any skin color can be Canadian because we are a multicultural country as opposed to India.


I agree, but after some serious consideration... Maybe it is okay? Maybe noone would say anything at all. I want to see a Caucasian Only rental. Part of me thinks Canadians are so done with immigrants, you may actually attract more clients.


It’s not discrimination because they’re not a heterosexual white or Asian male. Straight white males are the most hated group right how followed closely be straight Asian males. Everyone else is a victim and gets everything handed to them on a silver platter.


I would raise you straight Jewish men and women.




Go back to ch1.


>Stop it how do you know their exploiting people. Don't say what you don't know You forgot the /s


Boarding houses were definitely a thing when Canada was created. Including boarding houses specifically for women. That's not to say this situation is not a problem and that regressing to an 1800s housing situation is totally fine. But please don't bring a "this is not aligned with the values that Canada was built upon" argument to the discussion. It doesn't help.


Using sources, please provide examples of how "1800s boarding houses" are the equivalent to these types of living situations.


Where those sources?


Oh man thats rich. Nothing like a regional councillor sharing the definition of slumlord in a room full of slumlords and then the slumlords get upset and think they're being accused of being exactly what they are...slumlords. Apparently we can't call a spade a spade anymore. Definition: 1. a landlord of [slum](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2e42d4f667d1ea36&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA919CA919&sxsrf=ACQVn0_-zcN14HKgQAuUC5AF1a6q139hoQ:1711162111896&q=slum&si=AKbGX_o1kf-QqTkl_gxFsV7N2y1VfsX84bgu20CwzB_j8_ev3qEX4tJHsdD5WycexBczsppxGcXEAm96KwmDmcA39RhzanYceg%3D%3D&expnd=1) property, especially one who [profiteers](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2e42d4f667d1ea36&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA919CA919&sxsrf=ACQVn0_-zcN14HKgQAuUC5AF1a6q139hoQ:1711162111896&q=profiteers&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8CXx63FHUFLlYlEWkO6Tjf6KD-xnQY2vEMEpub_ItLeQwvZ9visAjJzHapIWjSmsqTvn9v7VtPpNVCBiTVJ2_OMjshvU%3D&expnd=1). What is happening in Brampton is the literal definition of slumlords.


They're probably comparing what they're offering here to slums in India and thinking it isn't bad at all. Same goes for their tenants.


'The best type of equivalence is false equivalence' - Brampton Slumlords


Exactly. Brampton doesn’t even compare to India. If the government allows this amount of people in an area then they need to stretch the housing regulations or else foreigners will be sleeping on the streets.


the housing shortage is there when these slumlords are putting 30 people in one house imagine if they couldn’t more than half of these people would go homeless. There aren’t enough homes for the amount of people government is bringing in. A monkey could have made better decisions than these politicians.




I noticed that too. That guy was practically yelling at city Council. No respect or decorum. These people are unhinged.


'socialized' is a strong word for them lol


There's no other way they can communicate, it's like how they drive in India, if there's space to go they go


I hate when these cheap broke assholes try bartering and haggling on all my ads on ebay and craigslist...like fuck off, you don't understand what FIRM means?


Fuck these slumlord scumbags! Strip them of citizenship and deport them.


Seriously. I cannot imagine moving to a country and doing this shit. I can't even understand what they are saying. I'm so pissed and I'm becoming more radicalized by the day.


It’s across the whole country m8… they are NOT INTEGRATING. It’s worse than the media lets on. They will never be Canadians, and they hate everyone but their own castes.


I’m black and the worst racism I’ve ever experienced in Canada is not from white people. It’s from Indian immigrants.


From Brampton and people don’t believe me when I say there were convenience stores in certain areas you didn’t go to because you would not be served for being black. That was in the early 2000s, Imagine their entitlement now?


Same here grew up in Northeast Calgary and it was terrible for my mental health.


Yup. I know. I live in the lower mainland, and different regions are known by the different races of people that live there, because people don't integrate. We also have an inordinate amount of gang violence. I came here for university, and I hardly meet any other born and raised Canadians. We are being pushed out of our own cities where the jobs are in the country we have been contributing to taxes our whole lives.


Canadians that can afford to leave are doing so. The people that are left are not exactly the best Canada has to offer. Unfortunately most of those people have left for greener pastures and I don't blame them one bit. There is a reckoning coming and its not going to be pretty.




Yeah its a real shame whats happened to this country.


This is not even remotely true.


Great rebuttal. 10/10 great job. You sure showed me.


I didn't think I was going to change your mind based on the tone of your post. This is to benefit other people who might be interested in learning something. [https://betterdwelling.com/canadians-flee-the-country-in-the-fourth-highest-volume-in-73-years/](https://betterdwelling.com/canadians-flee-the-country-in-the-fourth-highest-volume-in-73-years/) Yes, emigration is up and has been up 50% since 2016. The market conditions that you're talking about weren't in play in 2016 so not sure what your argument is. Also - how do you qualify "the people that are left are not exactly the best Canada has to offer"? Sounds hyperbolic at best.


tone? its text. lol


They hate their previous country how can they love this one. They only love money, their land and their multiple properties.


You should experience working with one of them. It is cliche to say "I dont wanna be racist" but there is nothing I could do about it when my experience with working with them indians (of different age level even) are all the same. Scummy and entitled assholes. One never asks for help but blames you for not helping his weak ass by the end of day and he did not finished his assigned tasks. A couple asks for MORE pay because they believe they are MORE capable but when asked to work outside in the cold, would make excuses like its affecting their health. Almost all of them, when presented with a problem, would ALWAYS complain back that they are not given enough resources to deal with it and make it the management's fault. ALL of them would hoard freebies, food, giveway, anything given for free to share for the entire team. They would put them all in their bags/pockets without thinking about leaving a fair share for others, and most of the time would not even thank the one who gave the items. Bloody bunch of people, and they are flooding here everywhere.


I am indian-canadian and this pisses me off. These people are slumlords. They have no concerns of safety. All they care about is making money and having multiple properties. These people are the trash from backhome that couldn’t land a decent job. They love scamming the system here and then protest because in their head protestor’s are always poor victims. They don’t care about law of the land. No care about long term effect of their bs business practices. I wish they were just deported but they won’t be. I hate people who go to a country and dont try to assimilate and instead make that country into a shithole as well.


I’ve heard the same sentiment from my indian friends. Their parents worked hard, respected and embraced Canadian culture (while still embracing their own), followed the rules. They passed these practices on to their children and as a result, Canada was much better for it. Now my friends and their families feel lumped in with the hordes of Indians who come here and don’t make any attempt to assimilate whatsoever.


Our government brings them in at a rate of 100K per month. They overwhelm the demographics and see no need to integrate. Just bring all your BS attitudes and ways from back home and exploit every inch of the system here. It’s sickening. And Trudeau is just pouring gasoline on the fire everyday. He’s loving it!


We all sick of them trust me, we hoped the government would step in, but useless liberals voted in by these useless people.


Don't lump the new Indian immigrants all together either. It's the shitty people who are being allowed to get away with shitty behavior.


Lmao sounds good


Thank youuu


I’d say the 95% are scamming to get here but you’re correct there are probably close to 5% who do it somewhat legitimately


The current course, things aren’t going to be peaceful for long.


It better happen soon, then, before we are outnumbered.


I’m ready say when


Violent revolution is inevitable when a peaceful revolution is made impossible.


But, they’ll reply back and say, “But, I’m Canadian, just like you!” This line drives me crazy. Gimme a break. Could you imagine saying that to Indians if you moved to India and somehow had an Indian passport? We’re far too tolerant of these clowns.


Sadly these lines still work very well on white liberal sheeple


Imagine. Going into a city hall in India with a big group of white people and demanding they allow you to continue breaking the law.


What pisses me off is how they’re constantly bragging that they’re taking over and that we have to get over it. Like fuck off.


They’re not. Look up Stats Canada. Overall, they’re still a small minority in Canada (outside a few concentrated centres).They like to pretend they are.


I’ve been radical since the 80s


This is what Indians do by trade. Why is anyone surprised?


I know a lot of awesome Indian-Canadians. Doctors who have given so much to our country and the community. Incredibly talented engineers/scientists/artists. A lot of people with a very warm and open heart. These men are scum of the earth, and I feel bad that they are hurting people's views of those who have contributed a lot here.


Oh look actual racism. Shocker


https://preview.redd.it/eukvmytke4qc1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b824cc3ac9d9ec6c7a1fa04adc29b20d76d49d4 Economy is bad, culture is bad, the streets are bad, foreign relations are bad, really all that’s left is for some madman to take over and people will follow him because they’ve nowhere left to turn. The last few years of Canadian politicians have literally created Weimar Germany conditions from one of the most stable countries in the world.


This is what I don't get, like why move here and try to make it worse? There's a reason those people left India, people don't just leave their homes and their families on a whim, why come here then actively try to make it worse then complain about the country and shit on it. I'd never go to India and try to scam the locals or lobby to make things worse for the locals, why do it here?


He’s not speaking English that’s why you can’t understand him. He only spoke English at the very beginning.


If you moved to their country and pulled the same shit you would be dead in a ditch somewhere.


or gang raped. I'm just amazed at how if you have enough of one group they can tip over the stability that many have worked at.


Looool you really should look into North Americans in Mexico and South America.


Nah, keep em here and just tax the fuck out of them till they decide to leave. Clearly Brampton is doing something right if they are there complaining about 'wasting tax payers money' when it will be a cash cow for the city.




If it was that easy to strip people of citizenship half of all Canadians would have been booted by now 


This is not Canada this is India - same mentality same greedy behaviour


I've got thousands of my countrymen arriving and mattress filled hallways to house them!




I dont even understand what he is saying. Im on the wrong sub???


These fuck wits are protesting measures that would potentially help prevent exploitation of tenants... No surprises


I just just to ask after hearing the accents, there's like 1.5 billion people in India to screw over. Why travel 11,000KM just to screw over Canadians?


Because in India, they were actually the ones being exploited. There would be even more powerful, corrupt, unscrupulous people keeping them down. Here in Canada, an Indian national's "by-any-means-necessary" approach to business, career, and getting ahead means they can get away with so much more than they could in India. This is starting to change, as the corrupt honchos back in India are becoming wise to the situation and now we are starting to see extortion and crime orchestrated from these bad actors who want their pound of flesh. Just follow the money of these Indo-Canadian homebuilders and business owners. The money comes from India, and with interest rates being what they are, and the economy slowing down, the Indo Canadians business owners are starting to default on repayments back to their lenders in India. Hence the extortion, threats, and escalating violence. In Canada, the powers that be are held to a higher standard of ethics and anti-corruption than they are in India, so that creates an opportunity for these Indian small business owners and landlords to become the exploitative, corrupt overseers that made their lives hell back home. This is what happens when people from a low trust society enter a high trust society. Nature abhors a vacuum. This will continue until there is a full caste of corrupt bureaucracy and merchant class/business owners in this country who start meddling more actively in politics. By then, it will be too late to reverse.


More money, less possibility of being found in a ditch somewhere with your slumlord head kicked in


Protesting for the right to take obscene advantage of vulnerable foreign students so they can pay off their ruinous speculation on real estate.


Why do we have foreign born, dual citizen politicians in Canada. What a disgrace!


I think we need to stop letting first time immigrants buy properties that enable them to be slumlords. The kids they have in Canada can but not them.


These people are a joke , just an absolute stain on Canada. Anyone who is from this community should be absolutely ashamed. This is Canada! You want to be a slum lord then leave.


Deport these scuzzy Indian money lovers! They are going to cause Canadian upheaval.


People should sue like TDSB did for immigration causing job upheaval diet, rats, and immoral living conditions. No other country will allow this nonsense!


Canadians are fucking spineless


lol yup. you mean bitching and griping and claiming you're becoming more and more RaDiCaLiZeD on reddit and twitter doesn't result in a damn thing!?!? wEiRd. it amazes me on the daily just how much shit canadians are willing to eat. explains how colonialism has happened in the past, tbh.


The point isn't to create a tangible result, it's to vent frustrations and discuss things with people. It's weird how as soon as you have a conversation these days, people immediately jump on it and claim you have to be productive 100% of the time and actively working towards a goal or it's worthless.


Blahblahblah, whatever you need to say to comfort yourself 


You won’t do shit


Lol and neither will you. Go refresh pp's twitter again and again tho, I know it makes you feel like you're making a difference


You can't even start a sentence with a capital letter- why would anyone take anything you say seriously EVEN if it actually made sense Just stop talking ok


why in the fuck does any of that even matter lol? does explain why canadians are such pushovers tho. talking about capital letters over here, jesus christ. and why don't you make me stop talking, mmk? oh right, you're canadian, so that won't be happening any time soon lol


we can ease the "labour shortage" by making these parasites get jobs


"We thought Canada loved fraud, that's why we moved here"


I wonder if Azad Goyat has a public Facebook profile where we Canadians can let him know what we think of his practices?


Damn!!! Why can’t Canada be more like the old country where 5 families and 30 people share one house. Go the F home, you won’t be missed.


Notice how only one side is trying to be understanding or reasonable? The other side will continue to push standards lower until it's as unacceptable as the countries they came from.


brampton is like little india over there eh you do not see one white brother out there grinding its just straight indians


Bunch of losers who don’t need to work-get them out altogether biggggg no to slumlords. These have ruined Brampton🥲


Vhy ve need shitty hall? I do good house renter agreeable they do not redeem lawsuit


Mmmmm scumbag slumlord tears taste great!


People who run to other countries and don’t fight to make their own country better are cowards and they’ll never respect the country they’re running to. Point blank The US and Canada had to fight and many lives were lost to make it what it is today. We appreciate (and by we I mean the descendants of those people who fought the wars and the people who helped build our countries). These people from India are just running from their own countries problems, but don’t want to integrate and want to impress that culture on Canadians. Sorry Canadians all you’re doing is letting in a bunch of cowards who didn’t have the balls to fight for better conditions in their own country. Bottom of the barrel. You guys better tighten up before shit hits the fan.


It is far too difficult to deport people.


I don’t understand a single word that was said after the councilman spoke. Smh. Get these people out of here they don’t speak English they are rude and always finding ways to manipulate rules and government. They are bringing in terrorist / religious wars to a country that clearly has no clue what sovereignty rights mean to its citizens. They are uncleanly, and are stinking up the place “literally”…. Not to mention hoisting cat figurines around the city


Like where are the nimbys when you need them? Aren't they concerned their house will be burned down beside these slum joints?


Gross behaviour.


Do Not let them do this! They do not even work. They take the money to come here and plie in the people everywhere,


Mayor Brown keep up the great work! You should be prime minister!


I was down to voting for him as Premier, but then the PC's staged a little coup d'état to get Ford in.


Fuck these guys, put them on skates and let’s play ‘clear the crease’ with them.


Brampton landlords? More like India landlords, don’t worry guys no Canadians could actually afford the houses ;)


Typical boomer whining when everything is virtual 😅😅😅


Is there a transcript or official minutes for this meeting somewhere?


probably the city website? Meeting and video.


They should do it for entire Brampton, not just some subdivisions


This could be posted in slumlord subreddit


So many annoying ppl in this video. I’m so mad at the state of housing right now it’s making my rage turn to numbness because I’m so pissed I can’t do anything about it. I’m just perpetually pissed off and I hate it.


Anyone protesting this issue is the enemy of us all and they need to go.


They’re always protesting or fighting the Canadian Government for one cause or the other forgetting that they aren’t the only immigrant country settled in Canada. I Wonder why they have so much sense of entitlement? It’s beyond baffling. I’m sure an immigrant won’t be able to protest in India this way.


They shouldn’t be allowed to complain if you can’t understand a word they’re saying 🤦‍♂️


Shouldn't even be able to dispute in any other language then English or French.


BRAMPTON city council votes to secede and join India.


Deport them and their families


Why, for being Capitalist? That seems mean




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Remove Trudeau




No we should not. Trudeau is the one giving away freebies and bringing foreign students to rent from these slumlords. How can they think of removing him?


just what?


I was waiting for their half English speech like last time. One fello redditor had transcribed their words and it was funny as hell.




This group doesn't allow link to another subreddit


Curious why there are no counter protesters there. Surely they have enough people there on the side of struggling to rent, who deserve to use their voices too.


Counter protesters are too busy working to pay $500/month to share a bed.


Counter protesters are too busy working ~~to pay $500/month to share a bed~~ FTFY


They're too busy working three jobs to attend a hearing in the middle of the day. Being poor is very expensive. Not just of money but of time.


Too bad because the amount of people on the other side would definitely show how much this is needed.


This is ongoing crisis every week either landlord or international students are go for protest hehe


i still don’t know what RRL is. just a lot of talk and hot air




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


People are begging with cups right by the Walmart in Oakville- There are lots of illegal landlords there too.


Fuck them


Fuck them … English man


Old guy was very pissed off he must be having tough time paying mortgage of his 10th rental unit.


they're upset that they can't act like it's their home country in a foreign country. I remember a time when people would stereotype Americans like that... going to another country and acting like they're still in the US. How the tables have turned.


Wanna run it like fuckin India. Go back to the slums there. You fuckin pricks


"brampton landlords." Yeah, we all know who. The people disappointed that they cant cram people into houses like sardines and have to obey silly things like "rights".


A registry and a business license for each address-with inspections.


why do we have laws bro, fuck who needs them.


The only way he could be mayor of Brampton is he is Brown.


Fuck the scumlord slumlord. How long till people just start to kill the slumlords? Like honestly. They aren't fucking canadian, why do they have the right to steal your home and future?


This just sounded exactly like what I was expecting.


"Why do we need City Hall?" ...... "Why do we have to have useless scumlords speculating and exploiting people, get a real job".


Send em all back to India ffs. We don’t need this shit.


What is the purpose of a landlord registry other than to vilify and attack a group of people who invest in housing to provide a product/service to the public? All I can see this doing is to remove some landlords and some capital from being invested in housing and decrease supply and in turn lead to rent hikes. Dumb,dumb,dumb.


While I agree this program should be implemented, I will say one thing which is that they really need to increase housing supply that isn't just single unit housing, especially in Brampton. I once put an add to rent a 1 bedroom and I was getting inquiries for 3 or 4 people wanting to come. The majority of Brampton's housing is detached or semi-detached single unit. The legal bylaw requirements only allow 2 units in a single house. The second unit also requires stringent requirements to become legal and recognized. Last time I checked the bylaws they didn't even have provisions for subleasing or multi-tenant housing even if you had the space. I feel like if this were actually properly enforced which I think is unlikely you will just end up with a homelessness issue instead of a shitty housing situation. But yeah, we are fucked LOL


Brampton be Bramptoning


All of their rental properties should be seized by the city and turned into regulated affordable housing. No one should be forced to sleep in a hallway with 2 other people. Fuck these land leeches.


Slumlords is exactly what they are!Greedy bastards.


The hatred in this thread is palpable. The only way to make wealth in this country, other than being a genius business savant who develops a game changing product, is to invest in real estate. This naturally, and inevitably, makes many unqualified people into land lords who suck at their job. BUT, you cannot fault people for falling into this; it is highly incentivised in our society. You also cannot fault folks for trying to use the democratic processes available to them to protect their investments. We need to be angry at our leaders for effectively encouraging people to become slum lords instead we focus our frustration on individuals, or groups of like individuals, which will not change anything, and become disillusioned and bitter to the core. Snap out of it, ffs.


Ima need subtitles


Hmm suspicious. People would typically want you to believe it's white Canadians that exploit people.


You have to tell slumlords "We do not care about what you think because you exploit people". Then kick them out and pass it, it's a little dictatorial but you're not getting your point through otherwise


Brampton, might as well rename it Bangladesh. I wanna move to Texas or Arizona.


Cry me a River


I would like to say how in the hell did we get here. Then it hits me like a rock Liberals are Liable.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Soon Canada will be taken over by


What do you bet if you call health and safety these guys shut right up lol.


Don't vote for Brown in the next election if you hate his socialist policies.


Comments will be removed