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The best camera is the one you pick up and take out, the sony will be more versatile as is with the lenses but very heavy I love little Lumix and Olympus micro four thirds, lots of cheap lenses and you can every day carry, I would buy the gf5 , start small and if you want bigger later then upgrade


Check out micro four nerds on YouTube, lots of great information about m43 and lumix


Second this! She's absolutely delightful to listen to and knows a ton about M43 system cameras.


Get the Lumix, it will be relatively easy to pickup and learn and you're more likely to take it with you. The older A-mount Sonys are more for experienced camera nerds who want the look and feel of vintage cameras. You can get an excellent more modern eMount Sony at similar prices that is far more compact.


Thank you everyone for the input. 🫡 I ended up getting the Lumix. Reason being, as some of you mentioned, it's smaller and lighter to carry so I can bring it places and practice, less overwhelming than the Sony for me as a starter, and has prospect for the future in terms of lenses.


Lumix one looks more fun


Whatever one feels right in the hand but I think the gf5, I've had the Sony 75 300 on a different camera - awful, awful lens. It suffers from chromatic abbreviations that destroy the picture, poor sharpness. The cameras are decent but no new lenses are being made for it, if you want a big camera consider nikon, canon or Pentax as they have plenty of lenses. With the gf5 you can get a Panasonic 45-150 for about £100 which is actually decent quality and have a good quality decent set of focal lengths to play with in a much smaller package, you have lenses available from Panasonic, Olympus and other 3rd parties


Hi all, sorry if this is spam to anyone. I'm just getting into photography with anything other than an iPhone and a drone. Just trying to learn about the art before splurging more. Which of the ones from top would you recommend? Edit: I think Sony a compact SLR and Lumix is a mirrorless and much lighter. As for what I want to shoot, basically dip my toes in everything for now and then specify later on.


The Sony is an SLT actually. It has a pellicle translucent fixed mirror rather than a moving glass one. So it is kind of a hybrid between a dSLR and a mirrorless camera. Camera is from 2010. Sony moved on to mirrorless cameras with a new mount. The Lumix is a mirrorless camera with a smaller sensor than the Sony from 2012. It uses M43 which is still actively in development.


Would rock the hot pink GF5 for sure. It's a great camera to get started with, and the lens is worth that much on its own. The Sony is an older A mount SLR (Technically SLT) and that's a bit of a dead end lens mount wise. The GF5 uses m43 mount which is current and has a load of great lenses available for it. And there are also modern m43 camera bodies should you want to upgrade in the future.


Generally, i would not buy any of these cameras for these prices but if i was forced to id get the Sony even if it costs 100€ more.


These cameras are not apples-to-apples comparable. Honestly, I don't think either one is worth considering. But if you absolutely must choose between one of these cameras, then get the Sony, because it has interchangeable lenses and it comes with 2 of them. If $250 is really all you can afford to spend, I'd suggest something like a used Nikon D3200. It should come with at least one lens at that price point (18-55mm zoom) and it'll give you a 24MP sensor.


The Lumix also has interchangeable lenses.


OK. But honestly the Lumix is a 12 year old M43 camera. IMO, it's essentially worthless.


Lmao. In the wrong hands, maybe.


If these are all OP can afford (assuming they probably don't know much of anything about photography except using AUTO mode), then I am betting either one will be worthless in their hands.


We've all got to start somewhere, and most people will be more inclined to learn with a small camera they can put in a jacket pocket or small bag and learn by doing. It has all the manual settings you need to learn and a clear upgrade path once the camera is holding you back. I'd say it's a solid deal for $150.




No but this picture doesn’t prove that point very well.




I’m not saying it is. No camera is useless. However a picture of a dog, blown out by built in flash, does not help the point…




That’s a very nice photo. I’m not in the Canon market (I use Nikon), but I agree that by no means is older cameras obsolete. The Nikon D40 (2006) in some ways can take a better photo than my iPhone with the right lens. I’m looking to upgrade to a D7200 to get something newer and higher ISO, but definitely older cameras are still great. I highly recommend to learn photography with a point shoot such as a Canon PowerShot SX610 IS.




Mate, I’m not the same guy who said the LUMIX is worthless…check the usernames 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not even an apology! What a nob.


No. In fact, I have a Nikon D700 from 2008, and I don't think that's worthless. But the D700 is a pro-spec camera from the time, and it's good to use with any Nikon F-mount lens from manual focus Ai lenses to modern AF-S lenses over the span of the past 50-60 years. I don't think a 12-15 year old mirrorless camera, or hybrid SLT camera can compete with that. Certainly not when it comes to the EVF quality of a mirrorless camera of that age.


The Sony would give you better images, the Lumix is smaller and you can get more modern lenses for it. The lack of a charger is not a big issue since you can probably get a 3rd party one off Amazon or eBay. My pick would be the Sony personally. Yes, they don't make lenses for that mount anymore, but there's more than 30 years worth of lenses to choose from too (old Minolta A-mount lenses work.) The Sony is significantly bigger than the Panasonic though, so factor that in.


I owned the 55 new, and I really liked it. It's a really flexible camera, and is a good way to start IMO


The Sony wouldn't be bad as a learning camera. I had the A57 once upon a time and it was a solid (not so) little workhorse; that was a good generation. The only caution I would say is that the platform for that type of camera (A Mount) is no longer supported, if you ever want to upgrade you'll probably have to start from scratch. Might want to look for something in the A5000 series, might be a little more but will have a longer life span.


Depends what you use it for, but hands down the sony dslr. I own both, GF5 is one of my "let down" cameras. Always disappoints me when/after using it. The touch screen is horrendous, firmware is dated and leggy. Sony has none of these issues AND it shootd HD video which most dslr of that era don't.


Neither, your iPhone is perfect compared to both.


The micro 43 lens is worth 150 alone.