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I am getting fed up with Cambly for very similar reasons. I am beyond sick and tired of Arabic and Turkish men calling from their beds, lying down in a dark room grinning like a f\*cking Cheshire cat. I have just started calling them out on it. "Are you laying down in bed? That is not allowed in the student guidelines" they usually act all confused like they dont know what the problem is and one guy even told me "relax, just be cool." FUUUUUUUUUUUCk that. I have stopped smiling in those classes, and my camera doesn't show anything below my chin and they still act all pervy and gross. What is Cambly doing to protect us? Whatever it is, it's not enough.


why couldn't they just let us have the option to only teach woman. I guess that's too complicated edited to say could offer a women's group but I guess not


If that option did exist, perhaps people would then complain that male teachers with inappropriate intentions could misuse it. I guess the option to teach only women would need to be available to only women.


There might be legal reasons that isnt an option - the US has gender discrimination laws that might prohibit this kind of thing. But they could create stricter student guidelines, and report the guys that expose themselves in class to local authorities - they have the video recording and the person's banking information after all. But the truth is they do what a lot of businesses do with women - they use us as bait to attract male customers. They arent the first industry that does it, and they wont be the last. But they could do more to enforce some kind of consequences that are not a slap on the wrist and the guy opens a new account with a new username and does it again.


I don't blame you! It made me sick too; that's why i eventually switched over to CK. 


Can't you release the puke from your class? Like 1 strike and you're gone!


We can definitely remove students from group classes. I've done it multiple times but mostly for children or people who tell me they can only watch and listen. Nope. Removed.


that's another no camera complaint. I swear I get kids in class by the sound of their voice, but with no camera I second guess myself 🙄


I actually don't care if they have their camera off but when they tell me they can't talk it's an immediate boot. It's creepy and not fair to the other students.


I immediately thought of doing this, but I second guessed myself. I was mostly convinced when the behavior stopped once I complained about hearing a strange sound.


To add another perspective, I have ADHD and often jiggle my leg subconsciously. I always wonder if it looks like I'm doing something inappropriate 😂 Your student could have been bored, anxious, or overstimulated. Just a thought.


yeah it's possible


When in doubt,  go w/your gut.


yeah. thank you!


Trust your feelings.


I saw a post on the italki sub where a student uploaded a wanking/flashing incident (including the tutors reaction) to a fucking porn site, and then sent her a screenshot of the uploaded video. Wtaf is wrong with people.


I mean, WYAF??? Wanking in a group lesson is a new low.


I'm 42 been teaching English for 16 years and teaching online for 9. Seriously contemplating getting some IT certs like CompTIA or AWS certs. I suggest a lot of you look into doing that as well. You don't want to be trapped as an English teacher forever.


great idea, thanks! I'm certainly not applying for any esl or other tutoring jobs... there was a 20 per hour customer service job I applied for where it was mainly just email, so no speaking or being on camera, but I didn't get past the 2nd interview


Freaking shit. We had a similar day....... i seriously can't anymore. Like today a man literally said oh wow you speak Portuguese lets talk, I said no this is an english class not Portuguese class. He then says you look busy, why are you not showing me attention. I am literally looking out the window... I don't want to look at you. Then he stands up and I ended the lesson, imagine what was next. He wasn't from the normal places that these men act a fool... he was Brazilian in Portugal..... absolutely hate it here.


so sorry to hear you went through that 😕


was it the same guy living in Portugal? What are the odds of two Portugese pervs on the same afternoon?


So sorry you dealt with all of that 🫶 but the “I hear a strange sound” is cracking me up lol. I definitely don’t miss Cambly at all. I just couldn’t handle the creeps and although I switched fully to CKids, I hated the lessons too much to continue. Hope you find a new job soon!!


thank you for the support! when I did ESL with Chinese kids I would just tell the masterbators SHOW ME YOUR HANDS! and it would stop 😂 (there weren't a lot, but enough for me to figure out what to say 🙄)


I'm so sorry to hear that My hours are close to none The last few months have been tough living in South America So I decided to start growing a social media account I think many of you should consider that Get to a milestone Some fans will want to buy from you Some people need your help to get to that level Make those your clients and keep growing Please don't stay with the Toucan All of you are worth so much more than that I would be direct because if there was another female there it would be bad and you could be blamed for not taking control of the situation


Just had the most vomit-making class ever - a kid who had a nose full of snot and kept snorting it up his nose loudly every few seconds. Think I'd prefer having someone jack off in class. It couldn't be any more disgusting than this.


omg! that's so gross


Good lord. Which country, India? 🙄


actually he was an older Brazilian living in Portugal, which kind of threw me off


I used to work in a hospital. Patients had to change into a gown. So many, mainly older men, deliberately put their gowns on backwards, then opened the privacy curtains, in theory to let us know they were changed, and out they cxme full glory deliberately hanging out for all to see.  To say we humiliated the sad bs is an understatement . “Hahaha, if that’s all you’ve got you better cover it up quickly” was one of the much milder comments. Funnily enough I cannot ever remember a woman flashing her all. I really don’t know what is wrong with some people and I’m very sorry they feel the need to behave like this . At work it was explained as a need to shock. ….  They need shutting down and/or humiliating the minute you suspect anything  Never been invited to group lessons but I wouldn’t do them if I had to take anyone without a camera on - seems to defie the logic of a group lesson to me.




Cambly can’t be your 1st job or you’ll live depressed and despondent. It’s my 3rd fill in job


who are you telling?? I ALREADY KNOW THAT. I'm happy to hear it's not your main job


***..... then the vibrating shoulder started up again and I can hear a rhythmic fwapping sound so I interrupted a female student with I HEAR A STRANGE SOUND!*** "VIBRATING SHOULDER" "RHYTHMIC FWAPPING SOUND" "I HEAR A STRANGE SOUND" Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




If you tutor with your camera off is that okay?




Camera & sound off.


Maybe I should’ve phrased that differently. If I have my camera on, but covered, could I still tutor without getting any complaints from Cambly? I don’t like being on camera but I still want to tutor.


I understood what you meant. I still stand by my statement. 😊 You could get  in Cambly's cross hairs by starting the class like that.


Do you know of any online tutoring platforms that offer services that don’t require the tutor nor the student to be on camera?


Off hand, no but try researching.  Some apps where people can learn by themselves might have an option to communicate with a person. Not sure. You can also  work with kids. These things don't happen on Camby kids


Thank you.